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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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duckroll also said he thinks the writing in age is the best, easily matching the da vinci code


how do people achieve this white look?
must be something mixed in the white!

also wondering what i should get next for my gunpla. god gundam or tallgeese?


Victory Gundam 32

Da fuq is dat?

I can't breath

It's a fucking dragon curled up into a wheel.

Holy shit this is the worst UC Gundam show ever. Thank you for letting me see 00 and AGE first, or I might've called this the worst Gundam ever.

It's a dragon in a wheel or something I don't know oh my God who invented this and why?


Corvo, as much as I would like to say that where you're at in the show is the height of its absurdity/stupidity and that it gets better/corrects itself, that isn't the case.

It somehow manages to get even worse ramping up to the end.


I thought Zanscare Empire was all about putting women and children first? It's the only way someone like Louise Halevvy, with no prior knowledge of mechanical operation, could climb so high in the ranks. I mean, it isn't like riding the dick of the queen's brother who has his position because he is the queen's brother is how she got there or anything.


Corvo, as much as I would like to say that where you're at in the show is the height of its absurdity/stupidity and that it gets better/corrects itself, that isn't the case.

It somehow manages to get even worse ramping up to the end.



Louise Halevy garnered more sympathy from me than anything in Victory ever. And I'd give her the benefit of the doubt because she had a reason to desperately want to fight the Celestial Being.

What I'm saying is Louise is single handedly better than anything in Victory Gundam. Let alone Katejina.

Whoa, Corvo, don't show your secret weapon schematics so freely. That could get you or EviLore in trouble, you know.


I'm a military GENIUS. A GENIUS I say. With this new super weapon, women and children will cower before me!

I honestly have no idea what the Dodoge was going to accomplish. It blew up when shot and slashed, just like a normal mobile suit would. What was even the idea of that thing? Plus its massive size made it an easy target. It was really dumb.

Also, all this talk of Odelo and Tomache being Oliver's legacy or heirs or successors is kinda awkward when you think about what that means for their relationship with Marbet.


You know what would really help us break free from Earth Federation rule, guys? Mobile Armors!

Didn't the Zeon try those? And Cosmo Babylon? And the Jovians?

Yeah but these ones will have wheels and look like bubble tape!

GundamGAF Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episodes 30-36

Don't worry, I'm not going to make this post too long, this is just a brief summary of my thoughts now that I'm all caught up. It's still pretty spoiler-ish, though, so be careful.

Y'know, my first exposure to Victory Gundam was through video games (as most of you probably understand by now), and because the series itself wasn't very well known in the States back when I had first heard of it, it had always held a sort of mystique to me. And when English-speaking fans had started to watch the show en masse, and viewers had started to develop the show's reputation as a carnival of stupid, I had always had my suspisions about whether or not this was actually the case, or if it was just a bunch of people overhyping one aspect of the show - a practice I'd come to loathe due to how it tends to overshadow discussions about shows in general. So, when I decided to join in on this group rewatch with you folks, I decided to try and avoid ripping on the show solely for the sake of snark until I could get a grasp on the general tone of the show.

I realized at the second recap episode, #30, that this would be an impossible task.

The only thing I've gotten a grasp on is that the general impression of the show, in my opinion, is more right than wrong; I still think it's exaggerated, but not by much. Contrary to popular belief, I think that the show actually gains its footing for a few episodes after its rocky start, right up until those damn motorbike machines pop up on Earth. Then, as certain parts of the show are introduced (the Shrike Team, the internal Zanscare conflict, etc.), the stupidity of the show increases exponentially, while other developments in the plot (the departure to space, the search for Uso's mom, and so on) cause the show to drag.
To put it in other words, the way the show is usually described is if the overall quality takes a fall off a steep cliff around the 20th episode or so; to me, it's more like it lands on top of a mountain, tries to stay upright as it runs down the side, trips, falls and keeps tumbling for a while, then falls off onto a jagged peak, then flips over and keeps rolling on another incline until it falls onto another jagged peak, and just keeps going like that for a while.

