Yeah Corvo, make sure you post hella pictures of that ZZ slim. I'm tryna drool over that thing.
I still gotta buy some Gundam markers, but shipping for them wouldn't get to my place till January. Gotta see if I can find some that'll ship faster.
Yeah Corvo, make sure you post hella pictures of that ZZ slim. I'm tryna drool over that thing.
Them overpriced ones at Amazon might be worth it. >.>I still gotta buy some Gundam markers, but shipping for them wouldn't get to my place till January. Gotta see if I can find some that'll ship faster.
I still gotta buy some Gundam markers, but shipping for them wouldn't get to my place till January. Gotta see if I can find some that'll ship faster.
You have erasers, cotton buds, and an alcohol spray bottle? That'll make it easy!Found a set on Amazon for 10 bucks with Prime shipping, so the markers'll be coming. Hope they're good. Never done panel lining before.
You have erasers, cotton buds, and an alcohol spray bottle? That'll make it easy!
We believe in you, Corvo. lol
Also Fenice's panel lines on his legs can go eat a huge dick. >.> I love and hate this fucking kit.
ahaahahahhahahahhahahahWould you guys dislike Quess less if this was canon?
the only good thing that video has is the redesigned Nu that I have sitting in my room
Excuse me? When did that happen?Well, I didn't think it would change anything, but not sure if everyone had seen that. It's interesting that Tomino wrote that. I don't really like the non-mindfuck Zeta ending he did though.
Excuse me? When did that happen?
the only good thing that video has is the redesigned Nu that I have sitting in my room
Found a set on Amazon for 10 bucks with Prime shipping, so the markers'll be coming. Hope they're good. Never done panel lining before.
Like what? The Model Connect bases with the fin funnel guides and what not?Ver Ka Nu got me thinking... shouldn't custom bases become standard with MGs? How cool would that be?
Would you guys dislike Quess less if this was canon?
(that's a picture explaining all the decals. There are like, at least 100)![]()
Just busted one of the leg wires on the Unicorn LED kit. Feel like an idiot. Going to see if I can solder it back together, but not holding much hope.
Is it that difficult to put this thing together?
Anyway, the difference for such little effort, is huge. But damn that stuff is noxious.
Yo Corvo, please buy a hobby knife.
For all that my finger tips now ache, this is one fucking awesome looking kit already, and I can't wait to know how it'll be when I've got the decals on.
Small preview of my finished Hi-Nu.
Can't say enough how much I love this kit. Just amazing all around. Will be building the funnel stand a bit later, but I don't think I'll be displaying it with the funnels detached. Unlike the regular Nu, I think the Hi-Nu actually looks better with the funnels attached.
Clean your kitchen too, Corvo. I really don't want to see you on an episode of Hoarders.
The really messy shot is actually my bedroom, haha. Ive been cleaning it, but my parents basically use it for storage now, so it looks bad .
Kitchen itself is pretty clean.
The counters are covered with stuff. lol
You'd have to be OCD to think that a messy countertop was hoarding. Hoarding is mountains of shit from floor to cieling, not cluttered counters.
Yo Corvo, please buy a hobby knife.
You'd have to be OCD to think that a messy countertop was hoarding. Hoarding is mountains of shit from floor to cieling, not cluttered counters.
Not hoarding, but totally unappealing to look at. If I was a guest I'd have went and fixed the place up without asking for permission.
Really don't give a shit, but let me just state clearly all the same that this line of conversation is as rude as it is bizarre. I didn't post pictures for people to appraise the cleanliness of my home, and I sure as shit didn't post them to have my home accused of slobby hoarding.
Y'all can fuck off and clean other people's shit without permission, but I'm fucking out of this freaky aggressive homemakers club,
Yeah, i really need to invest in an actual model building kit and not just stuff i have lying about.
C'mon y'all.
Hobby knives help a lot. Tools I've used most are the side cutters, hobby knife, and tweezers. Hobby knife took some getting used to, I've accidentally scratched up a few pieces using it before >_>
Got a new knife and some of the curved blades on the way. Have read the curved blades are better for Gunpla.
Personally I find the curved blades a great tool as gives you a nice rounded edge so to speak to use on small areas. Where as the standard triangular blade you have to work with most of the surface unless you want to keep using the tip. Which you usually cant put too much pressure on or else you will have the blade slide off and cut you instead lol. But using the mid-section of the triangular one you literally have the whole blade to watch out for to not hit other parts while cutting leaving lines where you dont want them.
I really wish Bandai would release effect parts like these:
The clippers worked fine for a while but it's to the point now where they struggle to cut through some runners cleanly and twist the plastic a bit. Thankfully it came with those screwdrivers though, never expected I'd need them until I opened the MG God box.
Xuron snips, man.