Your average Gundam fan who started off with 0079/Zeta as a kid would be in his mid to late thirties right now.
Think about that for a minute.
Hooray for being a Wing fan and only being in my mid twenties, I guess?
Your average Gundam fan who started off with 0079/Zeta as a kid would be in his mid to late thirties right now.
Think about that for a minute.
I think so, yeah. It's been out for like, a decade, I think?
I meant the sequels, too. Pardon.
Just saw Unicorn - 03 Phoenix, got to say I find it to be one of the ugliest things ever, and easily the worst thing to come out of Unicorn including all the MSV.
That said, am kinda hoping Gentei Kits grabs a few, it would be a good way to get a few extra Armed DE's with out having to buy multiples of Banshee Norn.
Just looked up the Phoenix since I've never heard of it.
Whoa. Thank god it's not canon.
A lot? Come on now.Yeah, it's pretty over-designed. Not as bad as a lot of AU suits, but still pretty bad.
From the Cosplay thread lololol
Whats this about Phoenix Unicorn Gundam? Only thing I was able to find is this image This it?
I asked before if there was a general consensus on the greatest Gundam, and it's understandable that there isn't. Is there a general consensus on the worst Gundam, though?
I say 00, but there'd be more for AGE, I think.
I agree. I just love pirates.AGE at least had the G-Exes and Darkhound, but yeah most of the designs were pretty awful.
I asked before if there was a general consensus on the greatest Gundam, and it's understandable that there isn't. Is there a general consensus on the worst Gundam, though?
I haven't seen a single design from AGE that would evoke any sort of interest in me. They all look like they had the bare minimum amount of effort put into them after someone gave the order to design a new Gundam. So bland.
I would say AGE but that's only from what I've heard and how it manages to not attract me at all despite being Gundam.
From what I've seen myself, I'll say Destiny. I was frothing at the mouth after ten episodes and I sincerely would have preferred to watch graphite rot had I known how terrible it was.
00 can be called the worst Gundam over my dead body.
I agree. I just love pirates.
I honestly liked the Ghirarga, too. Don't hurt me.
My problem with 00 largely begins with S2 and the movie. S1 was coherent enough, and had good designs, but a lot of S2 is just really bad. The other problem I'd cite is the cast's size. There are far too many characters and not enough development for the protagonists. That and the comic book death and replacement hijinks.
Again, most of that is S2 on. S1 wasn't what had me hate the show.
Wait this is rather confusing. Are you confusing your dislike for the Gundam 00 seasons with the designs of Gundam 00 gundams?
Just rewatching 00 S1 too.. man the concept of political sequences by CB act was really great, some legit good stuff there.. shame frigging Sunrise want the staff just revert to basic mecha stuff for S2 ugh.. just thinking AGE have freedom for 50 eps over what 00 got make me sick.
I felt the show was really great up till around the time the Thrones show up. Somewhere around there S1 started to go downhill, and S2 is mostly a blur for me but I remember not liking it while I was watching it. Still haven't seen the movie.
Hell yeah! I'm holding out for a new Exia MG or RG. I don't think what's out right now does the design justice.What? No. 00 had pretty good Gundam designs.
Yeah, the introduction of the Thrones is probably where I first started getting annoyed. Mostly Nena, I think. I really, really hated Nena Trinity. And then in the movieand that just made things worse. That said, if the show had ended withthere's a girl who is basically Nena Trinity anywayLockon killing Ali after Setsuna had offed what's his name and they'd successfully unified the world, I think I could've been fine.
Hell yeah! I'm holding out for a new Exia MG or RG. I don't think what's out right now does the design justice.
Arios, Kyrios, Dynames were great as well. And I liked the Flags and Tierens too. Had a great contrast between the designs.
Oh and another thing I liked about 00 which I always forget to mention. It ended three times. The S1 ending is beautiful and to me felt conclusive at the time. Didn't really feel the need to even go to S2 aside from the fact that I wanted more of what I had just seen. Season 2 ending had even more finality to it. And then with the movie we got hippie Qant.
I think Quess Paraya is the original Nena Trinity lol. Universally reviled and hated by the fanbase.
All the women in Turn A are awesome, except for maybe Poe (who I still find hilarious). You'll probably hate Sochie for some reason though, Corvo.
Doubling up again!
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 6
So, this was the episode with the infamous grenade suicide. The scene was a lot more muted than I had been led to believe. I'm noticing a trend with this show - all the stuff that people hype up about it tends to be a bit exaggerated. I blame Super Robot Wars, just because.