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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I rather like Victory, but I think I'm in the minority there.

Anyway, I think the key reason they are so "different" is that you're seeing Tomino at the height of his depression vs Tomino not depressed. Tomino was going through a tough time while he was working on Victory, aggravated by the fact that he was not happy with the Bandai - Sunrise merger that had recently taken place. Furthermore, it seems like there was a decent amount of executive meddling during the Victory production. This can most be seen by the fact that Episode 1 was supposed to be after Episode 5. Bandai insisted on showing a Gundam in the first episode though


Are Victory and Turn A both pretty much written by Tomino? How come one is so shit while the other is so amazing?

Thanks! I'm glad someone read my rambling. Even better if it was actually fun.

1. Because Victory has shit like Cronicle Asher and Katejina who don't do shit but are played serious the entire show, while Turn A outright mocks their kind with Phil and What's-her-name all the way. Also because unlike Uso, Loran isn't an unlikeable moron who is somehow a super badass even though he's dumber than the sack of shit that he is.

2. Anyone who can value the knife is where it is at.

I like Victory too!

Usso, Odello, and Marbet are chill af and V2>>>>*

I'll give you Marbet, but only because I don't think she belongs in the show.
1. Because Victory has shit like Cronicle Asher and Katejina who don't do shit but are played serious the entire show, while Turn A outright mocks their kind with Phil and What's-her-name all the way.

Well, now, I wouldn't say that. There's enough wiggle room to say that Katejina's treated as a threat, even though that's only because she's incredibly reckless, has access to better equipment, and usually has someone else taking point so that she's not always the focus of the enemy's fire. But Chronicle has been shown to be a chump as often as he's been shown to be competent, and for all his potential he's been dressed down as a career soldier by most other members of the Zanscare military.

I haven't watched in weeks, though, so I'll admit there's something I'm missing. I'm really only keeping up with the show for the combat and the .gifs, to be totally honest.

Also because unlike Uso, Loran isn't an unlikeable moron who is somehow a super badass even though he's dumber than the sack of shit that he is.

If there's anything I've learned from The Last Starfighter (and I've learned many life lessons from that film), it's that even the blandest, most slackjawed nitwit can become a genocidal scourge with intensive videogame training and convenient powerups. That's why Uso doing what he does isn't such a dealbreaker to me.

2. Anyone who can value the knife is where it is at.


I'll give you Marbet, but only because I don't think she belongs in the show.

Well, she is the coolest.


If Victory Gundam had been about Marbet and the Shrike Team, it would've been so much better.

Victory Gundam 30

-So fucking sick of Uso. I honestly think he is the worst protagonist in UC Gundam. Oh, sure, Kou was a HUGE loser, and Banagher is bland as hell, but I cannot think of a good thing to say about Uso. Just hearing his voice annoys me. So sick of seeing him beat the shit out of grown men, then turn around and be a putz. I can't. I just really can't. I'm sorry, but 30 episodes and I cannot do this. 30 episodes was time enough for ZZ to go from a doofy orange tossing game to Judau and the gang being amazing. But the more I watch this, the more I hate the cast, and especially Uso. He's so fucking, uuuuugh.

-Oh my God Uso's mother is basically Nina Purpleton. That explains a lot. Then again, the rumor that Uso is related to Char makes sense, too, given how lame Char was in CCA. On the other hand, CCA sucks and nobody was any good in that movie.

-It's a clip episode.

Fuck it. Just, so. Can't even. So done. 20 more episodes. It never ends. It cannot possibly improve. Such shit. So sick. not even words for this anymore. Why is it that a full 1/3 of the Gundam Franchise is complete and utter shit like this?
Victory Gundam 30

Fuck it. Just, so. Can't even. So done. 20 more episodes. It never ends. It cannot possibly improve. Such shit. So sick. not even words for this anymore. Why is it that a full 1/3 of the Gundam Franchise is complete and utter shit like this?

I encourage you to watch episode 32 so that your hate will pierce the skies. Now that was the point where I'd had enough of this shit.

At least some shit happens in 31, even if it still manages to be entirely boring. The mobile armor Zanscare unleashes in 32 is the epitome of stupidity and it needs to be seen.


I encourage you to watch episode 32 so that your hate will pierce the skies. Now that was the point where I'd had enough of this shit.

At least some shit happens in 31, even if it still manages to be entirely boring. The mobile armor Zanscare unleashes in 32 is the epitome of stupidity and it needs to be seen.

Is there another means of describing Mobile Armors?


Yeah, it's the peak of Victory Gundam for me. The peak of shit.

