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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

gray_fox224 said:
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how does one pick up hookers?

remember to bend at the knees...

Hey with the amount of press GTA is getting (every morning/latenight/news/entertainment show), do you think wii Fit will get the same level of full court press coverage?


Console Market Analyst
gray_fox224 said:
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how does one pick up hookers?

Spot chick in hooker garb, pull over. Honk horn. Press LB to cycle through choices.

My first attempt, I accidentally hit a pedestrian while trying to pull into an alley. I thought we were alone, paid her full price for a lay, and the ped I had hit suddenly yanked me out of the car. The hooker called me a limp dick and tried to run off with my cash.


Sylar said:
Man fuck No. 1 and
the chase the train mission for Manny. Any tips?

For No. 1 just start slowly and let them wreck in front of you and then pass.

For Manny just use your map. You should be able to see the tracks and predict where it's going.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Sylar said:
Anyone got tips for
Mannys mission where you follow the train?

So frustrating.

Look at where the track is going and get ahead of it from time to time. If you try to stay behind it the whole time you'll end up smashing into stuff when the track turns don't coincide with the street layout. Also, don't use the chase camera. I've yet to find it useful in any type of land based vehicle.

East Lake

Dama said:
some random green guy appears on my map. who is he? what do i need to do when i see him?
Just walk up to him, it's a little green arrow right? The missions are usually pretty short for those but they still give you a bit of cash.


Should not be allowed to breed
I'm stuck at 6.49%

I go on dates with michel, I go with roman to places. 10 Hours of this, and the game story doesn't evolve.
I searched gamefaqs for tutorial, and their experience is different.

what the hell should I do?


spyshagg said:
I'm stuck at 6.49%

I go on dates with michel, I go with roman to places. 10 Hours of this, and the game story doesn't evolve.
I searched gamefaqs for tutorial, and their experience is different.

what the hell should I do?
buy some clothes?


Junior Member
Goreomedy said:
Spot chick in hooker garb, pull over. Honk horn. Press LB to cycle through choices.

My first attempt, I accidentally hit a pedestrian while trying to pull into an alley. I thought we were alone, paid her full price for a lay, and the ped I had hit suddenly yanked me out of the car. The hooker called me a limp dick and tried to run off with my cash.

hmm can't seem to find any. Any particular areas I should I drive to? Bohan?
spyshagg said:
I'm stuck at 6.49%

I go on dates with michel, I go with roman to places. 10 Hours of this, and the game story doesn't evolve.
I searched gamefaqs for tutorial, and their experience is different.

what the hell should I do?
... You do know you are supposed to drive to the spots labeled on your map to get missions right? R and V most likely?


welp, this sucks. After 18 hours my game seems to be broken, wont even load anymore. stuck at the loading mission screen. AND to top it off my brothers copy had the EXACT same problem on his ps3 today.


Should not be allowed to breed
Son of Godzilla said:
... You do know you are supposed to drive to the spots labeled on your map to get missions right? R and V most likely?

I only see R

... but when I get there nothing happens.

god damn it. This game isn't going for a good start. First the slideshow framerate, now the story doesn't move :(


Tiduz said:
welp, this sucks. After 18 hours my game seems to be broken, wont even load anymore. stuck at the loading mission screen. AND to top it off my brothers copy had the EXACT same problem on his ps3 today.

Log off of PSN. It will load perfectly.
spyshagg said:
I only see R

... but when I get there nothing happens.

god damn it. This game isn't going for a good start. First the slideshow framerate, now the story doesn't move :(

Theres a little marker on the world you drive into. Then again, slideshow? You might be broken.


Should not be allowed to breed
Prvt.Pegleg said:
buy some clothes?

I did. After 12 dates she is 100% fond of me... 12 dates. I though this was the way to kick off the story. I know now it wasn't.

yes bad framerate. f*ck. Why me.


Log off of PSN. It will load perfectly.

For anybody having problems loading their PS3 save file. Go into the settings bar and select "Network Settings." In here disable your internet connection and then run the game again. I looked up the problem earlier and this worked for me. Good luck.

edit: beaten.
bigmakstudios said:
Where the hell are those pigeons hiding? Are a lot of them densely placed in a relatively small area?

Places you don't ever would have thought. i managed to find 2 and i wasn't looking for it :lol

I'm scared to look for the rest.


So I had a three stars and was in the process of trying to evade the LCPD. There were a couple of cops on my tail as I turned onto another street when all of a sudden these latin dudes started to shoot at the cops. I took cover and watched at a safe distance across the street. It was a crazy shoot out, with one cop getting taken out, but a scared motorist ran over and killed one of the gang members. After that I felt I had to help the remaining gangster with the last cop. After that the dude just took off running. I was like WTF so began to chance after him. To my amazement he ran up to a parked car, kicked out the window, hotwired it and sped off. I quickly tried searching for a car to follow but was taken out by the copter.

Anothr cool thing occured when I had 4 stars. A cop was giving chase in a vehicle, when I thought my car could jump this curb. I was wrong as the curb was a bit too steep. I hit the curb at nearly full speed and went flying through the winshield, over an embankment and landed head first on a dock. Like half a second after I landed the fuckin cop's body comes flying over me, hits the dock HARD, and rolls into the water. Injured, he made a gesture and gasp and then drowned.

Amazing fucking game.


thanks guys! whew. Hope i can put it online again soon, would suck if id had to keep itlike this when i play gta, didnt even have a chance to check MP yet and got it at launchday :(


maybe this has been asked before, but how to do pick up the pigeons? I found a few, but I don't know how to pick them up....LB doesn't seem to work.
God's Beard said:
This is my 4th time retrying
3 leaf clover
, and Edge of Seventeen just started playing. Talk about epic. full armor, 25 grenades, let's roll.

Just finished this mission myself, pretty intense stuff.


Can anyone help with the one of the pigeons on first map. Guidebook its number 41 bench aint high enough to get on roof and its peeing me off?
So...how much "like" do I need off Brucie to get his special ability? I'm at 80% now, with 100 for respect.

*edit* lolz, he just called me. So yeah, get over 80% I guess, for future reference.



I was riding the subway, got off at east park station, no subway station. I could see the streets and buildings above me, but none of the station geometry was there. I ran around for a couple minutes and it eventually showed up


This answer might be lost amongst the previous pages of this thread, but does anyone know how to stop or get around the game crashing? I own a PS3 40gb, and don't fancy deleting my save-games :(
Dedalus said:
This answer might be lost amongst the previous pages of this thread, but does anyone know how to stop or get around the game crashing? I own a PS3 40gb, and don't fancy deleting my save-games :(
There's a sticky thread, I think signing out of PSN has been working for some.
Relating to Kate, and the...subject matter in the thread that was just locked:

Does Kate always die? I went out drinking with her for the third night in a row, trying to open those sealed legs, and just got the message "Kate has been killed" when leaving the bar. From what I saw there was nothing that could possibly have killed her, but looking behind me I couldn't even see a body. Is it just a fact that she will die, and the game just took some excuse to make it happen?

Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, but it's kinda hard when you search for Kate in the search and end up reading about a spoiler regarding Roman :(
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