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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Mobile Suit Gundam Episode 40: Under The Super Aerial Attack

I don't think I can get away with calling it a GundamGAF Rewatch anymore, but things are actually picking up, so I think I should just finish the show off. There's a lot of stuff that's set up in these two episodes, but I'll try not to ramble.

So, Karlman starts crying in the middle of the night, which wakes up most of the kids. Uso's the only one that wasn't disturbed, since he was already up. He's still a litte raw about the last skirmish because he had to kill so many people, even though he saved way more people than he needed to by pulling that little stunt with the Wings of Light. Karlman and Shakti seem to be hearing some kind of ringing sound; for some reason Shakti interprets this as Karlman being happy, even though he's clearly crying. Shakti's gonna Shakti, I guess.

In the morning, the League starts gearing up for another launch into space; they figure that they can't afford to waste any more time on Earth while Zanscare keeps stalling with the peace treaty. The purple-haired Shrike teammate starts popping up now, and I swear I can't recognize her at all. Uso actually meets the family of Lt. Machis, which is odd, because the way said Lt. was musing led me to believe that they were off-world or something. He tries to give them his condolences, but the widow of the Lt. talks over him and her daughters hate his guts (which is justified since, y'know, he killed their dad.)

Later, Shakti and Odelo and Warren head into Uso's computer room to do some resarch on the Guillotine. Shakti makes a big deal about a record of Guillotine victims being forced to wear bells before execution, due to the sound she and Karl heard last night. Meanwhile, the League tries to launch, but their base and the surrounding area is attacked by BESPA forces from above. Uso tries to lead the civilians away, but the only survivors left are the Lt.'s family. The League immediately tries to counter-attack, but Uso insists on bringing the family to the marked graves so they can get some closure; he never gets to properly apologize, but they come to an understanding. Shakti comes across this scene and gives Uso a warning about that bell sound, and Uso tells her to look after the family.

Juca! The new girl's name is Juca. She takes control of the operation while Uso takes point. They're attacked by a new mobile suit, which was the actual source of the aerial attacks. This suit is actually kind of cool:


The platform has an energy barrier for defense, and it seems to be either built into the platform or magnetized to it, because the thing can flip without falling off. The rings are actually huge beam weapons, and they also seem to double as energy generators. And its beam rifle is insanely powerful, seeing as how it leveled the town earlier in 3-4 shots. As you can imagine, seeing a suit that isn't completely stupid throws the Shrike Team for a loop, and it gives them a hard time. The suit also gives off a ringing sound. Yep, we know where this is going.

It starts blasting straight for the Reinforce Jr., and even a glancing blow sends the ship off its axis. The Shrike team tries to buy enough time for the White Ark to get a clean shot with its beam cannon, but they can't even throw the suit off balance, let alone get it to stop. And when the Ark actually takes the shot, it simply overpowers the beam with a shot of its own. After a few more clashes, it retreats for some reason. Jinn decides to try and get into space immediately - if BESPA is willing to pull a stunt like this during the cease-fire, there's no point even using it as a stalling tactic. But the others insist on settling things in Kassarelia, since they might not make it back. Shakti and the younger kids shoehorn their way on board, even though it would have clearly been safer if they had just stayed home. You don't break up the team, I guess. Uso pays a visit to the graveyard, pays his respects to his mother and the other casualties, and gives his condolences to the widow, then heads off to space with the Reinforce Jr.

Mobile Suit Gundam Episode 41: The Battlefield Created By Father

We meet the League midway through their attempt to get past the Earth's perimiter. Jinn's orders? YOLO. It's not even so much a battle as it is both sides firing on instinct. The BESPA forces have a bunch of new models, ones that don't look completely inane. They all seem to fire off round blasts of energy that mess you up when they go over you, and tear through you with the ring. Uso picks up on the ringing sound again. It's the suit from last episode, and it's piloted by... some nut wearing a bunch of bells on her head. Yeah. Turns out that this is actually Fuala, although you wouldn't be able to recognize her with the crap she's wearing and the fact that her hair color's changed. She kind of looks zoned out, so I guess that's the shows way of telling us that she's blind now. Apparently the ringing sound is the sound of when she starts going all Newtype, or something; the bells react to the movements outside of the machine, and the sounds form an image of the enemy in her head. Fuala has also become just a tad obsessed with the guillotine, and she quite likes the idea that the bells are an omen of death; I guess she would have preferred the guillotine to being stranded in space or something. Apparently her sonar even works in space. I think I hate Fuala for the first time now, and she's only had 10 seconds of screentime for her return at this point.

