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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I think it would only have Raiser if it's a new Vs title.

Personally, I don't really like the design for the Raiser. Too chunky with the Raiser on its back. I don't really understand why it's so popular, but I do like the Qan.

Dynasty Gundam 3 has 00 Raiser so a new Dynasty Gundam will have it for sure.

I think 00 Raiser is so popular because it calls back to Gundam Wing and Wing Zero with Raiser acting as the wings. Not to mention the beautiful GN Particle effects. Exia and 00 are both slick with their GN blades, Raiser extension just makes the overall build more appealing to me at least.

Qan I like as well but its GN blade design is something to hate.


Dynasty Gundam 3 has 00 Raiser so a new Dynasty Gundam will have it for sure.

I think 00 Raiser is so popular because it calls back to Gundam Wing and Wing Zero with Raiser acting as the wings. Not to mention the beautiful GN Particle effects. Exia and 00 are both slick with their GN blades, Raiser extension just makes the overall build more appealing to me at least.

Qan I like as well but its GN blade design is something to hate.

Now you're confusing me. Shin Gundam Musou isn't for PS4. The PS4 Gundam game that was just announced doesn't have any info, and I'm pretty sure it's not Shin Gundam Musou.
Am I incorrect? I may not be following.

I like the Exia. I just think the big, clunky pieces of metal on the back don't look too good.
Now you're confusing me. Shin Gundam Musou isn't for PS4. The PS4 Gundam game that was just announced doesn't have any info, and I'm pretty sure it's not Shin Gundam Musou.
Am I incorrect? I may not be following.

I like the Exia. I just think the big, clunky pieces of metal on the back don't look too good.

No you have it right.

Shin Gundam Musou isn't Dynasty Warrior Gundam 4 is the point I'm getting at and when 4 eventually comes out, it will have most of 00 Gundams.

As for the new PS4 Gundam game, besides being based in 0079 Uni century, I'm hopeing for some cameo from 00 and other Gundam shows. Especially Unicorn which should be a given.

Exia is alright, 00 was an improvement. Raiser is bit clunky when standing still but when in motion, it looks epic.


No you have it right.

Shin Gundam Musou isn't Dynasty Warrior Gundam 4 is the point I'm getting at and when 4 eventually comes out, it will have most of 00 Gundams.

As for the new PS4 Gundam game, besides being based in 0079 Uni century, I'm hopeing for some cameo from 00 and other Gundam shows. Especially Unicorn which should be a given.

Exia is alright, 00 was an improvement. Raiser is bit clunky when standing still but when in motion, it looks epic.

Ahh! Now I getcha. I really love a lot of the mechs in Unicorn, so I'm pretty excited. I was very happy to play Full Boost the other day as Marida in the Banshee. Next time I play it, I will play as the Rozen Zulu!! Woo!
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 27

Don't listen to the narrator - Uso's foe might be pretty unexpected (to him), but she's all too familiar.
Katejina blames Uso for taking things this far - says he forced her hand to become a pilot. And I suppose she'd be happy to let Marbet or Junko kick Chronicle's ass repeatedly?
Man, all this collateral damage. At least one of the common descriptions of this show is accurate - Kate just straight up doesn't give a fuck.

Apparently somebody has been whispering rumors of a competent matriarchy into Kate's ears, which is another reason why she wants to start fighting. Either Chronicle's started using moves from old Pappy Scirocco, or she's extrapolated way, way too much from Queen Maria's attempts to secure her female heir.

Kate's good, but not good enough to avoid a Bottom Fighter to the chest.
both legs, son

The ports are closed again, so people are pretty much trapped in an enclosed space with two giant death machines. I guess they spent all of the capital's excess funds on wax for the guillotine instead of on plans for a proper emergency evacuation procedure or something.

Marbet is just the best wingman. I gotta gif two shots in particular:



Oliver and the League Militaire bust into the colony to disrupt the ceremony - they're about 16 minutes too late, but they're just in time to create a distraction for Marbet and Uso to bail. It's a risky plan, though; they're woefully outmatched, and they can't really pull off a hit and run with such a large breadth between the Reinforce JR and the troops.