Have you also noticed that they've just
randomly added another member to the Shrike Team? I can't remember her name at the moment but I'm pretty sure she didn't get an introduction and she's definitely not one of the OG members. She just popped up one episode.
Have you also noticed that they've just
randomly added another member to the Shrike Team? I can't remember her name at the moment but I'm pretty sure she didn't get an introduction and she's definitely not one of the OG members. She just popped up one episode.

Hm, none of the faces stood out to me that way. I'm pretty certain I would have noticed. This calls for an investigation!

It's either her, her or her, right? I don't remember any of them at all. Like at all.

What an amazing cast of enchanting characters.

For reference, I think this picture is edited from the first appeance of the Shrike Team. Maybe it was not meant as them showing off the entire Shrike Team but maybe it was?




So the box art for the new MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW has been revealed:

Something interesting to me is the two suits Bandai has included in the art for this box... Vayeate and Mercurius! Why are they there?? Is Bandai teasing us? Hints of a future release?


Unless I'm mistaken, Victory was written when Tomino was at the height of his depression. If that is the case, it shows.

If I had written and put my name on a product like Victory Gundam, I would probably be depressed, too.
By how much it sucks, I mean. Victory Gundam is so bad.

Beth Cyra


So the box art for the new MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW has been revealed:

Something interesting to me is the two suits Bandai has included in the art for this box... Vayeate and Mercurius! Why are they there?? Is Bandai teasing us? Hints of a future release?
First, I just have to say they really couldn't have done better box art. The Rolling Twin Buster is easily Zero's most famous move and to capture it so well, and with Proto Zero instead of Zero EW makes it all the better.

Second, the choice to use Mercurious makes sense when you think that Quatre is the Pilot of Proto Zero and they would still want to link it Heero, and Heero pilots Merc in that shot.

Beyond that, while I do think that Merc is easily the most likely suit to get the MG treatment using the Leo Frame given it's pilot is indeed Heero and it's the only other Red from Wing, it being on the box art doesn't mean anything. Lets not forget the Mag Corp is heavily featured on Sandrock EW's boxart and no way we ever see any of them get MG's.

I would like to say one last time though before it's out, this will be the Dual Assualt Shroud for Wing and we will see Zero EW RM and Snow White eventually based on this model.

Is this one going to have MG 3.0 levels of detail? Will the Sazabi Ver. Ka at least be like the 3.0?

Armor wise? Not a chance. We've already seen the outer Armor and no real variations of any of the colors. As it stands it really doesn't seem as if they are going to try very hard to do it. None of the announced MG's really feature this. Strike Rouge Ootori, Wing Gundam Proto Zero don't and if we ever do see them go forward with AGE-3 Normal and FX then they are almost certainly not going to either.

Inner detail? I honestly don't think the 3.0 is all that special and Proto Zero could easily catch up, well so long as as one is okay with the swappable hands.

Sazabi Ver Ka will easily outdo Rx 3.0. Nu Ver Ka already easily out classes it and Sazabi will be on that level if not higher.

why does it say endless waltz? thats the wing zero from the tv series!

Gundam Wing Glory Of the Losers - The Wing Anime retelling features all of Katoki's redesigns, and he made a new one in this thing (it's actually not the TV version, it has several differences if you look closely) that is based heavily on the TV design and will link to Wing Gundam Zero EW.
Started on v3 of Gundam The Origin
chp 1-Ex

Had to be the best reaction so far in this. Poor Amuro, maybe next time. Though outside of the action there and delaying further showings, the passionate speech at the funeral was quite intense, though they made it hard to get into it with the extremely stylish Char at the bar there. The artist must have had extreme amounts of fun with Char as he continues to get all the best moments outfits and etc, bar scene, then the cell scene, and then even the boat scene with the indigenous folks. He's reaching Trays Kushrenada level of awesome. Though hopefully Char doesnt die :(
Does Katoki do designs for Frozen Teardrop? I might actually read it just to see his designs.

It's not a manga, I don't think. It's a light novel. The only pictures are pretty much the cover art.

I was waiting for Dedication Through Light's impression of Volume 3. I always wonder if he knows that Origin's basic story and characters are from a 30 year old television series. It doesn't seem like he does.

Beth Cyra

Does Katoki do designs for Frozen Teardrop? I might actually read it just to see his designs.

He has done the designs for everything Wing related (pretty much anyway) that is currently running.

He designed White Epyon, new Shuffle Alliance, all five Gundams as well as redesigns like Proto Zero and Altron EW which he gave back it's tail stinger.

That said, it is indeed a light novel and the only suit which we have been given full line art for is the uncompleted Prometheus Gundam. We've had glimpses of White Epyon, Queen Of Hearts, and Virgo IV's. Virgo IV was also talked about in one of the Gundam Perfect Files, but I don't believe it was shown.

