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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Gundam Build Fighters 2


Absolutely beautiful.

The fight against Amazing Zaku was so good holy shit.

China is such a goof for not recognizing Ramba Ral.

Reiji is a moron for going to chase Sei instead of hanging out with the mom at the store.


Gundam Build Fighter - 02

Oh my god this is the best modern Gundam show, dem mecha sakuga! yesssssss
That Zaku fight made me hoping around like little kid, dat Gundam OP pun, so good...

Imagination > Reality indeed.


I hate this thread!

Of course I've watched it. I wish I could undo it.

Interesting. I'm watching it right now, and I don't think it's too bad. I prefer other Gundam series by far, and I don't love it, but I definitely like it more than AGE. No need to hate the thread just because I don't hate something.

As I've mentioned in the Mecha thread, I am pretty jaded when it comes to anime. I've seen too much horrible to be too disappointed, and I've seen too much fantastic to be too impressed. Most things are just bad, good, and average. I think Seed is average so far, but I may end up liking it or disliking it in the end. I definitely dig the music and mechanical designs, though.

Ahahaha I can't believe that happened.

Interesting. I'm watching it right now, and I don't think it's too bad. I prefer other Gundam series by far, and I don't love it, but I definitely like it more than AGE. No need to hate the thread just because I don't hate something.

It gets worse in the 2nd half and saying "it's not as bad as the worst thing in the entire damn franchise" is not an endorsement.


I'm not trying to endorse the series. I'm reserving my judgement until I'm done, and I don't hate Age nearly as much as most of you do. It's just a below average mecha series with terrible pacing, in my opinion.

All I'm saying is that the mechanical designs in Seed are pretty pleasing to the eye. I think hating that people are building Gunpla from a series is somewhat odd. I dissociate any Gundam series from its representative model kits, but that may just be me.

Beth Cyra

Eps 2

It was fun, really enjoyed Tatsuya. Gold Sumo was awesome, and I was very, very pleased that Gundam Wing G Unit got repped with such a long shot in the Modelers Room.


I'm not trying to endorse the series. I'm reserving my judgement until I'm done, and I don't hate Age nearly as much as most of you do. It's just a below average mecha series with terrible pacing, in my opinion.

All I'm saying is that the mechanical designs in Seed are pretty pleasing to the eye. I think hating that people are building Gunpla from a series is somewhat odd. I dissociate any Gundam series from its representative model kits, but that may just be me.

Gundam AGE has worse mechanical designs than if I were to get drunk and scribble with a piece of raw steak on a wall blindfolded with a dagger in my larynx.

And then it promotes pedophilia, fascism, and genocide.

And then it somehow treats women worse than any Gundam show before it.

And THEN the terrible writing becomes apparent.
Gundam Build Fighters - Episode 2

I love how Mr. Ral just randomly turns up in a high school to comment on a Gunpla Battle.

The Zaku fight was incredible, the music reminded me of some of the B7R music in Ace Combat Zero.

Really enjoyed it, next episode looks pretty good too!
Posted in the other thread, but was wondering if anyone else caught the following units in the intro aside from Build Strike and Zaku Amazing. I got the following:

Samurai Astray
Wing Fenice
Bearguy III
Gundam X
Some crazy looking Quebeley
A Tallgeese
Sasaki's Gyan?
Something from Victory
SD Knight Gundam
Gerbera Tetra?
Reiji's custom Mk-II?


i was about 7-8 episodes into seed before i abandoned it. the suit design was nice, but the characters (some girl who hates this idol oordinator while not having a problem with anthum was causing causing my brain to stall), music and art design were doing nothing for me. might try again at another point but wasn't feeling it, i did like how they ended the episodes but thats about it.

but i'm totally into g gundam, pretty much halfway through the series and loving it. it ticks all the boxes, and i like that it's different, although i suspect some fans may dislike it because its more like dragonball z than gundam.

i want to jump into the UC timeline. i recently watched all of war in the pocket and loved the grittiness and moral grey it portrayed, especially flipping it to making you support the opposing side and it's dramatic effect on a child. i know the original gundam is getting some kind of reimagining next year so i may not bother, but most people seem to talk pretty favorably of the 08th series so i might jump into that. what do you guys think?

also duckroll said i should check out gundam age, beyblade and dragonball gt, what do you guys think?

Beth Cyra

Posted in the other thread, but was wondering if anyone else caught the following units in the intro aside from Build Strike and Zaku Amazing. I got the following:

Samurai Astray
Wing Fenice
Bearguy III
Gundam X
Some crazy looking Quebeley
A Tallgeese
Sasaki's Gyan?
Something from Victory
SD Knight Gundam
Gerbera Tetra?
Reiji's custom Mk-II?

