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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I asked before if there was a general consensus on the greatest Gundam, and it's understandable that there isn't. Is there a general consensus on the worst Gundam, though?

Same thing like "best".

I would say G-Gundam and Wing are those that I like the least of the 90ties batch that I have seen, and Destiny and Age are the worst of the last ten years.

And even those four have some redeeming qualities to them in my eyes and I know that there are tons of fans for most of the series...

duckroll said:
Gundam Unicorn Vol7 is going to be 90 minutes long. Lol. I guess they're going to go out with a bang.

Great. :)
Pretty much. Everyone talks about how dark it is, but outside of it's high death count and certain scenarios, it's very mellow and dreamlike

Seriously don't read this if you are watching the show for the first time.

Yeah walking around with your mother's severed head stuck in a helmet is rather dreamlike, as if you are suffering from severe shock trauma or something.

The show is definitely dark and extremely morbid. It's just that there is also a lot of out of place slapstick humor similar to what you would see in ZZ.
Seriously don't read this if you are watching the show for the first time.

Yeah walking around with your mother's severed head stuck in a helmet is rather dreamlike, as if you are suffering from severe shock trauma or something.

The show is definitely dark and extremely morbid. It's just that there is also a lot of out of place slapstick humor similar to what you would see in ZZ.


I trust Megalosaro in a lot of things when it comes to UC Gundam but he seems to have selective memory with Victory Gundam lol.

Perhaps he should join us on the rewatch.

I trust Megalosaro in a lot of things when it comes to UC Gundam but he seems to have selective memory with Victory Gundam lol.

Perhaps he should join us on the rewatch.

I don't know if it's selective memory, as much as it is I was expecting something more in tone with Zeta Gundam when I heard it was going to be the darkest Gundam

I'm not saying there isn't some messed up stuf fin it. It definitely has some horrible moments. When it does go dark, it is pretty grim. However, most of the show isn't like that.
Wednesday is here.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 8 DVD

"Fierce Fight! Attacking in Waves"
"Gekitō! Hajōkōgeki" (激闘!波状攻撃)

Highlights of the episode include:-

Well, who would've guessed that well publicised execution wouldn't have any residual effects on the characters.

Usso understandably gets nightmares from it, like any normal kid would.

To cut a long story short, he decides to leave the convoy again with Shakti (they get caught by the old man and Marbet, who try to talk him out of it but fail), but as usual, enemies attack and he's dragged back into the fray once again (this time with a renewed sense of purpose and righteous anger against the senseless execution of the Count) to save Ms Marbet against overwhelming odds.

He pulls off one of the ballsiest moves yet to enter the Gundams cockpit, parachuting right on top of it:-


He also does a frickin' awesome manual transformation with the Top Fighter and the Boots just lying on the ground. That moment deserves to be jiffed(giffed).

(A small note:- The connection between Shakti's "Aunt" and the ZE Queen is once again brought up in this episode. They're starting to throw in some crumbs for the audience already as to Shakti's origins)

The main enemy leader being one Lieutenant Arbeo Pippiniden who came down from space in the previous episode with his veritable armada of mobile suits.

This ZE mook (who was revealed to be Asher's junior in the military academy) is rather more competent as compared to his predecessors. He plans to lure the Gundam by his lonesome for an ambush near the remains of an old city.

They would have succeeded if not for the "surprise" reveal of another functional Victory Gundam that rescues Usso just when he was about to be captured by the ZE.


(I'm starting to notice the repetition here, with only a few variations in the details)

On the other side of the fence (ZE), back at Largaine base, Commander Fualla is in deep trouble for her continual failures in dealing with the LM and the quick execution of the Count.

Asher is ordered to escort her back to space for a court martial and to also return the other damaged mobile suits as well. Katajena gets a total of one line in this episode and she uses to it describe the beauty of the ZE contraptions.

Not a bad episode, with a rather happier ending promising the introduction of a new character (Oliver, the ace pilot) to the series to liven it up. Plus another Gundam.

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 5 (no significant named deaths this episode, the mooks escaped alive from their suits.)



Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 16

That fucking transformation sequence. With the Victory rewatching going on right now it's even more jarring, since in V they just shoot down the damn thing if they get the slightest opportunity. Here, Shinn takes his fucking time every episode. Fuck you Fukuda or whoever is responsible.