Man, Kate learns fast. She caught up with Uso, read his horribly wasteful attempt at launching the Top Fighter at her, and shot it down nearly point blank, which caused an explosion that sent Uso flying. She seems way better at moving around in space than he is as well. Kate would have finished him off too, if Junko hadn't traded blows with her and taken the hit for Uso. Junko, Uso and the other kids get patched up on the Reinforce.

The league's big plan is to use the Kelias Guilie's Big Cannon from a distance in order to blast a path through the Zanscare fleets. It's a more sophisticated plan than invoking irritable intestines, at any rate. Unfortunately, it depended on the Federation soldiers being competent enough to hold the line, so there were bound to be complications.

Uso heads out to run support, but there wasn't enough time to finish repairs. He heads out in the Core Fighter and runs interference for about 50 seconds, then the crew sends out a pair of Top and Bottom Fighters. I'm entirely certain that those 50 seconds were really important. They were definitely the most productive part of his sortie, since he gets caught up in a spider web formation by Chronicle and Katejina. Junko barrels in out of nowhere with another EZ, break's Chronicle's hold and goes in for the killing strike, only for Stump-Leg Kate to counter-cut and slice Junko's mech in half. Junko just can't win today.

Chronicle uses the distraction to plant a bomb on the Kelias Guilie's control relay or something. I guess BESPA had enough sense to tie up loose ends after all. Junko caught him in the act, and she and Uso managed to chase Chronicle off; she tries to (stubbornly) disarm the bomb herself, but it blows up in her face, and we get an odd, lingering shot of her screaming in shock, in that weird, naked, transcendent way that other pilots have kicked the bucket in earlier shows. RIP in peace, Junko.

Uso's pretty shaken up, but there's no time for tears - the Big Cannon still has to be fired, and Uso's close enough to do it manually. With some instructions from command, he gets it up and running, and preps the firing mechanism, which seams to be a gun model. The boy trained on an arcade cab, and now he gets to slaughter waves of soldiers with a Zapper. Or maybe it's a Light Phaser.
As the cannon charges up, Chronicle and Kate are understandably concerned; seriously, who the hell operates stuff manually when the remote control is broken? Thankfully, Chronicle brought his third brain cell today; he orders Kate to fire on his abandoned suit, hoping that the blast will knock the cannon off course. For Uso's part, he got all his mourning in while the cannon was charging; he fired right on cue, so he can't be blamed too much for the cannon being knocked off course. Chronicle, on the other hand, can be blamed for only knocking the cannon slightly off course - the blast took out a bunch of ships anyway. It's a big red blast, too - maybe the cannon's a reference to Zillion or something. Shakti has a slight grip of terror because, y'know, she can hear everyone dying and junk.
The fleets retreat, and Uso makes his way back to Reinforce.

Overall, this episode was fairly fast paced. It seemed like most of the space episodes have been pretty sluggish - they tend to hang on what seems like small segments of character interaction or pockets of conflict. However, episode 24 and this one covered a lot of ground, and it feels like something substantial happened.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 28

Apparently, that stunt with the Big Cannon was a gamble, and although it still payed out in the LM's favor, they're almost out of supplies. Their main plan was to book it to Macedonia, another space colony, and sort things out there, but apparently Macedonia has also fallen under Zanscare control. So they were captured.
Even in the far, far, far future, the Feds can't keep a steady stream of updates between command and the troops on the front lines. Some things never change, I guess.

I guess Zanscare troops are the same way, since there are still quite a few soldiers who are shocked to see children on a military ship. Or maybe the soldiers who met them and lived to tell the tale don't want word to spread that they were beaten by a attack force headed by a kid.

Meanwhile, Chronicle gets a promotion for trying to stop the Big Cannon - he's now Commander of the Motorad Corps oh wait fuck

The bike ships. And they're in space. Damn it.

Anyway, Kate gets dragged along.

Meanwhile, Uso and the boys are put to work on the fields, while Shakti and Suzy are stuck washing clothes. Nevermind that, though - Marbet and Oliver are getting hitched in prison! It's supposedly a ruse to get the guards' guard down, but Uso's jealous as all get out anyway. And the doc is technically qualified, so they're still technically married. And Haro's been repaired! Truely a wonderful day - or as wonderful as a day can get in a prison camp.

