Ew why does that old guy have those figures?
Why do you think............
Ew why does that old guy have those figures?
Ew why does that old guy have those figures?
Worst part was his deplorable taste in women. Until I saw Emma and Murrue I was seriously doubting Mao's master.
A really strong final episode. Especially this.
How far into Zeta are you? Kamille is kind of annoying at first, but he gets better around episode 25 or so. Around the time he gets the actual Zeta Gundam (which is a very sexy mobile suit. I don't typically like Gundams, prefering grunt suits myself, but the Zeta is very nice. It's one of my favorite designs, up there with the Nu
Rain ain't that good looking bro.
I'm now watching a whole bunch of Gundam shows at the same time.
Turn A: I'm loving this to bits. So much so that I'm going slowly because I don't want to "run out". I only watch another episode when I want to "treat" myself. I'm really liking the baking shop sub-plot.
MSG 08th Mobile Suit Team: I'm quite enjoying this.
Zeta Gundam: This is really great, in almost all respects. Except for one. I loathe Kamille with a fiery hatred that I had previously only reserved for...
Gundam Seed Destiny: Like Turn A, I'm watching this very slowly, but in this case it's because I can only watch one episode on time without wanting to throw my computer across the room.
And of course I'm watching Build Fighters as it's released.
Well I sat through the newest episode of GBF.
Loved the X, firing the Hyper Sat Canon that many times was really great, and the Maoh Sword was fucking awesome. Sadly thought he plot armor for Sei/Reiji has now hit beyond Wing levels with their dumb blue fist of doom being able to tank the sword and keep going.
At least Destiny had the right idea that the Shining Finger could be overloaded with Athrun's beam saber, this shit isn't no god damn G Gundam where Domon is using it once a week to finish off an opponent for fuck sake.
Not as good as Star B Vs Wing, but still better then alot of the episodes. Sad it looks like Wing is going to get the Worf treatment against Queb comming up, but at least it had the one episode.
is hlj a good place to get kits?
You just mad your boy Mao lost to the Shiny New Blue Finger.
is hlj a good place to get kits?
is hlj a good place to get kits?
Nah, the Blue Finger I knew was coming, it is in the opening after all.
That doesn't excuse the fact that the Maoh sword is probably the single strongest weapon in Gundam (comboing the Microwave Sat Canon, and the Charge Panels on X's body) aside from the Moonlight Butterfly and yet it gets tanked by a fist.
All this would be one thing if it was the God FInger, but it's not. This is a play on Real Grade line of Model kits who has nearly zero reasonable explanation in the show and it's just awful in every way how this is playing out.
Its not even the Shining Finger that's the problem. Its the plot armor of RG System.I buy all my stuff from there, so yeah.
I think you're taking a Shining Finger too seriously.
At least Destiny had the right idea that the Shining Finger could be overloaded with Athrun's beam saber, this shit isn't no god damn G Gundam where Domon is using it once a week to finish off an opponent for fuck sake.
Another thing I love about Zeta is how many of its mobile suits have a vehicle mode. Asshimar, Hambrabi, etc. I loved that transforming mecha period of the 80s.Zeta Gundam: This is really great, in almost all respects. Except for one. I loathe Kamille with a fiery hatred that I had previously only reserved for....
You are watching Gundam Build Fighters right? This isn't some other very similar show under a different name? Because the show that everyone else is watching had a toy robot powered by magic throw a baseball so hard at another toy robot powered by magic that it caused an explosion.
I know the show I'm watching. Even in the context of this show, RG Knuckle>Maoh Sword is stupid IMO.
I just don't see how a magical energy sword is less ridiculous than a magical energy fist.
There is at least an explanation to try and power the the sword. it's not the best, but at least we have the fact it is being powered by two incredibly strong power sources.
The RG fist is powered by magical blue lights who's power is seemingly limitless. It becomes an issue when you give your lead such a powerful attack/setup that you start making it hard to even compete with them. Having RG Knuckle/Fist beat out the combined power of the sun and moon makes it so not only does it do a disservice to X Maoh Sword, but makes me careless for all future battles because they got this dues ex attack in their back pocket.
