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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I fell in love with First Gundam the moment I watched the prologue at the beginning of the first episode.

The Colony drop in Z was pretty cool. Didn't have quite the same amount of tension the others do, due to it dropping on the moon, but there are some great moments there involving Wong and the one AE dude.

The Colony Drop in ZZ was pretty awesome (although a bit weird how it didn't explode like all the others did)

The way the colony drop was handled in 0083 was good enough for me, especially since I was caught off guard

The colony drop in Seed Destiny gave me a momentary bit of hope that Seed Destiny wouldn't be a pile of waste like Seed was. How wrong I was about that. Plus the way it was depicted in Star Gazer was pretty awesome.

Gundam X's apocalypse-causing mass colony drop: Pretty damn freaky. Took what is supposed to be one of the most terrifying concepts in Gundam and amplified it
Other Drops:

- Fifth Luna: A neat way to start off a movie. The shots of it impacting were pretty cool
- Axis: Emotional for me. I loved it. scene where everyone is pushing it back is fantastic.
- Libra: Honestly, didn't care for it. It felt like a poor man's version of Char's Counterattack.

Zeta Movie 1

Halfway through. This show is awesome. Although tingling senses or feeling parts are kind of funny. Especially
Jebrid being contacted by Solid Lila. Hiss.

This is awesome.

Just a head's up, I don't think the Zeta movies are a good substitute for the series, unlike First Gundam. They cut out a lot of stuff that is actually pretty important. Plus the ending is completely different from the show's ending.


How the hell can you get tired of Colony Drops? They're literally the most awesome thing in the franchise, and for the show to get so balls deep into the thick of a colony drop was just awesome.

I'm curious, Corvo. Once you finish Turn A and Victory, are you going to watch X?

I intend to watch X, but not for awhile. Once I finish Victory I'm gonna sorta look at what to watch next, 'cuz school starts Monday. I really want to get on to Macross/Getter/Mazinger, too, but I'm not sure just yet.

As to Colony Drops, I think I don't like them for much the same reason I don't like Mobile Armors. With very few exceptions, they're stock Gundam villain ploys and doomed to failure. The first one I saw in Wing was amazing, I confess, but since then it's been diminishing returns ever since. ZZ got me to care by making it more about trying to get the Feds off their fat asses than anything else, but the rest of the time nowadays Iunno.

That Char's entire villain plan was to drop a rock on the Earth was one of the many, many things about Char's Counter Attack that I found disappointing.

Turn A Gundam 44

Hold the phone, Lily Borjano.
10 thousand years ago!?! WHAT? So you mean to tell me that when the Turn A's Moonlight Butterfly leveled the Earth and Moon (in ONE DAY), the Universal Century had been over for more or less 7900 years already!? WHAT.

Trying to think about this hurts my head. I had pegged this as being
several hundred years after Victory, not 10k.
Other than that, what have we this episode? Agrippa
dies at the hands of Midgard
who in turn
is killed by Harry.
Which means
the only candidates remaining for final villain are
Gym Ghingham and of course,
Lord Guin Sard Rhineford, who has basically conquered the moon on sheer charisma alone.

Most notable in this episode, though, aside from
everyone accepting that Dianna and Kihel are the same person now, which again, is gonna make for some odd relationship dynamics between Loran-Dianna and Harry-Kihel
The Turn A spewing rainbows of fury as Midgard broke down in utter terror. I mean, sucker all but CRIED when he saw it. And Loran was much, MUCH more aggressive than ever before.

Turn A Gundam 45



It's been a long, long time coming, but it was nice to at long last see
Guin Rhineford make his move, and simultaneously see Loran rebel against it full force. Like not even cooperate a little. The moment is punctuated by Loran grabbing a wine bottle and swinging it at Guin's head while shouting for the last time "MY NAME'S NOT LAURA!!!" Stuff has gone banaynays here, though, with Guin's acquisition of quite literally the blue prints for every mobile suit in every Gundam series ever. Except AGE. FUCK AGE. Anyway, this means that given the time and resources, Guin could mass produce Zakus, Zetas, Strike Freedoms and Gods and Wing Zero Customs if he wanted to, and the Moonrace would just be fucked because Dianna would never allow the mass production of S Tier Gundam Class Mobile Suits. So needless to say, things are about to get REAL.
As to Colony Drops, I think I don't like them for much the same reason I don't like Mobile Armors. With very few exceptions, they're stock Gundam villain ploys and doomed to failure. The first one I saw in Wing was amazing, I confess, but since then it's been diminishing returns ever since. ZZ got me to care by making it more about trying to get the Feds off their fat asses than anything else, but the rest of the time nowadays Iunno.