Bagi, Cineau and Kate sortie in mechs with big ass wheels. In space. And they're capable of flight. In space. I'm not really pissed, but it's an eccentric design for sure. Cideau decides that 'Chronicle's woman' needs some hazing, and Kate's decided that she's still doing this for Shakti.

Uso and the boys decide to bust out after the festivities, but that plan is abandoned when a transport appears to escort Shakti from the premises. Meanwhile, Marbet and Oliver have a heart-to-heart about their relationship, which has been going for a while now (which explains the tension from earlier, when the Shrike Team wasn't nearly wiped out). However, the LM, at this point, are well versed at making lemonade out of sour lemons, and they try to get the drop on the guards.

Not that it matters, since the Motorad Corps comes careening in on their flying saucers/unibike mecha (from SPACE), and start trashing the facility for their test run, for some reason. Seems like intermilitary rivalry. In any case, this creates a diversion that lets the whole camp escape. The pilots head to the city to retrieve the conviscated Victory suits (about 5(!!)), while the others head towards the Reinforce. This, in turn, prompts the Corps to pull their heads out of their asses and assist the Macedonian amry. Well, it prompts them to assist the Macedonian army, in any case.

They get in the suits, but they're waylaid by the Corps, who decided that using high explosives in a colony was a great idea. Most of the team gets wrecked, and Uso tries to shake off Kate underground. I might have been one episode off, but it was worth the wait to see this chase in context.

Turns out that Macedonian mechanics can't fix mechs for shit - the Victory starts falling apart after the slightest collision. That explains how the other pilots were overwhelmed so easily, and that doesn't bode well for the crew that's headed towards the Reinforce Junior.

Eventually, Uso is captured. Kate guesses that it's Uso because he's so reckles; Uso figures he's been caught by Kate because anyone else would have killed him by now. And apparently he's a distinct chatterbox. Cideau goads Kate into killing him, but Kate puts the kibosh on that by pointing out Uso may be a Newtype, which piques Cideau's interest.

Nice little bits of backstory and world-building all around this episode. Seeing all 5 of the assembled Victory Gundams assembled gives a much broader picture of how thoroughly boned the LM was at the start of the series.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 27

Katejina and Uso fight. Katejina spouts some stupid bullshit as anyone would were they forced to hang around the improbable existence that is Cronicle Asshair. And as she is a girl well versed in idiotic moves by now, she uses her beam rifle inside the colony to make sure that she kills as many of her own people as she can. Marbet gets pissed off and then her MS's arm gets sliced off.

~~-some stuff happens-~~

Junko blew up.

Uso fires some big spacecannon that looks a bit like dick with balls and that ends up destroying a lot of the enemy's fleet.

Episode 28

The gang is thrown into a prison camp, but it's chill.
Oliver and Marbet get married.
Katejina gets a new MS - the Gedlov. It looks stupid but I would probably be more shocked if I hadn't seen that thing before in Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus.

GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 29

And that's not even the craziest part of the episode. It just keeps on going.

Unless Cronicle Shitpickle makes an appearance this could be really really good.

A seriously funny first half.

~interlude~ Flanders finally crashes to the ground off from the now enormous Haro.

And here comes Cronicle to ruin all my fun. I wish I had some bad alcohol laying around here somewhere.

Ok I somehow managed to survive that fucker's appearance.

Uso gets into the V2 Gundam! A pretty cool introduction to the suit. And it was developed by Uso's mother. That's pretty much like Arno, his mom and F91.

The best episode of Victory so far. Hopefully it stays this entertaining from here on out.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 29

Actually, hold on a second.

GundamGAF Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 28, Part 2

I just realized: with the interference from Chronicle's new corps, that wedding was kind of pointless as a distraction, wasn't it?

GundamGAF Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 29, for real this time

Yeesh, some soldier got checked by one of the Victory Gundams head on, right off the bat. He probably broke every bone in his body. Speaking of the Victory, it's kind of neat seeing so many of them assembled in one spot.

Man, what is it about BESPA pilots and their propensity for molesting their hostages? Everything about the average soldier's MO is seedy as hell. Most branches of BESPA make the Jupiter Empire look stalwart.

