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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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napkin dispenser
To me, Gundam Wing is a show where it manage to get the male audience at the time to be amazed. It was the first time people in North America have ever see some epic mecha show that isn't from the Transformer. It have this some kind of story about 5 teenager boys come to earth to fight against the enemies at very bad odds (we're talking about the entire military force against 5 kids). This story idea and the action scene is what (for me) make us pump when watching Gundam Wing. Yea, the show isn't great and you can challenge it as a very bad TV show in today standard, but it's a stepping stone for Japanese animated as the fans want more of it and we manage to get like most of the Gundam show and movie into North America.

It also had great music and a great dub. It's the only Gundam I'll watch dubbed.

Beth Cyra

It also had great music and a great dub. It's the only Gundam I'll watch dubbed.

David Kaye as Treize was amazing. One of the reasons I'm glad Frozen and GoL likely won't ever get animated is because I doubt Mark Hildreth would come back (he said he wouldn't) and he was an amazing Heero and they still can't find a replacement either that is as good as him.
I've never cared for Wing, even though I can see why people like it.

As for soundtracks, I'm partial to the campy 70s music of the 0079 movie trilogy.

John Blade

It also had great music and a great dub. It's the only Gundam I'll watch dubbed.

The dub is what keep the show good to watch even today. They're example where the dub was terrible which make the show much more harder to watch (a good example is Robotech). You have to thank those voice actors to make this show good. I did watch Gundam Wing both English and Japanese dub and have to say both are very good and this isn't you can say now in most Animated which come into North America.

Just for fun, I did manage to meet one of the voice actor from Gundam Wing so many years ago. Scott McNeil is the guy (the voice of Duo Maxwell) and gotta say, it's like my dream come true to see him face to face and have a nice chat with him. Got a pic of him. Great guy.


Saint Nic
Nice, post 'em when they're built!

I got my MG Mk-II yesterday.

The box is freaking huge.

Jeebus - that box is HUGE! :D

Beth Cyra

Jeebus - that box is HUGE! :D

Think that is big you should see the Full Armor Unicorn Box.

When I first got it in the mail I sat it next to Wing Gundam Ver Ka.'s box and the ratio between those two is actually larger then between Wing Gundam Ver Ka's box and a HGUC kit.


napkin dispenser
As sad as it is, this is my favorite song from SEED and I think what pushes it into my Fav Gundam Sountrack spot.


Like Destiny's as well alot of the time. Though honestly I'm to the point most Wing fans are with Last Impression and except maybe worse whenever I hear Meteor.

Seeing Rie Tanaka perform in person IN COSTUME at NYAF a few years ago was such an amazing experience.

Also, in regards to "next time" music, Gundam Seed's was definitely on par with Wing's.



Saint Nic
Think that is big you should see the Full Armor Unicorn Box.

When I first got it in the mail I sat it next to Wing Gundam Ver Ka.'s box and the ratio between those two is actually larger then between Wing Gundam Ver Ka's box and a HGUC kit.

Haha - that's fantastic!


Put me on the side that likes Wing, but I haven't rewatched all of it in a decade. It probably doesn't hold up as well as it does in my mind, but there was nothing like it when you were a kid. It was a great gateway anime. And it still has some of the most memorable characters, mobile suits, and music (Kou Otani... Shadow of the Colossus, enough said) of any of the series.

It also had great music and a great dub. It's the only Gundam I'll watch dubbed.

Agreed on the dub as well. They gave a lot of life to the whole thing, especially towards the end where you could tell they really grew into their roles and the material.

As for the other series, I do think Michael Kopsa (Char in the English dubs of MSG and Char's Counterattack) was excellent as well... the rest not so much. Never liked having Brad Swaile play Amuro, especially so soon after hearing him as Quatre. G Gundam's dub was adequate. SEED's maybe fit the material but was mediocre.

