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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I still gotta buy some Gundam markers, but shipping for them wouldn't get to my place till January. Gotta see if I can find some that'll ship faster.

Where are you trying to order them from? You could try GundamPlanet too, I guess. They're kinda expensive tho.


Found a set on Amazon for 10 bucks with Prime shipping, so the markers'll be coming. Hope they're good. Never done panel lining before.
Found a set on Amazon for 10 bucks with Prime shipping, so the markers'll be coming. Hope they're good. Never done panel lining before.
You have erasers, cotton buds, and an alcohol spray bottle? That'll make it easy!

We believe in you, Corvo. lol

Also Fenice's panel lines on his legs can go eat a huge dick. >.> I love and hate this fucking kit.


You have erasers, cotton buds, and an alcohol spray bottle? That'll make it easy!

We believe in you, Corvo. lol

Also Fenice's panel lines on his legs can go eat a huge dick. >.> I love and hate this fucking kit.

Fenice was the first kit I attempted to panel line and it sure was a motherfucker!


MG Hi-Nu Ver. Ka is coming along nicely. Just have 3 more funnels to build and decal then I can start applying all the warning label decals. Holy crap those Fin Funnel decals are no joke. Super touchy and stressful to put on. Lining them up is a real pain. Once you get them on, they look super great, but they are probably the most difficult water slides I've ever done.


the only good thing that video has is the redesigned Nu that I have sitting in my room

Well, I didn't think it would change anything, but not sure if everyone had seen that. It's interesting that Tomino wrote that. I don't really like the non-mindfuck Zeta ending he did though.
Well, I didn't think it would change anything, but not sure if everyone had seen that. It's interesting that Tomino wrote that. I don't really like the non-mindfuck Zeta ending he did though.
Excuse me? When did that happen? o_O

Anyone here got experience with the Sengoku Astray HG? My GF loves Niiiiiiiils Niiiiielsen and I want to get it for her, but would like some opinions first.


Found a set on Amazon for 10 bucks with Prime shipping, so the markers'll be coming. Hope they're good. Never done panel lining before.

Have fun!

Just a small recommendation for people who either dont like the marker look or cant get their hands on markers. Soft drafting pencils also make for some nice panel lines. It gives less of an anime look but still brings out those details. They look even better if you are airbrushing over it.
Ver Ka Nu got me thinking... shouldn't custom bases become standard with MGs? How cool would that be?
Like what? The Model Connect bases with the fin funnel guides and what not?
That would be pretty nice, but it would be better if they were only for select models, like the Ver. Ka stuff. Makes it more special.


Would you guys dislike Quess less if this was canon?

Quess being killed is one of the only likeable things about her.

Home now, ZZ Slim box is fucking HUGE. Gonna start construction tomorrow, I think. Definitely not building this in one sitting, though. Take my time with it, pace myself and try as best I can to fuck nothing up. Will of course be taking pictures basically every step of the way.

So uh, how exactly does panel lining work? Like, I take the markers and trace like, around the pieces or in the seams? Not really sure how this is meant to be, y'know?


Got mostly done with the Hi-Nu's decals today. Going to do the arms and weapons tomorrow to finish him up.

Took a break from that to start working on PG Unicorn. Just got the torso built so far. The build is pretty much the MG+. There are a lot of areas that take longer because the PG uses more parts to do the same thing, just to do with its size. Thinking mostly of the sliding of the stomach area. Kit is much more stable because of it, though. Couple of interesting differences. The shoulder assembly is a ton of pieces and can provide a ton of extra movement. Really fun piece to put together. The other one is the shoulder vulcans. Instead of just being one piece that slides down like on the MG, it's 2 parts. This allows half of it to actually fold back into the back/shoulder area instead of it being stowed in a single piece. I'm not sure what that gets them. I guess it folds a bit flatter, but not by much. Still fun to see working.

The LED set is where the kit gets kind of intimidating. In the torso, there are a ton of tiny, sort of flimsy feeling wires that you have to get into specific channels. It's impossible to feel like you aren't going to break it. The wires actually seems quite resilient despite their thinness, but still scary. Hooking up and testing it, it looks brilliant. Super worth it. Just a gorgeous sight in person. The plastic really glows. The one complaint I have so far is I wish the wire connectors were a bit sturdier. They don't feel like they connect/disconnect all that smoothly and that part could be handled better.

