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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Speaking of Turn-A, I'm really enjoying that series so far. 15 episodes in and the atmosphere is probably the most perfect thing I've seen in anime so far. The only negatives I have is that the villains are entirely unlikable and Harry just looks moronic. I can't take him seriously, whenever he speaks I just imagine every other character in the room trying to hold back laughter because of his stupid goggles. I hope this gets remedied.

By Episode 15, you shouldn't have seen any of the villains yet.

And don't fuck with Harry Ord. He'll fuck you up with his swag.

Just watched Char's Counterattack. Made more sense than I thought it would.

I'm going to miss Char, and Amuro honestly grew on me during the film.

Fuck, that movie was beautiful.
And Char's still a sexy bastard.
Perhaps. Once he watches it he will understand though.

Personally, I think ZZ is a pretty awesome show. Even the first 20 episodes. Judau top tier protagonist.
Perhaps. Once he watches it he will understand though.

Personally, I think ZZ is a pretty awesome show. Even the first 20 episodes. Judau top tier protagonist.
The plot in the show is all over the fucking place, but I think Judau is my favorite UC protagonist so far. He even apologizes when he's being a dumbass.
Perhaps. Once he watches it he will understand though.

Personally, I think ZZ is a pretty awesome show. Even the first 20 episodes. Judau top tier protagonist.

Ehhhh.... he is less wound up and uptight as compared to his predecessors, more of a happy go lucky fella, which makes him more affable but top tier?

The plot in the show is all over the fucking place, but I think Judau is my favorite UC protagonist so far. He even apologizes when he's being a dumbass.

Okay, okay, he's got that in his favour.
Ehhhh.... he is less wound up and uptight as compared to his predecessors, more of a happy go lucky fella, which makes him more affable but top tier?

Like you said, he's less uptight then Amuro. He's also the only Gundam pilot to ever be described as a ladies man in-universe. He's the only Gundam protagonist with the social skills to posess a large group of friends prior to the start series (not counting Kira, because
Kira sleeps with his friend's girlfriends
). Also, I found Judau to be really funny.

And then there is there is the scene where
Judau makes Haman cry
. Most impressive thing a Newtype has ever done.
Like you said, he's less uptight then Amuro. He's also the only Gundam pilot to ever be described as a ladies man in-universe. He's the only Gundam protagonist with the social skills to posess a large group of friends prior to the start series (not counting Kira, because
Kira sleeps with his friend's girlfriends
). Also, I found Judau to be really funny.

And then there is there is the scene where
Judau makes Haman cry
. Most impressive thing a Newtype has ever done.

That's a very good observation. I complete forgot that the others were misfits and whackjobs in their own way.

Judau is the most "normal", emotionally well-adjusted Newtype to be shown on a Gundam series. It's amazing he turned out this way considering his lack of parental guidance, the siblings had to look out for each other as they were orphans.

And he's the only Gundam pilot protagonist to get that 100% happy outcome at the very end of his own show up to that point in the timeline.
Kamille had a fucking mental breakdown at the end, Amuro died bringing down Char with him at Axis.

Hmm... you may be onto something here.


Why does everyone hate G Gundam?

What? No. G Gundam is the best Gundam.

Like you said, he's less uptight then Amuro. He's also the only Gundam pilot to ever be described as a ladies man in-universe. He's the only Gundam protagonist with the social skills to posess a large group of friends prior to the start series (not counting Kira, because
Kira sleeps with his friend's girlfriends
). Also, I found Judau to be really funny.

And then there is there is the scene where
Judau makes Haman cry
. Most impressive thing a Newtype has ever done.

Kira doesn't JUST
sleep with his friend's fiance
, he also kidnaps his friend's
kills one of his other friends
while lecturing him and being right about it all.

Kira is Jesus and Athrun is Peter, so, you know, it HAS to go this way.
Kira doesn't JUST
sleep with his friend's fiance
, he also kidnaps his friend's
kills one of his other friends
while lecturing him and being right about it all.

Kira is Jesus and Athrun is Peter, so, you know, it HAS to go this way.

Eh, I liked Kira better when he had flaws and a personality in SEED. At least then he wasn't such a Gary Stu.
Eh, I liked Kira better when he had flaws and a personality in SEED. At least then he wasn't such a Gary Stu.

These spoilers make him look way more rad than I remember though.

I wish they'd written him to be a sociopath in Destiny too. At least then the show would have been kind of entertaining.
Seriously, Seed Destiny should have ended with Shinn slaughtering Kira.

I can understand the need to make Kira flawed, but his character development is so bad. He goes from pretty much being an Amuro expy, to being as everyone calls him, Space Jesus. Character development doesn't mean your flaws are eliminated. I means the character grows into a more well-rounded individual in spite of their flaws. I hated how Kira became perfect and how everyone bought his bullshit.

Let's take a look at a character who's development was done right. Amuro.

At the beginning of MSG, Amuro is a whiny, troubled, introverted, slightly misogynistic dude with some weird nervous ticks like messing with his collar in high pressure situations. He's moody, somewhat arrogant. He frequently lashes out at his comrades. However, over time he begins to change. For one thing, he becomes a true team player. He learns to listen to his wingmen and they move in sync. He begins interacting with the crew of White Base in a fairly rational manner.