Beth Cyra

Put me on the side that likes Wing, but I haven't rewatched all of it in a decade. It probably doesn't hold up as well as it does in my mind, but there was nothing like it when you were a kid. It was a great gateway anime. And it still has some of the most memorable characters, mobile suits, and music of any of the series.

Agreed on the dub as well. They gave a lot of life to the whole thing, especially towards the end where you could tell they really grew into their roles and the material.

As for the other series, I do think the guy who did Char in the English dubs of MSG and Char's Counterattack was excellent as well... the rest not sure much. Never liked having Brad Swaile play Amuro, especially so soon after hearing him as Quatre.

Then only for the man to play Setsuna from OO.

I still don't understand why they choose to do that. They could have had a neat thing of mimicking Japan and have Amuro/Ribbons thing but then NA decided to change it up and have it be Amuro/Setsuna instead.


Then only for the man to play Setsuna from OO.

I still don't understand why they choose to do that. They could have had a neat thing of mimicking Japan and have Amuro/Ribbons thing but then NA decided to change it up and have it be Amuro/Setsuna instead.

Yeah, that was a missed opportunity for sure.

I really, really didn't like 00's dub from what I heard. Ocean Group in general feels like they've cycled every VA they've had through Gundam and they all sound kinda tired to me.

Beth Cyra

Yeah, that was a missed opportunity for sure.

I really, really didn't like 00's dub from what I heard. Ocean Group in general feels like they've cycled every VA they've had through Gundam and they all sound kinda tired to me.

Yeah makes things a bit harder when I'm watching your show and I can play the drinking game each time I can pick out a new character voiced by Duo and Zechs.
Put me on the side that likes Wing, but I haven't rewatched all of it in a decade. It probably doesn't hold up as well as it does in my mind, but there was nothing like it when you were a kid. It was a great gateway anime. And it still has some of the most memorable characters, mobile suits, and music (Kou Otani... Shadow of the Colossus, enough said) of any of the series.
Yeah, when I found that out I shat bricks. But yep, GW has a phenomenal soundtrack.

Plus, it legitimately has the best AU non-gundam mecha design by a mile.
As for the other series, I do think Michael Kopsa (Char in the English dubs of MSG and Char's Counterattack) was excellent as well... the rest not so much. Never liked having Brad Swaile play Amuro, especially so soon after hearing him as Quatre. G Gundam's dub was adequate. SEED's maybe fit the material but was mediocre.
I'm extremely upset that Michael Kopsa was not included in the dub for Unicorn. He was English Char. :l

Beth Cyra

Yeah, when I found that out I shat bricks. But yep, GW has a phenomenal soundtrack.

Plus, it legitimately has the best AU non-gundam mecha design by a mile.

I'm extremely upset that Michael Kopsa was not included in the dub for Unicorn. He was English Char. :l

Woah, wait a damn second.

He's not in it? Who voices Full Frontal then?


Yeah, when I found that out I shat bricks. But yep, GW has a phenomenal soundtrack.

Plus, it legitimately has the best AU non-gundam mecha design by a mile.

I'm extremely upset that Michael Kopsa was not included in the dub for Unicorn. He was English Char. :l

Agreed on all accounts. There's a reason why GW's mecha still pops up in a ton of cross-over games... they are still memorable as hell.

And once I found out about the Otani connection, a lot of things made sense. The soundtracks, while different in many ways, each has his distinct style.

Woah, wait a damn second.

He's not in it? Who voices Full Frontal then?

Keith Silverstein, who does a rather good Kopsa impersonation.

Beth Cyra

Agreed on all accounts. There's a reason why GW's mecha still pops up in a ton of cross-over games... they are still memorable as hell.

And once I found out about the Otani connection, a lot of things made sense. The soundtracks, while different in many ways, each has his distinct style.

Keith Silverstein, who does a rather good Kopsa impersonation.

I got to say, I'm suddenly less hyped about that 240$ I dropped last week.

Beth Cyra

Unicorn's always worth it. Besides Char's Japanese VA is better anyway.