If you had watched CCA before you watched Wing, you would have thought that CCA's drop was amazing and Wing's was stupid.

As for Colony drops being failures:

- Sidney Drop: Missed it's intended target, but still hit a major city. Half a success.
- North American drop: Successful
- Lunar Drop: Failure
- Dublin Drop: Success
- 5th Luna: Success
- Axis: Failure

So, UC alone, that's 3.5 successes and 2 failures. 3.5/5 is a 70% success rate. That's pretty damn good


If you had watched CCA before you watched Wing, you would have thought that CCA's drop was amazing and Wing's was stupid.

As for Colony drops being failures:

- Sidney Drop: Missed it's intended target, but still hit a major city. Half a success.
- North American drop: Successful
- Lunar Drop: Failure
- Dublin Drop: Success
- 5th Luna: Success
- Axis: Failure

So, UC alone, that's 3.5 successes and 2 failures. 3.5/5 is a 70% success rate. That's pretty damn good

I don't even remember the North American Drop, so there's that. All I remembered was the Sydney, Lunar, Dublin and Axis, plus the one from Stardust.

And I don't think I would have thought it was awesome, because so much of Char's Counter Attack isn't. You have to sit through Quess Paraya. You have Char suddenly alive and suddenly dropping colonies onto the Earth and suddenly at war with it when the last time he was seen he was more or less not a bad guy and also dead. You have the unconclusion where they just turn into sparkles and Char's entire army isn't even dealt with just "Hey Axis didn't fall so the movie is done." You have Hathaway. Oh man Hathaway I can't even.

Frankly, the only indisputably good thing I remember about that movie was the Sazabi vs Nu fight.

Andrew J.

Turn A Gundam 45



I was tempted to tell you that
the final boss will use the Shining Finger against the good guys
back when you were starting this show it just to see if you would have believed it.
The one from Stardust IS the North America drop, Corvo. And it hit, and it was the reason the Titans formed. It was a double villain success. As for 5th Luna, that is the asteroid Amuro and Char fight over at the beginning of CCA.


I was tempted to tell you that
the final boss will use the Shining Finger against the good guys
back when you were starting this show it just to see if you would have believed it.

I would not have. I could never have foreseen it.

The one from Stardust IS the North America drop, Corvo. And it hit, and it was the reason the Titans formed. It was a double villain success.

Did it? I guess I couldn't remember because Stardust Memory's ending is so, so, so bad.
I don't disagree that the Nina asspull wasn't stupid. The fact she didn't recognize Gato at the beginning of the show, and then betrayed Uraki was pretty damn stupid, but it's a shame that stuff prevented you from paying attention to the larger picture stuff, which was pretty cool


One thing I wanted to ask: did that throwaway scene with the Titans forming at the end do anything for you? It's super spergy, but I legit get annoyed when people suggest watching 0083 before Zeta to get a better framing of what happened in the intervening years. Seems so goddamn pointless for a relatively basic story point.


I don't disagree that the Nina asspull wasn't stupid. The fact she didn't recognize Gato at the beginning of the show, and then betrayed Uraki was pretty damn stupid, but it's a shame that stuff prevented you from paying attention to the larger picture stuff, which was pretty cool

Well also I had no clue who Bask Ohm was or why he was going to be important and since he didn't seem all that relevant to what was happening in the show, I tuned him out. And stuff got super stupid and then I tuned it all out.

I dunno, Stardust Memory was just sort of a really bad show.
One thing I wanted to ask: did that throwaway scene with the Titans forming at the end do anything for you? It's super spergy, but I legit get annoyed when people suggest watching 0083 before Zeta to get a better framing of what happened in the intervening years. Seems so goddamn pointless for a relatively basic story point.

I agree, production order is superior. One needn't look any further than Corvo's last post to see why. You see that ending scene and you should be fucking HORRIFIED by what you're watching.


