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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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tagged by Blackace
Rebawoo Painting Update #1

Shitty iPhone pictures because I'm lazy to bust out the DSLR:



So I started painting the gold first. I started putting the thing together and found that a lot of parts were fitting more than snug, so I said fuck it, I'll paint it all before I put it together or else they might snap. The other colour will be very dark gray (instead of red). Saying I'm learning a lot is an understatement. I think a lot of these have 7-10 layers of gold acrylic on them which.. is way too much paint. Thing is, the colour of my room is making me think shadows are actually the red colour showing up underneath -at least that is my theory- But when you look at it in direct light, you can't seem to see any imperfections.

In the second picture, there's a little wing collar thing, which is the most difficult. I finally found a clip to secure it instead of holding it with my tiny nails, but only after I'm pretty much done painting.

I don't know when to stop layering, I think I've conditioned myself to think that the paint isn't adhering and I'm hallucinating that the part's original colors are showing through.


Hey Gundam thread!

So thanks to CorvoSol I'm getting back into this series(last one I saw was Wing) and started with Build Fighters. Was a fucking great show, so fun. Loved how much it focused on having cool ass battles. Also got me to buy into their marketing gimmick and I got a model for the first time since I was 12.

Watching Seed now, it's pretty cool so far. Lots of crying and oh man fuck Fllay that shitty space racist. Opening song is growing on me too.


Hey Gundam thread!

So thanks to CorvoSol I'm getting back into this series(last one I saw was Wing) and started with Build Fighters. Was a fucking great show, so fun. Loved how much it focused on having cool ass battles. Also got me to buy into their marketing gimmick and I got a model for the first time since I was 12.

Watching Seed now, it's pretty cool so far. Lots of crying and oh man fuck Fllay that shitty space racist. Opening song is growing on me too.

You watching the HD Remaster?

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
welp. it finally happened. i finally stabbed my self with the exact o knife. i wasnt even build, i was just applying stickers.

now all i need is tears, and ill be set.


So is Kira considered a good protag in general? I'm 20 episodes into Seed and I think he kinda sucks ass. He has managed to cry so many times so far....plus the whole Flay thing.

Edit: he cried again soon after posting this

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
So is Kira considered a good protag in general? I'm 20 episodes into Seed and I think he kinda sucks ass. He has managed to cry so many times so far....plus the whole Flay thing.

Edit: he cried again soon after posting this

he doesn't stop crying. right up to the last episode.

didn't watch destiny, could be good *shrug*
So is Kira considered a good protag in general? I'm 20 episodes into Seed and I think he kinda sucks ass. He has managed to cry so many times so far....plus the whole Flay thing.

Edit: he cried again soon after posting this

Kira is a shit protagonist. He has his fans unfortunately, but I ever ran into a Kira fanboy, I would automatically disregard their opinions.


OK I'm 16 episodes into Zeta gundam and I just can't figure it out-how the hell is it that everyone is just cool with fighting alongside Char when he hunted them ruthlessly throughout 0079?? And Lala died to save Char, but Amuro doesn't seem to resent him at all?

Char and Kats have the nerve to call Amuro a pussy for not getting in a mobile suit and going into space and fight and I'm all like" Bitch do you realize the shit this motherfucker went through when he was like 14? Why don't you go escort a base full of non soldiers from a space colony to earth and then back out to space and then come back and talk some shit?." Kats hasn't seen any real action and Char is notorious for losing men and equipment.

What the hell is going on?
With regards to Char, I think it's one of those "let by gones be by gones" type deals. It wasn't like it was anything personal in the One Year War, at least until Lalah died. Rewatch the final episode of Gundam, Amuro blames himself for that, not really Char.

And everyone is certainly NOT happy with it. Kai seemed most upset.

Confirmed for Fall 2014 for sure through Masakazu Ogawa's twitter (Sunrise producer):

The new Gundam Build Fighter Series will start in the fall of 2014! Thank you for your support! We will be shortly announcing the characters and mecha. I know a lot of people have been waiting for this announcement. I apologize for the announcement which lacks details you were waiting for.

To aim for the launch in the fall, we are rigorously developing the scenario, content, design, and product. We are getting a lot of help from the previous production team as well as new staff. We would like to introduce them in the next announcement. Thank you for your support!


Alright, after about 27 episodes I feel like Seed finally got good. On 33 now and the past few have been great. Before that though? Pretty boring.


