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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Finally got to Gundam Seed HD 14 kind of felt I needed to rewatch 13 for one minor thing. But shoot out that power, Gundam (General Unilateral Neuro-Link Dispersive Automatic Maneuver...), that cant be canon, no other Gundam mentioned it. The first OP was vastly superior. And worst they are using dead characters in the OP
Yzak for one
, why?

Informative recap or dive into history, though failed to explain why people would be against coordinators, if I was in universe, I wouldnt mind if I gave my offspring the chance to be coordinators, why hate others for it?

And Flay
making moves on Kira is killing me. For canon, He would be better with Lacus or even that other girl from way in the beginning, dont understand what is motivating Flay and the preview is even worst about it.

Oh my God.
This is your first time watching SEED? Enjoy the ride :p

I'm not sure what you don't get about Coordinators' discrimination though.


I was at the Shizuoka Hobby Show yesterday. It was pretty packed compared to last year. Though last year was only two months after the earthquake hit up north so maybe that had something to do with it.

I was surprised at the amount of attention Danball Senki was getting at the Bandai booth. Though they had some interactive Danball Senki game going on so that probably had something to do with it. Was all kids there. Didn't know it was popular really. Most of the Danball Senki kits I see on the store shelves seem to just be collecting dust like the AGE kits.

Speaking of AGE, at the show Bandai kinda had the AGE stuff all to one side and the traditional UC stuff on the other side. There was a line just to walk by and take pics of the new UC stuff (new Buster model and what not) but the AGE side was pretty empty with only one or two having a look. Wanted to get a pic of the difference but it was just two crowded.

Beth Cyra

Well from the sounds of it, it seems like not only is Promethus on the Cover of book 6 but they are going to be releasing full line art of it next month.

I got to say, if it is indeed true that the War Head is a nuke like some speculate then I really have to say it was the one thing that HA Kai did NOT need given all the missles he already had.

When he full bursts it was already a Macross Missle massacre, they didn't need to add Nuclear missle on top of it.


Unicorn 5 was pretty enjoyable, though it couldn't top the fan service explosion of the Episode 4 battle for me.

Poor Riddhe. Got played so hard.

The purple suit that Full Frontal's sidekick (Angelo?) was piloting at the end was pretty dang awesome. Is there a reason he seemed to be avoiding hitting cockpits?

And green space magic!


Canadians burned my passport
I like how
insanely useless the Ankshas turned out to be.
So hilariously disappointing.
God, what a cliffhanger. But fuck me to tears, this is easily my favorite Gundam property ever. So fucking good...I think the last time an anime got me this excited and in love with it was Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Ridiculous music + fanservice + great animation = happy oddity.
I like how
insanely useless the Ankshas turned out to be.
So hilariously disappointing.
Yea no shit. :l
Watched Gundam Unicorn 5 today :D

So good. The music is top notch and the animation is great.

The whole rescue operation was exciting, I loled when Watts was kicked from the Base Jabber

I thought Marida would die this episode but I am glad she survived

Riddhe will die since he lost his good luck charm, and blaming the Gundam for losing a girl what a loser

One more year to wait ;_;

Are the original Gundam and Zeta Gundam movies cover whats important or should I watch the anime series to know everything?


Watched Gundam Unicorn 5 today :D

So good. The music is top notch and the animation is great.

The whole rescue operation was exciting, I loled when Watts was kicked from the Base Jabber

I thought Marida would die this episode but I am glad she survived

Riddhe will die since he lost his good luck charm, and blaming the Gundam for losing a girl what a loser

One more year to wait ;_;

Are the original Gundam and Zeta Gundam movies cover whats important or should I watch the anime series to know everything?

The MSG movies are good. The Zeta movies move too quickly for newcomers, so you should probably opt for the series instead.

Beth Cyra

Just saw Pro's preview, and I got to say I'm suddenly much less salty about FT existing.

HA+Wolfwood+nuke=????? Well amazing to me. Hopefully the full linear looks even better.


Well from the sounds of it, it seems like not only is Promethus on the Cover of book 6 but they are going to be releasing full line art of it next month.

I got to say, if it is indeed true that the War Head is a nuke like some speculate then I really have to say it was the one thing that HA Kai did NOT need given all the missles he already had.

When he full bursts it was already a Macross Missle massacre, they didn't need to add Nuclear missle on top of it.

Just saw Pro's preview, and I got to say I'm suddenly much less salty about FT existing.

HA+Wolfwood+nuke=????? Well amazing to me. Hopefully the full linear looks even better.