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 28

Space Wheels

Those large motorcycles Zanscare used on Earth were one thing but these space wheels take the absurdity to another level. I've pointed out the overkill of beam shields in this show but here we have a double beam shield/saber combo plus the tire itself can take a ton of damage.

The entirety of the Reinforce crew end up at the most laid back prison camp ever. Marvet and Oliver decide to finally get married, sealing the deal
and their eventual fate
. Uso, realizing that at this point of the show women are a declining commodity, becomes jealous of the marriage and fears he may be stuck with Shakti for the rest of his life. A fate no man should have to endure.

Connie, the only remaining member of the Shrike Team, started talking but quickly shut up when she realized what was at stake.

Katejina is somehow a semi-competent pilot and captures Uso in his core fighter.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 29

Zanscare - An Empire of Pervs and Mother Lovers

Uso is captured by the Zanscare and an older forces herself upon him in a bubble bath. Then chases after him in the nude in an attempt to continue her advances. This seems to be a running theme with officers in this army.

Chronicle waves his hand around and yells a bit, all in a very unconvincing manner.

Uso, running game even when he's unconscious, flashes Martina and Elischa. Then hops in the V2 for the first time and saves the day.

Also, Nina Purpleton might be the worst character in all of Gundam.


Nina Purpleton can't be the worst woman in Gundam because Stella Lousier exists, and I think there was a woman in Gundam AGE. By this same argument she cannot be the worst character because Shinn Asuka and Flit Asuno exist. She cannot be the worst love interest even, since Stella and the AGE women exist. I'd throw PMI into that, except people tell me that PMI isn't actually Setsuna's girlfriend.

Turn A Gundam 47

Sexy mechanical warfare errywhichway. Merrybell is basically at the end of her welcome, here. Girl's straight up finst to die. Keith the Baker! Still a dweeb. We have Amerians vs Dianna Counter (under Mjr. Phil and Lt. Poe's command, so basically if I was to try and hit you from where I am with a napkin that would be the efficacy of those guys) vs Ghingnam/Willgame vs the Whale. Nothing says last five episodes of a Gundam show quite like that.

Meanwhile, while I still contend that the Zeon were a bunch of idiots lead by idiots, I commend the craftsmanship of the Zaku, er, Borjanons.
TEN THOUSAND YEARS OLD and still kicking ass. Of course, considering everything in the Mountain Cycles was covered in Magic Butterfly Nanomachines, it may well be that these fossilized Borjarnons were rejuvenated or preserved by that. Which means that they're only EIGHT THOUSAND YEARS OLD.

It dawns on me that in some ways, Turn A Gundam is about digging up dinosaurs and making them fight aliens.

Turn A Gundam 48

So now Dianna Counter is back in the Queen's hands. Some interesting revelations in this episode, most especially that
Corrin Nander himself is older than any records to which the Queen had access, excluding the Dark History. Also Corrin is back.
The Turn A is safely returned to the good guys' hands.
And boy is Guin Rhineford not happy about it. His ambition, to raise Terran civilization to the height or above of the Moon, has taken him very far. His new mantra "war is not just about weapons" seems odd for a guy who is concerned with mass producing the most important and powerful weapon he has seen, and who is more than just a little trigger happy when it comes to the CMPC on the Will Game.

Highlight of the episode was his breakdown when Loran would not so much as CONSIDER joining his side. This whole show Guin has been completely wrong about Loran and Lily flat out told him he was. He claimed to welcome the day Loran would turn on him, but his eyes tell a different story. Guin Rhineford is genuinely hurt by "Laura Rola"'s betrayal. I joked before that Guin kept calling him Laura and "she" because he had some feelings for him, but now I wonder how much of that was actually a joke . . .

Turn A Gundam 49

CORRIN NANDER SAW THE WING ZERO WITH HIS OWN EYES. This would be useful in gauging how old he is if, you know, THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TIMELINE. Oh, and the Turn A Gundam and Turn X Gundam have Psycommu systems. I already knew Loran was a Newtype from that weird scene back in Adeska, but Gym . . . dude had some kind of demon eyes I haven't seen since Haman Khan and Judau Ashta first stared one another down. Fraking crazy. Oh, and Joseph is a doof who should've let Loran pilot the Gundam from the get go. Anyway, things are now moving to the final battle.


