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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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The bolded would be more convinient since I'd like to think we're living in different timezones and may have different 9-5 jobs/responsibilities.

Simulcast is only feasible if we're all living in the states.

Yeah, I live in Estonia of all places so that's a bit of a problem.

Figured as much. Monday it is then.

Cool. I did watch the first three episodes a while ago but my mind has been so blank lately I'll easily go through them again.
As promised, it is Monday, and therefore time for.......

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 1 DVD

"The White Mobile Suit"
"Shiroi Mobirusūtsu" (白いモビルスーツ)

After a rather short introductory monologue about the follies of humanity, we are thrown straight away into the action.

A cold start, so to speak, with no formal introductions to any of the characters.

If this was your first viewing of the series, you'd be confused, and rightfully so, since this particular segment (in the episode) was supposed to come later in the series, chronologically (2-3 days into the series) speaking.

The desire to push the appearance of the Gundam itself to the first episode was what led to them fast forwarding in time to show off some mobile suit action and the titular Gundam of the series.


You get a quick introduction to almost all the other characters by name (Usso, Miss Marbet, Katejina, Shakti, Karlmann the baby and others etc) but it seems like you've stepped right in the middle of the series.


You don't know who they are, what they're fighting for, or who they're fighting against. A lack of context is very evident, and as the episode goes on, you wish you knew what the heck was going on. There are hints everywhere, but they wouldn't make sense to you unless you already had an inkling of what was going on in the background. It's as if a few introductory expository episodes were missing.

For example, Katejina is already together with the Gundam team and the other League Miltiare folks. (She isn't supposed to meet up with them until a few episodes in).

You can see that Usso Evin is quite the multitalented pilot from the very 1st episode itself. He handles the Core Fighter like a boss, and one of the Zanscare suits quite deftly.

Chronicle Asher is protrayed as one who has blatant disregard for his superiors orders; a freeagent if you will. He's also pretty indiscriminate with his actions.

You can actually see the beginnings of Katejina's future behaviour in one of the scenes in this episode, and her disdain for Usso's activities. It's actually quite prophetic in a sense.

The episode rounds off with another Usso v Asher dogfight sequence, and finally the first docking sequence to form the titular Gundam of the series. Also how awesome is it that an adversary finally realises the worth of destroying the individual parts of the Gundam BEFORE they docked?

Talk about having some self-awareness here.

Attempt 1: FAIL


Attempt 2: SUCCESS


The episode ends with a minor victory, a hasty retreat, and the short statement uttered by Shakti at very last bit finally provides the badly needed context to what these folk are all about.

Enough of the rant. How did the first episode fare after watching it again after a 5 year intermission?

Not bad. Not bad at all.



Just watched Gundam EVOLVE 10.

Judau x Roux and
raising a Puru.
This is why he ain't around during Unicorn. Fuckin' his brains out, no doubt. Bein' a family man. Kickin' ass in his Gundam.


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 1

The first time I watched this series, this intro episode was actually really jarring for me compared to other Gundam shows.

With episode One essentially being three or four (I forget) and the following episodes being flashbacks, it just sets up this really weird start for a show, just so we get to see the Victory at the end of the episode like most other Gundam series. I figured that upon a rewatch it would come across a bit better and that isn't necessarily the case here. Got to sell those kits I guess.

Being thrown right into the middle of a battle you're not really given any insight into any of the characters and their motivations. Even by the end up the episode, you know virtually every character's name and which faction, League Militaire/EF or BESPA, they belong to, but beyond that nothing is really expounded upon too much, if at all. At the most, we get Marvet's reference to Newtypes in regards to Usso's ability to pilot opening things up for down the road, but of course because of this early episode structure, we won't be getting there for a while.

But other questions are there. How did everyone get to where we are in the story, especially the non-military people? How did Usso (our main character) get that first mobile suit? Who thought a balaclava wearing main villain was a nice design? Seriously.

Lt. Chronicle Asher


He looks like the grunt-type guy in games who, when you're shooting him, decides the best place to take cover is behind a couple red barrels.

His design has always irked me. I've also always assumed he's meant to be this show's "Char" which makes the design even more to take in.

On the flip-side I remember not liking the design of the Victory too much during my first watch but I think I've done a 180 on it now.


The suit itself is a great design, which is something I somehow missed the first go round, and I think the core pieces have one of the better/smoother transformations.

All in all, far from a bad episode, but it's a start that lays a very weird foundation for the next few episodes to build off of.
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 1


Actually my first time watching the series, apart from having seen the first three episodes before.

Instantly loved the atmosphere. The nature reminds me of where I am writing this right now and somehow even Turn A.