Haro basically saved the day again. And it bears repeating that the Macedonians' shoddy repair work ended up being a greater threat to the League than their actual army.

It's cool that the White Ark and the V2 made their debuts this episode, but it all seems so nonchalant. The kids just roll up with all this gear like it's no big thing. But considering how powerful the V2 is, it's the best thing since sliced bread.

I'm shocked that the black(?) pilot lasted more than one episode. I'm even more surprised that he went out so violently. He was exterminated with extreme prejudice, pardon the term. Uso blew him the fuck UP.


Been playing a lot of SRWZ2.2 so far and I gotta say, as far as 00 goes, I kinda feel like Setsuna is the only one whose new Gundam is cooler, and even then I dunno. I mean, the 00 is a slick suit, but the Exia had the 7-sword combo and that was like, the best move out of 00 period. But I mean, Cherudim ain't got NOTHIN' on Dynames. Just as Lockon 2 is inferior, so, too, is his Gundam. I guess Arios could be better than Kyrios, I don't have anything against it, but where I'm split is that Seravee. The Seravee itself isn't as cool as the Virtue/Nadleh, but it's multi-armed business and 2-Gundams for the price of one is pretty nice.

The point is, though, Cherudim isn't half as good as Dynames. Dynames is like in my top ten Gundams for sure, Cherudim no no and no.

Turn A Gundam 40

The moonrace have advanced technology capable of letting them train dolphins and ride them underwater with scuba gear. They're capable of interplanetary flight, mobile suit manufacturing, and goodness knows what else. They have TV.

Why does their society look as primitive as the Earth's, then?

Victory Gundam 20

I'm sorry, is this a dating sim, or a war we're having here? Uso, how do you suddenly ask Junko if she likes Oliver in the middle of a fire fight? Bright would slap you one just for wasting his time, son. I mean c'moooooooon. Even Judau and his team of rag-tag no rules teenagers never did stupid stuff like this during combat. Cronicle is a huge babby whining that Gundam should not be the name of mobile suits that, you know, look EXACTLY LIKE GUNDAMS.
Even Judau and his team of rag-tag no rules teenagers never did stupid stuff like this during combat..


I think you forgot about the episode where Judau thought it would be a good idea to rig his own mobile suit with explosives. Not to mention all the episodes where they were fighting with their cockpits open FOR NO REASON.



I think you forgot about the episode where Judau thought it would be a good idea to rig his own mobile suit with explosives. Not to mention all the episodes where they were fighting with their cockpits open FOR NO REASON.

Stupid as that stuff was, it isn't what I'm talking about. I mean during combat they never did anything dumb like "Hey Roux do you like Beecha or Mondo most?" Like, the best I can think of is that they all sort of just accepted Bright's not-relationship with Emary. Plus fighting with the cockpit open was shorthand for "doesn't really know what he's doing yet" in ZZ Gundam.


I was playing Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost today at the arcade, about to beat the last stage with the Rozen Zulu, when some guy challenged me and kicked my ass. I was unable to return to fighting the boss. I was quite sad. I think I hate the Hi-ν Gundam, now (that's what the guy murdered me with). I'm excited for the home version of the game, so that I can play with my friends who won't outright destroy me without me getting a hit in.


Turn A Gundam 41

Kinda unusual to see Dianna so protective of her throne. I mean, not because it doesn't make sense, it's just that ruling has been the last thing on her mind for so long that when it finally comes time to stake her right to rule, it just seems unusual. I suppose she's being so aggressive about it because Agrippa is the biggest of losers. She'd likely be far more lax with a more competent ruler instead. Agrippa's current position reminds me of that dude from the cross-dressing episode of ZZ Gundam, who also was a bit too forward with his interests in women and also was under pressure from an imposing Spacer Queen.

I wonder how they'll wrap all of this up in 9 episodes? I mean there's still all that stuff about Poe and what'shisname down on Earth to sort out, too (who's defending the Amerians from the Dianna Counter Remnants?) and suddenly we're going into some interesting territory here regarding the Dark History.

Apparently it entered into the heads of the spaceborn at some point that if they wanted to fight the Earth's rule, rather than drop colonies or asteroids, they should fight fire with fire. So where the Turn A Gundam was made, they, be they the spaceborn or the Lunarians or whoever, built the Turn X. I'm hesitant to call the Turn X a Gundam because it looks less like one than the Turn A, but if it isn't a class similar to the Turn A, why use the name at all?