Turn A Gundam 50 and Final

Holy crap, man. Where does one begin? This was a wonderful, lovely Gundam series, and most certainly one I have enjoyed every step of the way. Before that, though, the final episode.

So much sexy Gundam on Gundam action. The final battle in this show really, really delivered. So good. Butterfly wings and beam sabers EVERYWHERE. Glorious. Lily Borjano delivered the greatest put-down to Guin ever with her " 'Laura' is a BOY, you know. If you really love HIM so much, maybe YOU should put a skirt on!" and of course, after Guin tries to slick out of it with "the ones in skirts will someday rule the world" she adds "Since I'm in a skirt today, you won't mind leaving Ameria to me, will you?" GOT DAYUM, SON.

SOCHIE GOT FUCKING ROBBED. Like seriously, Loran gets the Queen he's wanted (but apparently is not yet sleeping with), Dianna got Loran, Kihel got the entire Lunar Kingdom and Harry, Harry got Kihel, Miasshei got dude introduced in the last ten seconds, Fran and Joseph had a babby, Keith and Baker's daughter, too, and what about Sochie?

Let me tell you about Sochie Heim. Her father is dead. She had no real revenge. The man she was going to marry died. In a nuclear holocaust. The other man she's had feelings for the entire series kisses her, then leaves to fuck her sister's identical not twin for the rest of his life. Hell, even her MECH is gone. Sochie got NOTHING. What the fuck, Tomino? How you do this?

In any case, the series really was quite wonderful and definitely a new favorite Gundam and mecha anime in general. The setting, the music, the characters, the lore and the unusual mechanical designs really make Turn A Gundam a thing of its own, and it is quite the wonderful experience. I love the Civil War era styles, the harvest themed sound-track, Loran and Dianna are to me what I suppose Kira and Lacus are to thirteen year old Japanese kids who are polled in Newtype magazine. Beyond them, though, the cast just really has some great characters. And the mechs. The mecha are all weird and geometric, but that same angular and curved geometry is what really makes them stand out and gives them their own appeal.

It's been a lovely, wonderful ride and I'm glad I went on it.


Stella at least has somewhat of an excuse for being bad.

The majority of the women in AGE lack any depth/lines/screen time/development that it is a stretch to even consider some of them actual characters. They fall under babymakers, shitty plot devices, and background noise/extras.

Shinn may be annoying, have extremely unclear motivations and next to no arc, but he is still a decent pilot with a few nice moments at times, which is something. Flit, even with his genocidal one track mind is still a pretty good pilot.

Nina just gets worse episode to episode, culminating in that Kou betrayal at the end. Quess, and Katz maybe, are in the running as well.

Glad to see you enjoyed the Turn A ending. Really good stuff, that montage especially.


Quess is so bad that even if I had enjoyed the rest of CCA she still would've ruined it for me. She made me hate CHAR. I didn't know it was even possible to do that.
How did she make you hate Char? He used her like the dumb ass she is >_>. People use her as an example of Char being a pedophile, but really, he admits himself he thinks she was annoying.

Still not sure why you guys hate on Flit. He was the one somewhat interesting character in RAGE. AGE in general fails no just with regards to female characters, but side characters in general.

Shinn being a decent pilot is a mark against him in my book. It's kind of hard to explain why I feel that way, but basically it has to do with the fact that everyone in CE is such god damn mary sues/stus it's annoying. That show is way too damn anime for it's own good.


She made me hate Char because Char being in a scene meant she would be, soon, too. Plus Char went from mentoring messed up kids like Kamille to manipulating them.

Flit is horrible because his villainy is all in our heads. As far as Hino and the show is concerned he was heroic through and through. He's never really treated as being wrong or even half as vicious and monstrous and insane as he is.


I just wish Amuro had had better taste in women during Zeta. You had Seyla Mass, bro. Then you take this nose dive to Beltachika? I mean come on, bro. Thankfully, even Amuro found Quess repulsive and vile and horrible and why Tomino did you ever make this character?


Quess (and Hathaway) are pretty essential characters to CCA imo

Essential parts to why it was subpar, maybe. Surely the grand conclusion to Char and Amuro's battles could have been better without some ridiculous child running around like a self insert oc the entire movie. At least Hathaway seemed somewhat okay at first. Quess was just like "Here is how this movie is going to be."

