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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Given that the only way to solve the problem prior to Turn A was for the colonies to physically flee the Solar System, I'm going to go ahead and guess that opening the Box was a resounding failure. The Earth Federation exists well into Victory, whereas Zeon has vanished and all successors are doomed to defeat and failure.

Zeon is gone but the Federation is a shadow of its former self too. IIRC, by Victory, it only has control over the moon and Side 1. They even had to ditch the Earth more or less because of the environmental damage.

In the end, everyone gets a little bit of what they want but mostly not.

Beth Cyra

Japan Gundam Fans have let me down now probably worse then ever.

Gundam.info (I think it was Gundam.info) had a vote on which Gundam Female you would want to shake hands with the most.

Fucking Lacus beat Haman. I can't believe this shit. Okay Jesus and Mary Sue are popular, but to beat Haman? Give me a damn break.


How is Lacus even so popular? She had like maybe two hours of screen time in the entire series and all she does during the last battle is sit there looking concerned.


Why the heck is Judau drawn so buff? He's supposed to be 14; way younger than Amuro or Kamille...

He also acts more mature. Was he meant to be older?

From what I understand originally ZZ Gundam was going to star Char and not Judau. That's sorta how I explain where they got the idea for Haman and Judau to begin with.

But Judau actually is kinda buff. Maybe not that ripped there, but his like, two shirtless scenes make him look like he's more muscled than Kamille or Amuro at that age. Probably from being a street rat.

It's SD Gundam's Counterattack.

Thanks! Is it worth watching? It looks fun.

Zeon is gone but the Federation is a shadow of its former self too. IIRC, by Victory, it only has control over the moon and Side 1. They even had to ditch the Earth more or less because of the environmental damage.

In the end, everyone gets a little bit of what they want but mostly not.

Something I've been mulling over is how the Federation ties into the political state of affairs in G Gundam. Like, in Wing the Earth holds power over the Colonies due to its military superiority (although the Colonies are independent IIRC in the beginning of the show) but G is like, the only series where the Colonies begin in control of the Earth.

Japan Gundam Fans have let me down now probably worse then ever.

Gundam.info (I think it was Gundam.info) had a vote on which Gundam Female you would want to shake hands with the most.

Fucking Lacus beat Haman. I can't believe this shit. Okay Jesus and Mary Sue are popular, but to beat Haman? Give me a damn break.

[Insert joke about how this is because Lacus is CE's Haman here].

I dunno. Maybe they can't forgive her for cheating on "The Captain" with Judau.


Japan Gundam Fans have let me down now probably worse then ever.

Gundam.info (I think it was Gundam.info) had a vote on which Gundam Female you would want to shake hands with the most.

Fucking Lacus beat Haman. I can't believe this shit. Okay Jesus and Mary Sue are popular, but to beat Haman? Give me a damn break.

tbf though, the only situation you'd be shaking Haman's hand is if you're going to have some sort of meeting with her. probably a lot of pressure there.
How is Lacus even so popular? She had like maybe two hours of screen time in the entire series and all she does during the last battle is sit there looking concerned.

For some reason, Seed is insanely popular in Japan. It essentially revitalized the fanbase, after the Victory>G>Wing>X + Turn A onslaught of the 90s nearly exhausted the franchise.


For some reason, Seed is insanely popular in Japan. It essentially revitalized the fanbase, after the Victory>G>Wing>X + Turn A onslaught of the 90s nearly exhausted the franchise.
Japan loves overdone melodrama and characters who look like birds I guess.
They definitely are good shows, but by time turn a was finished ratings were getting progrwssively worse. The belief is that japan had moved on from gund to shows more similar to nge


You guys have similar taste.

Gundam Seed Destiny HD Remaster Episode 1 (bd)

Wow the OP animation and scenes is pretty good (was that Athrun in it too signalling to us, too good). The new characters are great as well definitely a toss up between Sting and Auel, both are great in their own ways, personality for Sting, skills for Auel, there was one scene where he was shooting from over his head to the guys above him, how cool is that?

