Just a picture of my models currently in my dorm.
I'm completely finished with the Z'Gok, gotta add panel lines to the Crossbone Maoh, Lightning, Ez-SR, give some final touches to the RX-78-2, and paint/panel-line a ton of the Nu Gundoom.
Apparently, Gundam Markers aren't sold in my area so I gotta wait until they stock some on Amazon to paint the Nu, but I'll be working on the panel-lining/psycho-frame detail until then with the new hobby cotton swabs I got. (Holy crap, they cost a bit. >.>)
If anyone is looking for a new build to pick up, I recommend the Ez-SR for sure. It's the perfect build for customizing, working through neat details, and it just sticks out in a collection. I just wish his electric-claw-thing fit better on his arms. :/
Also, I'm only three steps into the GOUF build and it's already 10/10 amazing. Really loose head, though...