So looks like I'll be making my first HLJ order soon, they're getting three kits in stock in Jan that I want: HG ZZ, MG Shining, and MG Master. All of them are under $20 too which is awesome. Only thing I'm concerned about is shipping costs.
HLJ is great. For buying anything other than Toku figures, I've had nothing but amazing experiences with them. Shipping will be a bit more, being that it comes straight from Japan, but with their discounts already on the kits as well as the great dollar to yen exchange, it will still be far cheaper than buying domestically. People say that they charge a bit more for shipping, but I've never really had that experience. Granted, I haven't used AmiAmi or HobbySearch much, but when I have the shipping has been right in the same wheelhouse. Their customer service is aces and more than makes up for any potentially shipping increase.