Im glad to return to this world so soon
everything still seemingly on the brink of war but with new faces in command like the ship Minerva, or Athrun in this new up front role. Hope he gets a gundam fast again so he wont be stuck in these bad grunt suits


Something I've been mulling over is how the Federation ties into the political state of affairs in G Gundam. Like, in Wing the Earth holds power over the Colonies due to its military superiority (although the Colonies are independent IIRC in the beginning of the show) but G is like, the only series where the Colonies begin in control of the Earth.

I don't think anyone really cares about, much less controls, Earth in G. The colonies govern themselves as a sort of confederacy, I think, and then stomp around the Earth for the Gundam Fight.


All panel lines are done and I'm ready to topcoat now. I have a question about spraying. I've read conflicting advice about bursts vs. continuous spraying and about whether spraying too much will cause problems. Can someone weigh in on this for me?

Also I can't decide whether to cover up the holographic stickers or not.
From my recollection of G Gundam, the general concept was that the rich and elite lived in the space colonies. Each major country has their own colony. Every four years a Gundam fight happens on earth and the winning country gets to rule over everything for the next four years until the next fight.

Since the elite are all in space, earth has fallen into ruins (except for some cities such as Hong Kong). That is why Master Asia got pissed off.


All panel lines are done and I'm ready to topcoat now. I have a question about spraying. I've read conflicting advice about bursts vs. continuous spraying and about whether spraying too much will cause problems. Can someone weigh in on this for me?

Also I can't decide whether to cover up the holographic stickers or not.

You are using a can I'm assuming? If so short bursts is better if you feel you can't keep it from gathering in one spot. If you can, go continuous but from a further distance.

If you are using an airbrush, this is less of a problem because it's much easier to control and sprays a lot more fine. Airbrush plus Future floor polish is actually the best topcoat for modeling that's ever been invented.

Letting topcoat gather too heavily in one spot will damage your paint and look bad. It's much better to have a layer too thin than too thick. Too thin, you can always spray another thin layer over it.

When I airbrush Future I generally last down 2 to 3 thin layers a day or so apart.

If you are using matte topcoat I would not cover the stickers unless you want them to be dull.


You are using a can I'm assuming? If so short bursts is better if you feel you can't keep it from gathering in one spot. If you can, go continuous but from a further distance.

If you are using an airbrush, this is less of a problem because it's much easier to control and sprays a lot more fine. Airbrush plus Future floor polish is actually the best topcoat for modeling that's ever been invented.

Letting topcoat gather too heavily in one spot will damage your paint and look bad. It's much better to have a layer too thin than too thick. Too thin, you can always spray another thin layer over it.

When I airbrush Future I generally last down 2 to 3 thin layers a day or so apart.

If you are using matte topcoat I would not cover the stickers unless you want them to be dull.
Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I'm using a can and I haven't painted it other than doing panel lines. I know topcoat will dull the stickers, I just can't decide if they would look better dull or shiny since the model will be matte.


Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I'm using a can and I haven't painted it other than doing panel lines. I know topcoat will dull the stickers, I just can't decide if they would look better dull or shiny since the model will be matte.

I feel like matte would look better because it gives it less of a "toy" look. If you don't like it you can always mask and spray the sticker again with a gloss or semi gloss.

Just wanted to add when you spray the topcoat move frenetically around the model. Attaching it to a chopstick or skewer to spin as you spray will also work to get a even coat with no excess buildup of the topcoat.


I don't think anyone really cares about, much less controls, Earth in G. The colonies govern themselves as a sort of confederacy, I think, and then stomp around the Earth for the Gundam Fight.

Rewatching it now, and it looks like the Colonies have government of their specific territories on Earth, just that they don't seem to care much.

No idea. I found it on the Gundam wikia. Not sure why you didn't check there first. :p

I punched in SD Gundam and all I got was that CGI one.

Anyway I watched it. It was pretty funny. Kamille hitting on every woman while Judau sings badly in the background and Char and Amuro get into a pissing match is a pretty good summary of early UC.


