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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Yo Italy straight up called that woman a Victory Gundam to her face. No wonder she didn't stick around.
You have a point. The big innovation of the victory human was that it was cheap to mass produce parts for, this making it expendable. Not exactly the best compliment to give a girl. Still, I'd like a model v gundam. It is a nice simple design

Not Spaceghost

You have a point. The big innovation of the victory human was that it was cheap to mass produce parts for, this making it expendable. Not exactly the best compliment to give a girl. Still, I'd like a model v gundam. It is a nice simple design

Seriously if you wanna woo a girl with a gundam model you gotta give her the X. Because it's basically a moonlight sonata.


You have a point. The big innovation of the victory human was that it was cheap to mass produce parts for, this making it expendable. Not exactly the best compliment to give a girl. Still, I'd like a model v gundam. It is a nice simple design

It looks like the AGE.
Not really unless you take into account they both have basic gundam motifs. The victory is much more basic and stream lined looking




Dang. I was hoping there was some kind of trick I was missing (though I have no idea what else anyone could possibly do anyway). It's just baffling. Everything else works fine and snaps together well. I don't get how such crucial joints could be made so poorly. The waist can't even hold itself on properly, much less the added weight of the legs! I guess I'll just finish it up and prop it up, hoping nothing ever shakes it and causes the legs to pop off.

Is this the right place to ask Gundam model questions? Because I picked up one at Otakon, and I am getting ungodly frustrated. It's this fellow here. I've picked up a few models in the past and never run into any problems.

This guy, though... I've gotten to the full assembly step for the body, and the joints/slots/whatever you want to call them attaching the legs to the waist and the upper body to the waist are awful unless I'm missing something. I can't even adjust the legs or even put them in the way shown in the manual (connecter to waist, then legs to connecter) without the things falling out. And the upper body doesn't even feel like it's on there. I can take a picture later if necessary, but the problem in both instances seems to arrive from connecting rods sticking out of the spherical connecters that have semi-circular rings cut out on both sides down the length. It's like the makers of the kit think having that pattern makes them stick, but far as I can tell they're awful and they just didn't give enough depth to the waist part for the thing to work.

Other than this the build feels great, so I'm super, super frustrated to find these crucial joints not working right. I'm really hoping I'm just being dumb and missing something, because as-is this is driving me nuts.

To conclude my tale of woe: I built all the weapons and whatnot over the last two days (and good god does it have a lot. This step took sooooo much longer than on the other four I've built). And then finally came time for the full, complete assembly. It's standing for now, but it took some serious doing. After I gave up on putting it in a raised area like I initially planned and reorganized to make space near standing level, it still took me like 10 different tries to assemble the thing (lower body, upper body, and backpack). It's the damn legs, they're just so wobbly. I also had to give up on having it hold its weapons, since the hands just wouldn't grip the damn things (I don't think it's possible to get a production model into the poses on the boxes at all). And the little ammo clips on the back for the cannons had quite possibly the dumbest attachment ever, outside of maybe the triangular plasma piece. Ugh.

Long story short, I am NEVER picking up a model kit without asking around again. I used to feel safe just picking whatever I like, and I figured they've been making them for quite a while and the build quality usually feels so solid that I'd never have to worry. But this took something that's usually satisfying and cool and made it into a huge mess of frustration.

On top of everything else, it's in kind of a sassy pose. But I dare not touch it again, because those legs WILL fall off if I try.

Not Spaceghost

Long story short, I am NEVER picking up a model kit without asking around again. I used to feel safe just picking whatever I like, and I figured they've been making them for quite a while and the build quality usually feels so solid that I'd never have to worry. But this took something that's usually satisfying and cool and made it into a huge mess of frustration.

On top of everything else, it's in kind of a sassy pose. But I dare not touch it again, because those legs WILL fall off if I try.

Yeahhh, I honestly just stick to High Grades, because they're fun to build, plain enough that I can pain / customize as I wish and typically don't fall to pieces within seconds, yet detailed enough that they look pretty good out of the box with some basic panel lining. HG's post 2007 have gotten insanely good too in terms of build quality, the HGFC line has been nothing but pure bliss.

The only MG I've ever enjoyed building was the F-91, but even that wasn't without issues, putting the hands together was terrifying and I clipped the chin the wrong way taking it out of the plate so that became worthless. However that torso was easily one of the coolest things I have ever put together. But after that I vowed I would never build another MG again, my logic is that if I feel like I'm going to break it while putting it together then that isn't fun, and I build gunpla to relax.