Uso tells the rest of the team to use the Wings of Light as a shield as they approach the other suits. I suppose that's what the Victory CG clip from EXVS was referencing.

The Zanneck (this is the first time its name has been mentioned) uses a concentrated blast that somehow warps into a ring like the other blasts that I mentioned; Uso flips the V2 up and over, using the WoL to dissipate the blast before it can overload the others. He then extends them to get in a shot against the other suits, although they blocked it. After a few more shots, the Zanneck and the other BESPA suits retreat. The V2 deserves to be in a better show than this. Franny and Miliera decide to congratulate/tease/harass Uso in their respective suits.

The V2 deserves to be in a less laidback show than this.

Meanwhile, Jinn and the other adults in charge get the bright idea to use Karlman as a radar - he picked up the Zanneck the last few times it appeared, after all, so he's better at it than their own systems on the bridge. Heh, I guess he ends up serving a purpose after all. If it weren't for that and Fuala's newfound obsession with the bells, I wouldn't even touch on this ringing bell nonsense. And yet it's Uso that the crew ends up calling "Newtype" instead of his real name. The League meets up with some Federation forces that they requested - I think this is the first proper set of reinforcements they've had since they first went into space, and even that was just an influx of rookies.

Uso meets his father, and it's revealed that he's been calling the shots for the League. They have a little reunion and grieve over Uso's mother's death. He still can't believe that Uso's the pilot of the Victory Gundams - he never wanted him to be a pilot for the Federation, apparently. But the Reinforce's successes earned enough respect for Jinn to request some real troops, and he intends to make the most of it.

At the same time, the pedophile and the other idiot from the Motorad Squad are scheming something. Fuala heads back to her ship, and reports to Tassilo - apparently he's still got enough clout to avoid another execution attempt, since he's in command of another ship, and it seems that he took advantage of his position to retrieve Fuala somehow. Turns out that the Zanneck was only being fiend tested up to this point. Even without putting out a serious effort, they've pushed the League back to Hiland, so Tassilo's feeling himself right now. The Federation has been pretty busy, too; they've gotten intel stating that Zanscare's building a giant psycommu system called the Angel Halo, which is capable of long-range brainwave control. They don't know its full capabilities, but they know it's serious business.

The commanders call Uso, Odelo and Tomodache into the command room; apparently they're verified as official soldiers now. The oldest-looking commander tried to commend their efforts, but it turned into another rousing session of "Gawk at the Newtype". The White Ark is also reclassified as a cruiser, which means that it's basically considered its own ship. Lazy bastard Feds. It gets something called the Mega Beam Rifle strapped onto it, which is strong enough to blast some suits from insanely far away.

Cineau and her UFO-a-go-go squad barge in, but they're dispatched pretty quickly. Even Hangelg is taken aback by Uso's skills, but the same Federation officer from before makes a point of reminding him that Uso's still human. It seems like this old guy is the only Federation officer on board with any sense. And with that, the League is officially on the warpath once more.
I'm not a fan of CDA, to be honest. Lots of continuity breaking, lots of messed up characterizations (particularly their really poor handling of Haman), the art style is not the greatest.

If you want to read a great Gundam manga, check out The Plot to Assassinate Gihren Zabi


Between the
bikini babes
and Katejina's
Chara Soon moment after killing Connie
I must now formally refuse to believe anyone actually enjoys Victory Gundam in a way that involves taking it seriously.

I'm also very glad I dropped it.


Mobile Suit Gundam Episode 41: The Battlefield Created By Father

She kind of looks zoned out, so I guess that's the shows way of telling us that she's blind now. Apparently the ringing sound is the sound of when she starts going all Newtype, or something; the bells react to the movements outside of the machine, and the sounds form an image of the enemy in her head. Fuala has also become just a tad obsessed with the guillotine, and she quite likes the idea that the bells are an omen of death; I guess she would have preferred the guillotine to being stranded in space or something. Apparently her sonar even works in space. I think I hate Fuala for the first time now, and she's only had 10 seconds of screentime for her return at this point.

