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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Fry Daddy
Okay, I think some people playing this game might actually have trouble distinguishing between it and reality.

After the initial bewliderment had settled in, I was suddenly struck with what I can only transcribe to you as sadness mixed with sheer anger. I was sad for Kate because she seemed like such a nice person in the game. And then I felt anger towards the car driver for having taken her (digital) life away. Having a pistol in my arsenal, I walked around to the black car, looked at the male driver for a moment, aimed and shot him in the head. He slumped forward, his bloody cranium resting on the horn (producing that unending nosie that we're all familiar with from having watched enough movies). I felt a wave of relief hit me, but it wasn't over.

...someone call the internet police. I'm scared.
t4ng0 said:
three leaf clover
is ridiculous - even if it is a bit unrealistic:lol

By far the best mission so far, though.

Also, my Niko looks like Leon the Professional right now, which is awesome.

There's a clothing drop at the base of the statue of freedom or whatever. It's a Happiness Island tourist T-shirt.


O.k Please help I'm on another little Jacob side mission I think its the last one. I have to deliver a package to the EAST ISLAND CITY TUNNEL, I get to the yellow way-point but nothing is there, is this a glitch. Is the guy suppose to be there!! please help !


neoism said:
O.k Please help I'm on another little Jacob side mission I think its the last one. I have to deliver a package to the EAST ISLAND CITY TUNNEL, I get to the yellow way-point but nothing is there, is this a glitch. Is the guy suppose to be there!! please help !

it's below you, you have to find the entrance a little ways away


So GAF, after you do that mission for Brucie where you have to go to TW@T and
go on a date with a gay dude
, Brucie calls you on the phone and says something about Roman
and how Niko should watch Roman; Niko then answers that Roman is a big guy and can watch himself

Can you please tell me the whole dialogue?
Unfortunately, i missed the point because there were no subtitles [for a bug].



Team Deathmatch, Airport restricted, Rainy.

Best match EVER.

EDIT: Did they just erase everyone's PSN stats for the Social Club?
Shit done gone wrong:

Xater said:
So Niko ends up a wreck either way. Wow that's some bold storytelling. I like it.

Hmm maybe the Bulgarin stuff will be used for DLC in the 360 version.

That's what I was thinking. The probably needed to leave some hooks in for the DLC stuff.

As for the ending. I absolutely loved it. The message conveyed by the final moments of the game is very powerful, more powerful than anything I have ever seen in any game.

The realization that Niko has "won" at the costs of his love, his soul, and the safety of those he holds dear is pretty heavy subject matter for a game. The whole idea that you can never escape your past is another progressive idea portrayed in this game. Finally, the question proposed at the very end of the game when the camera pans up to the Statue of Happiness after Niko says "What have I won?", exactly what is the American dream, and at what price are you willing to pay to achieve it? The story was pretty incredible. Sure the actual content of the story isn't that revolutionary, it's a typical crime drama, but the characterization and the overall interactions between the characters is what really sells the game's story. It was really progressive subject matter for a game.


Niko just went out to Comrade's Bar with Roman. As we leave the bar in a stooper, I manage to fall over Roman and smash my forehead into the side of the car. :lol After a couple seconds of laying on the ground, I manage to get up and into the car. About 10 seconds in, I hear the sirens get louder and louder. Seems my weaving inbetween cars is kind quite the distraction and the police are looking to end it. I should note, I was managing to barely miss other cars a lot! :lol Eventually Niko's driving ability ran short and plowed right into a parked car. I slowly drove away, cop still behind me but after some luck, I managed to lose the wanted level. Everything was going great - was almost home. As I'm coming up on a turn, I begin weaving back and forth, trying to avoid the police car infront of me. Anyway, I end up slamming right into the back end and continue on my driving caper. I managed to make it half way across the bridge when I ran into a slow moving van, hitting the wall and sending a stream of fire out from under the car. I slammed on the breaks, jumped out of the car and drunkenly made my way across the lanes of traffic. Unfortunately Niko wasn't quick enough and was plowed over by a speeding van. :lol
I love finding alternate ways to do missions. I just did the ULPC mission
Portrait of a Killer
by sniping everyone from the roof across the street. I used an ambulance to reach the fire escape and climbed up. They were all shooting at me the entire time, but I was so far away I only got hit once.


I love the sniper rifle. Same with all the Most Wanted missions- no need to run in with the shotgun, just get the right spot and pop some heads. :lol

I just got two Algonquin Safehouses in the span of twenty minutes. Fucking awesome.

Also? Quick note?

I fucking love this game.

Finally had a nice opportunity to go up against a vehicle packed with uphill shottas while I was on foot. Fucking HELL that was satisfying. Fucking shooting out windows, tearing up the car doors and hood, shooting the motherfuckers inside. I mean DAMN.

Has there EVER been a MOVING item in a game with this level of destructible interactive detail? That shit was insane.

It's gotten to the point where I love every damn thing about this game.

Except one thing.

TheGreatDave said:
I take it you're using LB and RB? Just line it up well and be gentle with the triggers.

Am I supposed to hold it down the whole time? It was kind of unclear about that. Can you maybe give me a real nuts and bolts step by step from when I'm over the helipad? Like, I hit LB and RB when I'm directly over it? Or a little in front of it?



Shit done gone wrong:


lol I guess Rockstar is more inexperienced with Networks than we thought.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Am I supposed to hold it down the whole time? It was kind of unclear about that. Can you maybe give me a real nuts and bolts step by step from when I'm over the helipad? Like, I hit LB and RB when I'm directly over it? Or a little in front of it?