From my recollection of G Gundam, the general concept was that the rich and elite lived in the space colonies. Each major country has their own colony. Every four years a Gundam fight happens on earth and the winning country gets to rule over everything for the next four years until the next fight.

Since the elite are all in space, earth has fallen into ruins (except for some cities such as Hong Kong). That is why Master Asia got pissed off.

Schwarz Bruder definitely winning this year.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was just thinking about the situation in G Gundam and opened this thread to see a conversation about it. It's pretty simple to me. The various earth governments polluted the planet through war and over population and the rich people left to form the various colonial neo states, but since they had all the real power they quickly took control while no one really cares what happened on earth. Space warfare was about to become a real problem when that unnamed scientist dude offers the "Ideal War" solution of the Gundam Fight and releases plans for the mobile trace/basic gundam design to each of the colonial powers to be held on the earth for control of the colonies.

Everyone, against normal human nature, agrees that Gladiatorial Olympic games with stereotypical giant robots is an awesome idea and besides a few hitches here and there the plan works. Governments still have military mobile suits at the ready in case someone goes rogue but they've basically been at peace now for over half a century.


While we're discussing G Gundam, what does everyone think of the likelihood of the Mobile Trace system being related to the Psycoframe system? Like, not suggesting that everyone in G is a newtype, but rather that from what I understood Psycoframes let one control the Gundam with one's thoughts, whereas mobile trace more or less let's one control the Gundam with one's own physical movements, rather than a control scheme.
There is an event happening online right now. I think most of it is already over. But basically, they're going to make a new 1:1 RX-78-2 statue in Japan. This one will apparently MOVE though.


Finally got around to starting 0079. I decided to watch the series rather than the movies - it helps that I got the episodes in HD. I'm only on episode 4, but it's pretty damn cool so far despite the animation. Honestly, the 70s animation and dated soundtrack give it a certain charm. Glad I decided to start watching.
0079's soundtrack is amazing. My favorite soundtrack in the franchise.

Every step moves us just a little bit closer.

For the 50th anniversary, they'll build a 1:1 pilot-able Gundam. Then we'll realize that 2029 is actually UC0079 and we all die in a horrible war.


0079's soundtrack is amazing. My favorite soundtrack in the franchise.

For the 50th anniversary, they'll build a 1:1 pilot-able Gundam. Then we'll realize that 2029 is actually UC0079 and we all die in a horrible war.

As long as I can be present for Ramba Ral's birth, I'm okay with the loss of Australia.


So my hobby knife X-Acto blade broke in half and jump to my face. Freak me out for a while, how do you guys know when to change blade?


Bought a couple SDs to ease my mind after building the MG Phenex, I need to build something stiff that will stay in place for me! Also I need to buy more glue apparently.

can't believe it took me this long to find the gundam thread
Woot, got my Tallgeese and Wing Converges today. Will take pics when I get back home. Wing looks great but they fucked up Tallgeese's face markings. :S

Also, looks like that Real G Project's goal is to make a moving 1:1 scale Gundam by 2019. Hope it works out, but I guess that depends on how articulate and mobile they want it to be.


Woot, got my Tallgeese and Wing Converges today. Will take pics when I get back home. Wing looks great but they fucked up Tallgeese's face markings. :S

Also, looks like that Real G Project's goal is to make a moving 1:1 scale Gundam by 2019. Hope it works out, but I guess that depends on how articulate and mobile they want it to be.
I'm looking forward to the fourth phase in 2032, featuring a fully weaponized and mobile armor suit.

Then all we need is a random angst-y schoolkid to accidentally fall into the cockpit and we have come full circle.


I found gundam themed slushie cups at the 7-11

Also some SD Hi nu and unicorn but gonna save my money for some master gradessss (maybe)


Yeah, it's such a fatty.

I kinda feel like ZZ Gundam is supposed to be the overbuff roided out dude of the UC mechs, like Commissioner Gordon in the Arkham games or whatever. As opposed to the Zeta, which is meant to be more sleek.

I mean, it certainly fits the ZZ's armaments. That mega cannon on the head, the beam sabers being enormous, etc.
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