I only watch anime in English(with only one anime not following that rule) so the quality of Char's Japanese VA isn't really a big deal to me. I mean I know he's great, I like him in the JPN games I import but I perfer to hear characters speak a language I actually understand.
So any guesses if we get another badass grunt in Unicorn 5? Stark Jegan, Juagg, Byalant Kai... it's funny that I remember these nameless pilots just as much (if not more) than the title characters.
Think that is big you should see the Full Armor Unicorn Box.

When I first got it in the mail I sat it next to Wing Gundam Ver Ka.'s box and the ratio between those two is actually larger then between Wing Gundam Ver Ka's box and a HGUC kit.

I'm still smitten with my Perfect Grade Zeta box. Fucking thing even has a plastic handle!

Beth Cyra

I'm still smitten with my Perfect Grade Zeta box. Fucking thing even has a plastic handle!

Haha I have a similar love for Perfect Grade Strike Freedom. Up until I got that I only had PG Wing Gundam Zero and while awesome, it was just a larger MG box so talk about a kick in the teeth when the nice shiny, thick and amazing box SF has appeared on my doorstep.


napkin dispenser
I only watch anime in English(with only one anime not following that rule) so the quality of Char's Japanese VA isn't really a big deal to me. I mean I know he's great, I like him in the JPN games I import but I perfer to hear characters speak a language I actually understand.

Watch Bebop in Japanese. I've heard many people rave about the English dub, and it's good, but the Japanese cast is amazing.

Beth Cyra

Watch Bebop in Japanese. I've heard many people rave about the English dub, and it's good, but the Japanese cast is amazing.

Going to put a a bullseye right in the middle of my face with this, but I'm one of the disgusting heathens that doesn't think that Bebop is that good.


napkin dispenser
Going to put a a bullseye right on in the middle of my face with this, but I'm one of the disgusting heathens that doesn't think that Bebop is that good.

Sorry to go off topic, just going to give my thoughts here quickly =p

It's funny you don't enjoy Bebop, as I don't really enjoy much anime at all, but Bebop is one of the very few I thoroughly enjoyed. Bebop, Gundam, Dragonball are really the extent of what I like / watch. I also enjoy parody anime, Excel Saga and Gintama.

I've also enjoyed a few OVA's, like Akira and Metropolis, and stuff like Ghibli of course. I guess I just tend to be very picky, but that comes from having a background in the arts industry, so I enjoy things like the above mentioned OVA's and Ghibli stuff due to the great storytelling and great visuals, and then I enjoy stuff pushed more towards Western audiences with great soundtracks, giant robots, and scifi like the above mentioned anime titles.

The more you know =p
Agreed on all accounts. There's a reason why GW's mecha still pops up in a ton of cross-over games... they are still memorable as hell.

Just like all the designs from G Gundam are memorable as hell for exactly the same reasons. Mermaid Gundam, Tequila Gundam, that Canadian lumberjack Gundam, Zeus Gundam, John Bull Gundam, That Viking Longboat Gundam thing.

And lets not forget that windmill Gundam from Neo Holland.

Beth Cyra

And now this badboy came in the mail.

My first and last 2.0 until hopefully a 2.0 ZZ gets made. Just have the Bandai Web Strike RG and Wing Gundam EW Girl to ship for my spring Gundam purchases be complete.

Forgot how to make the pic small, so if someone could remind me I will do so and stop taking up a ton of room in the thread.

Beth Cyra


And now this badboy came in the mail.

My first and last 2.0 until hopefully a 2.0 ZZ gets made. Just have the Bandai Web Strike RG and Wing Gundam EW Girl to ship for my spring Gundam purchases be complete.

Forgot how to make the pic small, so if someone could remind me I will do so and stop taking up a ton of room in the thread.

I'm an idiot and couldn't get the S to work for some reas so I will just go with this method.

You can always self-quote or since you're using imgur add s, m or l to the image url :D

Thanks for giving me the info though good Sir. Haha noticed a little late you put up the URL's as example, thanks again.


