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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Have just unlocked the second Island, not played it for a couple of days because i've been busy. I think the game is outstanding so far, feels very much like any other GTA and they haven't mixed the formula up too much. The Voice acting and story telling in it have propelled it higher than any of the others tho. My only gripe is the lack of checkpoints in the missions. In the last mission before unlocking the second island it was a bummer having to
drive for 10 mins to the other side of the map just to get to where the setup heroine deal was
Only to die the first coupla times and have to do it all again :(


Man this game is too awesome. I have just been doing the SP only for now. Too addicting:lol I love the little side missions which I'm always looking out for.
Dammit how long do I have to wait till I get in Kate's pants?!?!
Which to choose, profit or revenge:D


JonnyBrad said:
Have just unlocked the second Island, not played it for a couple of days because i've been busy. I think the game is outstanding so far, feels very much like any other GTA and they haven't mixed the formula up too much. The Voice acting and story telling in it have propelled it higher than any of the others tho. My only gripe is the lack of checkpoints in the missions. In the last mission before unlocking the second island it was a bummer having to
drive for 10 mins to the other side of the map just to get to where the setup heroine deal was
Only to die the first coupla times and have to do it all again :(

Yeah I definitely wish there was a checkpoint system. Some mission are long which are fun, however I hate dying at the end just to repeat the the beginning all over again and again. At least there is autosave this time after each mission as the hospital charges way too much money:(


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
94 missions total? I'll probably finish it by tomorrow night, I've got 83 done right now. Are Kiki, Carmen, and the police McCreary brother the only people you get cell phone perks from?


he's Virgin Tight™
So I am addicted to this game, been playing on HD all day long and there is a slight difference... graphics don't blow me, but the scale sure does. Picked up 2 hookers, went to strip club, played darts and saw one of the most fucktastic moments ever: My car was on fire, I jump at the last time in this big traffic jam. Car explodes, other lights on fire, explodes, like6 people run from their cars in flames, more cars explode, Ambulance gets in, catches fire, explodes and kills paramedics, all in like 3 minutes. I laughed loud. Frame rate dropped a LOT, but it was fucking fun :lol
Something I wasn't really paying attention to, but your vehicles actually get dirty. You notice all this dirt covering your vehicle sometimes which is a really nice touch because originally I was thinking the car wash did nothing.

I believe the more people play this game the more they'll be impressed with the games visuals. I totally agree with the 10s it got in the graphics department. Some scenes or gameplay instances will look so downright incredible that you'll be shocked that such graphical fidelity is present in a GTA title.

I'm curious as all hell to see what Rockstar ends up pulling off with both machines in the second game.


Guys, i just got a message on my 360 Dashboard "Title WildDelete Sender" that said to Launch the game and check that message again in-game to read it.

What the fuck?!?!
What is it?

Also, i keep reading of Ps3 users losing their GTA 4 saves because of a bug =(
Xater said:
Ok I just played with through the story (well the credits are rolling right now). I have two questions:

Well I decided that I get my revenge on Dimitri and Kate dies. What happens if I work with him?

If you work with him ........******** ROMAN ********* ends up killed.

More spoilers
I'm just going to assume that
Dimitri screwed Bulgarin over like everybody else in the story
Wizpig said:
Guys, i just got a message on my 360 Dashboard "Title WildDelete Sender" that said to Launch the game and check that message again in-game to read it.

What the fuck?!?!
What is it?

Also, i keep reading of Ps3 users losing their GTA 4 saves because of a bug =(
I got that too, checking it now.


npm0925 said:
Played my first hour last night and ended up watching the TV in the apartment for most of that time. Republican Space Rangers! :lol
:D :D Finiest shit ever! it really needs a slot on Adult Swim LOL



PepsimanVsJoe said:
If you work with him ........******** ROMAN ********* ends up killed.

More spoilers
I'm just going to assume that
Dimitri screwed Bulgarin over like everybody else in the story

So Niko ends up a wreck either way. Wow that's some bold storytelling. I like it.

Hmm maybe the Bulgarin stuff will be used for DLC in the 360 version.



Oh my god this game is awesome. Just started playing and did a few missions. Just a few initial impressions.

I love how people say different things if you do a mission a second time, and that there are different ways to do a mission. Like
when you chase that guy who was beating Roman into a construction site. The first time I just beat him up. I failed the mission because, on the way back, we got out of the car at one point and Roman started beating up a guy that hit us in his car. That's plenty awesome itself, but the second time, I knocked the guy through the window as I was beating him and to my surprise there was a cutscene showing him screaming falling into the ocean :lol
Little touches like this ARE appreciated. I hope that wasn't a one off and there are more things like that in the game.

I didn't expect Euphoria to add that much to the game, but it really does. It makes things you've always done in GTA games fun again. Even my wife (not a gamer in the slightest) laughed when I ran over a guy because of the way he crumpled.