I'm just going to say, it was like .5 of a second, but that Quebeley is the hypest thing from this show already.

Didn't catch the Tallgeese though.

Got to love that X Maho was givin the Super Robo pose.
i was about 7-8 episodes into seed before i abandoned it. the suit design was nice, but the characters (some girl who hates this idol oordinator while not having a problem with anthum was causing causing my brain to stall), music and art design were doing nothing for me. might try again at another point but wasn't feeling it, i did like how they ended the episodes but thats about it.

I know what you mean. Flay is an atrocious character and is the biggest reason why the start of SEED is pretty bad.

Speaking of SEED I marathoned the rest over the weekend.

It actually got a lot better roughly halfway through once Kira and Athrun
finished their spat and teamed up, ending all the shouting they did at each other.
and Flay
becoming a side character and not appearing for a while.
There were some weird things that I thought made no sense like how Kira
magically teleported into space and into Lacus' house. How did that Reverend manage to do that I don't know.
Le Closet got a lot worse at the end. He was pretty good until he revealed
he was the failed clone of La Flaga's dad. He lost his cool and ended up being a psychotic madman.
That ruined him for me. The last episodes reminded me a lot of the end to Gundam X with
the 3 factions against each other and the protagonists are on the smaller group. The space lot are advocating their superiority over the Earth lot and the Earth lot want to rid humanity of the Space lot. The small group are trying to get both to make up.
The music was top notch thoughout, really liked it. Three Evil Weapons and Gundam Shutsugeki are great songs! Also Kira crying was the most hilarious thing in the whole series it made the melodrama so much more bareable!

Destiny next, should I go streight into it or wait until the HD remaster finishes?
Just watched GBF Episode 2. Another great episode. Kousaka's interactions with Random Ramba Ral was fantastic. Why was Ral there anyway lolol.

Today definitely confirmed that Reiji isn't a normal dude. I wonder where they're going with that.

Sei's mom continues to be excellent. MOAR.

My nephew was taking up my attention somewhat. Where is the "Moeagare Gunpla" part?


Victory Gundam 39

I quit. I fucking quit. This show is shit. It's boring, it's dumb, and it is shit. Holy fuck, I hated Princess Ismail's shitty, shitty, shitty song in 00 and HEY GUESS WHAT STRAW BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK? Shakti singing. There's no fucking direction to this show. It meanders like a fucking glacier if glaciers were drunk and obsessed with wheels. And then they make me listen to Shakti screech a song out? OH FUCK NO.

I can't do this any more. Gundam was good, once. The first three shows were REALLY solid. Then the two movies were meh, and at long last Tomino shat out Fucktory.

This show is AGE bad. This is 00 S2 bad. This is an awful Gundam show and I desperately urge all within the sound of this post to avoid Victory like the plague that it is. Oh, no doubt Flit was a Nazi, Shinn was a shit head, and Setsuna a walking yawn, but Uso is a goddamn shrieking dope. Why is everything in this show so fucking SHRILL? Shakti, Karlman, Uso, Katejina, Chumpicle Asser, all of them.

I'm FORTY FUCKING EPISODES INTO THIS SHOW AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Unless you count a bunch of shit heads dying as "something" which you shouldn't, since people dying has no consequence or meaning. They just die. Oh boy. They don't even die in significant ways, just "Shakti fucked up and now ten people have to die." Why or how did Shakti fuck up? Not even God could solve that for you.

This is a horrible Gundam show. It's droll, offensively stupid, and even the inane Zanscare mechanical designs are not enough to keep me going. The villains have NO clear motive, the heroes are aimlessly wandering doing NOTHING, there is no tension to the fights, just Uso crying at Katejina as she says things increasingly disconnected from reality. I'm going to be honest, "they're newtypes!" has always been a bad excuse for the wacky things people say during fights in Gundam, but it is stretched positively translucent here.

What a fucking waste. Of time, of money, of paint, of space, of memory, and of lives. No one involved in this project or who has watched this show has used their time in any beneficial way. Victory Gundam is the equivalent of staring into the sun while listening to leaves dry. It's painful and the longer it sits there, the more it begins to stink.

I wish I had not ever known of the existence of this show, but now that I have, let it bear the distinction of the only Gundam show I feel no desire to finish. Not even as a hate watch. Not even for a bargain. I watched AGE. I watched 00. I sat through THIRTY FUCKING NINE of these episodes and I cannot do this anymore.