There are a LOT of insane and inane women in Gundam, but I can't think of a one more loony toons than Quess.
Eh, at the risk of seeming like i like Quess (I don't. I find her annoying and I also wish she wasn't in the movie), she wasnt "insane". She had her reasons for doing what she did. Most of it can be summed up as having "daddy issues", and separation issues stemming from her parent's rocky relationship.

Doesn't hurt that she has one of the most god awful voice actors I've ever heard in the english dub. Her japanese voice actress isn't that good either (typical high pitched young girl voice), but her english voice? yuck. A shame too, because the rest of CCA's english cast is impeccable.


The instant she meets Chan she tells her to leave Amuro Ray alone for getting in between them. THE INSTANT. That's Beltachika telling Kamille to surrender the Gundam to Amuro levels of what the fuck.

Quess is just bad.
That's not that odd though. She's a teenager girl. Char is a very well known figure. It's not like she's meeting someone she'd never heard of before.

Think of what Bieber fans would do if he commanded them to do something.


Essential parts to why it was subpar, maybe. Surely the grand conclusion to Char and Amuro's battles could have been better without some ridiculous child running around like a self insert oc the entire movie. At least Hathaway seemed somewhat okay at first. Quess was just like "Here is how this movie is going to be."

There are a LOT of insane and inane women in Gundam, but I can't think of a one more loony toons than Quess.

As much as CCA functions as a "grand conclusion" (and you could make a good case that this is exactly what Char himself wants, which is one explanation of why he gives the psychoframe to Amuro) it's also very much a crossroads for the future. The slow reform of Amuro and Bright and the Londo Bell is pitted against the radical action of Char and Nanai and Neo-Zeon - both are more or less in favour of the same things, but they have differing methods on how to get there. But this "Great Men decide on the fate of the world in mortal combat!" narrative is problematic in its abstractness: how do they actually effect the so-called "future" they claim to be fighting for? Char was only 20 during the One Year War. Bright was 19. All these guys have become real, full-fledged adults since then. But have they done good?

That’s basically where Quess and Hathaway come in. Like Megalosaro said, Quess has her reasons for what she does. In a way, she is a product of the Earth Federation’s corruption and Char’s ambitions. You can't extract her from that and there is no Quess without her fuckhead dad and without Char. Same with Hathaway - setting aside the troubling implication that single mothers can’t raise good children, in some very fundamental way, Bright failed. Both characters undermine the moral purity of our main characters, which I genuinely think is hugely important to the story.
That's an excellent point.

Both Amuro and Char preach about humanity reforming so people will eventually be able to be compassionate and empathetic and what not. Quess is there to show their hypocrisy.

Amuro completely blocks her out (like he apparently blocks everyone out, even people he cares about like Chan). Char plays those seeking that compassion he wants to bring out, and he uses it as a tool for his aims.

I don't think Tomino was trying to say single mothers can't raise good children (Chemin certainly seems to be much more level headed). There IS an implication that Bright should have been with his family more often though. It's kind of hard to get a read on what Hathaway's deal is though. He has very few lines that give any indication of what his motivation is, other than wanting to be around Quess. I haven't read Hathaway's Flash. I'm sure it gives more insight into what sort of person he is.


That's an excellent point.

Both Amuro and Char preach about humanity reforming so people will eventually be able to be compassionate and empathetic and what not. Quess is there to show their hypocrisy.

Amuro completely blocks her out (like he apparently blocks everyone out, even people he cares about like Chan). Char plays those seeking that compassion he wants to bring out, and he uses it as a tool for his aims.

I don't think Tomino was trying to say single mothers can't raise good children (Chemin certainly seems to be much more level headed). There IS an implication that Bright should have been with his family more often though. It's kind of hard to get a read on what Hathaway's deal is though. He has very few lines that give any indication of what his motivation is, other than wanting to be around Quess. I haven't read Hathaway's Flash. I'm sure it gives more insight into what sort of person he is.

He met her like one time and she was a psychotic, possessive freak. Who wouldn't shut her out? Nobody on that fucking boat or anyone liked her, but I fail to see how that was the fault of Amuro. Like, when I first saw Zeta, I thought Amuro was a huge jerk for not wanting to get back into the game at all, but after ZZ and seeing Judau's frustrations dealing with people, I kind of realized that Amuro was just a guy and just wanted to live his life. It was other people who kept piling stuff like "You're psychic" and "You're THE Gundam pilot!" on his shoulders.