...what the hell are you talking about

Beth Cyra

...what the hell are you talking about
Prometheus is a Gundam that was developed and built by Q and T in Frozen Teardrop and is the successor to the Heavyarms line of Gundam's. At Shizuoka it was revealed that Prometheous would be on the cover of Frozen Teardrop volume six, but we couldn't see much because of it's pose and the fact it's only 80% complete.

However the preview for next months line art is now online and while we can't see everything we can now say that it most certainly isn't just a recolor of HA Kai in either body or weapons. The Wolfwood and Nuke comment comes from it's giant Cross shaped Gatling gun and it's armaments listing Warhead and the fact it was the single Gundam that was targeted by a specific event lends to this theory.


Canadians burned my passport
Prometheus is a Gundam that was developed and built by Q and T in Frozen Teardrop and is the successor to the Heavyarms line of Gundam's. At Shizuoka it was revealed that Prometheous would be on the cover of Frozen Teardrop volume six, but we couldn't see much because of it's pose and the fact it's only 80% complete.

However the preview for next months line art is now online and while we can't see everything we can now say that it most certainly isn't just a recolor of HA Kai in either body or weapons. The Wolfwood and Nuke comment comes from it's giant Cross shaped Gatling gun and it's armaments listing Warhead and the fact it was the single Gundam that was targeted by a specific event lends to this theory.
Do you have a link? Or is this a illegal scan type thing?


Canadians burned my passport
I thought there was already a Prometheus Gundam in one of the Wing sidestories. If I recall correctly, it looked nothing like this one.

Beth Cyra

I thought there was already a Prometheus Gundam in one of the Wing sidestories. If I recall correctly, it looked nothing like this one.

Wing is a odd duck (well more so then normal talk about Wing) in that Bandai even now is very unclear on what is "real". Even this year we got the Wing Mech Revised and yet it doesn't feature any of the revised suits from the new manga, or even some suits from other Manga off shoots but it does have G Unit.

As it stands I don't think Bandai has ever created a Gundam Wing MSV section despite them having more then enough to work with, and it really leaves a question as to what is part of Wing and what "isn't" apart of Wing.

Seraphim, Deathscythe Hell Guilty, Deathscythe Guilty Custom, Derringer Arms and even Aquarious all Gundam's but because of Bandai's weird stance are all in constant limbo wether or not they actually "exist".

So while I never heard of Prometheus Gundam before this particular version it's certainly not out of the realm of believablity that Bandai created one but has decided to reuse the name for another suit.


Canadians burned my passport
So while I never heard of Prometheus Gundam before this particular version it's certainly not out of the realm of believablity that Bandai created one but has decided to reuse the name for another suit.

It was this thing:


It was also called Burnlapius. The new one looks much better.

Anyways, with this new resurgence in Wing related stuff, maybe they'll have an actual MSV section created.

Beth Cyra

It was this thing:

It was also called Burnlapius. The new one looks much better.

Anyways, with this new resurgence in Wing related stuff, maybe they'll have an actual MSV section created.

Possible but I find that unlikely.

It's not like they haven't rebrought up Wing multiple times since even Endless Waltz was created. They even had a light novel spin off with Duo what 6 years ago I believe?

Bandai's weird on and off again with Wing has be awkward for years now and each new piece of matieral splinters the time line and story more and more and Bandai never is willing to really nail down how they want everything to be presented.

I do think that if they really let GoL run it's full length which I was suppose to be not only up through EW but FT as well then I do think they would finally say this is what is cannon and everything else are just what if's. Thing is that is YEARS away given they are like 8 or 9 episodes into the Anime. This doesn't even factor in the idea that they actually make use of G-Unit, Tiel's Impulse, Battle Field, Blind Target.

Got to say, I like the new Pro more.
GS HD 23

This episode and a later one as well reminded me so much on why I liked the Athrun x Cagalli pairing and wonder how fucked up things turned out in GSD. ='(
FINALLY watched Unicorn ep 1 on PSN.

It was soo good! I cant' believe I waited this long. If the only the BDs didn't cost an arm and a leg.

Is it me, or is PSN missing episode 3?(or was it 4?).


FINALLY watched Unicorn ep 1 on PSN.

It was soo good! I cant' believe I waited this long. If the only the BDs didn't cost an arm and a leg.

Is it me, or is PSN missing episode 3?(or was it 4?).

Yeah it's missing 3 for some reason (at least at first glance). Dunno why.
Watched the Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy.

It was tough watching the animation being used to today level of animation.

Amuro was a good lead his emo levels were low but when he was being whiny there was Bright (he is awesome) to set him straight.

Battles were good until Amuro got Newtype hax and nothing seemed to stop him.

But the best character was Char, what an awesome bastard,
betraying Garma coldly and killing Kycilla with a bazooka while surviving the blast
, also it helps that he has solid reasons to do it.