The episode doesn't start too bad, but once the battle start it gets ridiculous. Shinn fights off DOZENS of Windams. DOZENS. And he does just that. All the fucking suits they had plus the ones they requisitionned from the base and Neo. Athrun is hold off by Sting, which is comprehensible.
Also you have to wonder what the deal is with Abyss staying underwater. At first I thought the flying mosquitoes were a diversion for it to sink the ZAFT submarine but no! Sinking of said sub was just an afterthought, Auel did it like it on a whim when leaving, because he was ticked off by Neo! Wut.

This might be the first episode where SEED's endgame battles biggest flaw becomes appearent: one suit can turn the tide of the battle even if it's totally illogical. I could somehow deal with it in SEED, because the good guys actually have a lot of MSes, it's a big war, there's some illusion of something big happening. But here, and especially after the first cour battles where they were struggling even against grunts, it's insulting.

Props to Athrun for bitch-slapping Shinn, who deserved it, but the Saviour did fucking nothing besides transforming back and forth in this episode.
Yep, Uso does awesome stuff. Only pilot of a combining mech in the franchise to do cool stuff with it

There is a surprisingly low amount of recycled animation featuring the docking animations for this series so far.

I'm actually amazed they (the showrunners) took the time to figure out other interesting ways of combining the Gundam parts together instead of just taking the lazy way out and repeating stock footage every single episode like other lesser Gundam shows would do.

(I'm looking at you Destiny)


Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 16

That fucking transformation sequence. With the Victory rewatching going on right now it's even more jarring, since in V they just shoot down the damn thing if they get the slightest opportunity. Here, Shinn takes his fucking time every episode. Fuck you Fukuda or whoever is responsible.

The episode doesn't start too bad, but once the battle start it gets ridiculous. Shinn fights off DOZENS of Windams. DOZENS. And he does just that. All the fucking suits they had plus the ones they requisitionned from the base and Neo. Athrun is hold off by Sting, which is comprehensible.
Also you have to wonder what the deal is with Abyss staying underwater. At first I thought the flying mosquitoes were a diversion for it to sink the ZAFT submarine but no! Sinking of said sub was just an afterthought, Auel did it like it on a whim when leaving, because he was ticked off by Neo! Wut.

This might be the first episode where SEED's endgame battles biggest flaw becomes appearent: one suit can turn the tide of the battle even if it's totally illogical. I could somehow deal with it in SEED, because the good guys actually have a lot of MSes, it's a big war, there's some illusion of something big happening. But here, and especially after the first cour battles where they were struggling even against grunts, it's insulting.

Props to Athrun for bitch-slapping Shinn, who deserved it, but the Saviour did fucking nothing besides transforming back and forth in this episode.

Athrun Zala should've been the main character of both series. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that Shinn's strategy of "take my time transforming to
kill Kira
" was bull, though. Not only was that an expensive strategy, it was stupid. Oh, they can say "they knew Kira wouldn't hit the cockpit," but what higher up would believe that, and more the point, even with his no kill policy, Kira could've taken down a core fighter without blowing it up.


Uh, actually, if there was one time I thought Shinn fought smart, it was the Kira battle lol

He understood the way Kira fought, thought about the way Impulse functionned and made it work. Sure, it was an expensive tactic, but they were kind of trying to bring down the biggest international terrorists on Earth.

My complains steers more towards the usual episodes. Also, I already said that before, but it makes absolutely NO sense they never built a second Core Fighter. There's absolutely nothing suggesting it was undoable, especially when you see them pumping out all these new mass-produced (or not) Mobile Suits.


Turn A is the best one but may or may not have more impact if you've seen more.

If you're looking for a pretty standard Gundam series that's not too old, I'd say go with SEED.
If you don't care about the series being old, go for the original movie trilogy, which still holds up pretty well and will open the door for the other series of main universe.

If you're short on time, I say watch 0080: War in the Pocket, a 6 episodes series set in the later days of the war depicted in the first series. It's pretty much standalone and It'll show you why Gundam isn't just about giant robots shooting things.
Arguably one of the best entries.

I'd say avoid AGE because it sucks AND is terribly boring. Gundam X was mentioned, but it has its fair share of problems, I dunno. It doesn't really have the same impact if you know nothing about the old series and this can't make the parallel it tries to draw.
Yeah, a lot of people claim that the X designs are in fact Wing hand-me-downs.