Snow White has been partially shown multiple times, however thus far it hasn't shed it's Nano Cloak. Tallgeese Heaven was pretty much described as Tallgeese II with Angel Wings. We don't actually know if Snow White has any type of Wings, only that it emits Wing Gundam Zero energy and has the improved Zero System on board, which is also in White Epyon (Piloted by Wu Fei and of course called Nataku) and are the only two to actually have it.

Latest story spoilers.

Relena shot Heero in the chest with a 9mm, Black Wing Gundam Zero has appeared, though doesn't seem to be linked to Lucifer Gundam (If Lucifer is actually being taken into account) and Snow White's new big weapon is the Seven Dwarves, seemingly a Cross Bow like weapon.


Awhhh yeah.

I saw volume 3 of The Origin (Vertical Inc. release) at the foreign bookstore about a mile away from my apartment today. I'll be picking that up soon!!

Beth Cyra

Part of me wants to read Frozen Teardrop because it sounds like such a trainwreck.
It totally is. That said as time goes on you can recognize the individual plots could have been amazing.

Aged and jaded Duo who was unable to really integrate himself into normal life?

Back story about Relena's grand parents?

Mars Era and changes it brings?

They could have worked, you can even see it a few times as it is. The real problem is that he tried to do it all at once. None of these have time to breathe and really develope, worst of all Sumizawa has no idea how to weave them together so the moment one of ghem does start to pick up he will shift the story to another plot thread and completely tank the pacing of the entire story.


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 36

The most interesting thing this show has probably managed to do was have Uso
carry his dead mother's head around in a helmet

Chronicle and Katejina continue to be shit though.


If I had written and put my name on a product like Victory Gundam, I would probably be depressed, too.
By how much it sucks, I mean. Victory Gundam is so bad.

I'm not a regular on GundamGAF but I thought it was crazy people were doing a re-watch of this show. Maybe they hoped to find some redeeming qualities to it on second watch (as can be the case).

Also Corvo, I haven't been following your watch but I'll be eager to see your reaction to the "highlight" of the show for me. I won't spoil.
I'm not a regular on GundamGAF but I thought it was crazy people were doing a re-watch of this show. Maybe they hoped to find some redeeming qualities to it on second watch (as can be the case).

It's all my fault. Someone said we should do a rewatch and I said we should watch Victory Gundam since I was on my F91 high at that time and everyone rolled with it. I hadn't seen it before.

Had I known what I was getting everyone into I wish people would've flown in to shove a baseball bat in my teeth or something.


It's all my fault. Someone said we should do a rewatch and I said we should watch Victory Gundam since I was on my F91 high at that time and everyone rolled with it. I hadn't seen it before.

Had I known what I was getting everyone into I wish people would've flown in to shove a baseball bat in my teeth or something.

Lol. Well, at least you're completing the mainline UC universe pre-Unicorn (pre-Unicorn release-wise, not canon-wise). I, err, guess that's something.
Lol. Well, at least you're completing the mainline UC universe pre-Unicorn (pre-Unicorn release-wise, not canon-wise). I, err, guess that's something.
Fuck that. I ain't watching this shit anymore.

I doubt the ending even matters in a way that would conclude all of UC or late-UC.


It's all my fault. Someone said we should do a rewatch and I said we should watch Victory Gundam since I was on my F91 high at that time and everyone rolled with it. I hadn't seen it before.

Had I known what I was getting everyone into I wish people would've flown in to shove a baseball bat in my teeth or something.

I thought you had already watched this before.

I think I'm the only one suffering through an actual rewatch :(.

I went into it thinking it couldn't have been as bad as I remembered, but I've since realized I was very, very wrong.
I would have been re-watching it with you guys since I actually enjoy Victory, but I had made a promise not to watch any Gundam until I got a job, as a means of keeping me motivated.

I just started working again last week and I'm tempted to sprint to the finish to catch up with you guys, but it's kind of close to the end

Beth Cyra

Fuck that. I ain't watching this shit anymore.

I doubt the ending even matters in a way that would conclude all of UC or late-UC.

Given how Unicorn ends (well the novel anyway) and Turn A being the actual end to UC, Victory's ending doesn't really build up to either of the big events that happen.

Honestly if someone is going to to the "end" of UC then they should just go up till the end of Crossbone and say fuck Victory.


I'm not a regular on GundamGAF but I thought it was crazy people were doing a re-watch of this show. Maybe they hoped to find some redeeming qualities to it on second watch (as can be the case).

