1428 yen isn't even that bad, considering you get to keep the cup.
I'm sure the beer inside is something shitty like Asahi though
Just got the Tamiya Spray Primer from the mail, why is it so small... double the price and half the size as Kylon. However, I can't complain, the primer is so thin and smooth you can barely tell it is painted.
5 min I primed all the parts that usually took 30 min per days x 4 days. Let's hope that can will last me the whole kit, $14 a can hurts if I going to need 2 of those per kit.
Imagine if it was Hitachino1428 yen isn't even that bad, considering you get to keep the cup.
I'm sure the beer inside is something shitty like Asahi though
there's a MG ZZ and MG FAZZ
Ah, good. Some day when I have money and interest, I guess.
As you know Corvo, I'm easily ZZ's biggest fan on this board and even I say do not go near MG ZZ or FAZZ.
These probably the single two suits in most need of 2.0's.
Holding the weapons? Nope
Posing them? Nope
Overall Quality? Nope!
Unless you want a great G Fortress stay away from these kits.
No it can't.Wait, the ZZ can't hold it's own weapons, or the arms don't support the weight of the weapons?
Because let me tell you it pisses me off something fierce that the HGUC ZZ can only hold one weapon in one hand. I mean, yes, the ZZ never dual wielded, but it DID wield its beam saber with both hands and the suit can't recreate that even though it was a regularly used pose. And the hand that the ZZ holds its blaster in doesn't come with a part for holding the blaster.
Still better than the HGUC Zeta, though, where the Beam saber comes attached to the hand as a single part you have to paint in a kit specifically marked as "no paint required!"
Both of those are the most baffling aspects of those kits.
No it can't.
The Twin Beam Canon is so damn big that ZZ can't hold it in any pose really. Straight down it's so heavy that ZZ can't actually hold it, even worse when it's straight out it's so damn large and ZZ's shoulder poseablity so bad he can't even put it out in front of him.
The Beam Sabers are 1/60 Perfect Grade size Beam Sabers, but the cost is that they are so big, and the peg inside so small that ZZ can't hold the damn things.
This is a very old kit and the even if you take the weapons away from ZZ it can't hardly do anything because the bulk just to great for the kit engineering at the time.
Aw, yeah, that doesn't sound so hot.
So what's the deal with these Extra Fit MG models I keep seeing online?
What do you mean by extra fit?
I dunno. When I googled "Master Grade ZZ Gundam." I got some results labeled "Extra Fit" and they lead to a series of Universal Century Gundams that appeared to be customized to have different proportions and weapon designs.
Are those official bandai releases?
What do you mean by this? I'm about to order it, so I want to know if it's not a good idea to get it.Speaking of the HG ZZ I don't know why, but it bugs me that I can point the shoulder fins down but not upward. They either lay flat or face down when I swear I seem them posed upward most often.
Alright, first MG ordered: Shining Gundam. Also got that Tamiya tool thing with it, wish there was a hobby shop near me that carried some of this stuff. I think I'd have to go to SF to find a store with a good selection of Gunpla.
What do you mean by this? I'm about to order it, so I want to know if it's not a good idea to get it.
Also, how about that Zeta HGUC? How's that one? Any issues with it?
Thanks! The only place I've seen them in SF so far is that little hobby shop in Japantown but I remember them being pretty expensive.I'm from SF. You should check out Ying Hobbies & Toys in Chinatown.
Thanks! The only place I've seen them in SF so far is that little hobby shop in Japantown but I remember them being pretty expensive.
They also had Initial D models there but they require painting so meeeeeeeh
That's great to hear, then. Thanks!Get HGUC ZZ.
No kit is perfect, and ZZ has a few very minor issues. However HGUC ZZ is one of the best kits on the market as far as HG's go when it comes to capturing the suit and easily the best ZZ Bandai has ever produced outside of maybe the Robot Damashii.
I want to get back into Gundam. Any recommendations? I used to watch Gundam wing on Toonami back in the 90's.
What do you mean by this? I'm about to order it, so I want to know if it's not a good idea to get it.
Also, how about that Zeta HGUC? How's that one? Any issues with it?
No kit is perfect, and ZZ has a few very minor issues. However HGUC ZZ is one of the best kits on the market as far as HG's go when it comes to capturing the suit and easily the best ZZ Bandai has ever produced outside of maybe the Robot Damashii.
G Gundam because it will make you believe in love.I want to get back into Gundam. Any recommendations? I used to watch Gundam wing on Toonami back in the 90's.
G Gundam because it will make you believe in love.
I want to get back into Gundam. Any recommendations? I used to watch Gundam wing on Toonami back in the 90's.
That's the magic of spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace~So my impression of UC so far is basically: YOU'RE A NEWTYPE AND YOU'RE A NEWTYPE AND GUESS WHAT FUCKER YOU'RE A NEWTYPE TOO
Alright, thanks you beautiful peeps. I'mma order them.Oh, no, the shoulder thing is a minor gripe that has no bearing. Get the HGUC ZZ. It's great. The one actual problem of the kit is that it only has one hand for gripping its weapons with, but since technically the ZZ never uses more than one weapon at a time, that's not a huge problem.
The HGUC Zeta is also great. The only problem is it doesn't come with a beam saber of its own. It comes with a hand piece that is merged to a beam saber and requires you paint the fingers and beam saber, but if you happen to have other beam sabers lying around (which I did) it's not a problem..
G Gundam because it will make you believe in love.
So true.
Seems like ZZ extra fit is the resin armor kit, it use freedom's skeleton and just snap on the armor.
Looks really cool, and not that many color, so you only need 3 cans of paint. You need to buy freedom separately.
The bandai FAZZ can only make one pose, instead of the arm holding the gun, it is the backpack holding the gun, with the arm attached to it. And you need to take off the shoulder armor to hold the gun.
If you don't mind it looking like this, and only this, you can get the bandai one.
G Gundam because it will make you believe in love.
Tobia is a cool ass dude.
So, just so I'm sure here, cuz I think I found a place that sells them for my future purchase, if I bought one, I'd need to buy a MG Freedom, too, then build the skeleton of the MG Freedom, right?
Also, do Master Grade kits instruct you to build their skeleton's first? If so, I could see myself one day picking up two MG Freedoms and using one to build this.
I really don't know. I can't even figure out if they're statues or models because I can't find any one site dedicated to explaining what they are. Which suggests to me they're more a series of fan made customs, but they're pretty cool either way.
Like, when I punch the term into Google I get mostly sales places like ebay or online hobby shops.
I -think- it's a custom line by a fan modeler but I can't tell.
Some quick images of the ones I've seen pop up the most:
Like I said, the proportions in the ZZ are definitely way different.
resin dust can kill you! So if you're going to buy a resin kit or resin conversion kit, make sure you have a respirator.
It's like a challenge!Oh.
Oh my.
It's like a challenge!
"To test your skills as a REAL builder, rise to the level!"
Except if you mess up, you ded.
Tobia is dabes.
So, just so I'm sure here, cuz I think I found a place that sells them for my future purchase, if I bought one, I'd need to buy a MG Freedom, too, then build the skeleton of the MG Freedom, right?