I did finish it and laughed out loud when Katzcrashed into that rock and then got shot down. His incredibly stupid death was so fitting for his character.
I was kinda up and down with Zeta overall. I liked a lot of the stuff focused on the new characters but whenever Amuro and Char were around(a lot) it almost always felt like the show became completely about them, especially in Amuro's appearance. I also didn't like how they were ripping exact scenes and events from 0079, how many Lalah parallels did we need in this show? Jerid was an awful rival too andhis eventual death was incredibly lame, he got destroyed like he was nothing....but then I realized he was actually nothing the whole time!
Really liked the last handful of episodes, great ending too. Emma Sheen is cool too.
The franchise is built upon the corpses of lalah clones. They're almost as common as char clones