shortly after 21, after seven hours , complex surgery was concluded in Santa Corona di Pietra Ligure on the Formula One driver Robert Kubica, involved in a serious accident this morning at the rally "Ronde di Andora. " Just out of surgery, Professor Igor Rossello has commented on the action: "The patient reported two major injuries, but about the action performed by me, I can say that we managed to retrieve the limb. Now, what we can do is wait, the patient is hospitalized in intensive care, of course it cannot be excluded that in case of complications, new interventions might be needed .
While the chief surgeon of the hand of the San Paolo di Savona operated on the upper limb of Kubica, a second team took care of the leg, groped again to reform the severe trauma reported nell'icidente, occurred 12 hours now ago.
Robert Kubica will now be recovering at the hospital Santa Corona in the intensive care unit for at least five days. The prognosis, at least for the moment, is absolutely secure. To questions from reporters, addressed to Professor Rossello on the possible return to the track of Kubica, the specialist said: "It is not for me to make, but I can say that for the rehabilitation of the limb will take at least a year"