There is no excuse, no reason, no defense for a product as hideous, repulsive, repugnant and positively awful as Victory Gundam. What a rancid, rancorous, wretched note to end the Universal Century on, and my viewing of Gundam in general. Thank GOD there is still Gundam Build Fighters to buoy my interest in the franchise, because Victory is a shit so positively odious and odorous that its stench burns my eyes even as my lids close.

Thank you, Tomino, for proving that Garzey's Wing is not ever going to be the stupidest thing you made.

What utter tripe.


Victory Gundam 39

I quit. I fucking quit. This show is shit. It's boring, it's dumb, and it is shit. Holy fuck, I hated Princess Ismail's shitty, shitty, shitty song in 00 and HEY GUESS WHAT STRAW BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK? Shakti singing. There's no fucking direction to this show. It meanders like a fucking glacier if glaciers were drunk and obsessed with wheels. And then they make me listen to Shakti screech a song out? OH FUCK NO.

I can't do this any more. Gundam was good, once. The first three shows were REALLY solid. Then the two movies were meh, and at long last Tomino shat out Fucktory.

This show is AGE bad. This is 00 S2 bad. This is an awful Gundam show and I desperately urge all within the sound of this post to avoid Victory like the plague that it is. Oh, no doubt Flit was a Nazi, Shinn was a shit head, and Setsuna a walking yawn, but Uso is a goddamn shrieking dope. Why is everything in this show so fucking SHRILL? Shakti, Karlman, Uso, Katejina, Chumpicle Asser, all of them.

I'm FORTY FUCKING EPISODES INTO THIS SHOW AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Unless you count a bunch of shit heads dying as "something" which you shouldn't, since people dying has no consequence or meaning. They just die. Oh boy. They don't even die in significant ways, just "Shakti fucked up and now ten people have to die." Why or how did Shakti fuck up? Not even God could solve that for you.

This is a horrible Gundam show. It's droll, offensively stupid, and even the inane Zanscare mechanical designs are not enough to keep me going. The villains have NO clear motive, the heroes are aimlessly wandering doing NOTHING, there is no tension to the fights, just Uso crying at Katejina as she says things increasingly disconnected from reality. I'm going to be honest, "they're newtypes!" has always been a bad excuse for the wacky things people say during fights in Gundam, but it is stretched positively translucent here.

What a fucking waste. Of time, of money, of paint, of space, of memory, and of lives. No one involved in this project or who has watched this show has used their time in any beneficial way. Victory Gundam is the equivalent of staring into the sun while listening to leaves dry. It's painful and the longer it sits there, the more it begins to stink.

I wish I had not ever known of the existence of this show, but now that I have, let it bear the distinction of the only Gundam show I feel no desire to finish. Not even as a hate watch. Not even for a bargain. I watched AGE. I watched 00. I sat through THIRTY FUCKING NINE of these episodes and I cannot do this anymore.

There is no excuse, no reason, no defense for a product as hideous, repulsive, repugnant and positively awful as Victory Gundam. What a rancid, rancorous, wretched note to end the Universal Century on, and my viewing of Gundam in general. Thank GOD there is still Gundam Build Fighters to buoy my interest in the franchise, because Victory is a shit so positively odious and odorous that its stench burns my eyes even as my lids close.

Thank you, Tomino, for proving that Garzey's Wing is not ever going to be the stupidest thing you made.

What utter tripe.

This is pretty much how I feel about Seed and 00!

Don't agree about Victory, though.
Holy fuck, I hated Princess Ismail's shitty, shitty, shitty song in 00
You watched the god damned dub! Of course it's going to be terrible.

I wish I had not ever known of the existence of this show, but now that I have, let it bear the distinction of the only Gundam show I feel no desire to finish. Not even as a hate watch. Not even for a bargain. I watched AGE. I watched 00. I sat through THIRTY FUCKING NINE of these episodes and I cannot do this anymore.
Yup. People can call SEED Destiny shit all they want but Victory takes the cake and slams a screeching baby's face into it, turning it even louder.
I'm just glad I quit earlier. I'm legit amazed at you guys' strength and willpower to keep on wasting time on this.

Is Philonius the only original rewatcher left? CAN YOU PERSIST AGAINST ALL ODDS?


Watched a few episodes today and I've got one more left.

Forgot that there were 51 in this series, as if somehow 50 wasn't enough.

Will post tomorrow but a quick summary would simply be: Never again.


This is pretty much how I feel about Seed and 00!

Don't agree about Victory, though.

