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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Have they released any info about the PC version as of yet?

Oh so I have longed for the day when official multiplayer returned to GTA. :lol


There's two things to do in this thread right now:

Bitch about how there has been no leak.

Bow to Rock* about how there has been no leak.



y'all should be ashamed
Eric WK said:
I consider the release Monday night. Seven more sleeps for me.

Me too. :D

As someone else said, there will likely be video gameplay leaks once the game hits stores on Wednesday. We can only hope.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Wollan said:
I'm going to be so tempted to buy the AU version on Monday.
Importing from Canada and crossing fingers for Thursday.
I've basically just said to myself: "Fuck it."

The scene that is missing will be missed, but I'll be able to Youtube it or something.


What!? I thought we were doing this together man.
What to do. What to do.
Okay, if the Canada versions ships on Saturday or earlier I won't get the AU version.
If it ships later then I will buy the AU version and trade it in again later in the week.


Wollan said:
I'm going to be so tempted to buy the AU version on Monday.
Importing from Canada and crossing fingers for Thursday.

I'm in the same boat.

But I can wait a day or two in exchange for an ultra-low price and a nice spine.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Wollan said:
What!? I thought we were doing this together man.
What to do. What to do.
Okay, if the Canada versions ships on Saturday or earlier I won't get the AU version.
EDIT: Whoops, nvm.


keep your strippers out of my American football
chubigans said:
Please explain for those of us who have never played it.

IIRC, you could go into a store and target a person behind the counter with a gun and get money from the register. You could also go to the back of any store and crack the safe to get more money. If you crack the safe successfully, no alarms will go off and you can just walk out. If you screw up, the alarms will go off, sending the cops in pursuit. The one thing I didn't like was that even after robbed a store, you could go back in later in the game with nothing said about it.

Though I think some store owners would pull a gun on you if you tried to rob the place. My memory is a lil fuzzy on this one though.


Fallout-NL said:
Ah ok, wasn't aware of this. I'm already importing from Canada though, it's going to save me a mind blowing 25 euros (it's 65 in Dutch stores, at best).

At best? Most of the times the dixons around here is 60. And you have stuff like gcshop.nl which sells between 50 and 55. No 40 euros, but atleast you'll have it in a day and no taxthingies or whatever.


blanky said:
At best? Most of the times the dixons around here is 60. And you have stuff like gcshop.nl which sells between 50 and 55. No 40 euros, but atleast you'll have it in a day and no taxthingies or whatever.

Excactly, 65 euro's at best? Dude where have you been :lol
Grand Theft Auto IV's Aaron Garbut Interview: Part 1
It's spoiler-free

Eurogamer: When Rockstar makes a new Grand Theft Auto game, what is the very first thing that happens, and how significant are those early decisions in terms of the game's overall artistic direction?

Aaron Garbut:
Firstly we just start collecting ideas. Locations, technology, gameplay, missions, basically everything and anything we want to include or do. We think about what we are trying to achieve in basic terms, we spend a bit of time sorting and discarding some of the initial ideas. Then we just start...

In terms of the art department, the character artists will start playing about with concepts, trying various main characters in the game, playing about with pushing the style a little, basically experimenting. The vehicle department will begin a first pass of every vehicle, the environment artists will lay out a road network and once we've all driven around on it for a bit will block in each city block roughly so we can start to see the skyline. The intention is that as soon as possible we have a very, very rough version of the game and then we begin to refine it. Like every other aspect of the game the artistic direction grows organically, we try stuff and things that work pull us in their direction and things that don't are changed.

Eurogamer: I've read about how you sought strong brow lines and a face that could convey the emotions you wanted for Niko. Were there any other directions you could have taken, or was Niko the exact fit for your goals?

Aaron Garbut: There were a few other versions of Niko that went down slightly different routes, but he evolved into more or less his final look pretty early in the day. I'm sure he would have worked in a number of ways, but when we got to what was essentially the version you've seen, he just seemed right. He had a good feel about him, he looked like he had a history, and he looked different.


