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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Since we're talking about Gundam X...


Those brothers were so symptomatic of a 90s anime.


Gundam Seed - 33-40
I can usually only watch, at most, around 2-3 episodes of anything on a day when I don't have a ton of work. Because of this, I take forever to watch long series (this is why I have so many Gundam series left to watch, despite the fact that Gundam is my favorite anime franchise). I'm really sick right now, though, so I had some extra time! Woo! Gundam marathon!

I didn't grab any images 'til 40, which was probably the best episode yet. Shit's gettin' crazy lately.
Will this be explained, or is this what it looks like?
Le Creuset, who I will now refer to as French Mask, is having consensual (???) sex with Flay?
Speaking of Flay,
Kira hasn't given her a single thought since they've been separated. Nice.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit," is what I said aloud for about 30 seconds when I saw this.
Does this mean that Cagalli is a Coordinator, too? That would be awesome. My favorite character could be part Jesus.

There must be a way to make this look more detached and listless. If only there were a punctuation mark that denotes Posh accents!

So, the last 2 times I tried to post a Victory recap, GAF 404'd on me. But after seeing how short and succinct AlabastreAizo's recap is, I can't post a wall of text about a show that's worse than Seed with a clean conscience. So I'm gonna limit myself to two, and scrub both of my recaps down to a few lines.

Victory Gundam Episode 43: The Battlefield's Comet, Fuala

BESPA attacks once more, and in the midst of the chaos, Uso finds himself in a tight spot; he's exhausted the Mega Beam Cannon, and his shield's busted. There are no spare rifles or any other armaments he can grab. But he doesn't want to head back to the Reinforce Jr. until he sinks that damn Zanneck - that ringing sound is just that annoying. So what does he do?

He asks the mechanics to give him every set of boots left in the hangar.
Jinn says something to the effect of "hell no, that's stupid - come back to the ship you twit", but everyone else on the ship goes along with Uso's plan - partially because they figure Uso's got something up his sleeve, but mainly because everyone considers the fake Jinn to be a joke. Even the Shrike pilots offer to give Uso their legs, although he declines. He takes 10 pairs or so and takes on the Zanneck head on, using the Wings of Light as a shield while operating the boots remotely, like a bunch of miniature sattelite turrets or something. They swarm the Zanneck, knocking it off balance with a barrage of shots - and of course, a few of them collide into the machine and explode, because apparently that's still Uso's go-to tactic when he can afford it. Uso uses the explosions as a cover to finally blast the Zanneck to bits, but Fuala just bails out from the back of the machine. I guess she really is deserving of the title of "Comet", since she's had the most successful escapes in the series to date.

Tassilo pretends that this is all part of his plan, which is bull, because really, how do you plan to have your best mech destroyed? Marbet moves closer into enemy territory because...well, she doesn't say. Even the kids on board are confused, until next epsisode, where -

Episode 44: Love is at the End of the Light

Marbet's big plan is revealed! It involves tying up all the suits on board the Ark and posing as a pirate ship to sneak their way into the Angel Halo. That's actually a half decent plan, considering that BESPA itself doesn't seem to ever, ever keep files on the White Ark - it's always the Motorad Squad that loses their shit over the Ark. They just really hate the idea of a ship that looks like a ship instead of a car with a hull.
There's some subplot about two lovers in the same squad that end up fighting each other, but...it's really not that interesting, save for one thing.

They manage to get into the Angel Halo, and they spot more of those 'psychikers', like the ones from Underhook, although they're brainwashed; Tomache exposits that they might be here to act as a power source, since psychoframes can now be used as full-on power sources.

More psychic stuff - this won't lead to something stupid, I'm sure of it!

And what do you know, Zanscare needs Shakti to operate the Angel Halo to it's full potential! And they know she's on board because she and her mother can sense each other! Whoops.

Fortunately, Uso and Shakti decide to plant a bunch of bombs in the hangar bay to sabotage the device. Unfortunately, they were found out before they could detonate the bombs, and although they managed to escape with a hostage, they were forced to escape before they could do any real damage. Even more unfortunate was Shakti's change of heart; after sensing her mother on the Halo, she decides that the station must have been made for a good purpose since her mother's intentions were pure. So she lets the prisoner go, and orders him to help her escape so that she can ask her mother about what Zanscare intends to do with the Halo. Shakti has gone from getting in the way of the Shrike team to actively undermining and betraying them for the sake of a hunch. I'd say I was shocked, but, well, it's Shakti.