The Newtipe magic in Lalah death was really trippy. Loved that the final battle was a swordfight in zero g.

Kinda neat seeing baby Mineva. I can see she inherited her father guts.

A good to watch, now to watch Zeta.


Sooooo. Supposedly (if you have a better source I'll take it), AGE ratings finally reached lower-than-X levels. Pretty sad for a series supposed to catch a whole new generation.

I'm still watching, but it's seriously lacking in almost every department. Mecha design globally sucks, the tone is all over the place (it really seems that they don't know what they are aiming at anymore) and the main story has back arching over and over due to the three generation thing, while this very element prevents long-term development from characters (except Flit, I guess).

On a more personal note, I was really disappointed to see the second gen end only a few episodes after it became really good. It felt terribly forced and I really couldn't get in the third gen until now.

Redeeming factors would be music (kinda) and battle choreography, which is often awesome.

Anyone still watching?
Sooooo. Supposedly (if you have a better source I'll take it), AGE ratings finally reached lower-than-X levels. Pretty sad for a series supposed to catch a whole new generation.

I'm still watching, but it's seriously lacking in almost every department. Mecha design globally sucks, the tone is all over the place (it really seems that they don't know what they are aiming at anymore) and the main story has back arching over and over due to the three generation thing, while this very element prevents long-term development from characters (except Flit, I guess).

On a more personal note, I was really disappointed to see the second gen end only a few episodes after it became really good. It felt terribly forced and I really couldn't get in the third gen until now.

Redeeming factors would be music (kinda) and battle choreography, which is often awesome.

Anyone still watching?

I must be in the tiny minority then for AGE to have caught me into the Gundam franchise as my first Gundam. I really like it. After checking SEED HD and 00, only thing AGE is lacking are the mobile suit designs (though AGE-2 Normal was the best one) but everything else is good.

Second gen should have lasted longer, Asemu was really good and really needed more time. Asemu Zehearto was more compelling than Flit Desil, and even more
having Asemu as a non x-rounder and actually competent at fighting was astounding

My favorite age song (first volume had so many good songs)
Sooooo. Supposedly (if you have a better source I'll take it), AGE ratings finally reached lower-than-X levels. Pretty sad for a series supposed to catch a whole new generation.

I'm still watching, but it's seriously lacking in almost every department. Mecha design globally sucks, the tone is all over the place (it really seems that they don't know what they are aiming at anymore) and the main story has back arching over and over due to the three generation thing, while this very element prevents long-term development from characters (except Flit, I guess).

On a more personal note, I was really disappointed to see the second gen end only a few episodes after it became really good. It felt terribly forced and I really couldn't get in the third gen until now.

Redeeming factors would be music (kinda) and battle choreography, which is often awesome.

Anyone still watching?

No offense to any Age fans but the bolded is no joke. Glad that we won't be getting watered down Gundam like that when it's done.

Beth Cyra

God AGE, feels bad. Even more so because it has Unicorn which is performing so damn well and it makes AGE look even freaking worse.
Gundam Zeta 1-12

Kamille is a total angry idiot lol but I have to praise his guts. Cant wait to Bright correct him.

The Titans in one episode made me hate them more than anything else
you dont beat Bright like that and blasting a nuke in the Amazon rain forest for gods sake.

Liking it so far but didnt understand why the Zeta Gundam doesnt have a re-entry system like the original.

Also is the Hyaku Shiki a predecessor of the Delta Plus?


And X got it's really bad ratings because it was moved to an awful time slot. AGE is doing bad in a decent time slot

Yep, possibly biggest disaster ever in Gundam. AGE is the new G Saviour. Hopefully it will be discarded and forgotten in the same way. Like how Bandai removed AGE from the cover of SD G Generations 3D.

Hino can be proud. Even Destiny couldn't reach this level!


And X got it's really bad ratings because it was moved to an awful time slot. AGE is doing bad in a decent time slot

X was doing badly before that, that's why it was moved to a different time slot.

Don't know why anyone cares about ratings or Gunpla sales though; unless you have have some investment in Bandai or Sunrise, what does it matter how financially successful the show is? SEED and Destiny were two of the biggest things ever (and continue to be), and they're some of the worst pieces of shit to come out of anime.

Beth Cyra

X was doing badly before that, that's why it was moved to a different time slot.

Don't know why anyone cares about ratings or Gunpla sales though; unless you have have some investment in Bandai or Sunrise, what does it matter how financially successful the show is? SEED and Destiny were two of the biggest things ever (and continue to be), and they're some of the worst pieces of shit to come out of anime.

Because Gunpla is a good way to see how strongly Bandai/Sunrise will push the media in off shoots and the like plus Gunpla is a large part of the Gundam Fandom.