You need new eyes. :(

They're both hideous mechs from hideous shows with hideous mechanical designs. Aside from a big fat green A on the chest and a difference of crests, it might as well all be the same. Same doofy round legs, same awful design. How anyone tolerates either of those shows with their inexcusably awful designs is beyond me.

At least 00's Gundams were cool.


They don't look anything alike. It seems like you're letting your feelings get in the way of having an actual objective look at the design. You can keep saying "terrible" over and over, but that doesn't really mean anything other than "I don't like it". Two things can be completely different and still terrible in your opinion,but that doesn't make them similar.

The legs look nothing alike. The shoulders are completely different. The arms are distinctly different. There's really nothing about Victory and AGE-1 which makes them any more similar than every other main Gundam design since the RX-78.


They don't look anything alike. It seems like you're letting your feelings get in the way of having an actual objective look at the design. You can keep saying "terrible" over and over, but that doesn't really mean anything other than "I don't like it". Two things can be completely different and still terrible in your opinion,but that doesn't make them similar.

The legs look nothing alike. The shoulders are completely different. The arms are distinctly different. There's really nothing about Victory and AGE-1 which makes them any more similar than every other main Gundam design since the RX-78.

The legs do look alike, as do the shoulders. The chief differences really are only in the heads and chests, because the AGE has its distinctive green A and its wonky white crest as opposed to the Victory's yellow'd one.

The only other real difference is the weird ass fins on the back of the Victory's arms. The picture Megalosoro posted isn't exactly well-drawn though, because in show the Victory's lower leg portions were never that bloated. I would go so far as to say that the very first time I saw the Victory the reason I thought it looked like the AGE was because of its legs. Another thing I'd cite is the unusual shape of the head, both of which look pretty similar when we look past the crest. The head has that green mark up top which not all Gundams have, and the more pronounced sides.

But hey, whatever, harp on my eyesight instead.


Dude, that's the actual design drawing. Lol.

Whatever, I'm not going to continue this discussion anyway because your logic is broken.

I do believe I mentioned that I considered the designs in both shows to be horrible? So telling me it is the design drawing isn't really going to make me feel conflict in saying it looks poorly drawn.

But whatever, I'm not gonna stick around for more insults.

Beth Cyra

O Gundam and Age 1 are similar, but I just don't see it with Victory. Just the tinyness of V Gundam and the much more rounded nature make it far more distinct from RX-78-2 then the AGE 1.

Also despite my hatred od Victory as a show and the V2 Gundam I actually really think V1, even more so with the Hexa head can look quite nice. Its just sad its gun looks so awful.
I don't think he's trying to be insulting, Corvo. He's just pointing out your flawed logic. I don't think we'd have a problem with your statement if you had just said from the beginning that you thought the Victory was a terrible design, since that's a subjective statement.

However, your argument is that the Victory Gundam and the AGE look the same, and that's just not true other than very basic design similarities that all Gundams have.

For one thing, the AGE-1 and the Victory have completely different heads. The AGE-1 doesn't even have a V-Fin, instead going for a "horn" look.

Their chests are also very different in shape only sharing the "gundam" color scheme. AGE-1 has its stupid A design and it's vents, where has the V has a protruded hatch and lacks vents.


Shrug, I still think they look alike, but if that's just me, I'm okay with that. I apologize for causing a ruckus and snapping at Duckroll.


Lol, no one has to apologize for snapping at me. But really, they're nothing alike! Look at the legs and the shoulders! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!


Hating on Victory's design in this thread? Man, that makes me sad. Say what you will about the show, I think Victory is a great looking mecha. I love the different arm and leg fighters as well. The whole fast change on the battlefield mechanic is really neat. I also just really like the silhouette. V2-Assault Buster is even better. Probably one of my favorite gundam designs. It's so cool. Love the giant weapon's pacs and wings of light. Thing of beauty. Man, where's that MG V2 you promised me, Bandai?

Speaking of MGs, really hoping that likely false MG Akatsuki rumor turns out to be true. If so, Bandai seems to intend to drag me back into model building and completely destroy my wallet. Getting both a MG X and Akatsuki would be amazing. Next thing you know, they'll be announcing MG V2-AB actually happening and maybe Turn X or something. I'd probably die from excitement.
Long story short, I am NEVER picking up a model kit without asking around again. I used to feel safe just picking whatever I like, and I figured they've been making them for quite a while and the build quality usually feels so solid that I'd never have to worry. But this took something that's usually satisfying and cool and made it into a huge mess of frustration.

On top of everything else, it's in kind of a sassy pose. But I dare not touch it again, because those legs WILL fall off if I try.

http://dalong.net/ has reviews of most new kits as soon as they come out. The site is Korean but you can try feed it into a translator and make sense out of it or just look at the pictures.