Shakti and the dude end up making a beeline to BESPA, but they're attacked by Fuala in a new suit called the Gengaozoa, and the female soldier who's trying to avenge her supposedly dead lover. Long story short, he tosses Shakti out of the cockpit into deep space, he and his lover accidentally kill each other, they reconnect for two minutes before willingly being blasted into Earths atmosphere to burn up together, and Shakti is traumatized for life, then captured by Fuala. Congrats, Shakti, you got two soldiers killed for a hunch.

The real tragedy is that the show never gives us a good shot of the new suit. This was the best I could manage this episode:

It's really not as impressive as the Zanneck, but I'm always a fan of thunder drums on mechs that actually shoot lightning, and it totally delivers on that front.
Anyway, as soon as Shakti gets on board Tassilo's ship she starts swinging her weight around, which pisses him and Fuala off to no end. The next few episodes are gonna be ...yeah.


No, that cap's from Double Zeta. I just really, really dislike Puru Two's introduction, and I thought it was an appropriate reaction image.

Man I don't even remember Puru Two's intro anymore, haha. Doesn't it happen around the time
the colony falls on Dublin?


Will someone please answer my question about Flay? I'm quite confused about that.

I don't really remember thinking that that was the case when I watched the series, in part because I don't remember Rau seeming like a person who was anything other than
and also because I feel like Flay became more sympathetic at this point and not less, but it would have surely been the opposite if she'd
slept with Rau.


I don't really remember thinking that that was the case when I watched the series, in part because I don't remember Rau seeming like a person who was anything other than
and also because I feel like Flay became more sympathetic at this point and not less, but it would have surely been the opposite if she'd
slept with Rau.
It kinda seemed like
he raped her...
or she is extremely prone to Stolkholm Syndrome.. I am very confused about why she was
naked in his room, in his bed..


Gundam Seed 41-50
It's okay. It's over now. Let it all out.
So many dead dads.

Overall, I liked Gundam Seed more than I thought. Perhaps it's because I went in with very low expectations? Some things really bugged me, though. After episode 25, they started reusing tons of animation. That was cheap and lame. Sometimes, flashbacks were so long, that I skipped through them. The melodrama was too heavy, too. Another thing that bugged me was the number of plot holes and unexplained, random occurrences.
Dearka suddenly getting the Buster Gundam back after he was kicked off the Archangel, Kira living through that explosion, the insanely overpowered Jesus mode of both Athrun and Kira, Flay is kidnapped for seemingly no reason, etc.

I was almost very disappointed near the end because I thought
Flay might end up living through it,
but she ended up dying! I high fived my roommate after that.

Next, I will watch Seed Destiny! .... :(

In case anyone is wondering, I'm watching these right now because I want to be prepared for the new Gundam Musou that comes out in December; its campaigns cover the plots of Seed and Destiny.


Just finished s2 of Gundam 00...

... someone hold me.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Hey, at least they didn't make a movie, right?

Is Uso not the biggest Gundam crybaby

Uso is horrid, but at least he manages to do stuff. Unlike Cronicle, who spent the 40 episodes of the show I watched fucking his underage girlfriend, riding inside of a giant motorcycle and getting his ass handed to him by a twelve year old.


Uso doeant whine nearly as much as Amuro, Kamille[both of whom I like a lot] Banagher, or any of the CE dudes do.

I'll give you the CE guys but that's it. Uso's every word is a whine. Kamille whined, but his voice wasn't a whine. Uso reading the dang episode title is a whine.


He had nothing but brain problems and small penis syndrome.

For the shit that Chronicle gets, he did very politely prevent a little girl from taking a sleep-walk piss outside pretty early in the series.

I just wish he had some semblance of common sense to be like "Zanscare, what in the fuck?!" at some point about.. well, anything that stupid empire does.


gundam breaker is amazing, seriously considering double dipping on the vita version since the mission structure is perfect for the system.

knocked off artdinks games as my favourite PvE Gundam game


gundam breaker is amazing, seriously considering double dipping on the vita version since the mission structure is perfect for the system.

knocked off artdinks games as my favourite PvE Gundam game

I will pick it up for Vita when I purchase a Vita, then. Thanks for the input. I'm picking up a Vita just to play Gundam games, I think... Mostly because of Shin Gundam Musou...