Line it up to where its sorta even compared to the surface, then just hold decend until you're on the ground. Keep holding it and you'll stay grounded until you want to get out.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Am I supposed to hold it down the whole time? It was kind of unclear about that. Can you maybe give me a real nuts and bolts step by step from when I'm over the helipad? Like, I hit LB and RB when I'm directly over it? Or a little in front of it?


tap the RB and so you go down slowly. unless you want to crash :lol you'll see how easy it is to land.


Coop said:
How do you do the most wanted missions?

You have to get into a cop car and use their computer. There's a section titled 'Most Wanted' and you have to take em out. Some of them are actually pretty hard.

I also just picked up the guide and apparently there are 30 MW missions and not the 12 that I previously though(it changes depending on what island you're on)



So, if anyone is having trouble with the "One Man Army" achievment, I just found out an incredible easy way to do it. Felt kinda like cheating though.

When the police is blocking the bridges in the beginning of the game, go up on the walking portion of the bridge (the middle bridge, the straight one), walk past the police blockade so you get the six stars, then just hide under the bridge for 5 minutes. The cops only started getting to me after a couple of minutes and they were easily dodged by just running a bit back and forth.
You can make it even easier by running all the way over to Algonquin and entering the subway tunnels.
When I was running through the tunnels I actually shook the cops off, but sadly I didn't get the "Walk Free" achievment, the six stars just reappeared.


Junior Member
I am nearing the 20 hour mark in the game, and I still have not been arrested. Just a few questions on that matter. When the police hold you up, and you raise up your hands, what happens if you do not run away? When you do get arrested, do they take all of your guns away like in previous games? If a cop pulls you out of your car, do you get instantly arrested? Of course I could just experiment with this myself, but I would hate to lose all my stuff and reload. I just want to know how scared I should be of getting caught.


Smokey Bones said:
You have to get into a cop car and use their computer. There's a section titled 'Most Wanted' and you have to take em out. Some of them are actually pretty hard.

I also just picked up the guide and apparently there are 30 MW missions and not the 12 that I previously though(it changes depending on what island you're on)


Damn now i've got ANOTHER set of side stuff to do. Thanks :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Little Jacob is completely hilarious

I and I be wid ya breda we show da love to da strees etcetera etcetera


Teknoman said:
Damn now i've got ANOTHER set of side stuff to do. Thanks :lol

I know right. It says there are 10 criminals to deal with on each island for a total of 30.

I really don't know if I'll need another game anytime soon(well besides MGS4).

I'm off the next 2 days..I'm gonna try and knock out these MW missions(or as many that are open to me) and Brucie's races.

My addiction level: Fiend:lol


Quick question: I am trying to play with only Radar Blips on with no GPS. Is there a way I can easily find out which street I'm on? I would like to get to know the streets in the city without having to resort to looking at the map that came with the game.
Alphahawk said:
So I checked my stats and my addiction level is: The Weekend has landed. :lol Rockstar rules
Weaksauce. I'm a damn Fiend.

Dice Man said:
Quick question: I am trying to play with only Radar Blips on with no GPS. Is there a way I can easily find out which street I'm on? I would like to get to know the streets in the city without having to resort to looking at the map that came with the game.

Every time you change streets it shows up in bottom right. I think it's Green for street, White for neighborhood, and Grey for car model. Or something.

The Lamonster said:
What is this addiction rating for, anyway?
How hopelessly addicted you are to the game.

East Lake

C4Lukins said:
I am nearing the 20 hour mark in the game, and I still have not been arrested. Just a few questions on that matter. When the police hold you up, and you raise up your hands, what happens if you do not run away? When you do get arrested, do they take all of your guns away like in previous games? If a cop pulls you out of your car, do you get instantly arrested? Of course I could just experiment with this myself, but I would hate to lose all my stuff and reload. I just want to know how scared I should be of getting caught.
Not sure about when a cop drags you out of the car, but if you put your hands up and do not run away they'll take all your guns and fine you.



GAF just spoiled a huge story moment for me.

I didn't know that
Kate dies
and the fucker even wrote there wouldn't be any spoilers in his post.

I'm on a media blackout from now on, while playing the game in question, that's a first.


Junior Member
Antimatter said:
Not sure about when a cop drags you out of the car, but if you put your hands up and do not run away they'll take all your guns and fine you.

Thanks. Now I know that it is always better to die then to be caught.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
hooly shit just had some amazing missions.

last newspaper guy mission spoilers

I loved this mission and having Jacob as a sidekick again. He was even smoking that ganja in the chopper, and for one time Niko didn't mind :lol Amazing when he blew the chopper down.

another great chopper moment was the chase mission in which
you followed the chopper around, you get to it and as you're flying through a bunch of skyscrapers Roman sends a pic of some piece of ass he's checking out at the strip club :lol
. These out of nowhere calls are so awesome and surreal at times

OK and now I need someone to tell me how close I got to the end of Three Leaf Clover before I got killed in a stupid way :(

I made it all the way to the point where you can go to the surface again after a trip down the metro station. I get up, but right then the game tells me to steal a car, which I do, but as I'm jackin the car a cop shoots me :(

How close/far was I?


Almost. Once you've got the car you've just got to get out of the search radius.

Finding that car on low health however is pretty difficult.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
RichardAM said:
Almost. Once you've got the car you've just got to get out of the search radius.

Finding that car on low health however is pretty difficult.

fuck :( yeah I only had half my health with no armor so it didn't take long for them to get me. That was such an adrenaline rush, I wish I would've made it in my first go :(
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