Is HLJ a good place to order Gunpla? Because I ordered my first one on Ebay and got it for $20 more expensive than HLJ would have sold it to me.
I was initially planning on making an account there after that, but I decided to read up on some reviews for the site and they were...less than favourable.
So does anybody recommend HLJ? If not, which site is better?
So does anybody recommend HLJ? If not, which site is better?
Aww, come on now. Unicorn's not that bad.
HLJ is great and unlike many other Japanese webshops you can cancel orders there without many issues. I also like their private warehouse service.Is HLJ a good place to order Gunpla? Because I ordered my first one on Ebay and got it for $20 more expensive than HLJ would have sold it to me.
I was initially planning on making an account there after that, but I decided to read up on some reviews for the site and they were...less than favourable.
So does anybody recommend HLJ? If not, which site is better?
Is HLJ a good place to order Gunpla? Because I ordered my first one on Ebay and got it for $20 more expensive than HLJ would have sold it to me.
I was initially planning on making an account there after that, but I decided to read up on some reviews for the site and they were...less than favourable.
You could still easily end up paying that $20 difference with shipping and customs.
But HLJ has been great for me. That private warehouse service of theirs is awesome.
What did the negative reviews say?
First, did you read Unicorn?fucking shit with Rape, prostitution, clones and all kinds of other garbage. Unicorn had some fucking awful stuff that was handled very poorly. lets not act like it was some bastion of quality compared to FT.
Second Epyon White is the most logical thing from FT so I don't see how that is your hang up with it.Wufei has had a hard on for Treize since they met, and even through Endless Waltz it continued. There is no reason to believe that he suddenly dropped it just because he blew up Altron, and in fact him taking Treize's final and most powerful design and improving on it, and using it to keep humanity safe is very much in character for this douche bag.
I nabbed a few other things. The most pricey was the Metal Gear Kotobukiya kit. I was stupid and never got it when it was new and now it's oop and they go for some pretty stupid prices. I figure 5500¥ is the cheapest I'll ever see the original issue (a black version is coming out soon iirc)
Well here's the lot (minus some aircraft kits I also picked up). Some of them aren't particularly rare but price was cheap.
You could still easily end up paying that $20 difference with shipping and customs.
But HLJ has been great for me. That private warehouse service of theirs is awesome.
What did the negative reviews say?
Your guys' hatred for Unicorn is weird. It might be a little rushed and fan servicey but I think the quality and respect for the franchise is pretty apparent; it's been smarter about the UC than Tomino ever has been. We'll be lucky to have as talented a group of prior working on Gundam ever again in my opinion.
This is gonna seem REALLY weird watching this alongside Build Fighters, but...
Gundam 00 S1 - 1
This has a pretty similar premise to Dancougar Nova, another mecha show I'm watching, so I decided to watch this alongside it and see which one does it better.
So we have an organization that intends to end all wars by using wars itself. Unlike Dancougar that assists the weaker side in a war, these guys just stop everything. And the world's all: "Not sure if want...".
So many mixed opinions this one has, so I thought I'd watch it and form my own. All I hope is that it doesn't bore me to death.
Duckroll primarily but look at some of the other posts on the last two pages.
There really is some gross, trying-too-hard shit in the Unicorn novels. Banagher's friends smoking meth at parties, women getting raped or threatened to be raped left and right, etc. It takes dark and gritty to ridiculous levels. The OVA has done a nice job of preserving the important parts of this (namely Marida's backstory) without turning into Ninja Scroll.
WOW. I had no idea. The OVAs don't include any of this stuff! (And thank goodness for that!)
I'm actually thinking that since I'm enjoying Zeta so much more this time around, I should rewatch 00 S1 sometime in the near future. I feel like I was harder on that show than I would be now.
Actually I agree with with your post and don't see a need to adapt it.I think the biggest question about Frozen Teardrop though, is whether "salvaging" it makes sense. With Unicorn, there's a huge installed base of older Gundam fans who appreciate the political intrigue and more "serious" tone with regards to mecha warfare. So those aspects could be retained and enhanced, while the more pulpy stuff which Tomino would be proud of could be toned down.