My problem with Cronicle was that in 40 episodes he had barely ever defeated or even threatened Uso. Also he had basically massive shoes to fill and did not succeed at living up to the standards of just about every Char in the series.

As in I honestly think that Zeheart Galette was a better antagonist.


My problem with Cronicle was that in 40 episodes he had barely ever defeated or even threatened Uso. Also he had basically massive shoes to fill and did not succeed at living up to the standards of just about every Char in the series.

As in I honestly think that Zeheart Galette was a better antagonist.

I thought French Mask from Seed hardly did anything until the final episode. He was not a good Char clone.
Haha! Clone!


I thought French Mask from Seed hardly did anything until the final episode. He was not a good Char clone.
Haha! Clone!

Nah, Rau is cool because he
sets up all kinds of wacky stuff, like the Cyclops
over the course of the series. He isn't super active, but his evil
plan is pretty great
. Plus from the time you find out about
Kira's hilarious backstory onward he's crazy over the top and it is fun.

Especially when you compare him to Destiny's Char. Even so, Rau and Neo are WAAAAAAAAAY better than Cronicle. Even Bushido and Zeheart are.
Just finished up the Hong Kong section of Gundam Zeta. Uncontrollable amateur pilots in a densely populated city; awesome.
Okay okay, i can understand the hate for Katz now. The moment that idiot jumped into the Mk2 without authorisation, thinking he could defend an enemy assault, I was ready to dish out severe "correction".

Also Beltorchika, either it is that time of the month, or she has a serious case of bad attitude.


Just finished up the Hong Kong section of Gundam Zeta. Uncontrollable amateur pilots in a densely populated city; awesome.
Okay okay, i can understand the hate for Katz now. The moment that idiot jumped into the Mk2 without authorisation, thinking he could defend an enemy assault, I was ready to dish out severe "correction".

Also Beltorchika, either it is that time of the month, or she has a serious case of bad attitude.

I really hated her, but by the end other women had far surpassed her as worst woman in the show. Katz though, Katz is the worst thing about Zeon era UC Gundam. He used to be the worst about UC in general but then I saw Victory and met Shakti, Karlman, and Katejina.
I really hated her, but by the end other women had far surpassed her as worst woman in the show. Katz though, Katz is the worst thing about Zeon era UC Gundam. He used to be the worst about UC in general but then I saw Victory and met Shakti, Karlman, and Katejina.
ha, what.
Really wish they kept Lila around longer. Best female character thus far out of MSG/MS Zeta.


Don't do this to yourself.

Thanks for your concern... I know I shouldn't... Unfortunately, this is a journey that I must take. A journey to Hell!

If we are ranking Char clones Chronicle is surely at the bottom, with Neo Roanoke hovering somewhere close by.
You know what sucks? Just googling his name immediately spoiled everything since I just finished Seed. I merely wanted to see a picture, but Google had to be nosy. Damn top result.
You watched Victory.

At least SEED Destiny can occasionally be called entertainment compared to that fucking thing.

I don't know. IMHO Destiny was worse than Victory.

- Shinn is an awful protagonist who for whatever reason falls in love with a girl he met for 20 minutes and then has the balls to say that Athrun is traitor for joining Kira when he aids his enemy 'girlfriend' in the destruction of half of Eastern Europe. All Uso did was whine a bit.

- Neo Roronoke is the worst Char clone as he did nothing but lie on a bed for half a series. Chronicle for all his faults at least tryed to beat Uso. He also piloted the Rig Contio which isn't a half-bad mobile suit.


I still insist that Chronicle is a carbon copy of Kycilia Zabi. He matches up with her way more than he does Char.

Kycilia wasn't around a whole lot but when she was she at least seemed like she had her head on straight and could get shit done.

Chronicle is a failure throughout the entirety of Victory.

You know what sucks? Just googling his name immediately spoiled everything since I just finished Seed. I merely wanted to see a picture, but Google had to be nosy. Damn top result.

Apologies, but honestly the very moment he first pops up on screen you would have figured it out. They did next to nothing to try and hide who he really was.


Too bad Destiny never even tried to come up with a half-plausible way on why Neo is who he is... but eh, that's Destiny writing for you.


Apologies, but honestly the very moment he first pops up on screen you would have figured it out. They did next to nothing to try and hide who he really was.

Gooood. Goooood.
So.... he's a bad guy now? Pfff-hahaha. Destiny is going to break my soul, isn't it?
Why haven't I ever shown this to you all? I thought about it today while going through my Underground Hip-Hop collection.

