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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Acid been on that Rogaine regiment.



Don't even think they were buddies before the start of the series.

Just watched Gundam X fairly recently and I'm pretty sure this is the case. They were both mercenaries that were hired on near the start of the show. They may have known of each other through work (being a Gundam pilot seems to be a fairly notable thing in that universe), but no real relationship other than that.


Char's Counterattack






that was bad. Char with the completely motivation-less character changes. Amuro still the most vanilla character ever.

Kamille and Fa's moment at the end of ZZ had more closure and payoff to it than anything involving Amuro and Char.


Top tier:
G Gundam
Build Fighters

Great tier:
Turn A
ZZ(would have been higher if not for the very uneven beginning)

Good tier:

Meh tier:

Quess Tier:

Doo Doo Butter tier:


Char's Counterattack

that was bad. Char with the completely motivation-less character changes. Amuro still the most vanilla character ever.

I just watched this 2 nights ago. It's really weird watching Char get all schizophrenic from one series to the next. And how exactly are spacenoids being oppressed by the federation? The federation isn't up there blowing the shit out of colonies or having colonies/asteroids dropped on them all the time.

Char: "Booo damn feddies always tryin to keepin' a hard workin' spacenoid down!"

*drops a colony on earth, kills millions of innocent people*

Char: "Damnit earthnoids, stop oppressing meeeeeeee!!!"

*loads Axis with nukes, launches it towards earth*


Man fuck that bitch Hathaway for what he did. And thank you Tomino for writing another annoying juvenile female who is a slave to her emotions and therefore a source of great suffering to everyone around her.


If I recall correctly, Spacenoids don't have suffrage or something to that effect. I don't even know past Unicorn anymore, though, because the ending to Unicorn kinda clashes with what I understood to be F91's set up.


Scientifically she'd be fine

Provided she could somehow hit the target she couldn't look at without losing consciousness in the time alotted, without being able to look at it, survive any manner of cosmic radiation, the drastic change in pressure from her cockpit and the temperature alteration as well. It could and rightfully should have been a much worse situation. Let's not bring science into the series that thinks that mankind can survive unchanged without gravity despite the fact that there's an ongoing scientific argument about whether or not mankind can even get it up in space, let alone all that stuff about bone density.

What Quess did was stupid. Wildly stupid. And that she survived that was equally stupid. I mean, space suits exist because we can't survive in space without them. Space isn't a clothing optional environment.

Shelving this, though, why did she even do it? What sane person jumps out into space without a space suit on? What was the point of that scene anyway? It's just really bad.



Don't worry. He gets what's coming to him.

Provided she could somehow hit the target she couldn't look at without losing consciousness in the time alotted, without being able to look at it, survive any manner of cosmic radiation, the drastic change in pressure from her cockpit and the temperature alteration as well. It could and rightfully should have been a much worse situation. Let's not bring science into the series that thinks that mankind can survive unchanged without gravity despite the fact that there's an ongoing scientific argument about whether or not mankind can even get it up in space, let alone all that stuff about bone density.

What Quess did was stupid. Wildly stupid. And that she survived that was equally stupid. I mean, space suits exist because we can't survive in space without them. Space isn't a clothing optional environment.

Shelving this, though, why did she even do it? What sane person jumps out into space without a space suit on? What was the point of that scene anyway? It's just really bad.

As long as there is weight bearing and you get a proper diet then your bone density should be fine. Obviously, artifical gravity would be necessary for any long term life in space.
Doo Doo Butter tier:

Am I the only one who actually likes SEED? Coordinators vs Naturals felt much better than any newtype story and gave an actual reason as to why we have kids piloting weapons of mass destruction. As a retelling of MSG it definitely does well. Kira actually acts like a kid thrust into a bad situation, where he gets angry, cries, and actually
sleeps with Fllay and steals her from Sai
(thats a definite 1up on most shounen protags). They really emphasised how the survival of the entire crew being on his shoulders was messing with him. Not to mention the drama between Athrun and Kira, because remember Kira is on the wrong side of the war, he is a race traitor fighting against his own people.