Also Corvo, I haven't been following your watch but I'll be eager to see your reaction to the "highlight" of the show for me. I won't spoil.

All I know is that hereafter UC Timeline will end at Unicorn for me. I loved Crossbone, but post Zeon UC is SHIIIIIIIIIT.


Victory Gundam 31


Who is the fucking military engineer for the Zanscare Empire and how many toys is he poorly attempting to sell/what cocaine is he on?

You know what? PUT WHEELS ON EVERYTHING. Wheels on Flanders, Wheels on Shakti, wheels on Haro, wheels on ice cream, wheels on Marbet, wheels on sherbet wheels on katejina is a whore wheels on wheels on meals on wheels on Gundams on boats on submarines on goats on foxes in boxes in houses with mouses on fleece with geese in Greece and grease and wheels on bears on stairs.


It isn't like we aren't almost 200 years into a conflict between the Earth and her children in which technology ought to have progressed to a hilarious degree. No, it isn't like science has advanced to the point where we can build shields out of light. Or helicopters from laser beams. No, let's FUCKING PUT WHEELS ON THE MOON GUYS, LIKE SERIOUSLY HOW DOES THAT SHIT ORBIT THE SUN WITHOUT A WHEEL TO KEEP IT MOVING. It isn't like for the last hundred and seventy years we weren't capable of moving across the surface of the Moon and through space WITHOUT WHEELS.

Have you had a wheel today, sir? Why no, no I haven't. I say, you know what this here guillotine is missing? A GODDAMN WHEEL. You know, in case it needs to move a bit on the floor while we CHOP HEADS. We really only chop them off to make it easier to attach the wheels to them, though, you know. It is the safest of ways.

Surely our nation and all mankind will be better off with women behind the wheel! I mean, they'll stop and ask for directions! Wheel have a grand old time, won't whee? Wheel, I'd better be going, I suppose.



I still can't believe Corvo doesn't have a tag because of his episode reactions.

Do you guys have a plan for the next Gundam rewatch? I'll join in on the next one. There are actually a lot of Gundam series I still have to see.

Beth Cyra

I still can't believe Corvo doesn't have a tag because of his episode reactions.

Do you guys have a plan for the next Gundam rewatch? I'll join in on the next one. There are actually a lot of Gundam series I still have to see.
Given how close we are to Build Fighters it would probably be best to do it and have Corvo react as each episode hits.


well i just finished watching wing and ive a little bit into gundam seed. how about we watch gundam age as duckroll seems to rate it pretty highly.


well i just finished watching wing and ive a little bit into gundam seed. how about we watch gundam age as duckroll seems to rate it pretty highly.

If that was the case, I would likely retract my statement about joining in. I didn't like Age too much. Bad as a Gundam series, average as an anime.

We should watch Seed Destiny cause I like seeing Corvo's rage.

Beth Cyra

If that was the case, I would likely retract my statement about joining in. I didn't like Age too much. Bad as a Gundam series, average as an anime.

We should watch Seed Destiny cause I like seeing Corvo's rage.
If we do a rewatch then it should be a bad Gundam. Thay way as each rewatch happens it will continue to get better, and even if we don't care for the show we will still be grateful for what it does right.


Given how close we are to Build Fighters it would probably be best to do it and have Corvo react as each episode hits.

But I already know Build Fighters' plot's gonna suck. I'm only in that one for the pretty animation. Plus, if the show never bothers to take itself seriously like Victory and AGE, then I won't be upset. It's clearly a kid's show about using toys to battle, so I'll cut it a break.

well i just finished watching wing and ive a little bit into gundam seed. how about we watch gundam age as duckroll seems to rate it pretty highly.

NO. NO. NO. AGE is terrible. The mechanical designs are far and away the worst in the series, and the plot is so, so so so so bad. AGE is awful. Half the reason I hate Victory is because it's AGE but UC.

If that was the case, I would likely retract my statement about joining in. I didn't like Age too much. Bad as a Gundam series, average as an anime.

We should watch Seed Destiny cause I like seeing Corvo's rage.

But I liked SEED Destiny. It was my 2nd Gundam show, and I kind of bought in to Kira being cool and Meer's
being sympathetic and Athrun being the guy who deserved to be the hero. Still hate Shinn and Stella and the show is still really bad, though.

I thought Corvo liked Destiny? I'd suggest Gundam X, not many people watch that one.

I did. I haven't seen X. It's the last show I haven't seen, but after Victory, I think I'm gonna wait until Build Fighters is over to launch into another series of Gundam. I'm glad I watched Turn A, but I feel like I have exhausted all the good shows in the franchise and am left with the remaining crap to wade through. Until Unicorn's end comes out, then who knows.
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