I promised not to fall into the hype, I've never finish a GTA game, my backlog of games is way too big, but I will be there day one to pick up this game :(


Wollan said:
To Norway it's normally 5-7 days.
This will be the first time I order to Australia.
Thanks. Anyone living in Belgium, Netherlands, France or Germanry who has ordered from them can tell me how fast they got it, please do.

Eric WK

rhino4evr said:
I wonder when the reviews will be up. I am assuming by this Friday, but maybe we'll get lucky and get them earlier.

Someone earlier said IGN has the online exclusive on the 28th with the rest coming the 29th.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
8 days... EIGHT DAYS!


Tieno said:
Thanks. Anyone living in Belgium, Netherlands, France or Germanry who has ordered from them can tell me how fast they got it, please do.

Including a weekend, at most 7 days.
Usually 5 days.

edit: IIRC I once ordered a game on a Friday and got it on Tuesday. That's only 4 days including a weekend.

But as I said, I can wait a day or two longer for the nice spine and the ultra-low price.


There are some lovely things going on in the water FX. From the way it reflects the surroundings and distorts that reflection, to the real-time physics on the surface (drop a car into the water and actual waves will distort the surface, which will affect nearby boats). There's even foam wherever the water gets shallower and simulations of viscosity around the edge. It's an insane level of detail, but you can see this when the water laps up and down a wooden post or jetties. All that is done in the FX code.



I think the lighting system in general is pretty amazing. There are no hard limitations on the number of active dynamic lights around the player. The real-time shadows are working across every object and surface in the game with everything self-shadowing and casting onto everything else, there's ambient occlusion and emissive lighting on top of that. And then your standard next-gen shenanigans - light shafts, bloom, depth of field and motion blur, and of course it goes without saying everything's rendered with HDR.

The net result is a fully dynamic, real-time lighting system that is consistent across every surface in the game and has the subtlety and solidity of prebaked lighting.

:-O :-O


FYI..from CAG. CC will have $10 gift card for buying GTA4. Glad I didn't pre-order, hope they have some copies left by lunch time.

GAMERS: The Wii IS listed in this week’s ad on Page #1 // Limited Quantities // No rain checks // Limit 1 per household // Minimum 15 per store // Vouchers will be handed out 1 hour prior to store opening // Get up early folks if you want one of these // Target will also have Wiis for the same timeframe!

GAMERS: Get a Free Second Wireless Controller & A Free Gamer’s Savings Club Membership with the purchase of any XBOX 360 Gaming system & any 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV // Free Controller & Free Membership value = $69.98
GAMERS: Get a Free $10 Gift Card with the purchase of ANY version of Grand Theft Auto IV

From time to time special deals / prices will be listed in the Store Notes Section & the in the product price thread that may or may not be available in your specific geographic area. This is due to Regional Market Variations of the nationwide ads that I post and as such, not all deals / prices will be available in all Circuit City stores. Please note that this version of the Circuit City ad originates in the Northeast.


Thanks Gold and Darunia.
MMaRsu said:
Why are ppl from europe importing :|

mind = blown
Because the dollar is weak as shit compared to the euro. 30-45euros or 65-70-75euros for a game? I'll go with the low price.


Tieno said:
Thanks. Anyone living in Belgium, Netherlands, France or Germanry who has ordered from them can tell me how fast they got it, please do.

CA As fast as 5, I always go out from 5. Never failed before. (videogamesplus)

AU, 6 days BTW Wollan. I am located in The Netherlands.

Everything is fast nowadays.
I'm in Ireland and i usually get stuff from VG+ in 4 to 5 days. They always mark the package with toy under €15 so i never get stung with import duty.

Seeing as GTA4 is shipping now i wonder will VG+ dispatch it a day or two early...
New shots?





Not to much longer. I love it.

I love the fact that we haven't seen any in game vids. I mean thats one thing thats great about GTA. In SA you just hear about how big the world is, and your like...what the fuck? There is no way these claims can be true on this shitty ps2 hardware.

Then you step into the game and are just blown away. And it helps that pretty much every little thing you do is something your seeing for the first time. Walking animation, shooting, camera angles, the city, etc.
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