Yea, the bits with Cagalli and Lacus is definitely not it's strongest point - but Kira kills
and then they all pat him on the back and say nice job killing that guy who was trying to protect his friend, aren't you just great! Which would definitely affect anyone not trained to fight, and even now with PTSD we realise what long term damage it does to the psyche. So I'm not annoyed how they built up Kira to becoming a non killer since it wasn't sprung up on us and wasn't made to feel like the logical/morally superior choice but rather what Kira could live with. You have to remember that no one else stops killing and Kira never admonishes them for that.


"She could could been a mother to me"

I would love see Amuros face hearing Char batshit crazy rambling over Lala during that end fight in CCA


But enough of this. Now it's time for



Part of me really hated this part of the episode, but the other part of me remembers that when this exact same plot device came up in Eureka Seven, I loved it. If I had to put a finger to the difference, it would be that by that point in the series Eureka had become endearing, whereas so far Tifa is just sort of an object and not a character at all.

The rest of this involves some bandits stealing nuclear explosions and it makes Jamil get into a not-GM to bail out Garrod, and that was okay. So far there has been quite a bit of dicking around in the sand, though, and not much in the way of an overarching plot. But I mean, we're only six episodes into this show, and given the rate of time a Gundam series generally takes to warm up to that stuff, I'll let it be for now.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the weirdest thing about that part is that Sala is only 19 or something

So it's so weird for her to have complex about her age, or to be jealous of a girl only 4 years younger than her. Even moreso since from our perspective Jamil has demonstrated no romantic interest in either of them, while Talho's jealousy was at least somewhat based on a real observation in Holland. First time I saw that scene I had no idea what was even happening there

The love triangle/quadrilateral is alot more believable and better developed in Eureka 7 despite the dynamics of the relationships being lifted straight from this show. I challenged this once in this very thread, but after rewatching the series there's really no argument there.

Basically Eureka7 is better at being a gundam show than most gundam shows


Am I the only one who actually likes SEED? Coordinators vs Naturals felt much better than any newtype story and gave an actual reason as to why we have kids piloting weapons of mass destruction. As a retelling of MSG it definitely does well. Kira actually acts like a kid thrust into a bad situation, where he gets angry, cries, and actually
sleeps with Fllay and steals her from Sai
(thats a definite 1up on most shounen protags). They really emphasised how the survival of the entire crew being on his shoulders was messing with him. Not to mention the drama between Athrun and Kira, because remember Kira is on the wrong side of the war, he is a race traitor fighting against his own people.

Yea, the bits with Cagalli and Lacus is definitely not it's strongest point - but Kira kills
and then they all pat him on the back and say nice job killing that guy who was trying to protect his friend, aren't you just great! Which would definitely affect anyone not trained to fight, and even now with PTSD we realise what long term damage it does to the psyche. So I'm not annoyed how they built up Kira to becoming a non killer since it wasn't sprung up on us and wasn't made to feel like the logical/morally superior choice but rather what Kira could live with. You have to remember that no one else stops killing and Kira never admonishes them for that.

I'm with you, but we're a minority here.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Lots and lots of people love SEED. I appreciate the hell out of how slick it is presented, the net it cast to try and get the widest possible fanbase, the music, the drama bombs. It also has under appreciated mobile suit design.

DESTINY is also amazing in just how watchably bad it is. You know its awful going in and what its trying to do, but at the same time you can't wait to see where it is going next.

This is completely different from something like AGE which is just horrendously bad or 0083 which is presented as a classic but is actually majorly flawed, or Victory which is just hard to watch.
Am I the only one who actually likes SEED? Coordinators vs Naturals felt much better than any newtype story and gave an actual reason as to why we have kids piloting weapons of mass destruction. .

1 - Newtypes vs Coordinators. Coordinators fucking suck. Fundamentally, the idea has merit, in that the idea of genetically modified humans is an okay idea. But the way idea is presented in Seed is laughably stupid. The overt racism is over the top, just like everything else in Seed, since Fukuda is a hack that has never heard of the concept of "subtlety". That is my biggest problem with Seed actually. That everything is so in your face spelled out that it's condescending.