Victory Gundam 21

More pointless teenage antics during a fight. This is why I can't accept that the teens in ZZ behaved like generic anime types. To me, this is the epitome of generic anime type actions, with Uso being obsessed with Marbet/Junko/Oliver's love triangle, Odelo pitching a bitch fit because he can't be near his crush as Warren obsesses over the crush that is aboard. Judau was about one thing and one thing only: imouto. Dude was gonna protect the FUCK out of all the imoutos of the universe, and he didn't have time to worry about Beecha and Mondo being subpar characters. The worst of this I can remember is that the team had a hard time accepting someone as incredibawesome as Roux at first, and Elle spent some time jealous of her, with Beecha spending time thinking Judau was still the center of Elle's affections. But the team was sort of balanced out by the presence of people like Tores and Fa, who'd seen some shit.

Uso and Cronicle haven't seen some shit, they've just BEEN shit.

Which brings me to my biggest gripes of this episode. A fucking SPACE SHIP EXPLODES AND BLOWS OTHER SPACE SHIPS AND MOBILE SUITS TO PIECES. Now, I know nukes are a big deal but surely a chain reaction of multiple battleships and mobile suits exploding nigh simultaneously has got to be a big explosion, right?

Cronicle is like ten feet from the first ship when it explodes and he's totally fine. Could've died then and there, but NOOOOOOO. Nevermind this guy ALWAYS has a new MS and its always a new color. Some Char clone he's turning out to be here. I mean, why was he sortieing so late? Because he'd just finished fucking his prisoner again? What the hell's the deal with his creepy relationship with Katejina, anyway?

And here's the real kicker. Katejina. Let's ignore that what she is doing has no fucking motive or logic right now. Let's ignore that if she really was a spy and not just Cronicle's Terran booty-call like she seems to be, she'd think twice about what she did in this episode. Let's ignore the fact that for the five millionth time she's abandoned Shakti to take care of a baby and a dog and a little girl without so much as a good bye.

Katejina rushes into a fucking fire-fight in space. We're talking men with guns on the hulls and in the halls of space-ships firing future laser bullets at each other. We're talking giant robots with laser shields, swords, and guns and missiles and shields that bounce these things at one another fighting in space in a terrible, bloody struggle for dominance of the solar empire. We're talking space ships firing massive rounds of charged particle energy beams capable of punching holes in colony walls like a bullet through wet tissue paper. All of these things are EXPLODING THE FUCK UP right now. There is hellfire and bullet hail everywhere and in every direction because there's no such thing as up and down in space so people are firing like mad in every direction right this minute.

Katejina, who isn't a trained anything but a professional bitch, flies out in a hover scooter and doesn't get hit by any of it. And this isn't even a small hover board, either.

Why must the bad characters live on?
Stupid as that stuff was, it isn't what I'm talking about. I mean during combat they never did anything dumb like "Hey Roux do you like Beecha or Mondo most?" Like, the best I can think of is that they all sort of just accepted Bright's not-relationship with Emary. Plus fighting with the cockpit open was shorthand for "doesn't really know what he's doing yet" in ZZ Gundam.

There was also that episode after Dublin where they were talking about who would go well with who. That struck me as such a kiddy thing to do. But that was on their way to combat, not during combat like you said.

Uso's basically a chatterbox. Just blah blah blah all the time. I got that impression after he practically gave the old timers a guided tour through his parent's base in episode 10. It's not a good excuse, but him asking Junko that question was childish, and Uso is still a child, even with all that blood on his hands.


There was also that episode after Dublin where they were talking about who would go well with who. That struck me as such a kiddy thing to do. But that was on their way to combat, not during combat like you said.

Uso's basically a chatterbox. Just blah blah blah all the time. I got that impression after he practically gave the old timers a guided tour through his parent's base in episode 10. It's not a good excuse, but him asking Junko that question was childish, and Uso is still a child, even with all that blood on his hands.

I dunno, it just seems completely bizarre. I mean, Judau and his friends were goofy, yeah, they were the more light-hearted side of being teens after Zeta's "here is why you shouldn't let moody teens run the show" but they still had their acts together during the big space battles. Uso . . .

