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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Kamille's a man's name, bro dawg.

My brother's name is Camille. Yes, it's properly spelled with a C, not a K.

Just sayin' ......I know a lot of fans of Zeta Gundam to whom when I mentioned what my brother's name was, and they tried to tell me his name was misspelled!
Gundam Age 40

The new OP and new ED songs are awesome. The ending song is definitely up there with the best one for the anime. Its really good just like all the others have been. The OP has so many awesome moments, like this image above, bringing a fan fantasy to life, as well as the actual new gundam fx. I love the Gundam FX as the C-Funnels and design make this as sleek and cooler than the Gundam Age 2.

Plotwise things are getting interesting for this last set of episodes.
Asemu and Zehearto may finally happen, so many years worth waiting, and Kio may finally take over and implement his own solution, which I imagine Asemu will follow and Flit will be forced to watch since his plan of true vengence most likely cant come to pass. I wonder if any deaths will happen. I did want Ezelcant sama to survive though

If things stay at this rate then it may outdo 00 as for my favorite Gundam series.


AGE 40

At this point, I hope Flit goes down being the bitter, genocidal old man he is. To me, that's the best thing about this show at this point.


Canadians burned my passport
Hahaha holy shit Asemu was such a shit father/husband.

I'm on team Flit.

Also, looks like Kio has entered Jesus Yamato mode.


Hahaha holy shit Asemu was such a shit father/husband.

I'm on team Flit.

Also, looks like Kio has entered Jesus Yamato mode.
That HAD to be a parody. Had to be. I got bad 00 Qan[T] flashbacks.

Just as long as Kio doesn't use the C-Funnels to bend space-time and teleport across the galaxy, though, I'm good.

As for the new intro, I'm actually quite fond of
Full Armor AGE-1
, but FX and Darkhound still suck.
"It's short for 'Follow X-Rounder'"
? Gimme a break.
but FX and Darkhound still suck.
"It's short for 'Follow X-Rounder'"
? Gimme a break.
At least it wasn't as crazy as

Neuro - Link






At least that last one made sense for Strike Freedom. Kinda. Sorta.

We all should know by now that the new bell-bottomed Gundam was named FX instead of its numerical equivalent because the Japanese believe the number 4 is unlucky and associated with death. It's pure superstition and idiocy on their part.
Gundam Age 40

The new OP and new ED songs are awesome. The ending song is definitely up there with the best one for the anime. Its really good just like all the others have been. The OP has so many awesome moments, like this image above, bringing a fan fantasy to life, as well as the actual new gundam fx. I love the Gundam FX as the C-Funnels and design make this as sleek and cooler than the Gundam Age 2.
Those new credits really are good.

Something Gundam has done right this past decade has been music selection. Going all the way back to Seed and Seed Destiny, Gundam has not failed in having outstanding songs for openings and endings.

Anyway, speaking of Seed... I still can't believe it's ten years old. I feel so aged. :\


napkin dispenser
Those new credits really are good.

Something Gundam has done right this past decade has been music selection. Going all the way back to Seed and Seed Destiny, Gundam has not failed in having outstanding songs for openings and endings.

Anyway, speaking of Seed... I still can't believe it's ten years old. I feel so aged. :\

Wing had amazing music as well.

In regards to Seed being a decade old, I remember sitting up late at night watching the fansubbed episodes days after they came out in Japan. I was in my early teens and was in middle/high school. Ah the good ol days. =(
Wing had amazing music as well.

In regards to Seed being a decade old, I remember sitting up late at night watching the fansubbed episodes days after they came out in Japan. I was in my early teens and was in middle/high school. Ah the good ol days. =(
Back in the day our local cable provider had an international channel, and I remember watching PopJapanTV debut Nami Tamaki's singles for Seed and Destiny when they came out.



A Gundam movie with a huge budget, good cast and transformers-type special effects would be received how IYO?

A Gundam movie with a huge budget, good cast and transformers-type special effects would be received how IYO?

Okay-ish, maybe? Good amongst fans and sci-fi fans sure, but I don't know that it'd break out into the mainstream. The Bayformers movie really trade on the Transformers name and Gundam doesn't have a fraction of the brand awareness of TF.


Okay-ish, maybe? Good amongst fans and sci-fi fans sure, but I don't know that it'd break out into the mainstream. The Bayformers movie really trade on the Transformers name and Gundam doesn't have a fraction of the brand awareness of TF.

What about if it had some big name actors in it? And was actually good? And wasn't overly anime-ish

Couldn't it be a hit out of nowhere like Avatar?
What about if it had some big name actors in it? And was actually good? And wasn't overly anime-ish

Couldn't it be a hit out of nowhere like Avatar?

It'd have the potential to, but I don't know that it'd be any kind of sure thing.

