Other way around actually. Watch F91! The payoff for Seabook and Cecily's relationship was so good in Crossbone.Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
I figured that this being the only Gundam manga series written by the Bald Wizard himself, and being I've never read a Gundam manga series before, I should give it a shot.
It was pretty good, I think my favorite part was how balls out the Crossbone Vanguard went on their Pirate motif (despite being more like rebels then actual pirates). The boosters shaped like an X on the back, the beam swords shaped like a Pirate's saber, the beam rifles shaped like flintlocks, the emblems on the chest and head. And they have capes. I fucking love when mechs wear capes.
Even their flagship has a mast. A spaceship mast.
I never watched F91, and I didn't know that was a sequel to this until I was nearly at the end but I don't think that really hampered my enjoyment or anything. If I did know I probably would've waited until I got around to it though.
The Crossbone X1, X2 and X3 themselves are awesome and probably one of my favorite UC Gundam designs. The mouth opening as a vent to expel heat is fucking awesome, and so is it's crotch anchor thing. I wish I had a crotch anchor.
I appreciate how little time is spent on stupid bullshit, yet this series can still be some ZZ-tier nonsense at times, like with Gladiator battles between a man and a Gundam and a monkey piloting a MS.
Tobia is a pretty good protagonist, he punched a princess and it was hilarious.
Crux Dogatie kind of feels like a mix of Haman Karn and CCA Char as a villain. He's mad about being stuck in space and the Federation still not caring about the people living there, so he wants to just drop some shit on Earth and make it uninhabitable. I never really got the whys and hows of that kind of plan, but whatever.
Now that I finished that, is it worth reading any of the spinoffs/sequels to this like Skullheart or Ghost, or even any other Gundam manga series (besides Origin) worth reading?
And yeah the mouth vent is so cool, love it on the F91 and Crossbone Gundams. Was 2sick in Build Fighters when it was weaponized.