I dunno really what I feel about Uso. He's a doofus, honestly. He's just a huge, colossal dweeb. But I mean, Amuro was a brat, Kamille was messed up, and Judau was a punk, so it isn't abnormal for a Gundam protagonist to be uncool at first. That's part of their charm, really, I suppose. Uso does some dumb stuff, and I'm gonna ride him for it, but I'm willing to bet that I'll come around toward him in the next 30 episodes.

Cronicle, Katejina, and Shakti/Karlman are all among the worst characters Late UC has ever crapped out, and 30 episodes will not change my opinion of any of them, I bet.

Well, no, I suppose I may wind up hating one substantially more than the others. Shakti could save herself by ditching Karlman, but otherwise this new plot line for her is not one at all.

Turn A Gundam 41


The Turn A Gundam didn't just FIGURE into the cataclysm that caused the end of the Earth Federation, it CAUSED it? HO DAMN SON. I mean, this whole episode was full of crazy revelations and ominous portent, but that takes the cake. That said, we also had the claim that the Mahiroo team has been "fighting in space for 2-3 thousand years". Fighting what? Remnants of the colonies? Remnants of the Jovians and Martians? Also "The Butterfly". Also THE TURN X GUNDAM.


Turn A Gundam 42






I don't know what I saw.

I mean that was DEFINITELY the Endless Waltz Sandrock Custom, and that was DEFINITELY the X Gundam and that was DEFINITELY the colony drop from the beginning of MSG. How? How are Endless Waltz and X canon to Universal Century? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

I mean let's set aside what we've known all along, that this show is the end of the Universal Century. Let's put aside the fairly easy to guess, that the colonies have indeed left the Earth, and that the Earth and Moon fell into ruin. Let's forget all that for a minute.

WHY DID IS SEE LEOS AND SANDROCK SLICING SERPENTS? How is that possible AT ALL? How is After Colony part of this time line? How does that world even fit this? I got nothing for you folks. Other than that apparently everything is true and that all Gundam series take place at once now. So basically Kira and Amuro just sort of lived hilariously parallel lives that no one ever commented on. This is the Super Robot Wars of Gundam shows. The fuck.

And now that I've said that: FUCKING BUTTERFLY INDUCED APOCALYPSE. This entire scenario was devised by Iron Butterfly while on the MADDEST of acid trips. I mean what in the fuck? How can ANYONE say ANYTHING about S. Freedom's Light Wings or Wing Zero C.'s Angel Wings when the Turn A Gundam has NANOMACHINE INDUCED APOCALYPSES!?

I was so wrong. Everyone else was right. My theory about this show was never going to be crazy enough. I mean, how could it? How could anyone foresee this, even twenty episodes in? "Shocking!" Dark History indeed!


Thinking about the upcoming final OVA of Unicorn, I keep thinking back to past Gundam series and the "final sortie" before the Final Battles respectively.

Funny enough, I think Gundam SEED still remains memorable to me simply due to the music: Tachiagare! Okori Yo

The entire scene when this music starts was a great hype builder. I wish I could find a clip of the scene on YouTube.
I was so wrong. Everyone else was right. My theory about this show was never going to be crazy enough. I mean, how could it? How could anyone foresee this, even twenty episodes in? "Shocking!" Dark History indeed!
Spoilers, side material gets even crazier. The technical manual for Turn A pretty much says that the version you see in the anime is a busted up old clunker compared to what it can really do.

Oh and


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Thinking about the upcoming final OVA of Unicorn, I keep thinking back to past Gundam series and the "final sortie" before the Final Battles respectively.

Funny enough, I think Gundam SEED still remains memorable to me simply due to the music: Tachiagare! Okori Yo

The entire scene when this music starts was a great hype builder. I wish I could find a clip of the scene on YouTube.
The whole OST of both SEED and SEED Destiny are simply excellent, and the Symphonic Suites are absolutely glorious.

Shame the series themselves are merely decent and a horrible hilarious trainwreck respectively.


The whole OST of both SEED and SEED Destiny are simply excellent, and the Symphonic Suites are absolutely glorious.