I'll post some pictures of Hi-Nu tomorrow and do a mini WIP on Unicorn. Both kits are just awesome and really worth your time.
So I went to the hobby store to buy some dull top coat...


I'm never shopping with my dad again. >.>

I also saw the Unicorn PG and I was straight-up shocked. Byutifl


Small preview of my finished Hi-Nu.


Can't say enough how much I love this kit. Just amazing all around. Will be building the funnel stand a bit later, but I don't think I'll be displaying it with the funnels detached. Unlike the regular Nu, I think the Hi-Nu actually looks better with the funnels attached.


So this was a bit of a struggle, haha. Maybe it's because it was an unofficial kit, but there were a couple tabs that were just too thick for their intended slots so I had to file them down. There are a couple plates that didn't pop in the way they should have so if I touch them they pop off. The arms don't stay in their little sockets as well as they should (should've been ball joints like the legs, I feel) and I haven't yet filed the hands so that they can hold weapons because I'm just spent from a day's hard work on this kit. Probably took me some 12 hours to do it all. I still haven't opened the panel liners or the decals yet.

That said, this was still an awesome build. Master Grade is so much more detailed than High Grade. It's both blessing and curse, as all the additional detail looks incredible, but it means a lot of parts where something can go wrong. To this kit's benefit, despite me pushing on parts with a ton of force at times, nothing snapped or broke. I was even able to disassemble the right leg entirely and rebuild it when I realized I'd done something wrong. Above all else it simply looks amazing. So here are some construction shots:

(that's a picture explaining all the decals. There are like, at least 100)

So this is the box, the manual, the decals, the piece sheets and a shot of the inside of the manual showing the piece sheets. I really love the classy, simple design of the box and the manual. It's such a change of pace from the usual "SHOTS OF ROBOT DOING COOL STUFF" that every other Gunpla box I own has. There are like, a hundred decals I think, and all of them are tiny. So the future yet holds some adventures for us. The point is that we're not yet done with our adventure through the ZZ Slim. How much longer I don't know. I probably will do decals and then practice panel lining on other models first.

There were a ton of sheets in this. I think, excluding the saber, there were sheets all the way up to J, and several sheets had duplicates (for the arms and legs). The manual itself was only 14 pages, but at about an hour a page was my time. Of course this is skewed by the fact that sometimes I'd be flying along until I hit one of those too-thick-tabs and then I'd spend the next half an hour filing and testing until it was right.

Early on I was trying to take a picture at the end of every page, so that'll explain why sometimes I'll have shots of lumps of unfinished parts. This here is the end of page 1 as well as the finished torso. As you can see, the arms connect to those pins jutting out the sides, but if you move the arms around too much, the pins pop right out of the sockets they're resting in and your arms will fall right off.

The head is perhaps one of the most changed aspects of the design and one of the most unusual parts of the kit. It looks a little funny from the side, I think, and I'll try to take a shot of it later. For the most part though, it's interesting. It's definitely a heavily stylized piece, though, as the eye-cameras are sort of tiny and hidden on it, so they wouldn't really be very practical at all. Of course, I suppose most of the point of this kit is to take a suit and make it more stylish than practical.

Here we have the progression toward the completed upper half. The first image has a small white shoulder bone piece in the bottom corner. That piece was a bit of a nightmare to build as the pegs were too thick for the holes and it took a lot of persuasion to get them to fit. The completed arm is noteworthy to me because the hands are something entirely new. Up until this point the basic design theory of this kit had been identical to things I had already encountered in High Grade kits. The hands are more segmented and more articulate than anything else I have ever built, though. The thumbs are even opposable! This is already a huge step up from the High Grade where every single hand shape needs to be a separate piece. The trade off is that this kit's hands are not as easily removed.