I guess I can see some similar designs. The X and DX are both pretty cool though


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 8


After the end of the last episode, Uso is having nightmares about the Zanscare guillotine and war/fighting in general. After waking up he decides to again abandon the Camion/Victory and head back to Kassarelia with Shakti. Marvet again tries to persuade him, attempting to give him a reason to keep fighting, but in the end fails to sway him.

Meanwhile Pippindin, a Zanscare commander and friend to Asher, plans to lead his men in another attack on the Victory and set out to fish it out. Uso, now back in Kassarelia, comes across a photo of toddler Shakti and a Young Asher in the background. He then sees from afar the Camion being attacked and sets out to rejoin them.


While Uso was gone, Marvet decides to attempt piloting the Victory yet again and fairs much better this time, but is still no match for the group of Zanscare suits. With a flair for the dramatic, Uso parachutes down then and then jumps off a building to take over piloting the the Victory from Marvet. Uso amanges to hold his own for a while, but a more organized attack/better competition leads to him getting caught. On the verge of being carried off, Oliver, a new League Militaire pilot shows and saves the day, scaring off the Zanscare troops.

While all this is happening, Katejina falls in love with a Zanscare mobile suit.
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 8

So, Uso's had it once again and wants to go back to Kasarelia with Shakti. Dude can't handle it any more and neither can Shakti. Marbet and the old man try to convince him to stay there and fight for their sorry asses but that's not happening. Uso's away and we see him just kind of chilling with Shakti - the way life's meant to be.

But not for long. History has a funny way of repeating itself and exactly the same shit goes down as last time. Uso sees that spacenazis are once again attacking the mobile base and he needs to go back to fight in the Gundam because everyone else sucks shit and hasn't played Gundam vs Gundam.

Marbet takes off in the Core Fighter, manages to stay alive and even fully combine into the Gundam. Them some dude grabs her by the gundamboobs and she pulls off a pretty cool maneuver which frees the legs and core, leaving the top behind. Wow, an achievement from someone that's not Uso!

So Uso takes over and Marbet complies. I'd like it if she was written to have more pride. Seriously, you're a trained pilot, the Gundam was to be your weapon and you have less than zero problems and hesitation handing it over to a kid who without a doubt is a better pilot than you but still a god damned kid. This is so weird to me.

Uso wrecks some dudes, gets captured, a new pilot with glasses flies in and saves Uso. Tired from all this shit, Uso passes out and has to deal with waking up to being surrounded by his incapable comrades with neither Shakti nor Katejina present. That must suck.

Uso can't possibly run away after these episodes again. Time to make an actual choice and the show runs for 50 episodes so I guess we kind of know which choice he makes.


Uh, actually, if there was one time I thought Shinn fought smart, it was the Kira battle lol

He understood the way Kira fought, thought about the way Impulse functionned and made it work. Sure, it was an expensive tactic, but they were kind of trying to bring down the biggest international terrorists on Earth.

My complains steers more towards the usual episodes. Also, I already said that before, but it makes absolutely NO sense they never built a second Core Fighter. There's absolutely nothing suggesting it was undoable, especially when you see them pumping out all these new mass-produced (or not) Mobile Suits.

I just don't see Shinn's strategy as feasible at all. He's wasting billions of dollars of expensive equipment for a single kill, which requires he's exposing his core fighter and risking a valuable piece of personnel (himself) frequently, on a gamble that requires that his opponent never once decide to kill him or attack the core fighter in a way that would render him incapable of fighting. All Kira needed to do was slam his fist down on the core fighter or you know, continue blowing up the silhouettes before Shinn transformed, which should've been well within his capabilities, and Shinn's entire strategy would've been a waste.

That Kira instead patiently waited for Shinn to equip the silhouettes each time was a stunningly stupid piece of writing. Especially since blowing the silhouettes up so that the Core Fighter can't become a threat would be the most obvious way of accomplishing his "render them unable to fight without killing them" philosophy.

whats the general opinion on gundam age? this is coming from someone who loved gundam wing/

AGE is bad.

well whats the best one then you nerds

Z is the most popular (I liked its sequel, ZZ more) choice, I think. G was pretty great.


No more victory till Sunday :(

What gundam series should I watch in the mean time?


In the process of watching G
You've seen enough Gundam to check out Unicorn, if you want.

You could also watch F91, which takes place 30 years after CCA, and 20 years before Victory
Does 90 minutes long mean a delay? I'm on break from Gundam in general, and I had previously just decided to wait for OVA 7 before starting Unicorn. I guess the question is whether they plotted/scheduled for 90 minutes when they announced the Spring 2014 date.