So is Kira considered a good protag in general? I'm 20 episodes into Seed and I think he kinda sucks ass. He has managed to cry so many times so far....plus the whole Flay thing.

Edit: he cried again soon after posting this

Good protag? He's one of the best protags with his only real misstep being Flay.


Confirmed for Fall 2014 for sure through Masakazu Ogawa's twitter (Sunrise producer):

So are we getting two series this fall? This and G Reconquista?


This is not Gundam related but there was some interesting news from Bandai at the Tokyo Toy Show this week.

Bandai now has rights for Star Wars in Japan. New Bandai made Star Wars kits are coming. 1/72 X-Wing, Tie Advanced, 1/48 X-Wing, possible 1/1700 Star Destroyer (3 feet long apparently) and some figure stuff.

The bad news is apparently Fine Molds can no longer produce their excellent Star Wars kits after this year. So stock up now if you want any, I know I will. Especially the 1/72 Millennium Falcon! If you don't have one in the stash this may be your last chance till Bandai makes one.

So I'm excited by this news and saddened too. Fine Molds had some great kits but being a small company couldn't really get to all the subjects. Bandai as we Gundam fans know do produce a lot of kits! So I'm hopeful we will see the odd stuff like B-Wings, Tie Bombers, AT-AT's, Super Star Destroyers and others that Fine Molds never got to. Not to mention awesome premium bandai extras.

Link with pictures:




So is Kira considered a good protag in general? I'm 20 episodes into Seed and I think he kinda sucks ass. He has managed to cry so many times so far....plus the whole Flay thing.

Edit: he cried again soon after posting this

He's the worst Gundam lead ever.


So is Kira considered a good protag in general? I'm 20 episodes into Seed and I think he kinda sucks ass. He has managed to cry so many times so far....plus the whole Flay thing.

Edit: he cried again soon after posting this

He is our Lord and Saviour. That is all you need to know.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Think about what you're saying here.

Shinn was so bad they needed to bring back Kira! He's the GOAT of being awful.

Shinn! Shinn! Shinn!
Yes Kira did.



The Force Impulse is barely visible, while the SF just pops out from the title card. Pictures really are worth a thousand words, aren't they?

In Shinn's defense - he got the coolest poses in OP 3 and 4. Walking away from wreckage is a lot more impressive than looking over a cliff. And...that's all I got.

Boy, from all the comments here Seed Destiny sure sounds like it's great...

Well, Character Theater is pretty great.


I mean, depending on how much I end up liking Seed by the end, I'll definitely give it a shot. Thankfully Seed has finally gotten good.
Those last few episodes of Destiny I was just rooting against Shin. For the ending I was just yelling "

Really its only fun if your'e not seriously into it.
Seed Destiny had serious problems during production that were exacerbated by the head writer's lateness delivering scripts (which may have been due to her illness), leading to a ridiculous number of filler episodes which recap events from just a few episodes prior. I think Seed Destiny has to hold some kind of record for recap episodes - there must have been around eight episodes made up just of recycled footage!

Regarding Shinn and his role as protagonist, there are so many rumors floating around...rumors that there was never a coherent plot line as to what to do with the story, rumors that the merchandising guys at Bandai forced the creatives on Seed Destiny to put the spotlight back on Kira and Athrun because of their popularity, etc.

What's true is that it's a very disjointed series. At first, I thought we were going
to watch Shinn grow as a character, realize his prejudices and anger was misplaced, etc. that, obviously, didn't happen.

Stuff just comes out of nowhere in the show -
characters that were dead in Seed suddenly come back in Seed Destiny for the simple reason they were fan favorites,
characters do bizarre heel or face turns because the writers decided it would be dramatic even if it doesn't make sense, etc.

I wasn't a huge fan of Seed, but appreciated it for what it was: a retelling of MSG with the intent of appealing to a wider fan base (young women with the bishounen cast; younger boys with the stylized Ookawara designed Gundams...and a shit-ton of Gundams, since those are the kits that always sell).

Kira's self-righteousness and perfection really pissed me off, though.
He frees Lacus Clyne, whose imprisonment is the only thing keeping his ship and his friends from being attacked, and he gets praised for it.
Then, when Shinn makes a similar decision
to hand over Stellar because she will die without her medication, it makes him a monster and leads to Stellar's death and the deaths of thousands of others.

Ughh, sorry for the rant.
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