The shoulder pads are really awesome, but not very practical. The arm itself has to pass through them to connect to the pins, and when the pins pop out the shoulders can make it hard to get in and fix it. Especially bothersome, though, are the small blue exhaust ports over the tops of the arms. While these pieces hold the arms on after they've popped out of their sockets, they make it a pain to put them back in. What G Gundam never tells you is the sheer amount of work it would've taken Rain to relocate that shoulder on the God Gundam after Domon's bout with Neo India.

This is the journey from waist to feet to legs. Everything here was more or less straightforward to build, but I also committed the extremely time-consuming mistake of inserting a polycap backwards at the start, requiring me to take things apart and build them all over again. It is also the location of some stubborn parts I had to file to fit together, costing me more time. The waist is also notable in that there is a piece that goes on its back--the buttplate, I've taken to calling it--that pops off every time I put it on. For the night I have elected to leave it alone because fuuuuuuuuuu.

Here we have the completed body and the added backpack. It only now occurs to me you can't see jack of the backpack because I took zero shots from behind, so I'll aim to rectify that tomorrow. The backpack is much, much smaller than on a normal ZZ. I'm not sure if I like this particular smallness, but I do enjoy the fact that the ZZ no longer has a goddamn turtle shell on its back. In that wise it looks quite nice.

At the model's feet is the twin buster rifle. It's cool because you can actual remove the barrels and make them into individual cannons of their own. I'll have to put up a shot to display it later, as it looks really neat. In the mean time, I've sort of copped out and but some beam sabers in the hands. As you can see, they're not really as huge as on a regular ZZ, but the weight loss is sort of the idea.

And as a final, parting shot for the night, from right to left: the ancient ZZ Gundam my dad bought me back when I was a kid and had never seen ZZ Gundam (that I tried this summer to paint), the HG ZZ Gundam, and of course, the MG ZZ Gundam Slim.

For all that my finger tips now ache, this is one fucking awesome looking kit already, and I can't wait to know how it'll be when I've got the decals on.
Relatively new to gundam. Just topcoated my MG Buster. Learned some lessons. First of all, that you don't want to overdo it, but at the same time, you don't want to underdo it. I think next time, I'll try to go a little thicker.


Anyway, the difference for such little effort, is huge. But damn that stuff is noxious.


Just busted one of the leg wires on the Unicorn LED kit. Feel like an idiot. Going to see if I can solder it back together, but not holding much hope. Might try and take it to an electrical repair shop to see if they can fix it.


Is it that difficult to put this thing together?

The wires are razor thin and the instructions are often less than clear. repeatedly trying to force it into a channel can weaken them enough to break them. It actually looks like a pretty simple assembly, so it should be fixable by the people with the right skills, but it's not an easy thing to put together.


Confirmed what happened with my Unicorn LEDs by assembling the other leg. I had misrouted one of the wires while going up to the thigh joint. If you don't route it properly, the thigh extension joint actually pinches the wire. This is of course, really bad and what destroyed mine. Everyone, be really really careful routing these wires. They need to go into very specific places, and if they don't you're screwed.

If I can get this part fixed, I'll end up being fine. Seems like something an electronics repair shop could easily fix up. If not, I'll have to order the part through a part service. Worst comes to worst, I'm out $20 so it's not killer. Just really disappointing.


For all that my finger tips now ache, this is one fucking awesome looking kit already, and I can't wait to know how it'll be when I've got the decals on.

Can't wait to see it with the decal.

Small preview of my finished Hi-Nu.

Can't say enough how much I love this kit. Just amazing all around. Will be building the funnel stand a bit later, but I don't think I'll be displaying it with the funnels detached. Unlike the regular Nu, I think the Hi-Nu actually looks better with the funnels attached.

I really wish Bandai would release effect parts like these:




Clean your kitchen too, Corvo. I really don't want to see you on an episode of Hoarders.

The really messy shot is actually my bedroom, haha. Ive been cleaning it, but my parents basically use it for storage now, so it looks bad .

Kitchen itself is pretty clean.


I feel like I made a mistake but I snapped and ordered the HG Byarlant Custom. Maybe working on something small will put me in the mood to go back to work on the more complex stuff.

You'd have to be OCD to think that a messy countertop was hoarding. Hoarding is mountains of shit from floor to cieling, not cluttered counters.