I can't accept that Char is responsible for Quess either, but honestly I feel like Char is the most criminally misused character in UC Gundam. Suddenly bringing him to life, giving him an army, and making him the ostensible villain of the story is such a rapid and wild change from Zeta's ending that it just doesn't work for me. It was too much in too little time with entirely too little explanation.

Quess was just a bad character who did stupid things without good reasons. I can accept Hathaway as a result of all this much easier because it makes sense. Bright was never home, Mirai kinda lived in a war zone one time, and there was war basically the kid's entire life, lionizing the awful things that Amuro and Bright had to do without letting him know about what was wrong. Hathaway made sense, and I can accept that Hathaway is meant to illustrate the failings of Amuro's generation.

But Quess jumps out of a fucking mobile suit with no normal suit on. Nothing Char or Amuro failed to do right could possibly have been the cause of that girl's profound idiocy.

Victory Gundam 22

Uso berating people he kills like it is their fault.
Uso claiming he isn't a soldier when he's taken part in numerous military engagements for the League Militaire and pilots their MS constantly and treats it like it is his property.
Junko and Marbet arguing about how they feel about Uso.
Junko "punishing" Uso by smothering his face in her cleavage.

Victory Gundam. Thank goodness their was some combat in this episode or else I'd have my suspicions about this whole thing.

I can see why Kamille had ladies climbing on his dick by the millions. I can see how Judau magically seduced Haman Khan. I can accept that psychic powers make you a sex god in Gundam's metaverse. But I'll be damned if Uso isn't the dweebiest example possible.

Beth Cyra

This page needs more Gunpla.

So last weekend I picked up the newly released HG Wing Gundam kit. Looks like a great kit.

As I was inspecting the sprues I noticed something odd...

Wait! What's that I see in the bottom left...
Checking out the kit online I'm very pleased with the amount of colored parts. To be honest I was more then a little worried about how heavily they would use stickers on this guy.

Hopefully mine will arrive int he next week or two (also grabbed GPO1 and 2 sets of Greed LEDs) so I can get to work on it. I'm also planning on picking up a second Copy to repaint it into that sexy Red version from BF. That and I can't wait to get the Wing Fience in December.


Gundam 00 S1 E12
When do the non Gundam Suits start to catch up already? Those overpowered suits are starting to annoy me. But it's awesome that Amuro's VA narrates the whole thing and even plays a role ;)

Beth Cyra

Gundam 00 S1 E12
When do the non Gundam Suits start to catch up already? Those overpowered suits are starting to annoy me. But it's awesome that Amuro's VA narrates the whole thing and even plays a role ;)

You're watching the wrong Gundam show friend. This would be like watching Wing and asking when Gundainium becomes weak to enemy fire. Shit ain't happening, and it only gets more off the wall aka Wing tanking Libra's Canon and Trans Am for OO.


Gundam Age, no wait I think this fucking shit is victory and this is like the fucking 23 episode maybe?

The point is this is a bad show. "Be sure to not be the one to fire the first shot!" THEY'RE SHOOTING YOU NOW. THEY'VE FIRED LIKE SIXTY FIRST SHOTS. You wouldn't even be in danger, though, if you'd told Martina to tough it out with her STOMACHE ACHE AND FEVER OH NO SHE IS DYING. How does a show about "you gotta make tough choices in a war!" somehow not include "sometimes risking one little girl's death is wiser than taking an entire group of people and a super experimental super Gundam-type MS INTO THE ENEMY'S TERRITORY."? I mean come ONNNNNNNNNN. I know everyone makes dumb decisions in Gundam but give me a break! You people shouldn't even BE there, who authorized this expedition because it sure as hell wasn't Jin Gehenam.

How am I going to get through another 25 episodes of this?
Gundam Age, no wait I think this fucking shit is victory and this is like the fucking 23 episode maybe?