Does 90 minutes long mean a delay? I'm on break from Gundam in general, and I had previously just decided to wait for OVA 7 before starting Unicorn. I guess the question is whether they plotted/scheduled for 90 minutes when they announced the Spring 2014 date.

They said before episode 6 came out that 7 would be longer than the norm (60 min) but just recently confirmed 90.


Does 90 minutes long mean a delay? I'm on break from Gundam in general, and I had previously just decided to wait for OVA 7 before starting Unicorn. I guess the question is whether they plotted/scheduled for 90 minutes when they announced the Spring 2014 date.

It was announced almost a year and half ago that episode 6 would be released a year later (spring 2013) and episode 7 some time in the future. I think they knew where they were going with this, and even if they didn't they still have like 9 months before it releases.

I wouldn't be worried. As for the plot, they need to adapt the last two volumes and maaaaaybe go over something they didn't do yet that was a part of volume 8. So I really doubt they'll run out of material.
It's not going to be in Episode 7. It's basically Unicorn MSV

It probably won't but in episode 6 Alberto says the Vist foundation has a final option, and after you pull a super duper secret mobile suit out of your butt to counter the just super secret mobile suit, your final option might as well be a super duper extra secret mobile suit that better than all the others and painted gold.
They've already announced it's role as being limited to a short film that will air at (I think) Gundam Front Tokyo. In fact, the RX-0-03 is only being sold in limited quantities there.

Banagher already had his mid-season upgrade. The Full Armor Unicorn. Riddhe has his too, with the Banshee Norn. The only main character who hasn't had a midseason upgrade is Frontal, and it looks like they're working on his on the Rewloola
They've already announced it's role as being limited to a short film that will air at (I think) Gundam Front Tokyo. In fact, the RX-0-03 is only being sold in limited quantities there.

Banagher already had his mid-season upgrade. The Full Armor Unicorn. Riddhe has his too, with the Banshee Norn. The only main character who hasn't had a midseason upgrade is Frontal, and it looks like they're working on his on the Rewloola

about that....

its just fanart
^That was mean. Just...just so mean.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 8

And here I thought Uso would have thrown away that parachute of his after his last session nearly got him killed. Well, it nearly got him killed this time too, but apparently fear is his best motivator, so it's all good.

I should have made a gif of Marbet's little bailout maneuver, now that I think of it; it was a very clever move, if only because I never even considered that the bottom legs could be used as an additional set of verniers.

There were two scenes that really stood out to me this episode, right in the middle of the battle scene near the end (shows where my priorities are, right?)

The first was Uso's hallucination:

Not only is it fairly garish and unnerving in itself, but he's having this hallucination in the middle of a skirmish. I've had moments where I just recall disturbing imagery as I went about my day, and quite vividly at that; while you can work through moments like that, they usually only happen because something messed you up. So clearly, Uso's having way more trouble with the Count's execution that he's let on.

The second was the section near the water:

I've only seen a few fights in flooded cites in my time, but I've never seen a fight where this specific type of setting sustains further damage. Usually, the other shows seem to settle for just showing the buildings, submerged and dilapidated as they are, and just let the fights occur over them, or in a long swath of water next to most of the buildings. Very rarely do they get into the range of said buildings, close enough for stray shots to total them.

This illustrates two things:
1) The storyboarder/choreographer/whoever's responsible for charting out the fights really knows how to play up the mechanical aspects of these suits. They're naturally unwieldy and inaccurate, and it takes real skill to make them move as well as Uso does - if it didn't, the Yellowjackets would be able to pilot their suits as easily as Uso piloted the Shokew.
2) These grunts Uso went up against are sloppier than grunts in other shows, and by a wide margin.

Next time: Explosive dismantling action! Also, sheep.


Crossbone Gundam 4:3

It's amazing how even when your military strike force consists of nothing but mass produced Gundams, you still have that one douchebag onboard the bridge who cannot resist the urge to shout "It's A GUUNDAAAAAAM!!!" I mean, really, you'd think having all your guys piloting them would accustom the crew to seeing Gundams, but these Space Pirates deploy one measly Gundam and the crew's in a panic and the MS teams are panicking and your vastly superior forces are being reduced exponentially before anyone can put his pants back on and get his head back into the game.

Meanwhile, Kincaido proves that he can kick an army's ass with his Crossbone Gundam and not need to be in the Freedom.
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