I prefer the MG line over the HG simply for the sheer number of parts and being more poseable though HG has caught up in recent years.

Personally I'd avoid kits that emphasize too much on the accessories rather than the actual model itself.


Hating on Victory's design in this thread? Man, that makes me sad. Say what you will about the show, I think Victory is a great looking mecha. I love the different arm and leg fighters as well. The whole fast change on the battlefield mechanic is really neat. I also just really like the silhouette. V2-Assault Buster is even better. Probably one of my favorite gundam designs. It's so cool. Love the giant weapon's pacs and wings of light. Thing of beauty. Man, where's that MG V2 you promised me, Bandai?

Speaking of MGs, really hoping that likely false MG Akatsuki rumor turns out to be true. If so, Bandai seems to intend to drag me back into model building and completely destroy my wallet. Getting both a MG X and Akatsuki would be amazing. Next thing you know, they'll be announcing MG V2-AB actually happening and maybe Turn X or something. I'd probably die from excitement.

I think the V-2 looks fine, but the Victory not so much. The Wings of Light were cool and deserve their props for inspiring the cool shiny wings of light in SEED Destiny that I like so much.

But a fan of the V-1 I am not.
I think both the Victory and AGE are similar in that they both look really uninspired and safe lead Gundams. And those legs on that Victory artwork look nothing like they did in the anime. Maybe that was the original design but when LM realized that the gundams would be piloted by a bunch of idiots who throw legs away like chicken drumstick bones they slimmed down the design to waste less materials.
I think both the Victory and AGE are similar in that they both look really uninspired and safe lead Gundams. And those legs on that Victory artwork look nothing like they did in the anime. Maybe that was the original design but when LM realized that the gundams would be piloted by a bunch of idiots who throw legs away like chicken drumstick bones they slimmed down the design to waste less materials.

I dunno, the whole thing about the Victory is that it's underdeveloped - the docking for the Core Fighter is super sloppy, it's even flimsier and less protected than the other suits it fights, and you can see the big-ass rivets in the sides for the Bottom Parts.

And the legs look like that when they're animated in the show:

You must be thinking of when they're far away, because this show doesn't do detail so well.
Not that I'm going to bat for the show or anything; you guys can state any opinion you want, I just like to chime in when I can and do a little fact checking.

I almost feel guilty that I'm going to try and write very short blurbs for Episodes 43-48 today; I try to post recaps when you guys have sort of forgotten about Victory, but between this week's episode of Build Fighters and this little discussion, I'd have to wait for another week >_>


Is Euphemia Li Britannia Code Geass' Haman Khan?

The question before us today, my friends, is this: Is Euphemia Britannia, the daughter of demonic despot Charles Britannia and sugar coated pink princess of Code Geass fame actually Haman Khan? At first, I'm sure it must seem like a simple question, where the answer is "No you idiot this is dumb and you've worn out your welcome you can't make lightning strike twice." And while you are COMPLETELY RIGHT "wrong," I will endeavor to force this joke as far as I can.

Before I get too far into my explanation, I wish to put that actually, Euphemia and her sister, Cornelia, are the two sides of Haman. For simplicity's sake, here is a picture of Cornelia:

Now, going from the outside in, all three women have a similar visual motif. Purple-pink hair, regal dress, a penchant for hair decos, and of course, they all look nice next to a giant, metal monster. They also have similar colored eyes and all. Haman pictured here is not as regal in appearance as the Britannians, but I'm sure all of you can think of an occasion in which she was in fact dressed to the nines.

Haman, like Cornelia and Euphemia, had been near the battlefield from a young age, and had been rescued by a dashing, exiled prince with a sheltered sister. Each begun idealistic, and soured over time, though all kept up a public image decidedly more positive than they felt. All three moved on from their princely love interest to a young, bright-eyed idealist. This is perhaps more easy to argue in Euphemia's case than Cornelia, but I will explain in a moment.


Char to Haman, and Lelouch to Euphemia. Maybe Clovis to Cornellia? Doubt it.


No, seriously, the entire world at her beck and call and Haman Khan fell in love with this goof.

Haman Khan was a powerful warrior and talented pilot (akin to Cornelia), who also was a skilled politician who used her femininity to lure men into doing her bidding (as did Euphemia.) Cornelia represents the external qualities of Haman, her prowess as a soldier and her appearance as an adversary, but is inwardly akin to Haman's kinder side, having ol' Glasses boy as her own personal Judau. Euphemia, on the other hand, externally represents Haman's internal and passive side, being a kind woman who cares for her subordinates and has wide eyes and ideals, but internally reflects Haman's own tendency to use men as she wants, bending Suzaku and Lelouch to her will.