Uso seems like a good protagonist as well and I'm interested to see what's the deal with Shakti, Karlmann and the blonde chick. Could be another Gundam series with an excellent cast.

The way there were corpsepiles in the city was pretty grim. I have hope that there'll be some haunting moments. So far only Kamille's conclusion in Zeta has succeeded at that for me personally.

Cronicle Asher's mask is bad. I'd even prefer Neo Roanoke's silly over the top mask over that bland thing.
Fuck, looked it up and actually Neo's mask was awesome.
I hope he succeeds at being a good villain or something. I can't say if he'll be good or bad after Harry Ord.

Don't really know what else to write at the moment. The news about Ryan Davis affected me quite a bit.
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam rewatch

Instantly loved the atmosphere. The nature reminds me of where I am writing this right now and somehow even Turn A.

Yeah, I can definitely see the similarities in tone and atmosphere as Turn A's.

I always think people over-exaggerate how dark Victory is just because the death toll is so high. Most of the show has a very leisurely, mellow, dreamlike quality to it, which I love


Hmm, I should join in on this. Victory's still the only Gundam I haven't watched. Saw the first 5eps a few years back but didn't stick with it.


Hmm, I should join in on this. Victory's still the only Gundam I haven't watched. Saw the first 5eps a few years back but didn't stick with it.

Jump in asap, so you don't have to play catch up.

Just watched Gundam EVOLVE 10.

Judau x Roux and
raising a Puru.
This is why he ain't around during Unicorn. Fuckin' his brains out, no doubt. Bein' a family man. Kickin' ass in his Gundam.

Puru II die at the end of the last battle or is this another one of the clones
? My friend and I always joke about how no one in the show really seemed to notice it happened.


Jump in asap, so you don't have to play catch up.

Puru II die at the end of the last battle or is this another one of the clones
? My friend and I always joke about how no one in the show really seemed to notice it happened.

died. The one Judau is rescuing is likely one of the Purus from Three to Eleven, since Marida is Puru Twelve, and her backstory makes it pretty clear that she wasn't found by Judau.


Yeah I've researched it quite a bit. Just I haven't seen hardly anyone really snap up the ZZ VP or Wing Early Type and these two just happen to be the kits I've got my eye on.

If you're thinking of making a resin kit then just assume you're going to have to do a bit of work cleaning/filing the pieces to remove any unsightly casting and to ensure a good fit. I've done a few resin conversions and there's nearly always a few pieces that will need a bit of work but you never know, you might be lucky and get flawless pieces. Always best to be prepared though!

I'd love to join you guys for the Victory watch but I honestly don't think I'll have the time (new baby arrived last week) but I'll enjoy reading your comments!


i'm gunna join aswell... is it just watch one a week and talk about it in here?
been wanting to do something like this for ages. Got about halfway through victory last time i tried.


Victory Rewatch? Interesting...I remember that show getting off to a slow start then just strapping on rocket boots and never stopping.


Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 14

The episode starts with a recap of the last one which takes up like 3 minutes or something. Stahp, pls.
Overall, this episode was FLASHBACK CENTRAL. Nothing happened before the last 3-4 minutes, they were too busy showing us how the entire relationship developed plus some useless stuff (random footage from the last battles of SEED and whatnot).

The wedding was terrible. Cagalli's makeup was just as bad I remembered. We also get to see Yuna's real colors: he's a fucking wimp and went from a grating creep to being simply terrible, especially when you know the shit he'll pull out in the later episodes as the incompetent commandant of the Orb fleet.
Kira really is such a boss by the way, managing to desarm MS without causing any significant damage to the MSes, the wedding ground, nor injuring anyone!
I hate his guts
. Also, I have to say that in retrospect, the scene where he bids farewell to his mom and promise her to come back is pretty funny, since we now know he'll end up
too busy being Lacus's Darth Vader on PLANT post-series

... Now that I think about it, SRW UX missed a big opportunity by not treating the new positions of the characters at all. We're only said know that Shinn and Luna
somehow work for Orb (how does that happen?)
and that Lacus is indeed the
Chairwoman of the PLANT High Council.
Athrun is back to being Cagalli's bodyguard and Kira's situation isn't touched upon at all IIRC. I suppose Banpresto wasn't allowed to mess to much with the characters and that's too bad.

The opening switched to OP2, which is PRIDE from High and Mighty Color. I really liked this opening so I'm glad it's intact. There were very minor differences from what I could remember of the original. I only noticed a weird pack on the Strike Rouge, and for some reason they put some smirk on Meer on the frame she appears among Athrun's harem lol
The ED is the same one I love, except the song has been remixed a bit. It was a bit inferior IMO, but not a very noticeable change to be honest.