And I don't think the show's decline is from a lack of effort on the part of the staff. I'm actually starting to suspect that some of the dumbest stuff is clearly supposed to be interpreted as the inane nonsense that it is. The sloppy work ethic and eccentricities of the Zanscare empire and its weird romanticization/fetishization of old tech, the LM's disregard of ethics on the battlefield and the hi-larious (not really) results, the whole Medieval angle during battles and stuff - that's all probably supposed to be dumb on the surface. But then there's the stuff that just goes untouched in general, like how certain characters just take wild shifts in personality after a token hint that they're not as stable as they should be, or the dumbass mobile suits and armors that are supposedly modern, or the lousy romantic tension - all that stuff feels shoehorned in, and it just drags everything down with it. If the stuff that's played straight is just as stupid as the stuff that's supposed to be inane, then I can't very well assume that the show's being clever, now can I?

With that said, I just want to give a hearty "fuck you" to the Motorad space fleet. I've hated them from jump, and I actually know what happens to them down the line, so I feel confident in saying that they're the worst part of the show, here and now. In retrospect, it's no surprise that Chronicle, AKA the shittiest version of Kycilia ever put to cel, ends up calling the shots for that fleet. It's like every episode with them in it is a sequel to that one episode from 0079 with the Zakrello.

At this point, I'm only watching this show to see how it all pans out.
duckroll also said he thinks the writing in age is the best, easily matching the da vinci code


how do people achieve this white look?

must be something mixed in the white!

also wondering what i should get next for my gunpla. god gundam or tallgeese?
When I did gunpla in the 90s, I would achieve that look by first putting down a coat of black paint. Then, I'd go over and airbrush the white coat over the black; putting more white in the center of pieces and letting off a bit near the edges.


Fucking A, how many god damn Wing Gundams are there in this show?

All Red Wing
Wing Fience
Wing TV

What's next, is EW going to show up?

All I know is they'd better give me some Wing Zero Custom and Epyon. No sense hiding the fact that Wing had the best designs.

Beth Cyra

All I know is they'd better give me some Wing Zero Custom and Epyon. No sense hiding the fact that Wing had the best designs.
I can't imagine we see Zero EW. They will likely be pushing Fience as hard as they can and Zero EW could really undermine that to Wing fans.

Though I do think EW has somwhat of a shot. EW's shield (as well as O Raiser's wings) make up Fience's incredibly cheesy chariot.


Victory Gundam 33


Louise Halevvy is scientifically the worst woman in the entire Gundam Franchise. Quess Paraya? Small fries. She gets lost after 2 hours. Fa Yuiry? Redeems herself in ZZ. Lacus Clyne? Actually Haman Khan. Nena Trinity? At least she has red hair. A woman from AGE, you say? Hahaha, that's funny THERE WERE NO WOMEN IN AGE. Relena? Please, she and PMI are like, legitimately attractive women compared to this person.

I want to tell you precisely why Louise Halevvy from AGEtory Gundam is the worst woman in the entire franchise, but I'm afraid that unlike the science which proves this fact, all I will want to do is spend this time saying very, very mean things about her.

So settle for the fact that she is a fucking despicable, inane, irredeemable whoremouth whose bitchtasm is so enormous the entire universe quivers before it. Never has there been a more stomach-turningly awful woman in the franchise. She climbs her way to power by fucking the WORST FUCKING CHAR EVER CREATED (no, seriously, I will defend to the death ZEHEART GALETTE being better than Chumpicle Asser.). It cannot be because of skill BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T FUCKING HAVE ANY. You don't have skill when you get your ass handed to you EVERY SINGLE TIME. BY CHILDREN. WHO HAVE NO EXPERIENCE. It can't be because of experience, because ALL of her experience is again, getting her ass handed to her by a brat who wishes he was even half as fucking slick as Mighty Max or the kid from the fucking BK Kids Club.

Uso is so fucking uncool his name has to be said every single minute (no seriously every minute of this episode Uso's name is said.) to remind you this fucking twip is supposed to be the main character.

So the only reason Louise Halevvy has left for being promoted is because tonight she gave Chumpicle Asser anal, and that was worth the promotion to Lt. or Cpt. or whatever the fuck she is today. I presume this is the same way that Maria Armonia wound up Queen of the Zanscare because it sure as fuck was not through any political prowess of her own, let alone skill, personality, or anything like that. Unless we're all willing to agree that Blankey from the Brave Little Toaster has the gumption to rule over a brutal, fascist nation.