At this point I take a break to suggest to your minds that something I have maintained was the case all along is in fact the exact opposite. That is to say, it was not Lelouch who had planned on
killing Euphemia from the start
, but rather, it was Euphemia herself. Aware of the bitter feud between father and son, Euphemia collected both Suzaku and Lelouch. She commands the one to love her, and fills him with her ideals, the other she baits
into killing her after their initial meeting.
After all, his voice was at best poorly masked. The resulting disaster sets the two permanently at odds, hastens the conclusion of the feud between her father and brother, and ultimately paves the way for the freedoms and peace she desires. The ideals she instills into Suzaku remain embedded in him, and her clever ploy to
use her defamation and demise to frame Lelouch permanently as a villain in Suzaku's mind
ensure that he will forever after strive to maintain her ideals, by whatever means necessary.

Now, returning to our comparison, Haman's father was a prominent member of Spacenoid society, and Euphemia and Cornelia's father is the King of Britannia. When her father dies, Haman assumes his role. When their brother Clovis dies, the sisters assume his role. Haman says that disguising her true nature is her greatest strength, and indeed, at one point, Cornelia disguises the nature of
her surviving death
to great effect. Haman says that it is the destiny of mankind to remain alone, and Euphemia's
Gambit ensures that mankind is alone, and not ruled by
people with Geass powers.

Haman spends significant time and energy in trying to capture and convert Judau Ashta to her cause. Euphemia successfully does precisely this. A conflict with their former prince (Char) and (Lelouch) has severe consequences for the people they're representing. Haman enters the conflict between the tyrannical Titans and the resistance by the AEUG and comes out the victor. Euphemia enters the conflict between the tyrannical Britannians and the resistance by the Black Knights, and ultimately it is
her successor and perpetual slave to her memory, Suzaku
who stands as the victor.

Haman is also the warden of a princess she uses to retain her power. Euphemia is the younger sister of the Princess Cornelia, from whom she derives her power.

So what say you, Gundam GAF? Is my joke bad? Or terribad?
If Turn A is (of) the best gundam, then X is undoubtedly the prophet of said greatness.

X is great, it's such a shame it was cut short though :(

So I saved the 2 great Gundam shows for last? Actually make that 3, G Fighter has also become one of my favourites :) Was really getting bored of the "traditional" Gundam shows so Im happy they've done something else with the series for a change. Victory Gundam was just bad at everything, plot, art style, characters, fights etc


fucking winx club shit

Andrew J.

Is Euphemia Li Britannia Code Geass' Haman Khan?

The question before us today, my friends, is this: Is Euphemia Britannia, the daughter of demonic despot Charles Britannia and sugar coated pink princess of Code Geass fame actually Haman Khan? At first, I'm sure it must seem like a simple question, where the answer is "No you idiot this is dumb and you've worn out your welcome you can't make lightning strike twice." And while you are COMPLETELY RIGHT "wrong," I will endeavor to force this joke as far as I can.

Before I get too far into my explanation, I wish to put that actually, Euphemia and her sister, Cornelia, are the two sides of Haman. For simplicity's sake, here is a picture of Cornelia:

Now, going from the outside in, all three women have a similar visual motif. Purple-pink hair, regal dress, a penchant for hair decos, and of course, they all look nice next to a giant, metal monster. They also have similar colored eyes and all. Haman pictured here is not as regal in appearance as the Britannians, but I'm sure all of you can think of an occasion in which she was in fact dressed to the nines.

Haman, like Cornelia and Euphemia, had been near the battlefield from a young age, and had been rescued by a dashing, exiled prince with a sheltered sister. Each begun idealistic, and soured over time, though all kept up a public image decidedly more positive than they felt. All three moved on from their princely love interest to a young, bright-eyed idealist. This is perhaps more easy to argue in Euphemia's case than Cornelia, but I will explain in a moment.

Haman Khan was a powerful warrior and talented pilot (akin to Cornelia), who also was a skilled politician who used her femininity to lure men into doing her bidding (as did Euphemia.) Cornelia represents the external qualities of Haman, her prowess as a soldier and her appearance as an adversary, but is inwardly akin to Haman's kinder side, having ol' Glasses boy as her own personal Judau. Euphemia, on the other hand, externally represents Haman's internal and passive side, being a kind woman who cares for her subordinates and has wide eyes and ideals, but internally reflects Haman's own tendency to use men as she wants, bending Suzaku and Lelouch to her will.