I want to say this is wrong, but thinking about it now I don't even know anymore.

It's never explicitly stated in the show she came back blind, but it would explain a lot about her character.
I want to say this is wrong, but thinking about it now I don't even know anymore.

It's never explicitly stated in the show she came back blind, but it would explain a lot about her character.

I'm just guessing about the Newtype thing, but she's either blind/visually impaired or completely out of it. She had to ask whether or not the V2 was sortied when she fought the Shrike team, even though her cockpit gives a clear view of the outside. There's another scene in the episode where she just sort of floats past a soldier who salutes to her, as if she didn't even see him, and it looked like she used the bells on her suit to suss out the door to Tassilo's room. It's definitely ambiguous, but I think the show's hinting that she came back blind.


I'm just guessing about the Newtype thing, but she's either blind/visually impaired or completely out of it. She had to ask whether or not the V2 was sortied when she fought the Shrike team, even though her cockpit gives a clear view of the outside. There's another scene in the episode where she just sort of floats past a soldier who salutes to her, as if she didn't even see him, and it looked like she used the bells on her suit to suss out the door to Tassilo's room. It's definitely ambiguous, but I think the show's hinting that she came back blind.

The salute was one of the moments I was thinking about as an example. Stood out as weird to me when I watched it.

There is another moment between her and Tassilo that I don't think you've gotten to yet. Might be the next episode. Basically she has this really delayed reaction to something he does. Such a weird moment. You'll know it when you see it.

This show manages to haunt me even when I'm through watching it.


Does anyone know where i can read Char's Deleted Affair in its Entirety??

Really want to

Japan... maybe a few other countries, too? I mean, you could probably import it to wherever you live, but it could be in a language you may not know.


I'm not a fan of CDA, to be honest. Lots of continuity breaking, lots of messed up characterizations (particularly their really poor handling of Haman), the art style is not the greatest.

If you want to read a great Gundam manga, check out The Plot to Assassinate Gihren Zabi

Whats the title of the assasination manga?


Whats the title of the assasination manga?

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Gihren Assassination Plot

Oh wow. Now that I've looked into this, I see that it's been scanlated. I see it in the bookstore near my apartment all the time, and I figured it was only in Japanese. We've both learned something new today.

Speaking of Gundam manga that's supposed to be good, I picked this up today.
I'm excited to read it.


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Gihren Assassination Plot

Oh wow. Now that I've looked into this, I see that it's been scanlated. I see it in the bookstore near my apartment all the time, and I figured it was only in Japanese. We've both learned something new today.

Speaking of Gundam manga that's supposed to be good, I picked this up today.

I'm excited to read it.

Is astray in english or are those japanese only?

Also, how is crossbone gundam? I've heard ot was good

Edit: What are the great (if any) MSG manga? Would love to know, and did anyone here read "the blue destiny"? Its avaialbe in english, and want to know if its worth getting


Is astray in english or are those japanese only?

Also, how is crossbone gundam? I've heard ot was good

Edit: What are the great (if any) MSG manga? Would love to know, and did anyone here read "the blue destiny"? Its avaialbe in english, and want to know if its worth getting

I believe the first Astray series has been released in English, but mine are Japanese.

I read Blue Destiny. I think a lot of people like it, but I thought it was average.

If you live in North America, buy the Vertical Inc. releases of MSG: The Origin. Hell, even if you don't live in North America, I recommend getting them. Vertical is a fantastic company, and their release of The Origin is the single best production I've seen in a comic book series. They sell 'em at import stores here, so I imagine they're not too difficult to find no matter where you live.

It seems that the series that most people generally regard as quality when it comes to Gundam manga
(Correct me if I'm wrong, fellas.)
are Crossbone, Astray, and The Origin.


Nice, will be reading some of these, and will pick up blue destiny then.

Btw that art is fantastic.

Should i get origin if ive already got the 0079 movies?

The origin looks fantastic


Even still, I just can't get behind letting such a minor character (when it come to piloting) getting a slot when several Wing/OO/X/SEED cast still are sitting on the sideline.

I'm all up for the Alliance and Nobell, but ugh Rising would just piss me off like Lacus did.

Seed and 00 already have like thirty units, Setsuna has at least 5 different units playable. Let's give some love to other series, especially ones that aren't horrible.