I have no problem with the car controls. They're definitely "harder" but in a more realistic city, I think more realistic cars were necessary. The shooting is fantastic.

Anyone who says this game's graphics are disappointing needs a head check. There are times, not just snapshots, where it really is photorealistic. It's unbelievable. I mean, yeah, the cobblestones around trees in the sidewalk aren't displacement mapped and if you go up to a wall and stare at it in the closest view it'll be blurry, but come on.

I'm not that into the story yet but I have just started.

Finally have it and it's been worth the wait.


Fair-weather, with pride!
well, that's it for me in this game. spend an hour killing nameless drones, rescue the guy i'm there to rescue, get killed by random explosion.

fun while it lasted but i'm not willing to do that again
I'd just like to say something to all the people who are "done" with this game now:

If you are not playing the multi-player stuff, you are missing the fuck out. Seriously. Make some friends. Its not hard. Send out some friend requests, I'll even volunteer MY gamertag: Uno Ill Nino. Once you have a few people to play with, get something arranged.

Cops n Crooks is awesome. There's nothing else like it out there and it demands teamwork. Teams of douchebags who just want to run around like idiots will get dominated. Your friendships really shine when you work together and find success through cooperation.

Free Mode is the only other thing I've done. Cops n Crooks is that good. We never get tired of it. But anyway, Free Mode is having the entire city exactly how you want it. Cops, weather, time of day, traffic, and pedestrians are all open for customization.

Last night, we set up a Free Mode game and tried to set up a base in an area where cops wouldn't be able to swarm us. We got our stars up and just wreaked havoc for like 10 minutes before other people came in and ruined it. But that's my fault as host. I didn't know how to keep it private. So now tonight we're going to do it again in private. It was sweet though. We had 3 helicopters flying above our area and more cop cars than I could count. SWAT members even showed up in full armor with assault rifles and everything. Tonight, our plan is to escape into the subway when our ammo runs out and see if we can actually make it out alive.

ALSO: Has anyone else been inside the Statue of Liberty? You need to use a helicopter to get up to the top level. Once you are there, there's a sign outside one of the doors that reads: "No Hidden Content Beyond Here" or something. Go through that door and up a ladder to reveal a beating heart inside the statue. Its all wrapped up in chains. Kind of a deep commentary for an easter egg, but that just makes it all the more cool.


QVT said:
well, that's it for me in this game. spend an hour killing nameless drones, rescue the guy i'm there to rescue, get killed by random explosion.

fun while it lasted but i'm not willing to do that again

Yeah that happened to me when I was going to rescue
Roman from the Russians
. I do fine and dandy, then all of a sudden I got blown up. Same goes for one of the latest missions, for some reason I can't stop the other characters getting killed.
Turns out that the fly-your-helicopter-under-the-bridge achievement is a little bugged. I didn't know that, so, in my search for my last bridge, I just spent an hour trying to fly under the Central Park bridge.

I lost many a helicopter to that lake.



Relix said:
It's still inexcusable. it should have checkpoints. Like 6 years and they still don't have checkpoints? WTF?

I never needed any. I only failed in like 18 missions and most of them are not really that long.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Xater said:
Ok I just played with through the story (well the credits are rolling right now). I have two questions:

Well I decided that I get my revenge on Dimitri and Kate dies. What happens if I work with him?

Did I forget something or was the storyline with Bulgarin not tied up? I remeber him fleeing from the scene where he was after the diamonds but nothing after that.
Be happy...

Roman dies otherwise ;_;


Will they ever play any other different music? All I keep hearing on the hip hop station is "with my top down... and the cherry on..." and it's PISSING ME OFF.


Dartastic I have that too. I don't know why.

Radio question:
Did Integrity 2.0 and Fusion purposely not open until you unlock the second island (not broker, times square island)? Because I didn't have those two stations until I went to that island...but that doesn't really make any sense. Also do songs repeat alot for others? I always hear the same song on the rap channel :/.


Console Market Analyst
What the fuck!? Okay, someone make sense of this for me, since I've avoided this thread in fear of spoilers.

It's about the Statue of Happiness.
I've only just now reached Manhattan, have done a few missions for Playboy X, when I decided to jack a Helicopter for the first time. I flew it to the Statue of Happiness, and bailed out of the Helicopter onto a square at the base of the Statue. There are four shut doors here, but I found Niko can clip through one of these doors to find a ladder inside. I climbed the long ladder, up to the center of the Statue, to find a giant beating heart held in place with chains. If I shoot it, blood splashes off, but nothing really happens. Is this just some fucked up easter egg, or does a mission later on explain this craziness?


chase said:
Anyone who says this game's graphics are disappointing needs a head check.