Not hoarding, but totally unappealing to look at. If I was a guest I'd have went and fixed the place up without asking for permission.


Not hoarding, but totally unappealing to look at. If I was a guest I'd have went and fixed the place up without asking for permission.

Really don't give a shit, but let me just state clearly all the same that this line of conversation is as rude as it is bizarre. I didn't post pictures for people to appraise the cleanliness of my home, and I sure as shit didn't post them to have my home accused of slobby hoarding.

Y'all can fuck off and clean other people's shit without permission, but I'm fucking out of this freaky aggressive homemakers club,


Really don't give a shit, but let me just state clearly all the same that this line of conversation is as rude as it is bizarre. I didn't post pictures for people to appraise the cleanliness of my home, and I sure as shit didn't post them to have my home accused of slobby hoarding.

Y'all can fuck off and clean other people's shit without permission, but I'm fucking out of this freaky aggressive homemakers club,

I was never calling you a hoarder, but I'm sorry if it came off as rude or insensitive.


C'mon y'all.

Yeah, i really need to invest in an actual model building kit and not just stuff i have lying about.

Hobby knives help a lot. Tools I've used most are the side cutters, hobby knife, and tweezers. Hobby knife took some getting used to, I've accidentally scratched up a few pieces using it before >_>

Got a new knife and some of the curved blades on the way. Have read the curved blades are better for Gunpla.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
C'mon y'all.

Hobby knives help a lot. Tools I've used most are the side cutters, hobby knife, and tweezers. Hobby knife took some getting used to, I've accidentally scratched up a few pieces using it before >_>

Got a new knife and some of the curved blades on the way. Have read the curved blades are better for Gunpla.

Personally I find the curved blades a great tool as gives you a nice rounded edge so to speak to use on small areas. Where as the standard triangular blade you have to work with most of the surface unless you want to keep using the tip. Which you usually cant put too much pressure on or else you will have the blade slide off and cut you instead lol. But using the mid-section of the triangular one you literally have the whole blade to watch out for to not hit other parts while cutting leaving lines where you dont want them.


Personally I find the curved blades a great tool as gives you a nice rounded edge so to speak to use on small areas. Where as the standard triangular blade you have to work with most of the surface unless you want to keep using the tip. Which you usually cant put too much pressure on or else you will have the blade slide off and cut you instead lol. But using the mid-section of the triangular one you literally have the whole blade to watch out for to not hit other parts while cutting leaving lines where you dont want them.

Yeah, I've made enough mistakes with the triangle blade to warrant trying something different haha. New clippers will be here today too so soon my tools will finally be stepping up to that next level in quality.

Been using this for a while:


The clippers worked fine for a while but it's to the point now where they struggle to cut through some runners cleanly and twist the plastic a bit. Thankfully it came with those screwdrivers though, never expected I'd need them until I opened the MG God box.


Wait, people don't own hobby knives yet? How do you build without them? Here's a tip. Grab this thing.


Less than $5 and available at Wal-Mart as well as some major hobby retailers. Also pick up bunch of #11 replacement Z-Blades. That way, you can just toss them out as soon as they start to dull and you'll never hurt yourself. Best hobby knife I've ever used. Just make sure you get the Z-Series and not the regular stuff. The Z-Series is significantly sharper and easier to use in my experience.

I really wish Bandai would release effect parts like these:

Wings of Light and thruster effects are probably my favorite thing. Shame Bandai doesn't do more of them outside of the RD line. Would definitely import a set of effect parts, even if they were P-Bandai exclusive.
What do you guys use the hobby knives for? To cut the little plastic feathers that get stuck after taking them from the runners and what not? You know aside from adding your own personal lines and so forth.

I usually just sand mine down ;p Then again I paint as well so cant really notice it haha.

But time for some sad news guys. I asked for the PG Unicorn as xmas gift... apparently I got an Xbox One instead. There's nothing I even want on it.




The clippers worked fine for a while but it's to the point now where they struggle to cut through some runners cleanly and twist the plastic a bit. Thankfully it came with those screwdrivers though, never expected I'd need them until I opened the MG God box.

Xuron snips, man.
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