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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Been getting into Gundam these last couple of months. Like many others I was introduced to Wing and always had a fond nostalgia for it. However over these last 2 months I've watched many of the other series including G, MS 08th team, War in the pocket and a bit of Seed. My conclusion afterwards is that I'd probably rank Wing towards the bottom of the list - not because Wing is bad, but because the franchise has a lot better to offer.

Except SEED. It's awful.

I really like War in the Pocket and MS 08th team. I know they're both OVAs, but the use of realism in regards to the mecha and action raised the stakes and made it a lot more believable, which helped because the cast in both series are likable, with characters like Bernie making the war less black and white and more grey, as he's arguably nicer and more 'good' than the federation found in the OVA. Domon in G and Shiro in 08th are both really strong leads, showing character development throughout their respective series. It was nice after Wing, which although have a likable cast are a little two dimensional, to see that the franchise had stronger characters to offer.

Except SEED. It's really awful.

You only think SEED is bad till you've seen the shows that followed it. Then you know it's only half-bad, because your definition of bad has changed to include things you didn't imagine could be so awful.
00 is not the greatest but its a masterpiece compared to CE. AGE is certainly bad but ots problens are nothing compared to Seed/Destiny


00 is not the greatest but its a masterpiece compared to CE. AGE is certainly bad but ots problens are nothing compared to Seed/Destiny

No way, man. 00 Season 1 might be better than Destiny, but no way is it better than SEED. I mean, faces aren't as bad, but that's all 00 S1 has over SEED. 00 S2 is worse than AGE, and AGE is way, way worse than Destiny.

SEED > 00 S1 > Stardust Memory > Destiny > Victory > AGE > 00 S2/Movie

That is the order of low-end Gundam shows.
No waybin hell is victory and 0083 worse than seed. Seed is ceeatively bankrupt. At the very least 0083 is beautifully animated which makes it automatically better than seeds recycled animation suckfest. Seed has no plus points to speak of.

I disagree with you on a lot of things but nothing stronger than this. Are 0083 and victory highpoints of the franchise? Perhaps not but christ dude. Ce gundam is such a hackjob on every front
00 S1 > SEED > 00 S2 > Destiny > Victory

I am awfully sorry if my CONTROVERSIAL views offend anybody.

No I'm not.

I do want to rewatch SEED and 00 S1 at some point for sure. To see if I was retarded for liking those or not.


No waybin hell is victory and 0083 worse than seed. Seed is ceeatively bankrupt. At the very least 0083 is beautifully animated which makes it automatically better than seeds recycled animation suckfest. Seed has no plus points to speak of.

I disagree with you on a lot of things but nothing stronger than this. Are 0083 and victory highpoints of the franchise? Perhaps not but christ dude. Ce gundam is such a hackjob on every front

Creativity hardly helps Victory, since it spends half its time rehashing the One Year War and the other half preaching about the glory of WHEELS.

SEED at least gave me Jesus, and Jesus is way more likeable than Uso. Honestly Victory felt pretty much like a hackjob, too, with half the mecha in the show existing solely to sell toys.

0083 was really bad for other reasons, but better than Victory because it had the good sense not to go on for 51 horrible episodes.

00 S1 > SEED > 00 S2 > Destiny > Victory

I am awfully sorry if my CONTROVERSIAL views offend anybody.

No I'm not.

I do want to rewatch SEED and 00 S1 at some point for sure. To see if I was retarded for liking those or not.

Your controversy would offend me more if you ranked ZZ low or if you ranked AGE high. Otherwise oh well.


No way, man. 00 Season 1 might be better than Destiny, but no way is it better than SEED. I mean, faces aren't as bad, but that's all 00 S1 has over SEED. 00 S2 is worse than AGE, and AGE is way, way worse than Destiny.

SEED > 00 S1 > Stardust Memory > Destiny > Victory > AGE > 00 S2/Movie

That is the order of low-end Gundam shows.

Every show that makes fun of Gundam SEED is automatically better than SEED itself and 00 S1 is the second best fuck you to the CE universe after Gun X Sword.


You only think SEED is bad till you've seen the shows that followed it. Then you know it's only half-bad, because your definition of bad has changed to include things you didn't imagine could be so awful.