Shame the series themselves are merely decent and a horrible hilarious trainwreck respectively.

Agreed. I really like the SEED soundtrack.


The whole OST of both SEED and SEED Destiny are simply excellent, and the Symphonic Suites are absolutely glorious.

Shame the series themselves are merely decent and a horrible hilarious trainwreck respectively.

Also, Tanaka Rie's voice is beautiful.
I dunno, it just seems completely bizarre. I mean, Judau and his friends were goofy, yeah, they were the more light-hearted side of being teens after Zeta's "here is why you shouldn't let moody teens run the show" but they still had their acts together during the big space battles. Uso . . .

I dunno really what I feel about Uso. He's a doofus, honestly. He's just a huge, colossal dweeb. But I mean, Amuro was a brat, Kamille was messed up, and Judau was a punk, so it isn't abnormal for a Gundam protagonist to be uncool at first. That's part of their charm, really, I suppose. Uso does some dumb stuff, and I'm gonna ride him for it, but I'm willing to bet that I'll come around toward him in the next 30 episodes.

Cronicle, Katejina, and Shakti/Karlman are all among the worst characters Late UC has ever crapped out, and 30 episodes will not change my opinion of any of them, I bet.

Well, no, I suppose I may wind up hating one substantially more than the others. Shakti could save herself by ditching Karlman, but otherwise this new plot line for her is not one at all.

Turn A Gundam 41


The Turn A Gundam didn't just FIGURE into the cataclysm that caused the end of the Earth Federation, it CAUSED it? HO DAMN SON. I mean, this whole episode was full of crazy revelations and ominous portent, but that takes the cake. That said, we also had the claim that the Mahiroo team has been "fighting in space for 2-3 thousand years". Fighting what? Remnants of the colonies? Remnants of the Jovians and Martians? Also "The Butterfly". Also THE TURN X GUNDAM.


Turn A Gundam 42






I don't know what I saw.

I mean that was DEFINITELY the Endless Waltz Sandrock Custom, and that was DEFINITELY the X Gundam and that was DEFINITELY the colony drop from the beginning of MSG. How? How are Endless Waltz and X canon to Universal Century? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

I mean let's set aside what we've known all along, that this show is the end of the Universal Century. Let's put aside the fairly easy to guess, that the colonies have indeed left the Earth, and that the Earth and Moon fell into ruin. Let's forget all that for a minute.

WHY DID IS SEE LEOS AND SANDROCK SLICING SERPENTS? How is that possible AT ALL? How is After Colony part of this time line? How does that world even fit this? I got nothing for you folks. Other than that apparently everything is true and that all Gundam series take place at once now. So basically Kira and Amuro just sort of lived hilariously parallel lives that no one ever commented on. This is the Super Robot Wars of Gundam shows. The fuck.

And now that I've said that: FUCKING BUTTERFLY INDUCED APOCALYPSE. This entire scenario was devised by Iron Butterfly while on the MADDEST of acid trips. I mean what in the fuck? How can ANYONE say ANYTHING about S. Freedom's Light Wings or Wing Zero C.'s Angel Wings when the Turn A Gundam has NANOMACHINE INDUCED APOCALYPSES!?

I was so wrong. Everyone else was right. My theory about this show was never going to be crazy enough. I mean, how could it? How could anyone foresee this, even twenty episodes in? "Shocking!" Dark History indeed!

It doesn't need to make sense, it was the 20th Anniversary Gundam show and Tomino was just being Tomino. What an awesome show Turn A was.
I consider Turn A to be the end of "Classic Gundam". They could have ended the franchise there and it would have seemed fitting.

In several ways, as much as I hate Seed and Seed Destiny, the CE shows were basically a franchise reboot. They revitalized the fanbase, which had become tired by the the onslaught of shows in the 90s. X and Turn A's ratings were pretty terrible (I think AGE's were worse though?). After Turn A, it must have been somewhat of a scary time to be a Gundam fan. The 20th anniversary show basically bombed. I wonder if Gundam fans thought the franchise was finished?

With regards to Tomino, with Turn A, it seemed to me that he was basically saying "This is the final thing I had to say on this subject". I'm curious to see what G's Reconquista is going to be like.
With regards to Tomino, with Turn A, it seemed to me that he was basically saying "This is the final thing I had to say on this subject". I'm curious to see what G's Reconquista is going to be like.