Nothing about the Zanscare Empire makes sense. NOTHING. "We want women to rule!" but your queen has no power. "A gentler rule!" which you enforce with a fucking guillotine. You put WHEELS ON SPACESHIPS. You promote people who lose ALL THE TIME. EVERY SINGLE DAY THEY LOSE and you STILL promote them. You build the most fucking retarded mobile armor in the history of what is scientifically referred to as the biggest fucking waste of money ever. Let's forget the fact that Mobile Armors ALWAYS fail, usually in their first sortie. Let's forget it has been that way for TWO HUNDRED YEARS. Let's forget that the sheer number and stupidity of them basically bankrupted the Zeon. Your stupid fucking Dodoge couldn't have made any sense at all from the get go because it just couldn't. It was supposed to combine and recombine and that was supposed to be its big advantage, except that the MOST BASIC of Gundam tactics beat it: slash and shoot. I mean REALLY. Did that thing even HAVE a beam-shield on it? What were you THINKING. What is anyone in this Empire EVER thinking?

What the FUCK is the Federation doing right now that these people, who honestly I'm not sure how they manage not to get their fucking dicks caught in their zippers each day, are somehow managing to CONQUER anywhere? Did the Federation just think they were so goddamn stupid that they weren't worth fighting? Is the sight of these hilariously shitty MAs so stupid that Federation soldiers are dying from laughter? Are the hopelessly incompetent generals and captains and soldiers all so pathetic that the Federation is basically letting them win out of pity?

Come the fuck on. I watched AGE. I watched 00. I watched Destiny and Stardust. To be entirely and completely honest, I don't know that I can finish AGEtory, though. I just don't. It's so bad. It's stupid in a way that even AGE could never be.

Take Shakti for example. EVERYTHING Shakti does is only done for the sake of being the stupidest thing ever done in this franchise. Like seriously, Oliver DIED and Uso's mom was kidnapped and why? Because Shakti, who had JUST been rescued, ran RIGHT THE FUCK BACK TO THE ZANSCARE. Why? WHY. There is no reason, except that Oliver had to die because he'd been in 30 episodes by that point. Nevermind that fucking random moment where Shakti just started planting trees and shit.

I can't even take satisfaction that these horrible stupid characters die brutal deaths because everyone does and it is so predictable that you can just go "Oh is the preview focusing on Connie? Welp, time for Connie to get in her fucking grave, I guess."

This whole show is if like Star Wars Episode 2 had featured just Jar Jar the whole way through. AGEtory Gundam is without a doubt one of the worst series in the entire franchise, and for Gundam, that's saying a LOT.


*slow clap*

And I keep harping on this, but the show isn't done being awful. It still finds ways to get worse.

I seriously have no means of watching more of this show. I haven't felt this down on the entire Gundam franchise since my disappointment at the hands of Zeta and its terrible dub.

Andrew J.

Having Katejina be a recruitable character in SRW D was apparently real controversial way back when, and after reading Corvo's post I think I understand why.


Gundam Build Fighters sneak preview:






RIP Wing Gundam.

How many episodes is this supposed to go for? It would have to gain a pretty serious plot to go for 50 episodes, wouldn't it?

By serious, I mean quite theatrical. They would have to be forced by some evil dude to fight with their toys. I hope that's what happens.

Gundam Seed 20(Maybe?)-24

Ahh, I get it now, guys. You said there was a reason for Cagalli not becoming
romantic interest, and now I understand. Ever since she and
had their romantic island getaway together, it has been clear that there is only room in her heart for one melodramatic teen heartthrob.

Now, about Flay, ever since
her father died
, I've seen a future in which she dies while piloting a mobile armor in her future. She's so crazy. She got mad when Cagalli
came out as the princess, sporting her nice dress
because she's an insane, hate-filled woman.


Having Katejina be a recruitable character in SRW D was apparently real controversial way back when, and after reading Corvo's post I think I understand why.