Newtypes and oldtypes are handled much better. I strongly recommend reading Tomino's First Gundam novel, since it really goes into what it would mean to be a newtype. Basically there are several pieces at play with Newtypes that makes the term and concept a loaded term. Through the series, it is evident that characters such as Amuro are not "normal" people (Oldtypes). However, characters attach the term "Newtype" to their abilities, which is a highly political term in universe. Zeon Deikun's concept of Newtypes is a very specific ideal, and it is never really clear that the people that emerge in the One Year War are the things that Zeon Deikun theorized.

2) Seed actually provides a reason for teenagers to pilot weapons of mass destruction. So does UC Gundam, particularly the first series. Kids weren't planned to be the crew of White Base and Gundam. They became the pilots due to circumstance. In fact, how First Gundam handles this issue is masterful IMHO. It feels incredibly natural and not strange at all. These kids are refugees who take up arms to defend themselves from assault after assault. Over time, they grow into soldiers that can work together as a team to devestating (for Zeon) results. Zeta's cast is mostly older, with the exception of Kamille, Fa and Katz. And even then there are scenes that demonstrate well enough why they would pilot (Katz not-withstanding). ZZ's explanation works too, though is more hamfisted. Basically "everyone died, so we'll take anyone we can get".

Provided she could somehow hit the target she couldn't look at without losing consciousness in the time alotted, without being able to look at it, survive any manner of cosmic radiation, the drastic change in pressure from her cockpit and the temperature alteration as well. It could and rightfully should have been a much worse situation. Let's not bring science into the series that thinks that mankind can survive unchanged without gravity despite the fact that there's an ongoing scientific argument about whether or not mankind can even get it up in space, let alone all that stuff about bone density.

What Quess did was stupid. Wildly stupid. And that she survived that was equally stupid. I mean, space suits exist because we can't survive in space without them. Space isn't a clothing optional environment.

Shelving this, though, why did she even do it? What sane person jumps out into space without a space suit on? What was the point of that scene anyway? It's just really bad.

She was in space about 5 seconds. Not long enough to do any damage from lack of oxygen and pressure, or exposure to cosmic radiation. Humans can last in space about 15 seconds without passing out As for the point of the scene, it was to show Char continue to manipulate her.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I on the other hand don't really like "Newtypes" at all and yet find the situation Coordinators are in to be a fascinating one.
Am I the only one who actually likes SEED? Coordinators vs Naturals felt much better than any newtype story and gave an actual reason as to why we have kids piloting weapons of mass destruction. As a retelling of MSG it definitely does well. Kira actually acts like a kid thrust into a bad situation, where he gets angry, cries, and actually
sleeps with Fllay and steals her from Sai
(thats a definite 1up on most shounen protags). They really emphasised how the survival of the entire crew being on his shoulders was messing with him. Not to mention the drama between Athrun and Kira, because remember Kira is on the wrong side of the war, he is a race traitor fighting against his own people.

Yea, the bits with Cagalli and Lacus is definitely not it's strongest point - but Kira kills
and then they all pat him on the back and say nice job killing that guy who was trying to protect his friend, aren't you just great! Which would definitely affect anyone not trained to fight, and even now with PTSD we realise what long term damage it does to the psyche. So I'm not annoyed how they built up Kira to becoming a non killer since it wasn't sprung up on us and wasn't made to feel like the logical/morally superior choice but rather what Kira could live with. You have to remember that no one else stops killing and Kira never admonishes them for that.

No i'm with you. SEED was my first Gundam show, loved it as a kid and it still holds up when I rewatched it. Too bad our lot is few and far in-between.


Quess jumps into space unprotected seconds after a nuclear explosion of such size and force that it could have destroyed a meteor so large it can send Earth into nuclear winter. Did I mention this is in the middle of a pitched space battle? Every single thing should have killed her.

There's so much wrong with that that, 7 seconds exposed to the vacuum of space or no, it's a scene well worth mocking.


Nina Purpleton versus Quess, go.

Nina was a grown ass woman and should have known better, and she didn't even have the decency to get blown up before the end.

Quess sucked, but she sucked in a single movie, unlike Purupuru, who sucked for half of ZZ.

And yall should give Gundam IGLOO more credit-it's like 'Secret weapons of Nazi Germany' only in space (1st season only)



Nina was a grown ass woman and should have known better, and she didn't even have the decency to get blown up before the end.

Quess sucked, but she sucked in a single movie, unlike Purupuru, who sucked for half of ZZ.