I would sooner rewatch SEED and 00's first season than this shit. Victory is so fucking bad. Listening to Uso is like having a bat shriek its way out of your skull.
Almost done with my first gunpla. Char's Zaku II, master grade 2.0. Just have connect his leg tubes, build his weapons, and put on some decals. Pretty proud of myself.

Not Spaceghost

Lol I didn't think Victory was that bad but yeah it wasn't particularly good, the last 3 or 4 episodes had decent enough pay off that it might be warping the way I remember the show.

I kinda feel like ranking my gundams, is it cool if I rank the shows I've seen? Great! Because I'm doing it anyways.

If I had to rank the ones I've seen I think I'd have to say

1) Zeta
2) 0080
3) Unicorn
4) G Gundam is currently tied with Build Fighters but we'll have to see how it turns out.
5) 0079
7) Gundam X
8) dubs Zeta
9) Victory
10) F-91 (I want to like it more but THAT AWFUL PACING)
------- Past this line is exists mostly hate
11) Wing
12) OO season 1
13) OO season 2
14) Chars Counter Attack
15) A wakening of the trail shitter
16) SEED / SEED destiny (I know it's "cool" to hate on these but I really do hate these so much, could make it past the 5th episode of destiny although I've heard stargazer is great so I might have to give it a watch)


Lol I didn't think Victory was that bad but yeah it wasn't particularly good, the last 3 or 4 episodes had decent enough pay off that it might be warping the way I remember the show.

I kinda feel like ranking my gundams, is it cool if I rank the shows I've seen? Great! Because I'm doing it anyways.

If I had to rank the ones I've seen I think I'd have to say

1) Zeta
2) 0080
3) Unicorn
4) G Gundam is currently tied with Build Fighters but we'll have to see how it turns out.
5) 0079
7) Gundam X
8) dubs Zeta
9) Victory
10) F-91 (I want to like it more but THAT AWFUL PACING)
------- Past this line is exists mostly hate
11) Wing
12) OO season 1
13) OO season 2
14) Chars Counter Attack
15) A wakening of the trail shitter
16) SEED / SEED destiny (I know it's "cool" to hate on these but I really do hate these so much, could make it past the 5th episode of destiny although I've heard stargazer is great so I might have to give it a watch)

You should watch Turn A.

Not Spaceghost

You should watch Turn A.

Yeah, I really should. I've started watching it like 10 times at this point, but something always comes up around episode 5 and I forget about it. I think I need to just marathon my way through a huge chunk of it during the next break I get. I've heard nothing but amazing stuff from that show, and Century Color is one of the best gundamu songs.


Canadians burned my passport
Hell I'll rank the ones I've seen too

1. 08th MS team
2. Zeta
3. OO Season 1
4. G Gundam
5. Unicorn
6. Endless Waltz
7. 0079
9. Turn A
10. 0080
11. Wing
12. X
13. Stardust Memory
14. OO season 2
15. Char's Counterattack
16. F91
17. Awakening of the Trailblazer
18. G-Saviour
19. SEED Destiny
20. AGE


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 46 - 51

As I was watching these last few episodes, I had a lot of thoughts about a lot of different things in this show and I was going to write a lot about them, post images, etc...

But ultimately I decided it really wasn't worth it.

Just a few quick thoughts though:

- As a whole this show isn't as bad as AGE, but it's shitty in ways AGE probably wishes it could've been. The biggest thing is that there seems to be this pointless-ness meandering throughout the show where ideas/themes never seem fully fleshed out, conveyed properly, or go anywhere at all. I'm still not completely certain of the ZE's plan, why Katejina does what she does, Chronicle's ambitions, the Queen's ideals, etc.. This is most apparent in the last two episodes where it seems like the writers were writing and animating everything on the fly, pulling typical Newtype shit out of their ass. The Chronicle/Uso final battle, which is a mainstay in these kind of shows, is barely anything at all.

- Shakti is officially on my list of worst characters alongside Nina P., Quess, and Katz. Her actions have, either directly or indirectly, resulted in the death or capture of a long list of characters and by the end she might have one of the higher body counts on the show. My hate for her is compounded by the fact that in the last 2-3 episodes she is kind of made the main character/hero alongside Uso, and she gets some massive Newtype powers on the fly.

- Chronicle/Katejina. The first time I watched SEED Destiny I was kind of confused by Shinn and the way he was conveyed. He got a lot of screen time and there were a ton of moments where you were meant to feel sympathetic towards him, understand his motivations, and see where he was coming from and why he did the things he did. It didn't work and he ultimately dragged down the show. This same sort of thing happens with Chronicle and Katejina. I have no idea what either is fighting for. I have no idea what either really believes in. But at times it seems as if you're supposed to "get" them and they're meant to be likable characters, but that they're just misunderstood. But like Shinn it just doesn't work. At all.