Next episode is the one where Athrun goes to Orb with his shining new ZAFT Mobile Suit, somehow not knowing Orb signed a treaty with the Atlantic Alliance. The people in this series are fucking braindead.

Yep, this series is pretty bad.


On another note, the commercial break after the episode had an ad for the new Gintama movie. Gintoki was saying "If you go see this movie, the wind won't rise but your boner sure will" lolol

Also, they're making a new Code Geass blu-ray box with 5.1 audio? Way to rip-off people.

I should totally do the Victory rewatch with you guys, I really liked it.
Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 14

Yep, this series is pretty bad.

Why on earth are you subjecting yourself to this torture lol?

I did it once with AGE, thanks to CorvoSol, and I'm never doing that again. Ever.
Not even if they came out with the movies or some other extensions to the storyline. Fuck that shit.

I should totally do the Victory rewatch with you guys, I really liked it.

See, now this a much more better idea.


It's broadcasted here at 10.30PM, and since there nothing I'd want to watch overlapping with it I thought I might as well watch lol

Unless I find myself obliged to leave Japan in a few weeks (a real possibility), I plan on watching it until the bitter end. Yep!

I'll start Victory tomorrow then, I guess.
I want to join in, too. I got up to episode 5 before I put it in my backlog, and watching the show with the rest of you would be a pretty good incentive for me to finish it off.


I'd even find it hard to summon enough interest and strength to watch the Gundam SEED Destiny compilation movies, so dealing with a full TV remaster is totally out my league.

Also, they're making a new Code Geass blu-ray box with 5.1 audio? Way to rip-off people.

From what I can recall...the original series came out before simultaneous DVD/BD releases became too common, though BD singles were still eventually released.


Why on earth are you subjecting yourself to this torture lol?

I did it once with AGE, thanks to CorvoSol, and I'm never doing that again. Ever.
Not even if they came out with the movies or some other extensions to the storyline. Fuck that shit.

See, now this a much more better idea.

To be fair I said enough negative things about the show that one would hope that I got the point across that it wasn't a good show.

Space Hitler's final solution for Martian Jews being stopped by his love of underage girls was never going to be a good show.
To be fair I said enough negative things about the show that one would hope that I got the point across that it wasn't a good show.

Space Hitler's final solution for Martian Jews being stopped by his love of underage girls was never going to be a good show.

You made the initial premise very, very, intriguing and a lot more interesting though, I'll give you that.
The Space Hitler aspect of the show was the most intriguing part though.

And you can't really fault him for being in love with an "underaged girl" because he was the same age as her when they met.


Zeta 7

Well that's a shame, Lila seemed like she could have been a cool character going forward. Does that mean that Jerid is the "rival" this time around? Guess I'll find out in time.

Beth Cyra

While I won't be joining in on the Victory Gundam watch, Gaf doing it has got me strangely hyped for the HGUC release, so much so I think I will order the Ver Ka MG once I finish building the Banshee Norn.
Wednesday beckons... and therefore it is time for...

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 2 DVD

"The Meeting with the Machine that Day"
"Mashin to Atta Hi" (マシンと会った日)

Anyway. THIS is the episode the show was meant to start with. Seriously.

It is now instead dealt with as a flashback episode to the events that happened prior to the 1st aired episode on the DVD.

The next episode also deals with the 2nd and final portion of the flashback, sequentially speaking.

The show only moves on in time again at the end of the 3rd episode heading into the 4th episode.

Location:- Kassarelia

Time:- 3 days prior to the events of the 1st episode

Usso (paragliding) and Shakti are living the carefree, peaceful life that any child would love to have, until....


He gets his first encoounter with the League Militiare/Vespa folk during a chance encounter between a Core Fighter piloted by Ms Marbet and her brief conflict with some Vespa Yellow Jackets.

Usso shows off some real balls for a kid his age by latching onto and then attempting to take over Chronicle Ashers MS which he ultimately succeeds in doing.

Usso Evin v Chronicle Asher score = 1 : 0 (technically 1 : 1, since Asher 'wins' the soon to come encounter in the 1st episode which happens in the future since this is a flashback)

The kid does not fear heights nor death at all lol.

We also learn that Chronicle Asher is also related by blood to the Queen via an offhand remark by his team mate.

Marvet goes down, gets injured, and the rest as they say, is now Gundam Victory history.

Back to Usso, he shows his chops for mechas right in this episode itself. He has never piloted a Vespa MS in his life and possesses an affinity towards the machine right away after a few initial adjustments. Just like every other talented UC MS protagonist ever.

Another major plot point introduced in this episode is Usso's relationship with Katejina Loos. They seem to be great pen pals of sorts at this moment. It's really hard to imagine that things would get sour between them in the future at this point. He actually feels the need to get her out of danger from the impending bombing of Woowig in this episode.


