Why must Japanese people's favors never coincide with mine.
Because you're a dirty dirty gaijin.
Why must Japanese people's favors never coincide with mine.
Because you're a dirty dirty gaijin.
I chuckled.
That's how I feel every day.
Because CCA is Amuro and Char, it wraps everything up. ZZ isn't as well thought of by the average Japanese person familiar with Gundam.
Because you're a dirty dirty gaijin.
Sure, CCA "wraps up" the Char/Amuro, storyline. The biggest problem, though, is that it does a piss-poor job of it. Char's character transition from the semi-good guy at the end of Zeta to the full on crazy evil dictator of CCA makes very little sense. It would make a little more sense coming straight out of 0079, but even then it feels out of place. They desperately need some pice of storyline covering Char's life between the end of Zeta and the beginning of CCA to fill in that character gap. That huge leap in character really harms the sense of Char and Amuro rivalry I get from that film.
It is beautifully animated, though.
I never said CCA was good or made any sense.
Gundam stuff isn't made with us mind. We're just crazy foreign fans who happen to like it. We are bonus money. Once you learn to accept the way things are and just buy Gundam stuff, everything will be alright.
Oh, of course. I just meant that I feel like a dirty, dirty gaijin in my every day life (not in relation to Gundam).
Speaking of getting Gundam stuff here, about how long should I expect to wait for Shin Gundam Musou to get localized?
Probably next Summer, if it comes at all. GM2 and GM3 both released in December in Japan, and then during the following summer in NA/EU. I'm not sure if Bandai is interested in pushing out a Gundam game this late into the PS3's life cycle. And probably digital only if anything.
Probably next Summer, if it comes at all. GM2 and GM3 both released in December in Japan, and then during the following summer in NA/EU. I'm not sure if Bandai is interested in pushing out a Gundam game this late into the PS3's life cycle. And probably digital only if anything.
Awww, man. So there's like, 0 chance of Shin Musou coming out in English on physical for the Vita, then?
As long as we get J̶a̶p̶a̶n̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶v̶o̶i̶c̶e̶ the Japanese Soundtrack I am happy. Would prefer the disk version though.
The chances of getting on Vita at all in English were pretty slim.
A friend with too much money on his hands bought and sent to my adress Shin Gundam Musou on Vita, telling me to hold on it until he comes to Japan in April lol
Hurray for me!
And with the one snow day from work I get, I spent some of it watching SEED Destiny.
God why.
I may import the Vita version. Feeling pretty optimistic that the PS3 version will come out over here and probably have a physical edition.
Someone who works for Koei said it would be coming. I just can't imaging them making an English dub for it, which probably makes it a digital-only release.
As much as Kira still kinda sucks in the last 1/4th of the series, Shinn is absolutely hilarious. It's like he could have gone done a completely different path had he been around one or two people with some common sense, rather than Rey being like "Shinn, don't listen to anything bad about the Chairman including our shady, questionable orders!" and Athrun on the other end being like "ZAFT will destroy the future, somehow!! I don't know how, but I know they will!" It's almost as if Rey is Durandal's biggest fan girl, and Athrun read so far ahead in the story script, but respected Shinn's right to not be story spoiled so he has to be as vague as possible.
It's almost like this happened in Super Robot Wars Z!
Someone who works for Koei said it would be coming. I just can't imaging them making an English dub for it, which probably makes it a digital-only release.
If Athrun had been the main character of SEED and Destiny they would have been better shows.
Got to be joking , Athrun went stupid in Destiny his character made no sense after what happen in SEED at least Kira was thinking.
Would buy more gundam stuff if it was not so expensive to get them where i live .chairman has a fake Lacus while the real one almost got kill , running back to ZAFT , trying to destroy the country that stop first war etc etc.
You would think he knows something is wrong after the first few eps without getting chop up by Kira
I'll give you the fake Lacus being a pretty big red flag, but no way was Kira being smarter than Athrun in Destiny. At one point Athrun argues Kira into a corner and Kira's only come back is "Hey that girl who isn't going to be your girlfriend in another 20 episodes anyway is crying. That justifies stuff and things."
And it isn't like Athrun wasn't suspicious of Durandal.
You mean the same girl that took him in after ZAFT try to kill him in SEED , the same girl he could not help cause he was useless in politics .
The same girl who country stop the first war and then had to do it again , you also forget that was Kira sister and that was reason enough to help her .
After just saving her from a force marriage where once again Athrun was useless and watching him kill her country men where he now come from living .
Destiny sucks but Athrun is a huge part of that among other things and i never said Kira was smarter .
EDIT see you add another line in Kira never care about the war until someone try to kill his woman so he never had any plan to end it .
And like you said he was never the plan maker that was always Lacus from since SEED he just carry out orders while being in hax mode .
Damn i waste to much words on that crap show lol .