Canadians burned my passport
Well at the rate they're going GotL won't be done til like 2016 or something. Who knows when an english version will come out.


a company needs to get the rights to the entire series, because i need to have zeta on blu ray

Also, what does the community here think of a new translation trilogy? I thought it was solid, some things coulve been done better
Also, what does the community here think of a new translation trilogy? I thought it was solid, some things coulve been done better

I've only seen the first one so far. I liked it, despite it cutting out some amazing scenes such as Kamille punching Jerid for calling his name girly. The part where
Amuro and Char meet for the first time since One Year War
is beyond words. The animation during that last fight is amazing, with the plane crashing into an MS and stuff. Simply gorgeous to look at.

Not sure when I'll watch the second and third ones. I'm kind of afraid it'll sour me on Zeta with their fake little ending.


I've only seen the first one so far. I liked it, despite it cutting out some amazing scenes such as Kamille punching Jerid for calling his name girly. The part where
Amuro and Char meet for the first time since One Year War
is beyond words. The animation during that last fight is amazing, with the plane crashing into an MS and stuff. Simply gorgeous to look at.

Not sure when I'll watch the second and third ones. I'm kind of afraid it'll sour me on Zeta with their fake little ending.

It honestly didnt feel jarring at all, if anything it fit into place imo.

Also, question, i understand that a new translation voids ZZ, But how does it void Char's CA, and in turn, Unicorn?


It honestly didnt feel jarring at all, if anything it fit into place imo.

Also, question, i understand that a new translation voids ZZ, But how does it void Char's CA, and in turn, Unicorn?

Voiding ZZ is the worst thing ever. Basically it makes the plot of CCA an even larger piece of crap. I mean at least ZZ explains what happens to Haman Khan and her Axis forces. If you jump straight from Z to CCA suddenly there's like nearly 20 years of time unaccounted for and 0 explanation for what happened to Haman and Axis. They stand poised to conquer everything at the end of Zeta, and then they're completely gone?


Also, you don't get Judau, the ZZ Gundam, or Roux, which basically is like willfully deciding you don't want an ice cream cone with chocolate, strawberry, and bananna flavors in it because the waffle cone is the wrong color.

Beth Cyra

Is Glory of the Losers completed yet? I keep picking it up on/off, don't even remember where I was last time.

It's not. It's just entered the second half of the series and are up to Wing Gundam Zero Vs Merc and Vaye.

If it continues at it's current pace, the Manga will likely finish Wing TV probably around August of next year. This however won't be the end, Glory was announced to tell not only up to the end of Wing TV, but also through Endless Waltz and even Frozen Teardrop. The whole story in one continued form.

If they do end up going all the way, then it probably won't finish until 17 or so, and that is if FT stops delaying multiple months in a row.


Gundam Build Fighters - 04

This week message for all the cool kidz, playing gunpla can get you the girlz.. Episode are rather silly and embarrassing tbh, all this idol stuff can burn..

Best part of the episode, motherfucking Zaku kick Infinite Justice ass.. aww yeahhhhh

Next week episode look awesome, X Gundam!
Gundam Build Fighters - 04

This week message for all the cool kidz, playing gunpla can get you the girlz..

I think that is the opposite of what the episode was saying actually. Kirara clearly didn't give a fuck about Gundam and Gunpla, and Kousaka is only getting into it because she likes Sei. Same sort of thing from Episode 2, where the girls at his school thought he should have a cooler hobby.

I think this episode was actually a rather cynical take on the fact that Idols don't really have personalities/hobbies outside of what their agents tell them to like, for their image.
Gundam Girl Fighters 4

That song in the first scene felt a lot like Strike Shutsugeki.

I don't know what the hell was going on the rest of the episode. That idol thing was stupid as hell.

Loved seeing the Justice in action, even if it was for just a little bit. Such a great suit in my opinion.

Pretty sure Ramba Ral is just stalking China at this point.
No, but it's cuter. Like a papercraft suit come to life.

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam Episode 42: Fresh Blood Swirls in the Light

During the recap, the narrator makes this comment:

This came completely out of left field for me, because I didn't get that impression from Uso in the last episode at all.