I wouldn't really say Avatar was a hit out of nowhere though, considering the director behind it. So maybe if it was James Cameron's Gundam, sure, it could be huge.
Gundam Wing Glory of Losers

Interesting choice they made retconning Relena's father's death & the death of the Noventa & his fellow pacifists. So good? Yep


I need to catch up on this. I'm not the biggest Wing fan around, to say the least, but I've been loving Glory of losers. So, so gorgeous, and the scenario changes are much welcomed. Basically Wing's version of The Origin.
I need to catch up on this. I'm not the biggest Wing fan around, to say the least, but I've been loving Glory of losers. So, so gorgeous, and the scenario changes are much welcomed. Basically Wing's version of The Origin.

I love how we get more dialogue to flesh things out and connect dots. Big difference when the pilots come right out and mention things we found years ago in speculation and what not.

Beth Cyra

I love how we get more dialogue to flesh things out and connect dots. Big difference when the pilots come right out and mention things we found years ago in speculation and what not.

Thus far Glory has proven to be a very enjoyable experince for me. It has made both Heero and Relena much more likeable compared to their Anime selves thankfully. Not to mention using the Ver Ka designs make the entire thing a total A for me because I love Katoki's Wing designs.

It will be amazing to read through the Wing Gundam Zero EW Vs Epyon EW battle. Now if only that can keep Heero and Relena from falling as far as they do in the anime and keep Treize as amazing as he was it will easily replace the Anime completely for me. Just turn on some Wing music and it will be a win.
I'm gonna have to check out this Glory of Losers, because it sounds great.

In other news, I'm watching the different end credits for Seed and getting really nostalgic. :\

Beth Cyra

I saw a graph of Gunpla sales earlier today and from the look of it all the Wing stuff didn't even make a blip. Given how hard they've been pushing Wing, all the EW stuff including MG's and the fact they announced they were extending the Wing EW MG line even before Blitz was released lead me to believe that it was doing fairly well for them.

Got to say it killed my hype a little and made me even more afraid about a MG Tallgeese II ever getting released.


I saw a graph of Gunpla sales earlier today and from the look of it all the Wing stuff didn't even make a blip. Given how hard they've been pushing Wing, all the EW stuff including MG's and the fact they announced they were extending the Wing EW MG line even before Blitz was released lead me to believe that it was doing fairly well for them.

Got to say it killed my hype a little and made me even more afraid about a MG Tallgeese II ever getting released.

Are those figures freely available? I've always been somewhat interested in knowing what does/doesn't sell in terms of Gunpla.

Beth Cyra

Are those figures freely available? I've always been somewhat interested in knowing what does/doesn't sell in terms of Gunpla.

I don't know how avalible they are. I saw them posted at another site. The DVD/Blu Ray sales are right inline with what we've heard from other reliable sources.

That said, since then I've gone over the graph again and I find it to be odd. Igloo and even G Saviour are on the list and yet Wing wasn't and despite Wing being older and not as popular as say OO or SEED there is no way that shit like G Savior out performed Wing.

Also it just doesn't make any fucking sense. Wing keeps getting releases. Master Grades, the lead Gundam Girl, hell they are pushing it pretty hard in the Robot Spirits line bringing in not only the Wing EW variants but also the Anime stuff and even a fucking Leo for pete sake.

So I find it hard to believe that Wing isn't doing at least good if not great. They've shown int he last year they aren't afraid to drop shit even it was already announced like the Master Grade Gafran or whatever dumbass Grunt suit from Age.
Keep forgetting about this thread...

Started Gundam Wing last night and watched through episode 4. Thus far, the characters Heero and Duo are my favorite in it. I really like their personalities and interactions with each other. Hopefully they team up seriously and fast instead of Duo following Heero all the time. Trowa and Quartre are actually nice as well, and the music scene at the end of episode four with them, while pointless for the plot purposes it seemed, was memorable.

Wufei needs to get with others though for his personality it seems being the lone one is fitting.

Relena reminds me of Marina Ishmael from Gundam 00 except much much much more annoying (though not as annoying as Flay). Hopefully she improves.

So thus far, I think my gundam preferences would go Age as my favorite one followed by 00, then Wing and then Seed. Wing seems to lack an actual rival for the protagonists like Seed HD and Age has and thus a way less emphasis on friendship.

Beth Cyra

Keep forgetting about this thread...

Started Gundam Wing last night and watched through episode 4. Thus far, the characters Heero and Duo are my favorite in it. I really like their personalities and interactions with each other. Hopefully they team up seriously and fast instead of Duo following Heero all the time. Trowa and Quartre are actually nice as well, and the music scene at the end of episode four with them, while pointless for the plot purposes it seemed, was memorable.

Wufei needs to get with others though for his personality it seems being the lone one is fitting.