So, to recap: Cagalli in Destiny fucking sucks, Athrun is the smartest person not named Lacus in the show, he was in the right for choosing to keep an eye on the fishy ZAFT while putting down the blatantly evil UEFA, Kira is a doofus dreamer who is little better than a dog on Lacus' very short leash and if Athrun had been the MC of SEED and Destiny they would have been infinitely better shows.
These DVDs burn with an awesome POWER!!!
A couple of years ago, I bought the first half of my favorite series at an anime convention (Haven't opened it since). Since then, I had trouble getting the second half due to its rising price.
But a week ago, I found and ordered the second half on Amazon at a significant price drop (used, of course, but there were also some new-labeled copies as well).
Now I have the whole thing.
So take this.
My love!
My anger!
You're kinda confusing me here, pal. I mean you did open this line of discussion by saying that "At least Kira thinks" and now you're saying Kira isn't smarter than Athrun and he doesn't do any planning?
I mean yeah, Cagalli being Kira's sister is great motive for Kira to help her. But Athrun had other things he kind of had to take care of, and unless I'm mistaken, Cagalli was okay with him going off and rejoining the ZAFT. It's not like Athrun's entire existence should be dedicated to her, especially not when she had a country to run and no real need for him because, unlike say, Lacus, Cagalli actually had an army.
But the point is that Kira literally warps reality in that argument. "Cagalli's crying" isn't a legitimate reason for Athrun to do shit. Because unlike Kira, Athrun doesn't have his head in a fantasy land made of magical gumdrops and unicorn rainbows. At the time Meer was the only thing Athrun had to leave him suspicious of Durandal, and staying on Durandal's good side was the best way to find out more. You're sort of glossing over how the fight wasn't between ORB and ZAFT but ZAFT and the UEFA. ORB was only caught up in it because unlike her dad, Cagalli didn't have the stones to do shit. As evidenced by how she stood their and listened to Shinn blame the deaths of the people in ORB during the previous conflict on her and her dad like he had a point.
So, to recap: Cagalli in Destiny fucking sucks, Athrun is the smartest person not named Lacus in the show, he was in the right for choosing to keep an eye on the fishy ZAFT while putting down the blatantly evil UEFA, Kira is a doofus dreamer who is little better than a dog on Lacus' very short leash and if Athrun had been the MC of SEED and Destiny they would have been infinitely better shows.
So much truth here. Athrun had far and away more potential to be a better MC then Kira if only for the simple fact that he actually used critical thought in his decision processes. It's a shame that was all drowned out by the childs logic that makes up Destiny, and to a lesser extent SEED.
Kira is a hard protagonist to get behind when he's basically a walking shounen super hero archetype.
*Unless Sentai gets it and charges 700 bucks.
You have no idea how hard I laughed when she danced off a cliff.
My roommate was sitting with me, and I said, "What is she thinking? Look at this. She's dancing on a cliff with her eyes closed. She's going to hurt her--What! No way. Did she?! She's so crazy! Hahahahahah!"
Just piloting the Gaia made her better than that pink haired female from Gundam Seed whose name I don't even want to repeat anymore.
You know, as bad as AGE was, Asu He is a pretty great OP song.
Age had some really good ops and eds. Which is sadly the only good thing you cab say about the show.
Woolf would like a word with you.
Is that word 'preach'?
For real, though - Woolf's OK, but I think he only stands out because the other characters are so milquetoast or terrible across the board.
Much like Marbet, Woolf is probably a better character who wound up in that shitstorm of a show purely by accident.
Why would they skip ZZ's entire storyline for the second rate mess that is CCA? Laaame. Especially cuz ZZ has some fun fights, like ZZ vs Puru 2 as the colony is falling on the isles.
He reminds me a lot of Sleggar. Kinda surprised he was created out of that shitstorm.
So... Shin Gundam Musou and the Unicorn storyline with New Translation... Full Frontal mention Marida being Puru 12, and Marida and Banagher have their discussion in the church on Palau and the space wizard nakedness after their fight. That's about it. I'm guessing it will be similar in Z3.
I think he's meant to fill the same Sleggar/Quattro role, yeah. The stuff about being Super Pilot instead of an X-RounderX-RounderX-RounderX-Rounder was probably the high water mark of the show, too.
Sucks even more in Z3 since at least in SGM I'll be able to play with the ZZ. What're the odds they give me the ZZ in SRW Z3? I mean, I'm glad I got FMP (and I'd be ecstatic with Sigma) but ZZ gets snubbed like, all the time. Probably because Char and Amuro never even appear in it.
Litte more backstory, and they're handling it just like I thought they would. Narrator mentions that Marida is a clone developed by Neo Zeon. That's it. No backstory, no ties to ZZ, just that she is Puru 12, a clone created by Neo Zeon. Totally works.
You also don't get to take part in the battle at Torrington Base. WTF. Hopefully FROM Software is doing another Unicorn game that will show off this battle.