I agree. Anyone expecting the character models to be as detailed as something like Gears of War or expects the cars to look like Gran Turismo is expecting too much from an open world game. No single element of the graphics is the best seen in gaming, but overall what they achieved was awesome and they perfectly nailed the look of the city. I also think the character animations as you wander around and interact with pedestrians or watch others interact with each other are impressive.


I know the SP campaign can be beaten in less than 30 hrs(otherwise there wouldn't be an achievement for it dur), but am I the only one that's just really taking their time with this game? Here's what my stats say:

43 missions passed
27 HRS
175/1000 achievement points ( game is stingy as hell with these)

I've done all of Little Jacobs side missions, all of Brucie's side missions, got 'Cleaned Mean Streets' achievement(stop 20 crimes..have to be in a police car), done 4/12 of the Most Wanted side missions, just started on the achievement where you have to come in first in 25 street races.

I love this game.
Ugh... My biggest gripe with this game so far is how you can easily void phone conversations accidentally and then never get them back. I just got done making a giant decision of who to kill, and as I'm getting in a cab to clear the scene Niko makes a phone call, but the call got voided because he started calling as soon as I went to enter the cab. I probably missed some vital information, or at the very least some interesting dialogue.

I'm kinda pissed about this... :/


Smokey Bones said:
I know the SP campaign can be beaten in less than 30 hrs(otherwise there wouldn't be an achievement for it dur), but am I the only one that's just really taking their time with this game? Here's what my stats say:

43 missions passed
27 HRS
175/1000 achievement points ( game is stingy as hell with these)

I've done all of Little Jacobs side missions, all of Brucie's side missions, got 'Cleaned Mean Streets' achievement(stop 20 crimes..have to be in a police car), done 4/12 of the Most Wanted side missions, just started on the achievement where you have to come in first in 25 street races.

I love this game.
How do you do the most wanted missions?


Console Market Analyst
NaughtyCalibur said:
Ugh... My biggest gripe with this game so far is how you can easily void phone conversations accidentally and then never get them back. I just got done making a giant decision of who to kill, and as I'm getting in a cab to clear the scene Niko makes a phone call, but the call got voided because he started calling as soon as I went to enter the cab. I probably missed some vital information, or at the very least some interesting dialogue.

I'm kinda pissed about this... :/

Several times I've answered the phone while standing in the street, and the coversation ends if a car hits me. Kinda wish there was a "dialogue" log.



if i want to advance the main story and, for the time being, avoid side missions like ramon or brucie, can i always go back and complete them?? does the opportunity to do someone's missions ever disappear for good??

Goreomedy said:
Several times I've answered the phone while standing in the street, and the coversation ends if a car hits me. Kinda wish there was a "dialogue" log.
oh, there is. go to Brief and hit 'A'.


My save file won't load. :(

I've just moved to Bohan too. I can access the OS menu, but when I quit game, it restarts the PS3.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Lakitu said:
Yeah that happened to me when I was going to rescue
Roman from the Russians
. I do fine and dandy, then all of a sudden I got blown up. Same goes for one of the latest missions, for some reason I can't stop the other characters getting killed.

yeah that was the mission

and i don't really care for the multiplayer. i've played 5 or 6 hours of it, it's been fun.


Dude, what's everyone complaining about Three Leaf Clover for? I beat it the first time, and didn't even start with full health (didn't realize what I was getting in to).

I rolled up to their house at the end of the mission with a sliver of health, a bullet-riddle smoking car with two good tires and my heart pounding. That was fucking EPIC.


Goreomedy said:
Huh? It includes entire conversations?
yep. i found it pretty useful with the little jacob conversations when i didnt understand what the hell they were saying

gore, please answer my q on the last page!


There is a police blockade on the way home today. A dozen cop cars or more, and a chopper. All I could think was, "that dude has three stars...better find a pay'n spray" :lol


So I saved last night at the mission Pest Control and now each time I boot the game it gets stuck on the loading screen. WTF I'm nearly 60% DONE!



Full Recovery said:
So I saved last night at the mission Pest Control and now each time I boot the game it gets stuck on the loading screen. WTF I'm nearly 60% DONE!


This is where I am right now. (Loading screen)

EDIT: Logged out of PSN and it worked flawlessly.
Phone and car conversations dont show up in dialogue box...

New favorite mission: No Way On The Subway. Going over the bridge is just so epic...

Anyways, I was wondering how far I am to ending the story: after No Way
I went and visited Florian.


Son of Godzilla said:
Phone and car conversations dont show up in dialogue box...
they have for me, barring some possible exceptions. i don't always check, but when i have i've had dialogue.

if i want to advance the main story and, for the time being, avoid side missions like ramon or brucie, can i always go back and complete them?? does the opportunity to do someone's missions ever disappear for good??
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