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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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There probably won't be a complete set. Some of the volumes are already going out of print in North America, so you might want to start buying them up.

I was curious about that, because I knew Bandai did the DVD volumes, I thought the Blu-rays were being done separately. I just figured a complete set seemed likely based on the way they release them, and by late 2014 I imagine somebody could be on board to do it. I just thought it would be a Japanese priced release.

Anyways, buying the first volume was a step in that direction, so I'll probably just pick them up as I can over the next few months. If I stagger the purchases they don't seem so bad.
I imagine Bandai Visual has no interest in anyone doing anything. The north american blu-ray copies are just the japanese copies with "Gundam" being spelled in the latin alphabet.

Bandai Visual/Sunrise has no interest in letting anyone else near the Gundam license in North America. It's pretty much their sacred property, even though they have this ridiculous notion that it should be just as big here as it is in Japan.


A whole year for the next volume? Jesus-Kira-Christ.

Wonder why it's going to take so long. Are more art directors quitting?
Bandai Visual/Sunrise has no interest in letting anyone else near the Gundam license in North America. It's pretty much their sacred property, even though they have this ridiculous notion that it should be just as big here as it is in Japan.

I saw something about a Bandai anime poll on another site. Maybe they are deliberating a measured reentry into the market?


Aaaaaand I'm out. Loved it, but it really was just a huge cocktease for the final episode lol

Which by the way will indeed be released in Spring 2014, according to the ending screen in my theater. We also got a promo video for the original series' Blu-Ray release that's coming out soon, but there wasn't any footage...
You guys here talk about Gunpla too? The general model kit thread is a wasteland and the other figure thread is filled with people buying either Batmen
or super moé anime girls and they don't seem too interested in big robots.

Anyway, has anyone else built the recent RG Zeta? Despite the end product looking pretty cool it's hampered down by the transformation ability. The frame is so flimsy and everything is interconnected in a way that, while ingenious, ends up being annoying. At one point the right leg snapped off of mine when trying to do the pose depicted on the box which requires the legs to be rotated outside a bit. Because I had not previously worked that joint it was still tense and ended up tossing the entire leg off the hip. Getting it back on was horrible. I had to remove all the already flimsy skirt pieces and to get some pieces off the back the chestplace had to move which also likes to fall apart a lot. The head elevator also seems problematic. I feel it doesn't come up high enough and the head likes to travel down really easily. It never goes tumbling down on itself but the slightest bump against it will mean you have to realign it.
Just horrible stuff in regards to stability and it left a really bad impression upon me because I could not care less about the fact that this transforms into the Waverider. Yeah, it's cool that it does but I'll never do it. If it's already that flimsy in its MS form then I'm already wary of posing it too much.


Then again, it does look pretty rad. My entirely boring album here.

The best part about it was putting the decals on. Never felt like the kit was done after doing all the assembly. I did feel it after putting the final decal on.

No idea about what kit to do next. RG Justice seems like a cool one
because I liked SEED
, The HG Titanium Sinanju I'm wary about because I've heard that the Titanium finish will be a pain if you're lazy about your cutting. There's also a new MG Strike coming in May which could be interesting. The old MG Strike seems boring and I don't think I'll be satisfied with the RG Strike because good old Zeta here will simply tower over that one.


A whole year for the next volume? Jesus-Kira-Christ.

Wonder why it's going to take so long. Are more art directors quitting?

They shifted their plan from 6 episodes to 7, so they had to rewrite 6 and start 7 from scratch -- hence the year-long gaps. 7 is also going to be longer than other ep.


Aaaaaand I'm out. Loved it, but it really was just a huge cocktease for the final episode lol

Which by the way will indeed be released in Spring 2014, according to the ending screen in my theater. We also got a promo video for the original series' Blu-Ray release that's coming out soon, but there wasn't any footage...

how was the theme song? it sounded really nice from the pv...
it's by aimer, titled re:i am


I have to wait a week to watch Unicorn. :(

But I guess that's nothing compared to the year we'll have to wait for the finale.


Within a year will all be posting it was worth waiting a year and by extension the 4 years for the whole series. Just a shame they haven't (and aren't) translating the novels, apparently they are a good detailed read for any gundam fan.