Tomino's original plan was for Turn A Space, which wasn't going to be Gundam (but tie in all of his shows togethers). But then Sunrise came along and was like "No, it's Gundam or nothing."


Tomino's original plan was for Turn A Space, which wasn't going to be Gundam (but tie in all of his shows togethers). But then Sunrise came along and was like "No, it's Gundam or nothing."

Is that why Turn A doesn't look like the typical Gundam/has an awesome mustache?
Is that why Turn A doesn't look like the typical Gundam/has an awesome mustache?

It's probably partly that, but it was also designed by Syd Mead.


Turn A Gundam is designed by Syd Mead, for the series Turn A Gundam. The original design of the mecha was rejected by Yoshiyuki Tomino due to its exotic appearance and Tomino decided that he wanted a figure that is closer to the previous Gundam designs. The old design was renamed and used for the Mobile Suit Sumo instead.[1] The design is still exotic to Gundam anime fans, however, Syd Mead designed Turn A Gundam using real world industrial design aspects, which was aimed to make it look simple and realistic.[2] The shield was designed by Syd Mead with little constraint from the production team, it needed to be big enough so that the suit can hide behind it, making it easier for the anime production staff to draw. Syd Mead imagined it to be like a clam shell and finally settled with a design that looked like MS-14 Gelgoog's shield.[3]
In the eyes of most viewers, the design of Turn A Gundam is comical, however, it is designed to be a figure like the fire of Prometheus. With the earthrace using a lot of old age technology uncovered from mountain cycle that hides superior machines from the old world, the suit was also designed to be outstanding but looking like the ones the moonrace possess, acting like a Deus ex Machina where the inferior earthnoids obtained by luck.[4]
Tomino addressed his little disappointment in the design of Turn A Gundam not having good reception, but he commented that it was happy to see that it was not pointless work as Turn A was selected as the 100th Master Grade model.[2]
Tomino addressed his little disappointment in the design of Turn A Gundam not having good reception, but he commented that it was happy to see that it was not pointless work as Turn A was selected as the 100th Master Grade model.

I can only imagine that being the cause because Turn A turned out to be incredibly unpopular and Bandai execs were stuck with a bunch of worthless plastic on their hands.
I kind of liked the ending of 0083. Epic colony drop and Gato's last stand were pretty neat. So was the rise of the Titans montage, and the GP cover up stuff. It would have been better if it ended with Uraki getting executed though.


I think what I hated about 0083's ending was the following:

Yet another colony drop.
Nina Purpleton's sudden relationship with Gato and betrayal of Kou on the spot.
Kou and Nina somehow still happy to see one another despite this in the final scene.

Show's ending felt like a huge mess to me. But I hadn't seen Zeta yet, so the Titans reveal meant like, nothing to me.

Beth Cyra

I think what I hated about 0083's ending was the following:

Yet another colony drop.
Nina Purpleton's sudden relationship with Gato and betrayal of Kou on the spot.
Kou and Nina somehow still happy to see one another despite this in the final scene.

Show's ending felt like a huge mess to me. But I hadn't seen Zeta yet, so the Titans reveal meant like, nothing to me.
I had watched Zeta, and that still couldn't over write the awfulness of Nina's exsistence.
How the hell can you get tired of Colony Drops? They're literally the most awesome thing in the franchise, and for the show to get so balls deep into the thick of a colony drop was just awesome.

I'm curious, Corvo. Once you finish Turn A and Victory, are you going to watch X?
Zeta Movie 1

Halfway through. This show is awesome. Although tingling senses or feeling parts are kind of funny. Especially
Jebrid being contacted by Solid Lila. Hiss.

This is awesome.

Beth Cyra

How the hell can you get tired of Colony Drops? They're literally the most awesome thing in the franchise, and for the show to get so balls deep into the thick of a colony drop was just awesome.

I'm curious, Corvo. Once you finish Turn A and Victory, are you going to watch X?

Eh, can't speak for Corvo obviously, but to me the colony drops are just meh. I can't think of a single one that has really done anything for me and that ranges from Axis to Op Meteor.
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