Gundam Wing Rap

Nice beat. Dude has good taste in daydream fodder.

Kycillia manages to
shoot Ghiren Zabi in the back of the head.
Does Cronicle ever do anything even near that cool?

No, no he does not. Infiltrating the League's base and shooting that big ass cannon were the only things that he managed to do, and while they were important objetives, they didn't amount to much.
The regicide is handled by Tassilo, but I haven't gotten around to posting about that yet.

Kycilia wasn't around a whole lot but when she was she at least seemed like she had her head on straight and could get shit done.

Chronicle is a failure throughout the entirety of Victory.

I didn't mean to imply that Chronicle was a good version of Kycilia; if I did, I apologize. She's intelligent and ruthless; he's merely competent on his best days, and has a nasty tendency to underestimate foes and allies alike. I'm just saying that if he's a retread of any character, it would be Kycilia and not Char.

Similarities to Char:
- They both wear masks (not even the same kind of mask)
- They've infiltrated bases from time to time (and Chronicle only did that once)
- They both wear nice suits when they're out and about - but Chronicle's such a wuss that he's afraid of breathing the air on Earth, and he ruins his look with that dorky baklava of his. Char's only problem was Earth's constant exposure to sunlight, and his sunglasses made him look even sharper in his civilian clothes. He even wore them at night (so he could, so he could forget his name while Kycilia collected her claim, while she's deceiving him, cutting his security.)

Similarities to Kycilia:
- He's the only other redheaded, croptop-baklava-wearing officer in the entire Gundam series
- They're both related to the political figureheads of their respective shows
- They both had their highs and their lows in their careers and tactical decisions (although Chronicle's lows run far deeper than Kycilia's highs could ever rise, deep enough to pierce the depths of hell.)
- They both run incredibly impractical engineer squads that churned out ridiculous suits and mobile armors - actually, Chronicle comes out ahead on this one, because he wasn't involved in the creation of the Zakrello. Kycilia's still holding an L on that one.
And no, posting that Zakrello Squadron from Gihren's Greed isn't going to change my mind on that.
They were both ultimately screwed over by blondes aces that they had no business dealing with in the first place (although Kycilia's death was gruesome and inevitable, whereas Chronicle's...was not.)

In fact, I'll go as far as to say that there is no 'Char' in Victory Gundam - the character traits and histories that would normally be part of such a character were divvied up and passed out to a bunch of BESPA loons. Chronicle's got the reputation, but lacks the common sense; Fuala's got the skills (enough to survive repeated duels with the V2, and to escape the battlefield when things get too heated) and the moniker of Comet, but there's no real motivation for her outside of psychosis; and Katejina's got the grudge and the blonde hair, but nothing even remotely resembling skill or common sense.


ha, what.
Really wish they kept Lila around longer. Best female character thus far out of MSG/MS Zeta.

Just focus on Lt. Emma, as she is probably the best woman in all of UC Gundam.

You know what sucks? Just googling his name immediately spoiled everything since I just finished Seed. I merely wanted to see a picture, but Google had to be nosy. Damn top result.

Don't worry, it isn't a big reveal. Like it is painfully obvious well before the mask comes off.


Been getting into Gundam these last couple of months. Like many others I was introduced to Wing and always had a fond nostalgia for it. However over these last 2 months I've watched many of the other series including G, MS 08th team, War in the pocket and a bit of Seed. My conclusion afterwards is that I'd probably rank Wing towards the bottom of the list - not because Wing is bad, but because the franchise has a lot better to offer.

Except SEED. It's awful.

I really like War in the Pocket and MS 08th team. I know they're both OVAs, but the use of realism in regards to the mecha and action raised the stakes and made it a lot more believable, which helped because the cast in both series are likable, with characters like Bernie making the war less black and white and more grey, as he's arguably nicer and more 'good' than the federation found in the OVA. Domon in G and Shiro in 08th are both really strong leads, showing character development throughout their respective series. It was nice after Wing, which although have a likable cast are a little two dimensional, to see that the franchise had stronger characters to offer.

Except SEED. It's really awful.


Just finished War in the Pocket. bit of cruel bait and switch with the amazing mecha action opening before moving onto showing the actual focus of an annoying child. Thankfully pretty much everything else was great, and the rest of the cast was likable.

Next on my list is Stadust Memories
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