For me, it simply undoes all the good will that Star Vs Wing gave the series. Head Vulcans doing damage, the kick ass punch out, and the draw finish? All great things, but now I wonder why it was even needed when Star can just SSJ it up and punch through the powers of space.
There are several decent tutorials online
Start with this one.
You don't really need to know any Japanese to build a model though. It's just a matter of matching numbers listed in the manual with what you have on the trays. Just make sure to be patient and go slowly and you'll be okay
one more gunpla question, is there any kits you guys have experience with that are ideal for first timers?
one more gunpla question, is there any kits you guys have experience with that are ideal for first timers?
yea but there was a good portion of g gundam where domon was getting wooped by master asia and cchwarz
If you really want a beginner, beginner kit, an SD kit will be your best bet. Very few parts and easy to assemble. In my experience, just about any modern (Post-SEED) HG kit will be perfect for a beginner. If you're feeling adventurous, you could start with a MG. I did, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're willing to go very slowly and take your time as your first experience. The only thing I would absolutely recommend against are RG kits, as the complexity mixed with small size makes them tricky even for an experienced builder. Also avoid PG kits, but you weren't going to be looking at those anyway.
If you do go with a MG kit, my final recommendation about that is to avoid anything transformable like the Zeta gundam as those are particularly fragile. HGs are probably your perfect start, though.
yea but there was a good portion of g gundam where domon was getting wooped by master asia and cchwarz
Fair enough, and one could argue that what GBF is missing is someone like Master Asia, but for the most part Domon still dominated everyone.
If you really want a beginner, beginner kit, an SD kit will be your best bet. Very few parts and easy to assemble. In my experience, just about any modern (Post-SEED) HG kit will be perfect for a beginner. If you're feeling adventurous, you could start with a MG. I did, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're willing to go very slowly and take your time as your first experience. The only thing I would absolutely recommend against are RG kits, as the complexity mixed with small size makes them tricky even for an experienced builder. Also avoid PG kits, but you weren't going to be looking at those anyway.
If you do go with a MG kit, my final recommendation about that is to avoid anything transformable like the Zeta gundam as those are particularly fragile. HGs are probably your perfect start, though.
In terms of an impassible obstacle for the hero(es), Tatsuya Yuuki/Kawaguchi is probably as close to Master Asia as we've gotten so far. He definitely feels like the driving antagonist that the show has been building up. I do agree the show could have used some sort of teacher rival, though. That would have made some bits more interesting and have given Sei and Reiji a much larger driving rival than they have now.
Fingers still crossed that the show pulls a Pokemon R/B moment and reveals that Ramba Ral has been the Champeen all along.
thanks for all of the info.
i bought a Gundam Mk. II RG on a whim and it's daunting. I'll probably start with something else.
Fingers still crossed that the show pulls a Pokemon R/B moment and reveals that Ramba Ral has been the Champeen all along.
There is a good part of Build Fighters where Yuki beats up the two protagonists, several times.
Nah.It'll totally be Rinko as champion!
Fingers still crossed that the show pulls a Pokemon R/B moment and reveals that Ramba Ral has been the Champeen all along.
in like what, 1 or 2 eps at most.
It's going to be Kirara and you're going to like it.
Yeah Master Asia fought Domon in about as many episodes as well.
I'm fine with that. She and Felini are cute together.
I can think of no more than 3 instances. Tokyo, Guyana, and the Battle Royal. Add in Schwarz and the number jumps up to maybe 5? Add in Sai Saici having to be told to quit or he would kill himself and Domon and we have like, at most, 6.
Didn't Domon lose to that French guy? I forgot but it was a Rose themed Gundam or some crap.
George De Sand? I don't think so. Domon's fights with George ended first with Domon ending the match so George could save his girlfriend and then with Domon beating him, I thought.
Sai is the only one who fought Domon to a draw, and the second match would've been a draw where they both died if someone hadn't talked Sai down.