.... but i don't want to watch the awful stuff! i mean, duckroll keeps telling me that AGE is high quality and well written, but time is precious brah.
AGEs problem is that it feels rushed with its three generations concept. Its also mediocre with its emotional punctuation. Kios development is pretty dumb as well. Its not offensively bad unlike Seed and Destiny.


I know I'm a SEED baby and thus pretty biased, but I really like it. It was interesting enough, pretty-well paced compared to most other series and very entertaining. Also, it's a great introduction to Gundam for people who want something a bit modern before even thinking of going back.

I'll put it before stuff like ZZ, Victory or Wing any day. Not to mention shit like AGE or Destiny.
No way, man. 00 Season 1 might be better than Destiny, but no way is it better than SEED. I mean, faces aren't as bad, but that's all 00 S1 has over SEED. 00 S2 is worse than AGE, and AGE is way, way worse than Destiny.

SEED > 00 S1 > Stardust Memory > Destiny > Victory > AGE > 00 S2/Movie

That is the order of low-end Gundam shows.

WTF! No way bro! AGE is the worst Gundam next to Victory imho. Even the ratings and reception agree with me! Heck in sales 00 beats AGE back to hell.


I know I'm a SEED baby and thus pretty biased, but I really like it. It was interesting enough, pretty-well paced compared to most other series and very entertaining. Also, it's a great introduction to Gundam for people who want something a bit modern before even thinking of going back.

I'll put it before stuff like ZZ, Victory or Wing any day. Not to mention shit like AGE or Destiny.

Hey man I love ZZ.

WTF! No way bro! AGE is the worst Gundam next to Victory imho. Even the ratings and reception agree with me! Heck in sales 00 beats AGE back to hell.

Have you seen 00's movie? AGE is bad, but it isn't as bad as that.


I'm not saying it's bad, or even than SEED is better than it (which is what I think, but I totally see how that could not be your opinion). I'm just saying that SEED has better entertainment value.

See, I dunno, cuz both SEED and ZZ take a good half the series to start being awesome for me. But I'm in the minority that things that the Freedom only made SEED better, not worse.

I take that movie over AGE anytime, at least the action is sweet.. Its even had Alle doing Ethan Hunt stunt.. try to beat that.

Half the action in the movie is orange lines blowing up gray arrowheads.


See, I dunno, cuz both SEED and ZZ take a good half the series to start being awesome for me. But I'm in the minority that things that the Freedom only made SEED better, not worse.

There's a good case for this, honestly. Once it appeared, battles became flashier and more intense. I think that SEED's last third does a great job at making you feel the scale of big battles, paradoxically thanks to its big use of recycled animation.

I think however, that SEED's first half indeed has a slower pace, it was more interesting that ZZ's :) But opinions!


Like AGE had any better.. I need to rewatch that movie at these day, with super strong cocktail in near.

Actually, action in AGE was one of the few good things it had going. Mechanical designs were horrible, awful, and the worst since Victory, no doubt, but action it had, I felt.

There's a good case for this, honestly. Once it appeared, battles became flashier and more intense. I think that SEED's last third does a great job at making you feel the scale of big battles, paradoxically thanks to its big use of recycled animation.

I think however, that SEED's first half indeed has a slower pace, it was more interesting that ZZ's :) But opinions!

I love ZZ, but I'll honestly admit the first half of the show is not why.
Hey man I love ZZ.

Have you seen 00's movie? AGE is bad, but it isn't as bad as that.

But wait! 00 S2 isn't part of the movie. The movie is something separate from the season. Sure same universe and kinda concludes the story but its not in the season itself.

While the movie was terribly bad, it still has my favorite suit in 00 Qan.

Still better than the shit that was AGE Season 3.


But wait! 00 S2 isn't part of the movie. The movie is something separate from the season. Sure same universe and kinda concludes the story but its not in the season itself.

While the movie was terribly bad, it still has my favorite suit in 00 Qan.

Still better than the shit that was AGE Season 3.

The second season wasn't any better than the movie.

It should be noted that I think 00 has radical suit designs. Honestly Victory, AGE and MAYBE Stardust Memory are the only ones where I think the designs bite. And AGE's mecha are many times worse than non-wheeled nonsense in Victory.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Hey, at least they didn't make a movie, right?

Hahah. I think I'll skip the movie for now.