What else is worthy of note? He meets up with some other immigrants from Largaine who "elect" to join the LM eventually, after witnessing the destruction of Woowig by the Zanscare Empire.

The concept of the "Guillotine" is also mentioned for the first time in the series to decribe the "Tool Of Oppression" used by the Zanscare Empire to exert their will onto the populace.

Episode rounds off with a mini duel between Usso and an Asher subordinate. Usso does his thing, and takes down his first Mobile Suit in the series, chronologically speaking.


All in all it was an okay episode, and a desperately needed one after the lack of context and proper introductions in the 1st episode. Together with the next one , they help flesh out the background and the motivations of the characters whom we'll be following for the next 49+ episodes.

I'll also be keeping a cumulative kill count for prominent character deaths in each episode. This is supposed to be the UC series with highest body count after all.

Tomino Kill Count:- 0



I guess you could say that. He's more like Kamille's punching bag than a rival though

Zeta 8

Pretty awesome fight here between Kamille and Jerid, I'm guessing this is the last time they'll be this close in terms of skill? Kind of weird to see how bad Cha- I mean 4vagina has gotten since the One Year War. He used to be an ace, now he just seems to be lagging behind what's up with that man. Either way, I don't really know how to feel about the series so far. It's alright, nothing has really grabbed me yet aside from how weird the two residential parts of Argama are. Like the spinning part in the OP just doesn't make sense to me when I look at it.

Guess I'll continue it on about the same pace as I have been. About an episode a day or so.


The Space Hitler aspect of the show was the most intriguing part though.

And you can't really fault him for being in love with an "underaged girl" because he was the same age as her when they met.

I can if being in love with a child is the only reason he stops a nuclear holocaust when his son and grand son who are still very much alive are standing right there imploring him to stop and his wife has been completely written out of the plot.

Flit's feelings for Yurin in spite of having spent the vast majority of the show wed to Emily was messed up. His imagining himself a child playing with her while he was aiming a nuclear super missile at a colony full of dejected human beings was the height of insanity.

Beth Cyra

I can if being in love with a child is the only reason he stops a nuclear holocaust when his son and grand son who are still very much alive are standing right there imploring him to stop and his wife has been completely written out of the plot.

Flit's feelings for Yurin in spite of having spent the vast majority of the show wed to Emily was messed up. His imagining himself a child playing with her while he was aiming a nuclear super missile at a colony full of dejected human beings was the height of insanity.
Lets not forget he carries this obession for tge better part of 100 years and he only knew Yurin for a WEEK. Most of the time he was busy. So he does having spent less then 24 hours of time with her, yet her importance is greater then his ENTIRE family.


Oh God, I just saw what you guys were talking about with Luna's panties, there's a topic about it on /m/

What in the actual fuck?


Lets not forget he carries this obession for tge better part of 100 years and he only knew Yurin for a WEEK. Most of the time he was busy. So he does having spent less then 24 hours of time with her, yet her importance is greater then his ENTIRE family.

I think the real story is that Flit just really, really, really hated Emily and married her to keep her dad's technology under his control.

Oh God, I just saw what you guys were talking about with Luna's panties, there's a topic about it on /m/

What in the actual fuck?

Meryn > Luna anyway.



Hey, even Athrun knows I'm right. He rejects Luna at every damn turn, and when its time to make his break for it, he goes for the better girl. When for no comprehensible reason Cagalli rejects him, who does he go to? Meryn.

Athrun Zala knows what's up. Just cuz he can't have Haman Khan.
I was under the impression that Athrun didn't really want to be with Lacus. Rather, he wanted to plow his best friend's sister.

I empathize.


I'm really wondering where they would with Athrun's relationships if they ever made that movie they promised so long ago. I can't see him staying with Meyrin for some reason, but going back to Cagalli would be... strange.
I was under the impression that Athrun didn't really want to be with Lacus. Rather, he wanted to plow his best friend's sister.

I empathize.

I always figured that Athrun wanted Kira most of the time lol.

Man looking back at the Seed and Destiny openings, the implied sex between the MCs.

Cagalli in lingerie while my Mom was coming into my room was enough to give me a heart attack as a kid, good thing for TV remotes and dumb luck. Lacus was even worse with her nakedness and showing off her boobs everywhere lol.


Odd late night musing. I was staring at my Beargguy and noticed the old Heavy Arms HG kit in my stash. I wondered what a Heavy Arms Beargguy would look like so clipped out the guns and taped them on. I think it needs more. Or maybe I should try with the guns from a 1/100 Heavy Arms kit.

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