-Hello Gundam-gaf by the way :)
I wonder if we could talk Vertical into translating the novels or at least trying to get the rights? They're taking a chance on the Origin managa...


I wonder if we could talk Vertical into translating the novels or at least trying to get the rights? They're taking a chance on the Origin managa...

They're not really taking a chance - it's one print run and you have to preorder to guarantee copies. Also keep in mind that novels are more expensive to translate than manga.

e: well, I guess they are taking a chance but they're also doing everything in their power to make sure it makes them money.


Quick answer, as I am now very drunk: yes, they are releasing all 43 episodes of MSG on Blu-Ray in the summer. Also, the theme song was composed & written by Hiroyuki Sawano (composer of Monolith Software (including direct messages) & games, of the Sengoku Basara anime)


Quick answer, as I am now very drunk: yes, they are releasing all 43 episodes of MSG on Blu-Ray in the summer. Also, the theme song was composed & written by Hiroyuki Sawano (composer of Monolith Software (including direct messages) & games, of the Sengoku Basara anime)

I don't even want to think how much this is going to cost.
Quick answer, as I am now very drunk: yes, they are releasing all 43 episodes of MSG on Blu-Ray in the summer. Also, the theme song was composed & written by Hiroyuki Sawano (composer of Monolith Software (including direct messages) & games, of the Sengoku Basara anime)

Yes! I've got 500 buckaroos stored up in the Gundam piggybank for such an occasion. Hope that's enough lol.

Also, they better NOT butcher the OP/ED songs with their lameass US localised versions iike they did with the US DVDs after episode 10/11. Seriously. I need that 70s/80s soundtrack to complete the feels.


Fuck, my last message was a mess. I don't even remember what I was trying to say about Sawano. The theme song was alright anyway, and definitely sounded like something he composed.

But yeah, considering we have to wait a whole year... I guess I'm back to reading the novels.


UC Episode 06 is out

alot of talking, not alot of fighting.
excellent animation, all fight scenes are well made.
story still makes zero sense, it's like everyone's trying to pick a fight with each other.
the no kill trend seems to be intact. makes me think they might retcon some character's fate from the novels.
Dat ending scene and song.


What I really liked about the episode was the depiction of
animosity between Feds and Zeeks. The alliance thing not working out was pretty normal, yet something really unusual for recent Gundam series...


What I really liked about the episode was the depiction of
animosity between Feds and Zeeks. The alliance thing not working out was pretty normal, yet something really unusual for recent Gundam series...

imo it's pretty idiotic to
let your enemies board (armed no less) your ship even if they did sorta save your life. its like asking yourself to be taken hostage.

hahahaha i laughed so hard at this


imo it's pretty idiotic to
let your enemies board (armed no less) your ship even if they did sorta save your life. its like asking yourself to be taken hostage.

hahahaha i laughed so hard at this

To me, it really looked like they didn't had that much of a choice.
It was less a matter of being saved by Neo Zeon than being totally at their mercy.

Beth Cyra

You guys here talk about Gunpla too? The general model kit thread is a wasteland and the other figure thread is filled with people buying either Batmen
or super moé anime girls and they don't seem too interested in big robots.

Anyway, has anyone else built the recent RG Zeta? Despite the end product looking pretty cool it's hampered down by the transformation ability. The frame is so flimsy and everything is interconnected in a way that, while ingenious, ends up being annoying. At one point the right leg snapped off of mine when trying to do the pose depicted on the box which requires the legs to be rotated outside a bit. Because I had not previously worked that joint it was still tense and ended up tossing the entire leg off the hip. Getting it back on was horrible. I had to remove all the already flimsy skirt pieces and to get some pieces off the back the chestplace had to move which also likes to fall apart a lot. The head elevator also seems problematic. I feel it doesn't come up high enough and the head likes to travel down really easily. It never goes tumbling down on itself but the slightest bump against it will mean you have to realign it.
Just horrible stuff in regards to stability and it left a really bad impression upon me because I could not care less about the fact that this transforms into the Waverider. Yeah, it's cool that it does but I'll never do it. If it's already that flimsy in its MS form then I'm already wary of posing it too much.

Then again, it does look pretty rad. My entirely boring album here.

The best part about it was putting the decals on. Never felt like the kit was done after doing all the assembly. I did feel it after putting the final decal on.