In Zeta, he's still Amuro. He's still reclusive. He still has his tick. He's not whiny anymore, but he does still have his issues, though not as pronounced. People still doubt him and call him out on his shit. And he has a new issue: He has OYW PTSD. However, he's grown by this point that once he is spurred to action he does so confidently.

By Char's Counterattack, Amuro is now fully him. However, then he's still pretty messed up. He just deals with it. The movie, despite being fundamentally about the dichotomy between Char and Amuro's ideals, never really settles on who is right. And despite being usually a pretty nice caring dude at this point, there are still moments where his core introversion peaks through. In fact, some of the movie's greatest tragedies could have been averted had Amuro just been a little bit more kinder at certain points. Still by this point Amuro has grown into a man who is caring and strong willed enough to lay everything down and sacrifice his life for the greater good.


And he's the only Gundam pilot protagonist to get that 100% happy outcome at the very end of his own show up to that point in the timeline.

Happy outcome!?
He goes to Jupiter with Roux - that's a happy ending!? (Yeah, yeah, I'm kidding for the most part. ;-) )
A lot of people complain about the mood whiplash between Z and ZZ. For me, personally, I didn't experience that though. When I marathoned the franchise, I watched G between Z and ZZ at my friend's behest (G is the only series he has liked, though frankly he's only seen Seed, Wing and G), so I was already coming off a fairly silly show going into ZZ

But yeah, ZZ isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people, such as MAHQ, make it out to be. The main cast is pretty good, there are some pretty solid story arcs. I'm also a big fan of a lot of the Axis Zeon suits. I can't wait for the HGUC Doven Wolf


But yeah, ZZ isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people, such as MAHQ, make it out to be. The main cast is pretty good, there are some pretty solid story arcs. I'm also a big fan of a lot of the Axis Zeon suits. I can't wait for the HGUC Doven Wolf

There is a lot of silliness at the very start of ZZ Gundam but it's a decent entry in the UC once it gets going. Agree with you on the Axis MS although I was a bit disappointed that the Zaku III looks pretty ugly compared to it's predecessors (Geara Doga/Zulu return to greatness!). I'm also looking forward to the HGUC Doven Wolf - but do I try and make the Silver Bullet or a Sleeves variation?
Happy outcome!?
He goes to Jupiter with Roux - that's a happy ending!? (Yeah, yeah, I'm kidding for the most part. ;-) )

Doesn't he eventually
make a cameo in some side story as an old man with an eyepatch flying a by then obsolete, junked-out Double Zeta?
I need to get round to seeing ZZ one of these days. I rather liked Z, I think they took the paranormal stuff a bit too far but was enjoyable series. At least no crazy power upgrades like Destiny.
ZZ really isn't bad. I think a lot of people get turned off by the wacky slapstick and stop watching before Tomino decides to take things seriously again.
That and Glemy sucks.

The Puru(s) were great though, Puru was just so sweet and innocent and Puru 2 found the right path at the end.

That is some awesome continuity with them bringing in a fully grown Puru clone into Gundam Unicorn, it was one of the 1st things I noticed when I started watching Unicorn when Marida came into the picture.
That and Glemy sucks.

I'm not his fan, but how he died left a bad taste in my mouth.

There is something dirty about the way Roux blasted him with a beam while he was outside of his cockpit.


For some reason, that struck me as a really rough way to die.

Plus there is the fact that
Glemmy is Gihren's illegitimate son
. At least according some of the side materials.

His Cameo in Unicorn episode 3 was heartbreaking to me for some reason
Awesome. The stuff I've read about The Origin definitely got me really excited about the prospect of it being turned into a full show. Particularly the origin of Char, which is quite the tale.

Just watched episode 5 of Unicorn.
Was that Amuro's newtype magic channeled into Unicorn at the end there? It had to be, right? Tell me it is so, because it'd be the most perfect Gundam nonsense ever.
Awesome. The stuff I've read about The Origin definitely got me really excited about the prospect of it being turned into a full show. Particularly the origin of Char, which is quite the tale.

Just watched episode 5 of Unicorn.
Was that Amuro's newtype magic channeled into Unicorn at the end there? It had to be, right? Tell me it is so, because it'd be the most perfect Gundam nonsense ever.


That was the psychoframes in the Unicorn resonating. As explained in Char's Counterattack and elaborated on in Unicorn, that happens when so much will power pretty much overloads them creating the glowing energy. When Banagher pulled the Garencieres out of Earth's gravity well, Banagher had literally put all of his will power into pulling it up that it happened.

I did like the imagery of Daguza and Gilboa helping Banagher make that push though. A very nice touch
The red glow from the psycho frame is the same phenomenon. The difference is that
it turned green when Banagher had full control of Unicorn in NT-D mode. Before it would glow red and Unicorn would be running on automatic and using the newtype pilot as an organic computer more or less.


I'm not his fan, but how he died left a bad taste in my mouth.

There is something dirty about the way Roux blasted him with a beam while he was outside of his cockpit.


I actually really loved that scene; it's one of the few things that makes ZZ worthwhile for me.

Whoa, does this mean Origin anime is slated for next year? Or is Origin and Ikeda's recognition of the 35th anniversary supposed to be two separate events?
I actually really loved that scene; it's one of the few things that makes ZZ worthwhile for me.

Whoa, does this mean Origin anime is slated for next year? Or is Origin and Ikeda's recognition of the 35th anniversary supposed to be two separate events?

I feel like it means it's one event, but I want it to mean Origin comes out this year. Somehow. Some way.
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