After War Gundam X 2
So here's the positives: The three Gundams introduced so far all seem fairly interesting in that they seem based around different ideas. The red one can fly, the green one is all them missiles, and the X has its moon laser.
The Satellite System seems to be some manner of lunar based adaptation of Mobile Suit Gundam's Solar System, which makes it pretty damn broken, since it glassed the desert beneath the X. Whether that makes it more powerful than the Wing Zero's Buster or not, I don't know, but it's pretty ridiculous.
Garrod is a pretty fun character so far. He looks a bit like Heero, but he's a lot more Duo in terms of personality. Sorta sarcastic, very energetic, and I dunno, just fun.
I'm also a fan of the weird, and fairly bleak, set up to this universe. "The One Year War was a resounding failure for both sides and yet humanity continues to butcher itself."
The negative: I kinda hate Tiffa so far. Like I kinda wonder if people who hate Relena have ever seen Tiffa. She talks like a three year old, when she talks at all, has a constantly stunned expression on her face and after she sets up the microwave laser she freaks the fuck out. So I sorta don't like her one bit thus far.