ZZ as a show is full of fat ass suits. ZZ, the Quibleys, the Zaku III.
ZZ as a show is full of fat ass suits. ZZ, the Quibleys, the Zaku III.
ZZ as a show is full of fat ass suits. ZZ, the Quibleys, the Zaku III.
The GP02 is in dire need of a Master Grade 2.0. Well, all the Stardust Memory suits are.
How is the 1/100 MG Shining Gundam? I can only find one on Amazon.
Well, we expect it from Zeon.
Another fat Gundam is the GP02, but I suppose it needed that sort of platform for a nuke.
The GP02 is in dire need of a Master Grade 2.0. Well, all the Stardust Memory suits are.
There's also one from 00 but it looked really ugly.
Would you say it's a good beginners kit for the MG stuff?Great poseability, but the inner 'skeleton' is incredibly basic.
Would you say it's a good beginners kit for the MG stuff?
Awesome first MG kits?Would you say it's a good beginners kit for the MG stuff?
Build Strike is pretty good to start with. Feels like a big HG with a ton more parts.Would you say it's a good beginners kit for the MG stuff?
I have a really small Virtue Gundam. Thing's probably half the size of an HG kit at most. I sorta think Virtue takes the cake when it comes to fat Gundams.
Definitely 0080. Some real tragedy, especially sinceBernie died for no reason since the federation prevented the nuclear attack.
So, Gundam GAF, what Gundam story is the most sad for you?
For me, I think 0080: War in the Pocket. It was pretty heart breaking. Might have been one of the first Gundams I saw too.
Alsothe fact AGE exists.
There are some AMAZING ZZ resin kits.
My god, a few of them are quite possibly the greatest looking models I've ever seen.
I would say most recentlyMarida's death in Unicorn Ep 7. Made even worse by who kills her. Everything she does through eps 1-7, her interactions with those around her, coupled with her history pre-Unicorn made her such a great character.
Another good moment I think isthe ending montage in Turn A where it shows Kihel crying as she is looking through the Dark History files. It's a really quick shot of the images floating around her but it still manages to say so much. Basically shows that conflict is this sort of never-ending cycle that humanity is bound to eventually go through again and again.
Alsothe fact AGE exists.
No matter how many times I watch 0080, the ending still hits me like the first time.
Definitely 0080, but as an answer that differs from that, let me put forward Sochie Heim. Not all of Turn A, because I actually feel like Turn A is one of the most positive Gundam shows, showing humanity as capable of peace and understanding without needing magical psychic powers to do it, and in spite of the numerous terrifying evils seen in the show, but what happens to Sochie is like all the awfulness that would be spread among the cast in shows like Zeta are instead concentrated on her in specific. Namely thatshe loses the man she was going to marry, and she completely loses her chance with Loran. Her parents are completely ruined by the war (her father's death and her mother's madness) and she's never able to exact revenge for anyone or achieve any kind of closure. She loses her sister to Harry, and Loran to Dianna. At the end of Turn A she's just completely alone.
I wanna change my vote to this.
No matter how many times I watch 0080, the ending still hits me like the first time.
Unicorn itself wasn't really that sad though.My heart broke for Marida of course, and I hated what happened to her before and during Unicorn.
Yeah, it's like inalienably sad.
Papercraft, why do you look better than my actual ZZ model?
It's 0080 and it's not even close.
Also for a power of friendship shonen show G Gundam manages to invoke some pretty deep feelings in me at many different points. Domon's life is basically a country music song at the end, his girl left him, his idol/mom/brother are all dead, he hates his boss and only has a horse to hang out with, plus his idiot friends.
Unexpected depth is a great deal of the reason why I always come back to G Gundam.
It's 0080 and it's not even close.
Also for a power of friendship shonen show G Gundam manages to invoke some pretty deep feelings in me at many different points. Domon's life is basically a country music song at the end, his girl left him, his idol/mom/brother are all dead, he hates his boss and only has a horse to hang out with, plus his idiot friends.
Unexpected depth is a great deal of the reason why I always come back to G Gundam.
We're talking about just prior to the end, right? SinceDomon gets his girl back.
His real love was Allenby, though. Poor girl, sacrificed her happiness for the sake of the world ;_;
0080 hits hard for sure.
AndMarida Cruz is truly the Sochie Heim of Unicorn.
How so? Sochie doesn't really have a bad ending. She's young and she's rich, and not to mention a war hero.Sure her sister and Loran abandon her (though I imagine she still has SOME contact with both. They could send letters or something. But it's only a matter of time before another suitor comes for her. I mean, she's what, 17 at the end of the show? Hardly Old Maid status.
I think so! And it looks really nice when assembled.![]()
Awesome first MG kits?
GN-X -
Age 01 Normal -
Build Strike is pretty good to start with. Feels like a big HG with a ton more parts.
Beingis like having everything that happened to Sochie rolled into one.killed by Riddhe
Also, I'm going to leave this here for everyone. Don't you feel the tears streaming already?
His real love was Allenby, though. Poor girl, sacrificed her happiness for the sake of the world ;_;
What about Katejina? Did you guys feel sadfor her at the end when we see that she's mentally broken? I felt sorry for her, honestly.
Also, I'm going to leave this here for everyone. Don't you feel the tears streaming already?
Every time it seems like Domon finally respeks Rain he turns around and does something stupid, smh Domon get it together dude.
On episode 8 of 0079 now. Can someone explain to me what the hell Minovsky particles are? They keep talking about them but never explained them (as far as I remember anyway).
On episode 8 of 0079 now. Can someone explain to me what the hell Minovsky particles are? They keep talking about them but never explained them (as far as I remember anyway).
The Minovsky particle has near-zero rest mass - though, like any particle, its mass increases to reflect its potential or kinetic energy - and can carry either a positive or negative electrical charge. When scattered in open space or in the air, the repulsive forces between charged Minovsky particles cause them to spontaneously align into a regular cubic lattice structure called an I-field. An I-field lattice will slowly expand and scatter into space, however, after dense interference it will take approximately 29 days before the region can support normal electromagnetic communication again.
On episode 8 of 0079 now. Can someone explain to me what the hell Minovsky particles are? They keep talking about them but never explained them (as far as I remember anyway).
You speak lies.
On episode 8 of 0079 now. Can someone explain to me what the hell Minovsky particles are? They keep talking about them but never explained them (as far as I remember anyway).