At this point I take a break to suggest to your minds that something I have maintained was the case all along is in fact the exact opposite. That is to say, it was not Lelouch who had planned on
killing Euphemia from the start
, but rather, it was Euphemia herself. Aware of the bitter feud between father and son, Euphemia collected both Suzaku and Lelouch. She commands the one to love her, and fills him with her ideals, the other she baits
into killing her after their initial meeting.
After all, his voice was at best poorly masked. The resulting disaster sets the two permanently at odds, hastens the conclusion of the feud between her father and brother, and ultimately paves the way for the freedoms and peace she desires. The ideals she instills into Suzaku remain embedded in him, and her clever ploy to
use her defamation and demise to frame Lelouch permanently as a villain in Suzaku's mind
ensure that he will forever after strive to maintain her ideals, by whatever means necessary.

Now, returning to our comparison, Haman's father was a prominent member of Spacenoid society, and Euphemia and Cornelia's father is the King of Britannia. When her father dies, Haman assumes his role. When their brother Clovis dies, the sisters assume his role. Haman says that disguising her true nature is her greatest strength, and indeed, at one point, Cornelia disguises the nature of
her surviving death
to great effect. Haman says that it is the destiny of mankind to remain alone, and Euphemia's
Gambit ensures that mankind is alone, and not ruled by
people with Geass powers.

Haman spends significant time and energy in trying to capture and convert Judau Ashta to her cause. Euphemia successfully does precisely this. A conflict with their former prince (Char) and (Lelouch) has severe consequences for the people they're representing. Haman enters the conflict between the tyrannical Titans and the resistance by the AEUG and comes out the victor. Euphemia enters the conflict between the tyrannical Britannians and the resistance by the Black Knights, and ultimately it is
her successor and perpetual slave to her memory, Suzaku
who stands as the victor.

Haman is also the warden of a princess she uses to retain her power. Euphemia is the younger sister of the Princess Cornelia, from whom she derives her power.

So what say you, Gundam GAF? Is my joke bad? Or terribad?

Dude, you already proved that Lacus is Haman, all you had to say was "Oh and Euphemia is basically the same as Lacus." No one's going to dispute that, at any rate.


Dude, you already proved that Lacus is Haman, all you had to say was "Oh and Euphemia is basically the same as Lacus." No one's going to dispute that, at any rate.

But then I don't get to say that Euphemia masterminded the events of the entire series . . .


I don't think anyone would believe that the writers of Code Geass masterminded the events of the series, much less a character in the show.

Oh, you'd be surprised. Both about what people believe the characters masterminded and what the Code Geass writers did mastermind.

But I mostly came here to say that Corvo's crazy theory amuses me. Good job. I wonder if you can do that the opposite way around too though.


Oh, you'd be surprised. Both about what people believe the characters masterminded and what the Code Geass writers did mastermind.

But I mostly came here to say that Corvo's crazy theory amuses me. Good job. I wonder if you can do that the opposite way around too though.

Haman Khan is secretly super sugary idealist Lacus Clyne/Euphemia Britannia? Sort of hard to paint her manipulating literally every man she meets in a positive light. I'd have to mull that over.
Just started watching Turn A, wow so good! I wish they spend more time focusing on the power difference between the moonrace and earthnoids tho. They discovered their hidden moustache gundam way too early!

Andrew J.

Now Corvo needs to do one of these for Sheryl Nome and he'll have the whole trifecta of rose-haired female leads of mid-2000s mecha shows.
Now Corvo needs to do one of these for Sheryl Nome and he'll have the whole trifecta of rose-haired female leads of mid-2000s mecha shows.

It wouldn't be as novel as his other posts, though - other people have made theories about how Sheryl is the secret boss of Macross Frontier, so he'd be a little late to the party.

I've skimmed through the EX Models kits a few times, and while I find the idea of releasing a kit only once forever a little weird, I can understand why Bandai does it - most people are into the suits first and foremost. I hope they put out something for the Mother Vanguard someday.


Now Corvo needs to do one of these for Sheryl Nome and he'll have the whole trifecta of rose-haired female leads of mid-2000s mecha shows.

Isn't she already supposed to be Lacus Clyne? Really I should just do a Six Degrees of Haman Khan and have done with it. Every pink haired woman in anime is only six degrees of separation from Haman Khan

Just started watching Turn A, wow so good! I wish they spend more time focusing on the power difference between the moonrace and earthnoids tho. They discovered their hidden moustache gundam way too early!

Turn-A is so good.
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