Relena reminds me of Marina Ishmael from Gundam 00 except much much much more annoying (though not as annoying as Flay). Hopefully she improves.

So thus far, I think my gundam preferences would go Age as my favorite one followed by 00, then Wing and then Seed. Wing seems to lack an actual rival for the protagonists like Seed HD and Age has and thus a way less emphasis on friendship.

Most of this stuff that you are wondering about really starts around Episode 16 or so. Wing is rather unique when it comes to lead as well. Heero stays quite different then most/all other Gundam leads and this includes Setsuna despite alot of people liking them to each other.

As for the Rival thing it does develop eventaully, but again and even among Wing fans it seems really divided on if it's good or not. Lastly make sure to keep an eye ou ton Treize, at least ot me he is easily the best character in Wing, has probably the deepest of the character arcs and overall is a really well rounded and amazing character.


Keep forgetting about this thread...

Started Gundam Wing last night and watched through episode 4. Thus far, the characters Heero and Duo are my favorite in it. I really like their personalities and interactions with each other. Hopefully they team up seriously and fast instead of Duo following Heero all the time. Trowa and Quartre are actually nice as well, and the music scene at the end of episode four with them, while pointless for the plot purposes it seemed, was memorable.

Wufei needs to get with others though for his personality it seems being the lone one is fitting.

Relena reminds me of Marina Ishmael from Gundam 00 except much much much more annoying (though not as annoying as Flay). Hopefully she improves.

So thus far, I think my gundam preferences would go Age as my favorite one followed by 00, then Wing and then Seed. Wing seems to lack an actual rival for the protagonists like Seed HD and Age has and thus a way less emphasis on friendship.
Hey, at least Relena actually contributed to her series' plot in a meaningful manner,
rather than just lingering in the background being poor and useless

I'll agree on the rest, though. I really need to check out Glory Of Holes. Sounds nice.

Beth Cyra

haha sounds like a bad doujin!

It totally does. Then again with as many bad Wing doujinshi as there is out there, it wouldn't suprise me if it actually was.

Then again I still think the same about the actually name. Early on when it was still only in Japanese and we just had translations it was Glory of the Defeated. I still remember being pissed when it came out the proper name was Losers.

Beth Cyra

Jesus, that is easily one of the most rediculous Gundam fan designs I've ever seen.

Does kinda make Pro look a little lacking haha.


This thread made me catch up on AGE and the first arc wasn't bad but as Flit progressed into more and more of an ass, the show is slowly getting annoying...

Beth Cyra

Thing is, the Heavyarms C while not exactly what I would imagine I think could be a cool suit if you changed the color and acted as if it was a Heavyarms Full Armor.

That Shenlong is just kinda busy and more distracting then anything else.

Thinking about it a bit more. That Shenlong reminds me alot of a really popular Epyon Custom from years ago. They took it and just threw everything at it and made it super crazy. Never really sat well with me and I think this Shenlong kinda has that same thing going on.

Beth Cyra

I honestly can't decide if I love or hate the Wing Rouge.

Epyon Bai's wings are awesome. Odd seeing him with a giant Beam canon though.


Canadians burned my passport
Thinking about it a bit more. That Shenlong reminds me alot of a really popular Epyon Custom from years ago. They took it and just threw everything at it and made it super crazy. Never really sat well with me and I think this Shenlong kinda has that same thing going on.

Which one?

Beth Cyra

Which one?

Can't remember the exact artist. I will try and find it and post it if I can.

Yeah can't find it. I know the first time I ever saw it was as a PS3 background. One of th things I liked most about Epyon was how simple it was and this persons redesign while not bad seemed to lose some of that and it just didn't work for me.


Canadians burned my passport
Can't remember the exact artist. I will try and find it and post it if I can.

Yeah can't find it. I know the first time I ever saw it was as a PS3 background. One of th things I liked most about Epyon was how simple it was and this persons redesign while not bad seemed to lose some of that and it just didn't work for me.

Was it this one?


Beth Cyra


I found that one when I looked. It wasn't but it was quite similar. The thing that stood out about it the most was there was something on the end of his Heat Rod, almost as if not only could the Heat Rod extend but the shield could as well.

Then again maybe I was just looking at the picture wrong. It has been a few years.

That piece of art is still a bit busy. I would say about as good as the origial but not as good as the Katoki redesign.


Canadians burned my passport
I found that one when I looked. It wasn't but it was quite similar. The thing that stood out about it the most was there was something on the end of his Heat Rod, almost as if not only could the Heat Rod extend but the shield could as well.

Then again maybe I was just looking at the picture wrong. It has been a few years.

That piece of art is still a bit busy. I would say about as good as the origial but not as good as the Katoki redesign.

Ah cool. Just wondering because I was the one that did that one like ten years ago. I was just curious since it got spread around the internet a lot at the time.
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