The point is this is a bad show. "Be sure to not be the one to fire the first shot!" THEY'RE SHOOTING YOU NOW. THEY'VE FIRED LIKE SIXTY FIRST SHOTS. You wouldn't even be in danger, though, if you'd told Martina to tough it out with her STOMACHE ACHE AND FEVER OH NO SHE IS DYING. How does a show about "you gotta make tough choices in a war!" somehow not include "sometimes risking one little girl's death is wiser than taking an entire group of people and a super experimental super Gundam-type MS INTO THE ENEMY'S TERRITORY."? I mean come ONNNNNNNNNN. I know everyone makes dumb decisions in Gundam but give me a break! You people shouldn't even BE there, who authorized this expedition because it sure as hell wasn't Jin Gehenam.

How am I going to get through another 25 episodes of this?

I never got around to watching the last two episodes of AGE. I've waited this long, I'll just buy the Blu-ray of Vol. 13 (eps 47, 48 and 49 with English subs) when I'm in Japan this coming April. Should be pretty damn cheap seeing how this was mega bomba.
I never hated anyone as much as Desil in the Gundam franchise when he killed poor Yurin.

It was my fault for getting attached to Yurin but dammit that girl did not deserve death!

The only good to come out of AGE as I'll always say was Gundam AGE 1 and 2 and the Opening and Ending songs.
I never hated anyone as much as Desil in the Gundam franchise when he killed poor Yurin.

It was my fault for getting attached to Yurin but dammit that girl did not deserve death!

The only good to come out of AGE as I'll always say was Gundam AGE 1 and 2 and the Opening and Ending songs.

Woolf was the best thing about AGE.

RIP, Woolf.

Beth Cyra

I never hated anyone as much as Desil in the Gundam franchise when he killed poor Yurin.

It was my fault for getting attached to Yurin but dammit that girl did not deserve death!

The only good to come out of AGE as I'll always say was Gundam AGE 1 and 2 and the Opening and Ending songs.

I just don't get this, same issue I had with Flit himself. Yurin was in the show for about 10 minutes that wasn't quick cuts and had hardly any character development what so ever. She was a complete non factor and yet I was supposed to believe that she was some how special enough to commit genocide on an entire race of people?

Sorry just can't get behind it.

Woolf was the best thing about AGE.

RIP, Woolf.

Now this I will agree with.

Now if they had actually based the show around him, it might have actually been worth watching. That said, given how Hino talked about him afterwords, I really do believe that Woolf was only great by accident and not because of how Hino intended him to be.


This page needs more Gunpla.

I bought this the other day. I'll probably start it this weekend at my friend's little art studio in his apartment.


I never hated anyone as much as Desil in the Gundam franchise when he killed poor Yurin.

It was my fault for getting attached to Yurin but dammit that girl did not deserve death!

The only good to come out of AGE as I'll always say was Gundam AGE 1 and 2 and the Opening and Ending songs.

I hated Desil but that's because he's an awful fucking terrible piece of shit son of a bitch child molester-invented mother fucking ear raping cliche as all hell character. I have seen teenagers pop zits more original than that throat cancer of a character.

Thank you for reminding me that there is in fact a character in the Gundam franchise who is so, so much worse than Quess Paraya. I had forgotten.

I just don't get this, same issue I had with Flit himself. Yurin was in the show for about 10 minutes that wasn't quick cuts and had hardly any character development what so ever. She was a complete non factor and yet I was supposed to believe that she was some how special enough to commit genocide on an entire race of people?

Sorry just can't get behind it.

Now this I will agree with.

Now if they had actually based the show around him, it might have actually been worth watching. That said, given how Hino talked about him afterwords, I really do believe that Woolf was only great by accident and not because of how Hino intended him to be.

Flit liked Yurin because he was a goddamn pedophile. The man's wife was still alive and his son and grandchild were right in front of him and what stops space Hitler
from nuking the Martian Jews?
A wet dream about a ten year old. Gods, but I had forgotten how truly awful Gundam AGE is. This reminder is the strength I will require to continue through Victory. Even though Uso is shaping up to be a little mini Hino. He isn't quite there, but the amount of times Uso gets his way versus the amount of times he's actually punished for fucking up is staggering. Especially considering he fucks up in a way that ends in someone's death EVERY EPISODE.

And Woolf was only cool because he was the only character in the show who said "Fuck being an X-Rounder that shit is lame."
You really can't call someone a pedophile if they are the same age as the person they have a crush on.

They really should have had more interactions between Urine and Flit, so it wasn't so odd that he was so emotionally invested in her, but is he a pedophile? Not really.

Edit: Lol Urine. God damn auto correct.
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