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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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The only mobile armor I liked are the one that can combined with a mobile suit. Most of time they work similar to "yoshi", jump off them when you can't dodge a shot.


Would saying wrong be enough or do I need to spend an hour putting together a list when I get home?


I'm on your side about CCA if that's what you're talking about.


I didn't like CCA, but come on guys, at least that movie half-made sense.

AWTB? Fucking 500 year old psychohistory plan to use sentient space metal to make a space flower bloom.

And let's bring back Nena Trinity's character as someone identical to her but not her because she was just such a hit.

AWTB should've just been the Celestial Being the movie scene and that's it.

That shit was absolutely hilarious and I at least appreciated that I could laugh at the absurdity of that piece of shit. CCA was just a gigantic bummer from beginning to end that I wasn't able to get a single iota of enjoyment out of. Much like 00 S2 and most of 00 S1.

Edit: Though I don't really care about Amuro or Char in general so that probably has at least something to do with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Neo Zeong dabes mang. Quin Mansa is way dope as well.

Is the Queen Mansa an MA? I always figured it was a giant Mobile Suit like the Psyco Gundams.

And I confess I didn't like the Neo Zeong, but maybe having one in a car seat alters my opinion.

As to CCA, I've aired my grievances with the movie before,but mostly I just find it disappointing. At least I had expectations for it, AWTB was awful through and through. I will say i think it would've bern a lot better as a series, as time to breathe and develop are what I consider the film's real weakness. Who can say, but that Tomino might've been able to make Quess' actions understandable given time.

But nothing could've saved AWTB.


Maybe he could have explained her little tumble through space with Newtype magic or something if he only had more time.

Forreal though if anything I want F91 to actually get a proper 25 episode season. Followed up by a 25 episode Crossbone adaptation.

Don't mind me I'll just be over here wishing for things that'll never happen. Updated Shuffle Alliance gunpla anyone?


Or you can just accept the fact that a ruined child hood, adolscent years spent seeking petty revenge, and an adulthood spent meandering without a purpose did not produce a great man. That all in all Casval Rem Deikun could not enact the revolution, that his father dreamed off, because he could not look past himself and was always caught up in petty personal matters and grudges.

That's a great explanation. If they put Char in ZZ and developed him with that that in mind from Zeta to CCA, that would be acceptable. Barring that, it's just an amazing explanation for lazy writing.

Ok, guys. I just impulse bought a MG Hi-Nu Ver Ka off of HLJ. Going to ship it with PG Unicorn in a couple weeks. Couldn't resist it with the current amazing exchange rate. Still, between both those, RG Wing Zero and MP Ultra Magnus, I've terrified myself. If I don't' return by the end of December, note that my wallet murdered me.



I totally forgot ARMOR is an acronym. One of those weird bits of Gundam trivia that seems to enter and leave my brain every so often.

Mobiel Armors are pretty mixed for me. I like some like the Neue Ziel and the Big Zam. The Elmeth isn't very MA like, since it's more of a plane like construction, but it's a MA I like anyway specifically because of its cool weapons. It's almost impossible for me not to love the Dendrobium Orchis just because of how insane that thing is. Pretty much all the others I hate. Even the recent Neo Zeong doesn't really do anythign for me. Shame, since the Sinanju that's its base is probably my favorite villain MS of all time.


Ok, guys. I just impulse bought a MG Hi-Nu Ver Ka off of HLJ. Going to ship it with PG Unicorn in a couple weeks. Couldn't resist it with the current amazing exchange rate. Still, between both those, RG Wing Zero and MP Ultra Magnus, I've terrified myself. If I don't' return by the end of December, note that my wallet murdered me.
Wow, that's quite a haul you've got there. Happy building :)
Another slow day. More gundam poetry

January began with blood

Thirty second warning

Billions of people’s lives were stunned

By this harsh reforming


Men fall like a wilted leaf bud

Thirty second warning

Colonies are completely culled

Poison keeps on pouring


The despair felt can be best summed

By colony dropping

Only history will  judge

The thirty second warning
I didn't know Psycho counted as an MA. I figured maybe the Mobile Fortress Mode might, but I thought humanoid shape was what separated big MSes from MAs. Oh, well.

Messala, and Asshimar are also considered an MA. So it's more like if it's big than having a transformation makes it an MA. Lead suits like Zeta obviously get by with calling it something else.

Zeta is like Mobile Armor the TV show.



RD Shining Gundam looks awesome. It's my goal to one day get the MG, HG, and RD for a full set of Shining to go along with my 1/60. <3 Shining Gundam.
Messala, and Asshimar are also considered an MA. So it's more like if it's big than having a transformation makes it an MA. Lead suits like Zeta obviously get by with calling it something else.