Good or bad impression of the first HD gundam?

I really enjoyed it. It's my first complete Gundam series (I saw a couple of eps of Seed and Wing about ten years ago as part of my Uni's Anime society, but was far more interested in the girl who dragged me along).

Thoughts (these are opinions rather than fact).

Season 1:

I really enjoyed season 1, from the opening to the end.

Some of the highlights:

1) Mech design. I don't mean the Gundams (although their designs are excellent, and caused me to start collecting Gunpla) but the mobile suits deployed by the Union, AEU, HRL and by the various countries CB intervene in. I really like the Union Flag and the HRL Anf as designs (and to a lesser extent the Tieren). From a Gundam point of view, this series made me start collecting Gunpla.

2) Ambiguousness.
Although CB are, from their point of view, doing bad things for the right reasons, we meet lots of characters on the other "side" who are equally right in their actions, from Graham Acker to Sergei Smirnov. The only really evil people are Ribbons and Corner. We even get a version of CB with their willingness to do incredibly wrong things for the right reasons in team Trinity, as a sort of mirror. Outside observers can't tell the difference between the two which should make us as the viewer re-assess what we think of CB's actions, given that we've seen them from the point of view of the perpetrator.

3) Awesomeness.
Celestial Being feel in control up until things start getting out of hand with Trinity and then the loss of Veda.

It's fairly grim at the end and a lot of people die. I really hate it when in TV shows they cop out and people rescued from certain death - the recent episode of "Agents of SHIELD" springs to mind here.

Some stuff I didn't like so much:

1) Loose ends.
I don't feel we really find out enough about Celestial Being. In particular, there could have been some more neat stuff about it's founding, the development of the Gundams and its structure. In particular, the brief glimpses of events in Jupiter orbit weren't really followed through and Celestial Being's Observers appear in one episode and are never heard of again.

Oh god Lockon *sobs*


Season 2:

I enjoyed this somewhat less (although it was still better than all the other stuff I'm watching at the moment and so overall I enjoyed it). Amusingly, I think for the exact opposite of the reasons above.


1) Mech design is terrible.
And again I'm not really talking about the Gundams here (which are fine) but rather about the blobby, bubbly, A-LAW designs which are largely indistinguishable to my untrained eye, except by colour ("What, you say that's new mobile suit design? Sure, you know best!"). Whenever Katharon are on screen, it's a relief that designs from S1 are back.

2) Complete lack of ambiguousness.
Ribbons and the A-LAWs are evil, they commit atrocities, everyone else is good. The end. I can't decide whether the war on terror allegory was good or bad really, except that I woke up one night having a nightmare about a drone attack so I guess it worked.

3) Somewhat lower level of awesomeness.
So CB are kinda impotent for most of this and on the run. It's OK though because their allies are worse and the A-LAWs are morons. Oh god, the endless Saji Cross Road/Louise/Princess whinging. Twin Drive Trans Am makes everyone naked, floaty and touchy-feely? KILL ME NOW.

4) Season 1 cop outs.
So having killed off Lockon, this is made completely irrelevant by bringing his identical brother in to replace him. Later we find out that he didn't even succeed in killing Ali al-Saachez making the whole thing completely pointless. Ugh.

Louise magically has her hand back (I had to go and look on a Wiki to find out what was going on). If we can just replace limbs, why bother having the trauma about her hand not growing back for her and Saji in S1?


The GN Archer is awesome. Will have to get a kit of this one. And after she's moped about for a bit, Soma Peries/Marie Parfacy becomes awesome again. Actually, much of the awesome in this series is not from CB - Katharon, Kati Mannequin and Sergei Smirnov's actions spring instantly to mind here.

2) The Grimness is back.
So many people die. Which hurts but is also good. It got so that when it's revealed in the last episode that Patrick Colasour survived and gets to marry Kati, I was genuinely happy that someone made it, even though I disliked him through the entire first season.

This season I really started to like Tieria Erde's character which saw a lot of development.

4) Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with the ending and don't really want to watch the movie as a result.

Overall, this was really good, thought-provoking and enjoyable TV, so I'm starting Gundam Seed. Wish me luck!


Good news everyone! Due to contractual reasons, suits from 00 S2, the 00 movie and AGE can't appear in GBF!