- This show is shit.
Watching Victory Gundam, reached episode 30, uugh this show is bad. In the running for worst Gundam show with ZZ, F91 and Seed Destiny.

Ugly lifeless art style, rehashed plot, boring characters and an exceptional whiny 12 year old protagonist who is somehow popular with women(Uso's face between everyone's tits). Just want to get through this as quickly as possible.
I found a H.G. Dark Hound at a LCS. Putting one of these models together isn't as complicated as I assumed it would be. Ended up breaking a nail clipper on one of the nubs, though. I think I need to get some proper tools in the future.

Is Philonius the only original rewatcher left? CAN YOU PERSIST AGAINST ALL ODDS?

Well, there's still me. I guess. I'm going to see it through all the way to the end, but only out of a desire to be thorough.

Why have so few of you seen ZZ?

I watched ZZ and loved all of it. Well, everything except Tigerbaum.

Yup. People can call SEED Destiny shit all they want but Victory takes the cake and slams a screeching baby's face into it, turning it even louder.
I'm just glad I quit earlier. I'm legit amazed at you guys' strength and willpower to keep on wasting time on this.

Just remember: there are people who have watched ZZ and Victory, and said that ZZ is the worst show in the series. I want you all to remember that now that you've frittered away so much time on the show. And if you should ever come across such people, I want you to go to them and laugh in their faces.

Oh, and Build Fighters continues to impress.
Watching Victory Gundam, reached episode 30, uugh this show is bad.
Get to 32 quick and write impressions of the amazing Zanscare Mobile Armor!
In the running for worst Gundam show with ZZ, F91 and Seed Destiny.
Well, there's still me. I guess. I'm going to see it through all the way to the end, but only out of a desire to be thorough.
I was pretty sure I would watch every Gundam show aside from AGE until this one. How far are you? How has your strength not yet faded?

PhiLonius is a beast for surviving. From the impressions he wrote I'm glad I jumped the train when I did because I apparently missed no plot advancement whatsoever.

Did the disgrace to all Charkind at least die a painful death?

Not Spaceghost

Why have so few of you seen ZZ?

I liked double zeta but the first half is something that is going to be hit or miss a solid 70% of the time, all the episodes revolving around getting the ZZ gundam and it's first use and the zaku head (rick dias if you so wish) zeta are great. Past that it's messy....realllllly mess, until the second half of the show where it actually picks up.

Judau is probably one of my favorite protags as well.


I finished watching Mobile Suit Gundam on Sunday! Thanks to whoever it was in this thread who gave me the recommendation. Awesome series, I've started on Zeta already. It hurt seeing Bright beat down like that.

How do you guys rate Zeta in comparison with the first series?
I finished watching Mobile Suit Gundam on Sunday! Thanks to whoever it was in this thread who gave me the recommendation. Awesome series, I've started on Zeta already. It hurt seeing Bright beat down like that.

How do you guys rate Zeta in comparison with the first series?

IMHO slightly less than the first series. There are certain bits that rubbed me the wrong way. Are you watching sub or dub?


IMHO slightly less than the first series. There are certain bits that rubbed me the wrong way. Are you watching sub or dub?


The only thing that bothers me so far is the premise of the Titans. Given the White Base pretty much won the OYW single-handedly and was manned by people from the colonies, why would the Earth Federation suddenly believe people born on Earth are superior? Maybe it's explained later on, but it doesn't make sense to me.

I like that Camille is completely unhinged, and I like the bump in animation quality.

Music isn't half as good as those disco sounds from the first series :)

The only thing that bothers me so far is the premise of the Titans. Given the White Base pretty much won the OYW single-handedly and was manned by people from the colonies, why would the Earth Federation suddenly believe people born on Earth are superior? Maybe it's explained later on, but it doesn't make sense to me.

Where did you get this? White Bases' contributions to the OYW were marginal at best. Their biggest contributions were:
- Killing Garma and Dozle
- Being a distraction.

They served peripheral roles in Odessa, Solomon and A Baoa Qu at best. It's pretty much an acknowledged fact that Zeon literally had no chance of winning a prolonged war with the federation, Gundam and White Base, or not.

I rewatched GBF Episode 2 today. I missed a lot of the more hilarious tongue-in-cheek moments in the episode, particularly in the set up to the battle at the school. "Why do we have a Gunpla station in the gym, anyway? Because Yuuki's dad is rich and a major donor". "If only Yuuki was in a band instead of into model building." Great stuff
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