Yeah, silly stuff. If they aren't newtypes or something analogous to newtypes with psychic powers, spare us the trippy telepathic sequences, Sunrise.
In other news, next week is going to be pretty sweet. Volume 3 of Origin will be out, and it focuses on one of the most bad ass characters in the franchise. Not to mention, presumably, it will also have "the speech".
Can't wait to see how both Ramba Ral and Garma's funeral will be portrayed.
Don't forget though, that Kira IS a Newtype. SRW may disagree, but he has the Newtype flash going on.
I felt the same way. It seemed quite out of character to me. So harsh, man.
Sometimes Jesus is a jerk.
Victory Gundam 23
-Karlmann shrieks like the demon pig that he is even when allegedly happy. I have NEVER seen this horrible fiend shut up. I'm going to be a terrible father some day.
-Speaking of bad parenting: "Hey Shakti this white lady is your mom! She doesn't look even remotely like you, and is the Queen of a brutal, violent and stupid (they're a spacenoid empire, that goes without saying) regime which violently executes people! Yay don't you feel so happy at meeting this woman claiming to be your mother with only "blood tests" that you have not been shown as her proof?"
-No Shakti has not been constantly fighting Cronicle she's done like, even less than you, which I grant isn't saying much because you've done about as much fighting as fucking Flanders you lazy ass, sorry, pathetic excuse for a Char clone.
-Speaking of how awful you are, Cronicle, you do realize you just told a frightened little girl, who has seen your men kill people and threaten to rape people (like seriously, the Zeon, Cosmo Babylonians, and Jovians never seemed even remotely as rapey as the Zanscare) that if she doesn't accept the woman who condones the brutal, public execution of her political opponents as her mother, as opposed to the woman who raised her as her own, that she will be instead choosing to accept a return to the war.
You know, the war that this so called mother of hers has started and perpetuates and does nothing with her title of Queen to stop, nor shows any sign of regretting, feeling, or giving a fuck about at all. This war that is this woman's fault, and whom the support of would be, in fact, a resolution to return to the battlefield, as opposed to running away, which is a very reasonable thing to do when a frightened little girl is having a big, ugly guy shout in her face.
I want to call Victory the AGE of UC, but I think it would be more fair to call it the 00 of UC. Great music, well animated, some good fights and mechanical designs, but a plot so shitty that it could only have been ass-crafted by the royal Poopsmith himself. AGE has more in common with the plot, but it didn't have good music, and the mechanical designs look like something that captain hook would have drawn with his one good hand behind his back and a bad case of explosive diarrhea.
You want to know why Gundam started to falter, look no further than Victory. Thank goodness it was followed up with the stellar Turn A.
I don't know if it is the show's quality or just that I've watched SO MUCH Gundam that I'm just tired of some of it, but I really can barely pay attention to a full episode of this right now. I'll get like six minutes into an episode and wish it was over already.