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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Turn A is kind of awesome. Didn't think it was going to be this good, though I know there is some love for it on here. Like any series it has a few annoying characters (Lt. Poe, Sochie, though she has gotten better) and some awful designs, but I'm loving the story so far. Dianna, Kihel, and Harry are all pretty great characters.

And SEED is cool. Destiny, not so much.

Did you dislike the Turn A and Turn X or what? I was pretty surprised when I found out that Syd Mead designed them.

On another note, I think Turn A has amazing art. My avatar cannot fit all the details of the great piece I had as a source.

Unless you are a dirty Seedlover anyways. There are several in this thread. I will not name names.
To be fair, it does have great music. I can't say many more nice things than that and some of the mecha designs in the first one, though.


Well, just from looking at the designs beforehand, I wasn't really liking the look of the Turn A, especially the damn mustache and was actually surprised when it turned out to be an actual mustache on a mobile suit lol. Saying that, it has grown on me.

The "Dark History" stuff is throwing me off a bit as well. It seems to kind of be referring to U.C. stuff, with how
they're digging up Zakus and what not
, but I also don't understand how the world could have regressed so far.

Not sure if the Turn X is the successor suit for Loran or not. They've
just gotten into space.
So I have some more episodes to go.
Turn A is kind of awesome. Didn't think it was going to be this good, though I know there is some love for it on here. Like any series it has a few annoying characters (Lt. Poe, Sochie, though she has gotten better) and some awful designs, but I'm loving the story so far. Dianna, Kihel, and Harry are all pretty great characters.

And SEED is cool. Destiny, not so much.
I can understand how people feel that way though she was likable enough to make up for it to me.

I actually desliked the show till it was around 6-10 episodes in
the designs never won me over, hate the Turn A & deslike the X.
I think Dianna & Kihel are my favorite females from any Gundam.

Beth Cyra

I can understand how people feel that way though she was likable enough to make up for it to me.

I actually desliked the show till it was around 6-10 episodes in
the designs never won me over, hate the Turn A & deslike the X.
I think Dianna & Kihel are my favorite females from any Gundam.

I don't like the cast, but honestly other Gundam series (Looking at you Flit/Grudek/Emily) have far, far worse so Turn A wasn't to bad in that regard.

Honestly though, I'm not big on the whole which is more powerful thing and given my hatred of the design for Turn A mobile suits in general the series never did anything for me on the mecha front either.

I say it's at least better then AGE 1 and all the shitty Vagan designs though.

Beth Cyra

Two different colored balls just smashing into each other. Great!

Just waiting for these last few episodes to finish before I dig into AGE3, but given I've read all the spoilers for Cosmic AGE or whatever I'm pretty sure that I will actualy hate this even more then AGE 1 and even two weeks ago I thought that was fucking impossible.

Beth Cyra

My 00 character gashapons finally got here, now I can start on my 00 kits and display.

Gundam Seed 17
My god is Flay annoying.

I don't know.

I always kinda liked Flay. Crazy as all get out, but still she was a nice change of pace after characters like Relena, Rain, and Tifa. Then again I loved Dorothy as well so my taste is just weird in Gundam women.
I don't know.

I always kinda liked Flay. Crazy as all get out, but still she was a nice change of pace after characters like Relena, Rain, and Tifa. Then again I loved Dorothy as well so my taste is just weird in Gundam women.

You are comparing a side character to the leading female character in other shows. All of which have better female characters than Flay ever was.

Beth Cyra

You are comparing a side character to the leading female character in other shows. All of which have better female characters than Flay ever was.

Can't say I ever liked Cagalli more then Flay and Lacus while better wasn't much more so. At least to me anyway.

I liked her, she was crazy and just a mean spirited person who really has a dark heart. That said it was enjoyable to me, much more so then your normal Gundam female lead.


Actually, I liked Flay as a character. She was a spoiled brat who suffered a psychotic break and manipulated people to suit her needs. She probably acted the most realistically in a ship full of romantic idealists.

Beth Cyra

Actually, I liked Flay as a character. She was a spoiled brat who suffered a psychotic break and manipulated people to suit her needs. She probably acted the most realistically in a ship full of romantic idealists.

