I just finished the Doan's Island episode of 0079. It was hilarious.
First, there was the awkward position the Gundam gets into to launch the Core Fighter from it. Then Amuro told Doan that he kept having to fight pursuers because of his "scent of battle." I know in the show Doan agrees with him, but the flabbergasted face he made and the awkward pause reflected my inner thoughts of "What the fuck, Amuro?" This continued as Amuro proceeded to throw all of Doan's shit in the ocean to wipe away the scent while Doan's just standing there like :|
Also Amuro walking around in his underwear the whole episode and Doan never explaining why he straight up murdered those Federation soldiers at the beginning of the island part of the episode.
Also Amuro walking around in his underwear the whole episode and Doan never explaining why he straight up murdered those Federation soldiers at the beginning of the island part of the episode.