With Gundam Wing, I'm not sure that's the case. There isn't this huge fanbase asking for a sequel to Wing. The main appeal of Wing was to a younger teenage audience, the boys enjoying the cool silly robots and cool guys, the girls enjoying the pseudo-court intrigue with "princesses", "knights", etc while shipping all the guys in gay relationships. That audience probably isn't really there anymore, or if it is, they won't be automatically on board with a sequel just because it's Wing. They have other things now - the young boys of this generation grew up with SEED instead, and the girls have 00 to swoon over. Many fans who grew up with Wing also moved on to SEED and 00.
Don't really see a good reason for them to adapt it tbh. And I say this as a fan of Wing.
I think they could probably make money turning it into an OVA, but I probably wouldn't be interested in it myself.
It had a definitive ending and then a second, even more definitive ending. Best leave it in peace.
It is time for a G Gundam sequel! I just started Build Fighters and its all I can think of.
If there is question of pushing for Wing which has done just as well in Japan, and far better world wide then G wouldn't even be on the table.
Wing would be worth doing a sequel for just for the international market.
G Gundam sequel would be fun but probably wouldn't do well at all. Might sell a ton of merch though.
When interviewed Sumisawa stated that Frozen Teardrop could be animated but it wasnt intended to be.iirc, Frozen Teardrop was made with the intention of either becoming animated or leading to an animated follow-up for the 20th anniversary next year (can't remember which). That might just be wishful thinking on the author's part, though.
Also Mr. Ramba Ral versus Amuro would be stupid in the best way possible.
Mr.Ral vs Ramba Ral.
OMG ADULTS SUCK SO MUCH has to be the most eye rolling thing about every series I've watched thus far.It is.
Judau calms down abit about how Adults are Satan, and he really comes into his own. He is really an amazing lead, easily the best of the UC timeline with only Seabook coming close IMO.
Yeah, I can't say I'm enjoying this at all ATM. Handbrake turns in a car knocking multiple mobile suits over a cliff, Bright seemingly acquiring brain damage since Zeta and being tricked by zero G oranges, pretty much every battle being 70% fumbling. I get that it's supposed to be a bit goofier but everything seems a step back. Not gravitating to any of these characters either.ZZ is sort of the inverse of Zeta to me, in that where I loved Zeta's beginning and hated its ending, I did not like ZZ's beginning and loved its ending. There's some really weird stuff along the way that you just have to sit back and make fun of, but like Trueprime said, Judau really comes into his own and tones down the whole fuck the police bit he has at first. After they leave Shangri-la things begin to slowly get better and better.
OMG ADULTS SUCK SO MUCH has to be the most eye rolling thing about every series I've watched thus far.
Yeah, I can't say I'm enjoying this at all ATM. Handbrake turns in a car knocking multiple mobile suits over a cliff, Bright seemingly acquiring brain damage since Zeta and being tricked by zero G oranges, pretty much every battle being 70% fumbling. I get that it's supposed to be a bit goofier but everything seems a step back. Not gravitating to any of these characters either.
OMG ADULTS SUCK SO MUCH has to be the most eye rolling thing about every series I've watched thus far.
Yeah, I can't say I'm enjoying this at all ATM. Handbrake turns in a car knocking multiple mobile suits over a cliff, Bright seemingly acquiring brain damage since Zeta and being tricked by zero G oranges, pretty much every battle being 70% fumbling. I get that it's supposed to be a bit goofier but everything seems a step back. Not gravitating to any of these characters either.
Oh goodness...
Gundam 00 S1 - 2
The Gundams in this show are pretty dang awesome looking.
You know what to do next...
Way ahead of you duckroll. I already ordered the HG 00 Raiser since I loved that thing in Gundam Musou 3.
That's not true love... you need the RG Exia!
It's like these guys are deliberately trying to antagonize themselves to stop wars by inducing fear. That's only going to get you more enemies than friends guys.