This was another big thing for me.

Taking how familiar they are with war, death and their ages Flay was one of very few characters in the show where I was like, yeah thats pretty reasonable. Doesn't make her right in what she does, but it was way more believable.
Actually, my favorite SEED girl is Miriallia. Especially when
she tries to kill Dearka. That crazed look of her face + the knife in hand = priceless
I'm about 12 episodes into ZZ, and I'm actually kind of enjoying it... The enemies are buffoons, the animation quality is bad, and the kids are a bit annoying, and the political drama is gone and the action sequences aren't great, but it's kind of funny. In a sort of embarrassing way...

Best part of ZZ? It's not AGE

Beth Cyra

Hell yeah, she never gets any love.

Could never stand her honestly.

At one time I started to like her and then she totally stopped trying to stop Zechs at the end, and regardless of being in love the man's plan should't be supported, even more by someone who claims to love him.

So I just ended up hating her even more.


Canadians burned my passport
Given my hatred of Flit, it frankly scares me think how bad Kio must be given how many times I see people post about how Kio is such a poor lead.

It's funny because later on, Flit is basically the only good character (Good being a an extremely relative term here)

Beth Cyra

It's funny because later on, Flit is basically the only good character (Good being a an extremely relative term here)

Maybe in Arc 3, I honesty found Flit just as terrible in Arc 2 as I did Arc 1. Either way, just two more weeks before I find out I guess.


Goddamn Kio, goddamn. The naivety of this show has become so grating.
Tell me about it. Even for a normally left-leaning peacenik like me, his attitude to warfighting is intolerable. He doesn't realise that he's wasting time saving enemy pilots' lives that could be used to help his comrades survive on the battlefield, or even to save them from death. It's as if he believes that he's the only one on the battlefield who actually matters, more concerned with keeping his hands clean of blood than the needs of his fellow pilots or his mission. There's principled, and then there's ridiculous levels of shallow, selfish stupidity.

In fact, you wanna know something? No matter if he kills the enemy or not, the blood of EVERY person Zeheart kills in the Gundam Legilis is on Kio's hands. I'm not joking. That's literally all his fault. Every human pilot shot down, especially by a Vagan pilot Kio avoids killing - so that he can fight another day, thanks to Kio's bullshit code of cowardice? THAT'S ALSO KIO'S FAULT. Remember Saving Private Ryan, when Tom Hanks' squad let that German go? Yeah.

Sorry to rant, but I absolutely sympathise with Seric (and even Flitler, to an extent) on this one. Gods, I hate Kio.


AGE 46

Jeusus Christ! Kio is a huge drag on this show. Kira has nothing on him.

edit: Yes, Kio is extremely selfish. It's either his way or no way. Regardless if it puts himself and others at risk. The fate of Earth is at stake and all he cares about is making sure he continues his way of doing things. His ideals matter above everything else.


Vagan Gundam is sexy.
Oh yes, yes it is. The sole reason to continue watching, I say. My second-ever Gunpla, fo sho.

I still think Zeheart hasn't quite drunk all of Ezelcant's genocide flavour Kool-Aid, and has another secret plan up his sleeve. After all, he's the one rocking the clown colours now, and every Gundam fan knows that clown colours = good guy, so something may be up, Or it may just be me giving the writers way too much credit :p

Also, Fram would be awesome in any other Gundam series.

Beth Cyra

Oh yes, yes it is. The sole reason to continue watching, I say. My second-ever Gunpla, fo sho.

I still think Zeheart hasn't quite drunk all of Ezelcant's genocide flavour Kool-Aid, and has another secret plan up his sleeve. After all, he's the one rocking the clown colours now, and every Gundam fan knows that clown colours = good guy, so something may be up, Or it may just be me giving the writers way too much credit :p

Also, Fram would be awesome in any other Gundam series.

I felt the same way about Wooilf. I would've been able to enjoy him much more if the entire cast around him wasn't pulling him down.

Anyway, MG Sinanju came in today. God this thing is the Porche of Gunpla. Haven't even built him yet, just keep staring at the box. Easily my number two design behind MG Epyon EW.

