the hands look really big in this shot
Wing F does NOT come with a display base.
Yeah, think Zero EW's combined with V2's and you pretty much have Star Build's.The hell are those wings?
Yeah, think Zero EW's combined with V2's and you pretty much have Star Build's.
Eww it already looked like shit on Zero and it doesn't look any better this time. I liked that energy cape thing from the anime way more.
The Wings a from the anime, they just aren't used very often.
I do think it looks worse here. Wing Gundam Zero's Wings are unique not even because of the Angel Wing style, but because of the very fact they are physical.
Energy Wings aren't new in Gundam, tons of them have them and they aren't special anymore. Taking the one gundam that actually physical Wings, and turning them Energy for a Strike variant doesn't make Strike's Wings special, you just made a love it/hate it design and turned it generic.
They both look awful, energy at least has an excuse that it can be made into a different shape, like as a cape. Wing's was actually designed as a physical angel wing and that just makes it infinitely worse. It's basically the reason why I hate the Deathscythe gundam too among other reasons. The whole angel wing/grim reaper contrast of the two is such a cringe worthy thing. Jesus 90s why you gotta do that.
What's weird is that when they first popped up I could've sworn it WAS an energy cape in the anime.
But I still like these on this model. They're certainly far more flexible than the Wing Zero Custom Special Edition's wings turned out to be.
Finished the Wing Fenice today! Almost as if the set were trying to remind me of how brittle Wing sets are, the frickin' crest snapped while removing it from the sheet. Luckily Wing sets have busted on me enough times that I'm getting fairly good at doing super glue repairs of tiny little pieces, haha.
Like any Wing model, it has a hard time staying balanced, but the Buster Cannon helps keep it sort of stable. The asymmetry of the set is actually my favorite part. It comes with a series of pieces so you can make it symmetrical (and basically just a straight up alt-color Wing if you want) but I enjoyed the asymmetry too much to make it jive. I also really liked the fact that the white parts are tan, as if they were just really old pieces of plastic. Really adds to that whole "Felinni's been modding the same kit for his whole life" feel. And of course, the beam cape is the real treat. Just too stylish to ignore.
Pissed as I am that several pieces had to be glued together after they snapped under no pressure at all, the set actually took me like, no more than 3 hours to build. I think the things I like most about these modern kits is, aside from the no more red goatee stickers, that they have ball sockets instead of just rod sockets like the old wing ones. Not only does this make the extremities more flexible, but there's no nightmare of snapping the torso together and realizing you hadn't put the part for the head on just yet. The Fenice's wings are a little tough to figure out how to pose, but compared to the Wing Zero Custom's wings it's not as much of a bother. Speaking of...
Here they are together! I realize Ezalc's no fan of the Wing Zero Custom's angel wings (although I am) but hey, I built the God and Nobel and stuck 'em inHomewreckerBridal Pose, so lemme show this off, haha. Although the Special Edition is a little unusual I actually really like the clear parts on it, and I think it kinda gives off this weird, Christmasy vibe. I will probably some day buy an actual Wing Zero Custom because I love the Mech that much, but for now I think this'll do. They look rad next to each other and I wish I had the shelf space to display them together. Currently my whole room is host to other people's things, though, so no go on that for now, hahaha. Maybe at the end of the Summer.
In any case, that's all the Gunpla I had sitting and waiting for me. Zeta, ZZ and the ARX-8 are still to come, but they're at the mercy of HLJ's shipping.
The HGBF Wing F kit I broke the, whatever you call it. The V that goes on the fore of the helmet. All I was trying to do was remove it from the sheet with the same clippers I use on every piece and the long part broke. I had to super glue it. Likewise the front of the skirt busted clean in half, but you can't tell because the broken part is obscured by the crotch guard and technically it came with the benefit of being able to lift one side of the skirt's front without lifting the other so it isn't unnaturally poised while I hold the one leg up.
EDIT: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooorta fucking pissed at HLJ now. I ordered this HGUC ZZ Gundam in like, the first week of March. Back then, it said it was a March Restock. Then it was an April Restock. NOW IT IS A MAY RESTOCK. Come the fuck on, HLJ. Get your shit together.
You should be pissed at Bandai instead.
I can't tell if it's Bandai pushing it back or not, though. AmiAmi makes it sound like they're only back-ordered by a couple weeks, not until friggin' May.
Gunpla production runs are in batches. Typically a kit only get produced 3 or 4 times a year, i've been told. Kits that are older and aren't bestsellers less than that, maybe once a year. So whenever you see "xxxx restock" its not because hlj or amiami or whoever are being lazy, its because the kits are not being produced at the moment and the suppliers aren't getting their hands on them.
It's still annoying that "March Restock" wasn't true at all. They could've put something else on the site instead of stringing me along. Oh well, canceled my HLJ order and bought it from someone who still had it in stock for slightly more.
My one qualm is whether or not to keep it equipped with the back pack. I've never been a big fan of that backpack, but with all my winged Gundams it'll feel a bit out of place with NOTHING back there.
Honestly I kept my backpack. Granted it's giant, and outside of G-Fortress it's the worst part of the kit, still though, it's apart of the design and I always feel weird just ripping off parts I don't like.
The only exception I've ever made to this rule is Strike Gundam because the Aile Pack is so fucking stupid. However even then I had to buy the limited edition one that didn't come with the Aile to make myself feel okay about leaving it out.
When is the expected BD release of Unicorn ep7 since it's doing theatrical first? 6 months later, so November-ish?
What's the cheapest, yet effective panel-lining option?
Thinking of lining my M1 while I'm waiting for my others to come in.
Also I've been on a major Gundam kick lately. Watched all of SEED (wtf why is there so much reused animation?) and am currently going through the original series. It's crazy how much is lifted from the original series. Some of the same lines reworded. Is this a thing? Are all of the series just retellings of the same story with slight variations of the same characters and situations?
What's the cheapest, yet effective panel-lining option?
Thinking of lining my M1 while I'm waiting for my others to come in.
Also I've been on a major Gundam kick lately. Watched all of SEED (wtf why is there so much reused animation?) and am currently going through the original series. It's crazy how much is lifted from the original series. Some of the same lines reworded. Is this a thing? Are all of the series just retellings of the same story with slight variations of the same characters and situations?
What's the cheapest, yet effective panel-lining option?
Thinking of lining my M1 while I'm waiting for my others to come in.
Also I've been on a major Gundam kick lately. Watched all of SEED (wtf why is there so much reused animation?) and am currently going through the original series. It's crazy how much is lifted from the original series. Some of the same lines reworded. Is this a thing? Are all of the series just retellings of the same story with slight variations of the same characters and situations?
Wing and 00 both riff fairly heavily off of UC at points, too. Wing moreso than 00.
Speaking of 00, I recently started rewatching that for the first time and it is way, way worse than I remember. Going to post on it after I finish S2.
I think the first half of S1 is actually the low point of the show. It's very slow and meandering.
I use sakura microns, tip is 0.20 mm and works pretty well, just be careful not to press too hard or you're ruin it. They usually go for $2-3 individually, you can buy them in packs but I tend not to as the rest in the pack are either fatter sizes or random colors I won't use.
Can't wait for all the nice Exia builds to make me regret cancelling my pre-order.After a bunch of considerations, I'm going to get this for panel lining my RG Exia:
After a bunch of considerations, I'm going to get this for panel lining my RG Exia:
just make a black, brown, or grey wash with paint you have on hand, foo! No need to buy that stuff!
just make a black, brown, or grey wash with paint you have on hand, foo! No need to buy that stuff!
Might be a mistranslation or something, but this article is saying Gundam Reconguista is a movie