Honestly it makes more sense to recruit Haman Khan than it does Katejina. Because Katejina was SUPPOSED to be spying on the Zanscare. It was the entire reason she joined them. If she winds up being The Boss, I will fucking breath fiery vinegar so loud that my post will probably exceed the word count. But anyway, like I was saying, Katejina was SUPPOSED to be spying on the Zanscare, but she's basically just been converted by Chumpicle Asser's dick. For her to turn around and join the team again, makes no sense.

Haman at least you could play off in several ways: she joins for Judau's D, she joins because Haman is hilariously evil and just wants to troll around. She actually loses her nerve after seeing the size of Judau's D.

Katejina joined the Zanscare for Cronicle, and I don't even know if he really has one.


How many episodes is this supposed to go for? It would have to gain a pretty serious plot to go for 50 episodes, wouldn't it?

By serious, I mean quite theatrical. They would have to be forced by some evil dude to fight with their toys. I hope that's what happens.

At least 24 episodes. Could be 50 episodes. It's airing on Monday evenings at 6pm on TV Tokyo. The first Blu-ray box set has 12 episodes, but it's listed as "Box 1".

As for the plot...
Apparently Reiji comes from another dimension? Lol.


At least 24 episodes. Could be 50 episodes. It's airing on Monday evenings at 6pm on TV Tokyo. The first Blu-ray box set has 12 episodes, but it's listed as "Box 1".

As for the plot...
Apparently Reiji comes from another dimension? Lol.

Oooooh. It doesn't air at a ridiculous time that intrudes on my school life like most stuff! Maybe I'll watch it on Mondays!


Oh I didn't realized Build Fighters started in 2 days. Time to set up my TV's recorder I guess!

By the way I went to Odaiba's Diver City yesterday and watched that movie with the Unicorn #3. I'll post some impressions later.


I walk buy this eye glasses store by my apartment all the time, and the owner has a bunch of UC Gundam stuff in the display windows (I can't take another picture if anyone's interested), but it wasn't until today that I realized Char's Zaku II is wearing a monocle.
I thought you might all enjoy this. There's an original Gundam on the left of it. They're the size of humans. They must have cost an unimaginable amount.


is gundam seed a slow burner? i'm about 9 episodes in, it's alright and it's well produced, but not exactly feeling it. i think it's the music and art style that's not clicking with me.

however, watched the first two episodes of gundam g and i immediately like it.


is gundam seed a slow burner? i'm about 9 episodes in, it's alright and it's well produced, but not exactly feeling it. i think it's the music and art style that's not clicking with me.

however, watched the first two episodes of gundam g and i immediately like it.

The music is the high point of SEED, so... If you enjoy seeing beam spam fights the show will have more of those later.

Beth Cyra

Oh I didn't realized Build Fighters started in 2 days. Time to set up my TV's recorder I guess!

By the way I went to Odaiba's Diver City yesterday and watched that movie with the Unicorn #3. I'll post some impressions later.
Ohhh. I picked up Unit 3 and have already paid for Rebawoo so I'm really interested in how they did in the video.


is gundam seed a slow burner? i'm about 9 episodes in, it's alright and it's well produced, but not exactly feeling it. i think it's the music and art style that's not clicking with me.

however, watched the first two episodes of gundam g and i immediately like it.

G Gundam is amazing from episode 1 and onward.

SEED, and I know I'm in the minority, but SEED didn't get good until Alaska.


Oh I didn't realized Build Fighters started in 2 days. Time to set up my TV's recorder I guess!

By the way I went to Odaiba's Diver City yesterday and watched that movie with the Unicorn #3. I'll post some impressions later.

I almost went to Odaiba this weekend. What's this movie you you mentioned?
G Gundam is amazing from episode 1 and onward.

SEED, and I know I'm in the minority, but SEED didn't get good until Alaska.

We're on the same page here, to a degree. I hated Seed until around Alaska. Once it went full on pew pew lasers, than is when it went from being garbage to being tolerable. Mostly because they dropped most the melodrama bullshit


We're on the same page here, to a degree. I hated Seed until around Alaska. Once it went full on pew pew lasers, than is when it went from being garbage to being tolerable. Mostly because they dropped most the melodrama bullshit

I might also be alone in that I think the Freedom is legitimately cool.
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