Saint Nic
Got the arms done on my Master Gundam model. Just started the feet! There's SO much joy in putting a model together...wow...

John Blade

You can always self-quote or since you're using imgur add s, m or l to the image url :D




I build this model long time ago when I use to build gundam model. It's a good kit but for people who going to build it, I would recommend not to transform it too many time or buy two of them so you can have one transform in the wavebird while the other in the mech. The transform of Zeta into the Wave Bird look cool but it's just a pain in the ass to do it. They're a lot of parts you need to move around to get it transform which become even worst if you do it too many time (it weaken the parts in some area). It's a good kit but I would stick it as a Mecha only.

The perfect grade one is even worst. They're is a lot of issues with it which is fix on the Master Grade. I won't buy it unless you're very professional modeler who can fix any problem with the model kit (this mean, you have the tools to do it). I build it and kinda regret of spending almost 200 dollars on it. Manage to sell it and get back at least half of the money I spend.


Nicoga pointed me I this direction from the figures thread.

I picked up a gundam model kit for £3 in a local charity shop - no the sort of thing you normally find in those places. It's a ZAFT ZGMF-X10A, freedom gundam. I have no idea about the different types of gundams but for £3 you can't go wrong.

Any tips on putting these together, or are they like model aircraft kits?


Saint Nic
I'm running out with my fiancee for a bit, but I'll post this quick:


This is my station for working and assembling. Nippers, a sharp xacto knife, and some fine and finer grit sand paper are what I work with. Sanding down the sprue marks to make them smooth adds a lot of shape to the model. There are a lot of similarities in assembling Gunpla with other kits, but since you don't use glue or cement (you don't HAVE to at least), it puts together slightly different.

Check this site out if you're interested in really getting into the hobby!

Darn I missed the discussion on the soundtracks. I like the Age one, theres that one song whenever something with vegan or the attacks come down that always gets me pumped up, the one with the horn sounding thing in it.
Nicoga pointed me I this direction from the figures thread.

I picked up a gundam model kit for £3 in a local charity shop - no the sort of thing you normally find in those places. It's a ZAFT ZGMF-X10A, freedom gundam. I have no idea about the different types of gundams but for £3 you can't go wrong.

Any tips on putting these together, or are they like model aircraft kits?

You got a Master Grade for 3 pounds? :O

But yeah, they're like model aircraft kits. Just follow the directions and they're easy enough without knowing Japanese at all.


Canadians burned my passport
Nicoga pointed me I this direction from the figures thread.

I picked up a gundam model kit for £3 in a local charity shop - no the sort of thing you normally find in those places. It's a ZAFT ZGMF-X10A, freedom gundam. I have no idea about the different types of gundams but for £3 you can't go wrong.

Any tips on putting these together, or are they like model aircraft kits?

Wow what a steal. That's a pretty good kit too.My only tip is to have an exacto knife to help get pieces off the runners cleanly. Be careful not to cut yourself though.


Nicoga pointed me I this direction from the figures thread.

I picked up a gundam model kit for £3 in a local charity shop - no the sort of thing you normally find in those places. It's a ZAFT ZGMF-X10A, freedom gundam. I have no idea about the different types of gundams but for £3 you can't go wrong.

Any tips on putting these together, or are they like model aircraft kits?

Holy fuck that's a steal. You know how much my MG The O and EX-S Gundam cost me? A lot. And that's even before shipping.

And these are even easier than model aircrafts, and they are just snap on. No need for pesky glue or paint! Though they wouldn't hurt.


Gundamu GAF I have a question, I'm looking to expand my gundam figure collection. So far I have mostly G Gundam figures with two from SeeD I believe and Nu gundam. Now I bought all of these years ago, but I also remember buying a master Asia gundam that you had to build yourself. I want an action figure not one that I have to actually build myself, since I still want to play with them but if it's one I build myself then it's really fragile and the pieces go everywhere. But I don't really know the difference in some of these when you go buy them, would anybody be kind enough to help me out here since I don't understand some of the differences in types and etc.
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