Zeta is like Mobile Armor the TV show.
I didn't know about this. I do love Zeta for the transformable mecha, luckily I'm not biased against mobile armor so I still love them nonetheless. Does his make the Hambrabi a mobile armor as well?


Wow, just found out I only had the movies. I need to checkout the show as well. I have no idea how I'm going to make time for that one. Maybe after Turn A I guess...yeesh...too much anime.

No, no. Watch the OVAs and TV series first. There are two different timelines though (think GitS). The OVA and movies are in one and the TV series is in another. This is Mecha OT stuff we're getting into though.


Oh, the first OAV ties into the movies and the second OAV acts as a sequel to the TV series. That is all. Back to your regularly scheduled Gundam.


Messala, and Asshimar are also considered an MA. So it's more like if it's big than having a transformation makes it an MA. Lead suits like Zeta obviously get by with calling it something else.

Zeta is like Mobile Armor the TV show.

That's true, I remember them rolling out a buttload of stuff in Zeta. That sort of slowed down in ZZ, I think. I can't even remember any major Mobile Armors being introduced in ZZ.

Unless that thing Chara piloted in the second half counted as one. I don't even recall it moving its limbs.


I think the difference between Mobile Suit and Mobile Armor is whether it is humanoid or not. You often see language that Mobile Suits that transform switch between Mobile Suit and Mobile Armor modes. Most non-transforming Mobile Armor tends to be very huge, but random stuff like the Mobius Zero is still called Mobile Armor despite being relatively small. But then you have random support vehicles like the G-Fighter never called Mobile Armor at all, so there is no consistency whatsoever.


Reading the manga adaptation of Beltorchika's Children. A few chapters in, I like how it's fixing some of the issues I had with CCA. Amuro's characterization is much more consistent with the rest of the series than the original film. Dialogue is still awful, and I do think it's the fault of the original writer and not the translation. Sort of expected from Tomino, so I can't say I'm surprised. It's hilariously over the top with its violence to a point that I'm not sure why it's there.

On the really positive note, it explains the reason Char is able to start a revolution in the colonies super well. There's details about the treatment of the defeated space colonies that I think CCA implied, but did not explicitly state. Really helps to have them there. Also, the redesigns of the mech are so cool and chunky. Glad I'm getting the MG Hi-Nu, as I'm loving that design. Makes that RE 1/100 Nightingale super tempting as well.


I bet they'll be regular HG releases though. Judging by the regular F91 releases anyway. I can't see them making both MG and HG online exclusives.

Wouldn't even surprise me! I'll probably save up and shell out the cash for the MG X-3 at some point though, I love that suit. Still have the MG X-1 un-built too.


Reading the manga adaptation of Beltorchika's Children. A few chapters in, I like how it's fixing some of the issues I had with CCA. Amuro's characterization is much more consistent with the rest of the series than the original film. Dialogue is still awful, and I do think it's the fault of the original writer and not the translation. Sort of expected from Tomino, so I can't say I'm surprised. It's hilariously over the top with its violence to a point that I'm not sure why it's there.

On the really positive note, it explains the reason Char is able to start a revolution in the colonies super well. There's details about the treatment of the defeated space colonies that I think CCA implied, but did not explicitly state. Really helps to have them there. Also, the redesigns of the mech are so cool and chunky. Glad I'm getting the MG Hi-Nu, as I'm loving that design. Makes that RE 1/100 Nightingale super tempting as well.

Well, this is how CCA was intended to be, so it's not surprising it goes over well with CCA detractors. I'm waiting for Hi-Nu to appear at this point. I expected to see it in Volume 1 with a cover like this:

Also, Bright has that mustache. The Tom Selleck of the UC.

Edit: Oh yeah, Bright has a beard in it. Still a boss.


Reading the manga adaptation of Beltorchika's Children. A few chapters in, I like how it's fixing some of the issues I had with CCA. Amuro's characterization is much more consistent with the rest of the series than the original film. Dialogue is still awful, and I do think it's the fault of the original writer and not the translation. Sort of expected from Tomino, so I can't say I'm surprised. It's hilariously over the top with its violence to a point that I'm not sure why it's there.

On the really positive note, it explains the reason Char is able to start a revolution in the colonies super well. There's details about the treatment of the defeated space colonies that I think CCA implied, but did not explicitly state. Really helps to have them there. Also, the redesigns of the mech are so cool and chunky. Glad I'm getting the MG Hi-Nu, as I'm loving that design. Makes that RE 1/100 Nightingale super tempting as well.
This sounds good, I'll give it a read.

Well, this is how CCA was intended to be, so it's not surprising it goes over well with CCA detractors. I'm waiting for Hi-Nu to appear at this point. I expected to see it in Volume 1 with a cover like this:

Just further proof that the CCA we got is bad ;)
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