And yall should give Gundam IGLOO more credit-it's like 'Secret weapons of Nazi Germany' only in space (1st season only)


Elpeo Puru and Puru Two are so much better than Quess it isn't even a contest. At least ZZ Gundam knew they were unhinged.


Victory Gundam 40

So why the heck not. It's been nearly a year, I think I've built up the stamina necessary to finish the show. This episode wasn't so bad, I think. It was typically Victory Gundam, I suppose. There was some fucking stupid BESPA mech that once again went down at the end of the episode and there were people screaming and crying their eyes out because War is Hell, but here's the thing: in small doses, Victory Gundam's excessive despair is actually pretty resonant. The problem, as I recall it, was that the despair became grating over the previous 39 episodes when it was just "which member of the Shrike team do we kill today?" and so on. I still have a lot of problems with this show, but I want to sort of focus on the positives for these final 10 episodes.

So I actually am okay with the V2's design. It's the one good design in the entire show. I hated the V1, and every single thing BESPA has ever shat out. But the V2 is distinct. It's got a nice amount of yellow and the Wings of Light are nice.

Kinda liked the first OP more.

Uso is one of the few characters in the show I don't detest. He's not my favorite UC protagonist by any means, but he's a pretty okay character. He's remarkably resilient, considering the sheer amounts of awful things he's gone through. His attempts to make peace with the woman whose husband he'd murdered were kind, but not painfully dramatic.

I don't feel that Victory is particularly well animated, but I am a huge fan of the backdrops. Whenever they're on Earth it feels like a good, visual treat for me. Love the detailed environs.

Also Victory has a pretty darn solid OST. Really enjoyed the music in this episode.

As to the BELLS THE BELLS THE BELLS, I'm okay with them because I do enjoy that special flavor of insanity that Newtype bullshit brings with it, but I have to ask: how in the world is it that Shakti's Google search for "Bells Ringing" brought her first and foremost to the bells worn by people on their way to the guillotine?
Shiro was pretty bad too though. He was a shitty officer who failed his responsibility to his subordinates and could have gotten them killed because of Zeke pussy.
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam

I figured that this being the only Gundam manga series written by the Bald Wizard himself, and being I've never read a Gundam manga series before, I should give it a shot.

It was pretty good, I think my favorite part was how balls out the Crossbone Vanguard went on their Pirate motif (despite being more like rebels then actual pirates). The boosters shaped like an X on the back, the beam swords shaped like a Pirate's saber, the beam rifles shaped like flintlocks, the emblems on the chest and head. And they have capes. I fucking love when mechs wear capes.
Even their flagship has a mast. A spaceship mast.

I never watched F91, and I didn't know that was a sequel to this until I was nearly at the end but I don't think that really hampered my enjoyment or anything. If I did know I probably would've waited until I got around to it though.
The Crossbone X1, X2 and X3 themselves are awesome and probably one of my favorite UC Gundam designs. The mouth opening as a vent to expel heat is fucking awesome, and so is it's crotch anchor thing. I wish I had a crotch anchor.

I appreciate how little time is spent on stupid bullshit, yet this series can still be some ZZ-tier nonsense at times, like with Gladiator battles between a man and a Gundam and a monkey piloting a MS.
Tobia is a pretty good protagonist, he punched a princess and it was hilarious.
Crux Dogatie kind of feels like a mix of Haman Karn and CCA Char as a villain. He's mad about being stuck in space and the Federation still not caring about the people living there, so he wants to just drop some shit on Earth and make it uninhabitable. I never really got the whys and hows of that kind of plan, but whatever.

Now that I finished that, is it worth reading any of the spinoffs/sequels to this like Skullheart or Ghost, or even any other Gundam manga series (besides Origin) worth reading?
The Plot to Assassinate Gihren is amazing. Probably one of my favorite bits of Gundam side material, and I wish it were animated. Highly fascinating political intrigued, a unique and likeable protagonists. Great mystery. Some cool mobile suit battles (there aren't many, but they are effective when they do happen).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
G Gundam manga is worth reading. Not because it's really good or anything, (it's not) but the writer has clear feelings on the subject of Allenby x Domon and is very anti Rain.
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