Now just waiitng for G Bouncer and HGUC Banshee Destroy Mode to arrive.


I felt the same way about Wooilf. I would've been able to enjoy him much more if the entire cast around him wasn't pulling him down.

Anyway, MG Sinanju came in today. God this thing is the Porche of Gunpla. Haven't even built him yet, just keep staring at the box. Easily my number two design behind MG Epyon EW.

Now just waiitng for G Bouncer and HGUC Banshee Destroy Mode to arrive.
Yeah. Woolf, Grudek, Fram and even Zeheart (to a certain extent) don't belong in this series. They all deserve far better than to be lumped in with Old Flake, Captain Useless* and Jesus Kiro.

And yes, the Sinanju is boss. I'm a big fan of all the Sleeves' mecha, actually.

*Not Asemu, I mean Whatsherface, the "captain" of the Diva. Her only function is to be Flit's puppet and Seric's death flag.
If she ends up shooting Flit in the final ep, I will scream

Beth Cyra

Yeah. Woolf, Grudek, Fram and even Zeheart (to a certain extent) don't belong in this series. They all deserve far better than to be lumped in with Old Flake, Captain Useless and Jesus Kiro.

And yes, the Sinanju is boss. I'm a big fan of all the Sleeves' mecha, actually.

A show with Zeheart and Woolf with out all the rest of the losers would be totally amazing. I loved Zeheart, well in Arc 2, I've heard some weird shit like total character 180's so I don't know if that will last through Kio's nonsense.
Dorothy and Noin are both great =D

I was thinking more like Lady Une and Allenby. Haven't really watched Gundam X.

Oh yes, yes it is. The sole reason to continue watching, I say. My second-ever Gunpla, fo sho.
Be careful there. It's only a short hop from



Gundam Age 46

The battle was glorious, Zehearto v Kio, Gundam FX v Gundam Legilus is definitely up there for one of the flashiest battles for the still epic C-funnels and the bits for the Legilus, even those shields they put up and Kio's mastery of controlling them in various formations in highspeed battle. Loved it.
Did scream at the screen since Kio didnt use FX Burst immediately, why!!!

For plot stuff I liked the direction and how things come together.
Zehearto is still leaning on the bad side too much I hope he doesnt go too far, though I think we may get another team up with Zanald taking things on his own. I just hope Fram doesnt get caught up and die in this as she was an decent subordinate and added an extra normal human element to the Vegan side. (that denied romance scene...forever subordinate status, guess he has Asemu)

Three more episodes to go :(


*Not Asemu, I mean Whatsherface, the "captain" of the Diva. Her only function is to be Flit's puppet and Seric's death flag.
If she ends up shooting Flit in the final ep, I will scream

Captain Anus. I can't believe someone thought エイナス would be a good surname. Then I remember some of Zeta's names...

We pretty much have a full set of Gundam characters named after female genitalia now. I won't be 100% happy until they introduce Lt. Tits however.
Gundam Seed END
Didn't like the last few episodes that much, had the same problem as 00 imo
killing characters just to kill off characters
towards the end I did start to like Athrun & Lacus started to actually do stuff.
Gundam Seed END
Didn't like the last few episodes that much, had the same problem as 00 imo
killing characters just to kill off characters
towards the end I did start to like Athrun & Lacus started to actually do stuff.

Going to watch Destiny now?

I still think Zeheart hasn't quite drunk all of Ezelcant's genocide flavour Kool-Aid, and has another secret plan up his sleeve. After all, he's the one rocking the clown colours now, and every Gundam fan knows that clown colours = good guy, so something may be up, Or it may just be me giving the writers way too much credit :p

Just was thinking about that possibility too...but you may be right about your last point :/. I guess we'll find out. At least there may be some good Crazy Grandpa Flit shenanigans.


Gundam Age 46

I just hope Fram doesnt get caught up and die in this as she was an decent subordinate and added an extra normal human element to the Vegan side.


That denied romance scene...forever subordinate status, guess he has Asemu
Naw, he just doesn't want to be the death (flag) of her.

Captain Anus. I can't believe someone thought エイナス would be a good surname. Then I remember some of Zeta's names...
Well, she is shit at her job, so it fits. :p
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