Metal Build is amazing. The price is very expensive but the quality is outstanding..
In the UC world being the parent of a gundam pilot drastically cuts down your life expectancy. From what I remember Kamille and Fa got together and Judau got together with someone as well. It's just really Char and Amuro that couldn't get their shit together. They probably just chased random swans thinking they were Lalah.Newtypes, for all the empathic abilities they have, really suck at relationships and connecting with other people. Look at the slew of women Amuro failed with. I think they have a lot of emotional issues, but some of that stems from actual events that traumatized them. A lot of them have mother issues. I think I might end up a basket case if I suddenly started feeling people "die".
In the UC world being the parent of a gundam pilot drastically cuts down your life expectancy. From what I remember Kamille and Fa got together and Judau got together with someone as well. It's just really Char and Amuro that couldn't get their shit together. They probably just chased random swans thinking they were Lalah.
I wasn't calling Kamille normal cause he sure as hell wasn't. I mainly just referred to his final moments in ZZ. People actually think Kamille was autistic.Kamille was still troubled throughout Zeta, and I think Judau does break the mold. Kamille was a vegetable during 90% of ZZ, even if he did recover.
Have you tried amazon?
Well, I kind of want them for tomorrow. Inpromptu halloween gunpla building party
I'm just looking for a place I can drive to and pick some up.
Try Home Depot.
I imagine the ones that they sell might not be the best for handling model kits.
Any fellow Canadians know where I can get some cheap sprue cutters? The anime stores are all crazily marked up. I don't even know which store to go.
You'd be surprised, they sell cutters designed for plastic.
I've actually used my electrical wire cutters on Gundam models before, they do a good job.
You'd be surprised, they sell cutters designed for plastic.
I've actually used my electrical wire cutters on Gundam models before, they do a good job.
Our equivilant of home depo doesn't sell anything for plastics I think. I have a cutter from them but I feel that it stresses the plastic too much.
Cut with the clippers a little bit away from the part. Use sand paper and a hoppy knife to get it smooth. That will keep the plastic from discoloring feom stress.
For sensitive parts don't cut directly at the cut off point right from the runner. Use the cutter to cut the runner itself, so even if it stresses the plastic it doesn't matter. Once it's off the runner, you can cut closer and there'll be less stress. Then you can polish it off with a hobby knife and sandpaper.
Hello GundamGAF !
I'm on the fence about getting the RE/100 Gundam Mk-III.
1/100th is my scale of choice as I only do MGs. I think Mk-III will never get an MG, and I don't care about inner frames. Plus, it's kinda cheap.
But I'd like the outer detail level to be on par with recent MGs...
What is the word on the Nightingale ? Anyone got it ?
Totally showing that to my daughter today after work.
Nightmare fuel for the next couple of months
Hello GundamGAF !
I'm on the fence about getting the RE/100 Gundam Mk-III.
1/100th is my scale of choice as I only do MGs. I think Mk-III will never get an MG, and I don't care about inner frames. Plus, it's kinda cheap.
But I'd like the outer detail level to be on par with recent MGs...
What is the word on the Nightingale ? Anyone got it ?
Thanks. The shot with the hi-nu looks pretty good...Dalong has a full gallery of the Nightingale here.
Everyone that I've heard has gotten it has enjoyed it. It definitely sits between a MG and a HG kit. More parts than a HG 1/100, but less than a MG.
As for detail, it really depends on what your comparing it to. If you're comparing it to your typical MG, than detail wise it's probably on par. Maybe a hair bit less. Comparing it to one of the special MGs like the Sazabi KA, Nu Ka or Hi-Nu, it's much less detail than those.
I'll be honest, I'm not feeling build fighters try as much as I did the first season or g reko so far. Its certainly entertaining, and competently made. But it hasn't clicked with me yet.
Let us know how the Grimoire build is, I'm super interesting in picking that one up!
The Heavyarms MG is super high quality. It's seriously one of the best master grades I've ever built, which is weird because the Deathscythe Hell is probably the worst.
The Heavyarms MG is super high quality. It's seriously one of the best master grades I've ever built, which is weird because the Deathscythe Hell is probably the worst.
Dang this makes me sad to hear. Deathscythe is still my favorite suit.
This is true. Still afraid to move or even touch mines because something always seems to fall off.
The Heavyarms MG is super high quality. It's seriously one of the best master grades I've ever built, which is weird because the Deathscythe Hell is probably the worst.
This is true. Still afraid to move or even touch mines because something always seems to fall off.
Speaking of the Deathscythe, why can't we get an MG of this?
We got that weird EW version, and it's actually kinda cool looking, but it's just not what I want.
ZZ Gundam 22
Haman's psychic seduction is less subtle, and seemingly less effective, than Optimus Rococco's.
Fenice came in today so I built it up (while watching that pathetic display by UGA! Ughh!).