Dynames > Cherudim anyway. The only real loss is the 00 [Qant] or whatever its called. Even then I sort of think the Exia is cooler. That Seven Sword combo is much, much cooler than the Raiser BFS.


Good news everyone! Due to contractual reasons, suits from 00 S2, the 00 movie and AGE can't appear in GBF!

What's GBF?

Dynames > Cherudim anyway. The only real loss is the 00 [Qant] or whatever its called. Even then I sort of think the Exia is cooler. That Seven Sword combo is much, much cooler than the Raiser BFS.

Both Dynames and Cherudim are pretty awesome. Still the best suits from the show imo.
Good news everyone! Due to contractual reasons, suits from 00 S2, the 00 movie and AGE can't appear in GBF!

How is that good news?!? MY 00! ;_; Oh well, they would be OP in the BF universe anyways with 00 Raiser and then 00 Qan.

GBF is short for Gundam Build Fighters btw.

Edit: Dammit I was beaten!


What's GBF?

Both Dynames and Cherudim are pretty awesome. Still the best suits from the show imo.

I don't know what it is about the Cherudim that I don't like, exactly, I think I just prefer the Dynames. The green wings are nifty, but its the way the V drops to open the Sniper Eye that I really like.

Plus, since 00 was half FMP half Wing, Lockon was Kurz, and Kurz is always great. What 00 lacked was Mao.
It kinda seemed like
he raped her...
or she is extremely prone to Stolkholm Syndrome.. I am very confused about why she was
naked in his room, in his bed..

I believe
they slept together because they were both pissed at the space people for killing earth people (flay-her father I believe) and kira (that ship). She becomes a xenophobe and clings onto kira and tries to make kira like that which is why the start dating/sleeping together. I don't really remember all that much either

Why haven't I ever shown this to you all? I thought about it today while going through my Underground Hip-Hop collection.

Gundam Wing Rap

No way, yo. You guys scared me off from that. It'll be a long time until I watch Victory.

Never heard this rap. Thanks lol


I believe
they slept together because they were both pissed at the space people for killing earth people (flay-her father I believe) and kira (that ship). She becomes a xenophobe and clings onto kira and tries to make kira like that which is why the start dating/sleeping together. I don't really remember all that much either

Oh, I understand perfectly why
she banged Kira
, but not why
she seemed to have also banged French Mask.
Although I find 0 Gundam oddly awesome. Before it gets repainted anyway.

I didn't think much of it at first because 00 was my first series so I didn't get the design.
But now that I look at it it's really cool. Well, the front anyway.

Which one is the repainted version anyway? I like the one in original Gundam colors more but the GN Drive in the back looks really ghastly on that.


Bit late but whatevs Stardust Memory >>>>> Seed > 00 season 1 > 00 season 2 > Destiny > Age = Victory

I haven't even fully finished Age or Victory (doubt i will) and they sit firmly at the bottom of the low end Gundam tier.

On a lighter note Build Fighters <3 has got me back into Gunpla, just finished a HGUC Zudah and Char's Gelgoog. Think i'm going to get some Feddie grunts next. Maybe a Nemo and some GM variations.

Gunpla is done. This man won. We don't even need to disperse the Plavski Particles.


Well done.
Gundam Build Fighters Episode 6

Pretty awesome episode.

I loved the stuff between Tatsuya and the main dudes. Great fight, lots of drama. I'm really digging this rivalry.

The battle with the Gyan Gya Gyan was pretty neat too, even though it was short. Just some great choreography.

I'm pretty happy that the Build Strike is already destroyed. Even better that it's going to be replaced by a variant of the Mk2.

I wonder who the silver haired girl is. Is she going to be the closest we get to a Doomed Newtype Romance?

Next week's episode is going to be directed by Obari. Should be pretty sweet.
I didn't think much of it at first because 00 was my first series so I didn't get the design.
But now that I look at it it's really cool. Well, the front anyway.

Which one is the repainted version anyway? I like the one in original Gundam colors more but the GN Drive in the back looks really ghastly on that.

So at the start of the first season, when we see Setsuna's childhood, it's painted white+grey. When it appears in season 2 it's been repainted in more Exia/00/Strike-style red/white/blue.

I have the HG kit of the earlier version and it's great. Not so hot on the brightly coloured version.
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