No idea about what kit to do next. RG Justice seems like a cool one
because I liked SEED
, The HG Titanium Sinanju I'm wary about because I've heard that the Titanium finish will be a pain if you're lazy about your cutting. There's also a new MG Strike coming in May which could be interesting. The old MG Strike seems boring and I don't think I'll be satisfied with the RG Strike because good old Zeta here will simply tower over that one.

Some of us talk about Gunpla.

As far as RG Zeta goes, I actually buit it back in December. I didn't have to many problems with the build honestly, now the back pack connecting to the hips? Yeah total pain with how small the connections are and how big my hands are.

That said apart of me likes it more then even the 2.0, the RG actually has a much easier time standing and posing the 2.0 does.

I just recieved Sinaju Stien in the mail today, and I've completed TG EW except for the Thursters. I'm stuck between Sinaju Stien, Shin M. Zaku 2.0, and Khsatriya HGUC for my next build.


To me, it really looked like they didn't had that much of a choice.
It was less a matter of being saved by Neo Zeon than being totally at their mercy.

they do have the
princess though, and the laplace box, they had pretty good leverage and i think they had Jegans on the Argama right? the Grancire also had it's own mechs.
Holy shit, that's like the worst cliffhanger ever. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

UC Episode 06 is out

alot of talking, not alot of fighting.
excellent animation, all fight scenes are well made.
story still makes zero sense, it's like everyone's trying to pick a fight with each other.
the no kill trend seems to be intact. makes me think they might retcon some character's fate from the novels.
Dat ending scene and song.

Hnngggggggggg.... the 22nd can't come soon enough for me. You lucky living-in-Japan sons of bitches!!!!!


I'm not sure there are a lot of people in this topic living in Japan? donkey isn't anyway. Blu-ray comes out a little later but you can rent the episode on the PlayStation Network and the Zune Marketplace. Subs, dubs, whatever you want.


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
Just watched it. What a buildup! The ending is such a tease. Gonna be a long wait ;_;

Fuck Riddhe


Hey everyone, new to this thread and to off-topic.

Just came to profess my love for 08th MS Team anime! I'm halfway through. This series puts most other anime to shame with its actually-decent characters. Love the 90s animation. Love the music (though not quite as good as Wing). Love the fact that it dares to give its lead a real romance. It's awesome!

The only other Gundam series I've seen is Gundam Wing, which I also loved. Any ideas for which I should watch next?
Hey everyone, new to this thread and to off-topic.

Just came to profess my love for 08th MS Team anime! I'm halfway through. This series puts most other anime to shame with its actually-decent characters. Love the 90s animation. Love the music (though not quite as good as Wing). Love the fact that it dares to give its lead a real romance. It's awesome!

The only other Gundam series I've seen is Gundam Wing, which I also loved. Any ideas for which I should watch next?

0080 then Turn A

0080 is my absolute favorite thing from Gundam, slightly above Wing which is my favorite series.
1. 0080
2. Wing
3. 08th MS Team
4. Turn A
5. 00


Hey everyone, new to this thread and to off-topic.

Just came to profess my love for 08th MS Team anime! I'm halfway through. This series puts most other anime to shame with its actually-decent characters. Love the 90s animation. Love the music (though not quite as good as Wing). Love the fact that it dares to give its lead a real romance. It's awesome!

The only other Gundam series I've seen is Gundam Wing, which I also loved. Any ideas for which I should watch next?

I'd suggest Unicorn, but if you want to get the most out of it, that might require you to do some homework and watch the original series/movie compilation (which is sort of dated) and Char's Counterattack (which I think still holds up).


You guys here talk about Gunpla too? The general model kit thread is a wasteland and the other figure thread is filled with people buying either Batmen
or super moé anime girls and they don't seem too interested in big robots.

Hey! I tried. Just aren't many modelers on this forum it seems. I had like two people besides myself post. I guess modelling is just too much effort for the average gaffer. They just want the instant gratification of buying the latest moe girl to put on their shelves.
I used to build Gundam models in my mid-20s, but the room that they lived in in our house is now my daughter's bedroom. I just don't have the time for them anymore. The ones I built in the past live in my office at work (school psychologist at a high school).
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