There is a good reason why Gundam SEED is getting a 10 year push now, and why Gundam X still doesn't have a Single Master Grade.

These shows are really toy commecrials first more then anything else. Same goes for every Transformers show in existence.


X was doing badly before that, that's why it was moved to a different time slot.

Don't know why anyone cares about ratings or Gunpla sales though; unless you have have some investment in Bandai or Sunrise, what does it matter how financially successful the show is? SEED and Destiny were two of the biggest things ever (and continue to be), and they're some of the worst pieces of shit to come out of anime.

SEED is good. You're just being bitter because you hate it :p

Even Destiny, which was total shit, was at least entertaining in a lolololol trainwreck way like Code Geass. AGE doesn't even have that.


Gundam Zeta 1-12

Liking it so far but didnt understand why the Zeta Gundam doesnt have a re-entry system like the original.

Sorry to nitpick here but you haven't SEEN the Zeta Gundam yet. You're currently watching the Gundam Mk. II.

I always presumed it probably could do an atmospheric re-entry like the original but why risk it when you can use a ballute and know you'll get to Earth safely?
Yep, possibly biggest disaster ever in Gundam. AGE is the new G Saviour. Hopefully it will be discarded and forgotten in the same way. Like how Bandai removed AGE from the cover of SD G Generations 3D.

Hino can be proud. Even Destiny couldn't reach this level!
There's a good reason for that.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY (Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED DESTINY) 68,729 (13, not including Special Editions, Fan Discs, and BOX) (Sunrise/Bandai Entertainment)
2005/02/24 80,635 Vol. 1 (Four episodes up to Vol. 12)
2005/03/25 73,115 Vol. 2
2005/04/22 69,751 Vol. 3
2005/05/27 68,416 Vol. 4
2005/06/24 65,649 Vol. 5
2005/07/22 66,509 Vol. 6
2005/08/26 60,431 Vol. 7
2005/09/23 62,330 Vol. 8
2005/10/28 58,228 Vol. 9
2005/11/25 61,066 Vol. 10
2005/12/23 67,052 Vol. 11
2006/01/27 64,745 Vol. 12
2006/02/24 95,544 Vol. 13 (Two episodes)
2006/05/26 48,208 Special Edition I
2006/08/25 48,929 Special Edition II
2006/11/24 46,070 Special Edition III
2007/02/23 66,492 Special Edition IV
2007/06/22 32,383 SEED & SEED DESTINY Fan Disc SEED SUPERNOVAer
2007/09/25 24,426 SEED & SEED DESTINY Fan Disc SEED SUPERNOVAist
2010/04/09 10,392 DVD-BOX (Fifty episodes)


Eeeeeeeh. While I never doubted Destiny performance, I'm pretty sure that saying the haters are a loud minority is too much. In Japan maybe, but among westerners? No way.
Because Gunpla is a good way to see how strongly Bandai/Sunrise will push the media in off shoots and the like plus Gunpla is a large part of the Gundam Fandom.

There is a good reason why Gundam SEED is getting a 10 year push now, and why Gundam X still doesn't have a Single Master Grade.

These shows are really toy commecrials first more then anything else. Same goes for every Transformers show in existence.
Going from some proper and occasional anecdotal evidence, SEED and Destiny had awful gunpla sales through most of the range when the show was first out. Though Kira's suits, I think, are some of the best selling kits of all time, so it balanced out. I imagine the new suits sell well.

00 gunpla sales were huge for an AU.

AGE gunpla is apparently selling decently, though not what Bandai hoped. This might be part of why AGE won't get straight-up axed. X had the worst gunpla sales of all time from what I've heard.


SEED is good. You're just being bitter because you hate it :p

I hate it precisely because it's not good. :p

The only good things about SEED were Mu and some of the music, and Destiny did a nice job of shitting all over the former.

TruePrime said:
Because Gunpla is a good way to see how strongly Bandai/Sunrise will push the media in off shoots and the like plus Gunpla is a large part of the Gundam Fandom.

There is a good reason why Gundam SEED is getting a 10 year push now, and why Gundam X still doesn't have a Single Master Grade.

These shows are really toy commecrials first more then anything else. Same goes for every Transformers show in existence.

No, I know why ratings and sales numbers are important to the company. What I'm wondering is why anyone else cares.

Turn A and G are two of my favorite Gundam shows; neither series performed well. Some people like Victory, some like X; neither of those shows were successful either. So what does it matter how well AGE is doing if people like it?

I think he was messing around.

Most people are aware that SEED Destiny performed extremely well and that the haters are a loud minority.

Those haters include the show's own staff. :lol
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