Anyway, we start off smack dab in the middle of a firefight. Uso's starting to depend on the Wings of Light a lot. I can't complain, since they're still pretty cool. Odelo and Tomodache are acting as his wingmen this time, providing support fire. When they hit a stretch of empty space, Odelo and Tomache comment on how he may be pushing himself too hard for his father's approval. That bastard narrator is clearly feeding them lines. Uso, for his part, doesn't see things that way, but he is worried that if he starts slipping in front of his father (who is, again, the big cheese in the League Militaire), he'll get pulled out of combat.

Pippinden, who's commanding the enemy forces, is taking heavy losses, and he knows his superiors won't do anything until he asks for help, which he won't do because he's an idiot as well as a backstabbing schemer. He decides to retreat, and Uso's the only one outside of the haze of suit explosions to see it happen. In order to stop the ship from rejoining BESPA's main forces, Uso executes the "fire-at-three-exact-points-in-rotation-while-keeping-the-suit-locked-in-an-exact-pose" maneuver, but there are too many suits covering the ship's escape for it to work, so he and the rest of the Shrike Team bail as well. Marbet takes this as an opportunity to exposit: there's a big-ass fleet behind the enemy's front line, including the Zanneck, and they're protecting the Angel Halo. Shakti seems to hear bells, but Karl doesn't sense anything. She says they're different from the ones from before, almost as if they invoke fear.

TO THE RASTEO (because let's be honest, the show wasn't going to tell you the name of the ship): Pippinden complains to Tassilo that he's being left on the front lines without any support which Tassilo denies. Tassilo decides to let Pippinden languish as long as possible on the defensive line, and Pippinden decides to lure the League further into their territory to force Tassilo to assist him. Fuala overhears this on Tassilo's bridge, and Cineau drops in on the conversation on Pippers' bridge (wearing a dress over her normal suit, again,) and for a moment it seems like they've both become the Captain's Woman of their respective ships, but thankfully that's not the case. Pippinden is clearly interested in Cineau, and she's encouraging it, but only as an incentive for him to show some ruthlessness; she says she hates kissing old men, and Pippinden can't be older than 25, so I think we all know what that means. Also, just after that line we get this shot:

That mechanic totally looks like a kid at first glance, which is probably why Cineau gave him a once-over as she made her way to the hangar. I honestly can't tell if the mechanic's proportions are an error, or if it was supposed to come off as Cineau creepin', but it's weird either way. Cineau passes by Pippinden's secret Mobile Armor (BESPA can't help making convoluted machines, they branched off from a bunch of army engineers) before getting into her suit. She declares that she'll weed out the weak from the strong, knowing that Uso, as a Newtype, should be able to understand. She's gunning for Uso, in one way or another. Creeper-ass Cineau.
I should mention that her suit, the Brucknerg, is one of the new ones that were rolled out in the last few episodes, and its Einerad (the wheel attachment) is marginally less idiotic than the standard Motorad suits. Its Einerad is collapsible, and can be placed on a backpack or used as a shield (and I swear the thing operates on magnetism, although the specs say otherwise). It's a pretty big improvement, and considering how Uso ends up tearing off one of the earlier models off a suit and uses it as a makeshift beam shield, BESPA should have just made it the new standard. It's still pretty goofy though.

Speaking of beam shields, the League's just invented a new one based on the Victory's specs, and they've given it to Francesca to test out, while Uso's got his hands on the Mega Beam Cannon that was previously affixed to the White Ark. Uso hears the bells, the bells, and Karl goes off as well, so they drag him off into the lower deck. The teens goes on about some kind of warmth from space. This is most likely related to the second set of bells, but at this point I'm convinced that the teens are only there to throw out lines that are meant to make the show seem deeper than it really is. Francesca tests out the new shield, and it's impressive, but it also causes the suit to overheat. It also seems to cause some damage to the wiring; the Victory's head is blown off, but somehow the entire control system's fried - which has never happened in every other instance in the show where a suit's head was blown off - so she has to bail before someone blasts the suit to smithereens (a blast that the shield survives intact, natch). And yet, somehow, she comes to the conclusion that she's just not a good enough pilot to handle it, despite the evidence proving otherwise. She also hears the bells. And earlier, Tassilo heard the blasted bells, on top of the bells from Fuala. Bells, bells, bells, it's madness. Odelo finds her surfing on the shield, and she tells him to give it to Uso.

Uso's doing well enough on offense, but Cineau swoops in blasting white-hot death from above, with all the fury of a woman who still has to wear bandages to cover the bite mark on her boob, blowing the M.B. Cannon to bits. She launches the wheel segments, and they act as magnetic locks (seriously, this thing's like a Swiss army knife,) which restrain the V2. Uso busts out of them and is joined by the others, who are pushing the BESPA forces back. He decides to trail Cineau in order to finish her off.
Pippinden, ticked pink by how well his plan is going, decides to sortie in his Mobile armor. Meanwhile, Cineau meets up with her men and sets up a pincer attack, which successfully traps Uso and leaves him vulnerable enough for her to try and crush him with a piece of space wreckage. As she delivers the final blow, she says:

Which promps Uso to say "what?!", almost the same time that I did. Because really - WHAT!?
Then we get this somewhat NSFW imagery, which is just...yeah.
She goes on about how he's her dream, her ideal. Uso, for some reason, thinks that she just wants him as a son. Poor, naive Uso has no idea that he's got that psy-powered Kaneda magnetism.

He plants a beam saber into the suit's core, but somehow she survives and escapes. At the same time, Pippinden gets ready to sortie in his MA, the Birknau, which is actually just a really big spacecraft with a few cannons attached. That automatically makes it the most sensible design for a MA ever made, and it could actually change the course of the battle then and there. Pippers seems to think so too, since he doesn't even bother to wear a helmet. But as the MA gets ready to launch, Cineau starts making a beeline to the hanger. Pippers begs the mechanics to stop the launch, but it's too late, and the Birknau is catapulted into the Brucknerg's arms. Cineau, deciding that she doesn't need to cling to weak men anymore, holds Pippers down as the Brucknerg explodes, blasting the MA, the hanger, the whole ship to smithereens. Uso pretty much knows that Cineau was responsible, and he flashes back to their shower together, complete with soft filter. This show. Seriously.

Tassilo's not too upset about losing a ship, oddly enough - he's pretty happy that his double-cross beat out Pippers', and he and Fuala intend to take out the League next time.

For those of you who were fortunate enough to read Crossbone Gundam, you may remember that a character commented on seeing the wreckage of the Birknau in passing. Now, the wreckage was pretty damaged in Crossbone, but keep in kind that it was in the hypocenter of the explosion caused by Cineau's stupidity - so it's actually in good shape, considering that it's recognizable. Is this a continuity error, or was it simply that strong? I choose to believe the latter, just to underline how incredibly treasonous Pippinden was to keep a machine for himself (since this was the only one ever made), how incredibly stupid Cineau was to blow it to pieces (while calling him weak - and no, the irony doesn't make up for it) and how utterly futile their schemes were.)

This episode was really, really dumb, and if I never hear about bells again it'll be too soon - but we're rid of 2 more members of the Motorad Squad, so it's another high point. Chronicle's the only one left at this point. Go for broke, League Militaire!

I made some .gifs, but this post already has a bunch of posts, so I'll just link them here.

I'll be honest: watching
naked space Cineau
careening towards Uso made me laugh harder than I have in a long, long time, so I'm getting something out of it.


Welp. All this talk of bells and the show pretending like Uso grew up is yet another reason why it is the worst UC Gundam show ever made.


Victory Gundam's horrible treatment of women is just another reason it is the Gundam AGE of UC.

Not even horrible treatment of women

That was just so badly done

"The enemy is trying to distract me with ass and tits, nope this isnt real, no way it can be.

Just killed a woman with a beam saber, nope, no way thats real."

Think i did a good thing by clearing out the 32 gb of memory that victory took up on my hard drive, wow.


Not even horrible treatment of women

That was just so badly done

"The enemy is trying to distract me with ass and tits, nope this isnt real, no way it can be.

Just killed a woman with a beam saber, nope, no way thats real."

Think i did a good thing by clearing out the 32 gb of memory that victory took up on my hard drive, wow.

It says a lot that the only good female character in Victory who isn't murdered in a brutal spends half the series either physically or emotionally crippled.

But seriously, this show murders women frequently and in over-the-top ways. Which I confess is only one of its many, many crimes. Other crimes include things like having Shakti be a character, NOT killing Karlman, and also the entire show.
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