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The Official Headphone Thread 2.5: We're Making WAVs and Catching FLAC


Hey guys and gals, I've been lurking in here reading through the posts and I generally do my reading over at HeadFi, but pumped to see we have a Headphone thread at Gaf.

First foray into the headphone market was HD598 and DT-770 Pro 250Ohm amplified by a FiiO Mont Blanc. Fast forward to now and I'm looking for some "side action" from a pair of headphones while I wait for the EM-U Teak's and the Purpleheart to arrive. I primarily listen to Progressive Metal (Thus the Between the Buried and Me avatar) and heavy rock, but I also listen to the likes of Tori Amos, to Vivaldi sometimes.

I have an Asgard 2, bought from LQX from Gaf (thanks again!) and I just got my BiFrost and I guess I just have upgraditis. The DT-770's are good for metal, but seem a little narrow in the soundstage, but good with bass response. The HD598 is GODLIKE with soundstage, but man the bass is just so in the backseat napping.

Check out the Soundmagic HP200 or Fischer FA-011


Yeah, it's pretty weird but nothing major, I'd try other USB port but I'm limited to 2 and bluetooth uses the neighboring port, maybe having something connected to the same USB stack is causing interference but it's such an non-issue and both need USB2.0 to work so can't unplug either.
Doesn't happen in Foobar at all when skipping around, but happens in Youtube & MPC-HC, mysteries of technology.


the holder of the trombone
Dunno about MPC-HC, but youtube might just be because of the increased bandwidth use over wifi due to streaming video?

Also the bluetooth might add some EMI/RFI as well.


Dunno about MPC-HC, but youtube might just be because of the increased bandwidth use over wifi due to streaming video?

Also the bluetooth might add some EMI/RFI as well.

Using cable so no wifi.
Bluetooth could be the culprit, I'm not using it most of the time but it's plugged in and could cause some interference. Will try unplugging it if I ever happen to find some powered USB2.0 hubs.


the holder of the trombone
Haha, did massdrop just increase the drop time for the purpleheart by 10 days?

Eh, guess I don't see the problem. If they're scheduling to produce 2000 of them I don't see why not give more time for them to sell, seeing that they won't be out till august.
Cant wait for your feedback on them. After reading up on them I think I would have grabbed them when I saw them available but I was hesitant as I had never heard of these in particular and I still cant get over some of these modded headphones costing 3X the original design but lot of work seems to have gone into these.

Did you buy them with the $50 case? For some reason I much rather put my headphone in a case than on a stand.

I didn't get the case. Zach told me he can switch the pads out. Might ask about getting a burst finish for extra too. I've talked to Zach a few times before. An awesome guy that will do his best to tailer a headphone for you. Even will do one free tune-up in the lifetime of the headphone for you if you want something changed in the frequency response.

Also it seems like ZMF might do a more regular drop that isn't so limited in the future, which is good. That zebrawood with the rust finish is pretty sexy though.

I'm actually not a huge fan of the rust. I almost want it stock with no paint, as zebrawood looks really nice. I may ask for a different color. Not sure how customizable he can make it when done on massdrop. Would love a purple burst finish.
I think the Phillips x2 might fit your bill for bass and soundstage. Dunno though. Never heard them.
I've been eyeing those, it really blows my mind that Philips made what seems to be such a quality headphone.

Powerful bass and good soundstage is a tough combo to get, just due to the nature of how headphones/physics work. Open headphones have better soundstage, but it's hard to make them bassy. The opposite applies to closed headphones.

My personal favorite compromise is the Sony MDR-1A, which has giant bass ports that make it feel a little more open than most closed sets.
This is the white whale, open headphone with superb bass response. Had a good email conversation with someone at HeadFi about it and it just seems it's not possible.

Check out the Soundmagic HP200 or Fischer FA-011
Fischer's look intersting, but the Soundmagic's have my attention.

I should have bought LQX's HE400i when I had the chance, those seem to be a perfect in between headphone that will retain their value until May when the Teak's arrive.
A few options

Since your receiver has Silent Cinema it will give you virtual surround to your headphones. So you could see whether it has enough oomph to drive your headphones directly.

A. Xbox -- HDMI --- RX-V465 -- HD598
I've tried this (but with the Wii u) but I still get no sound!

I get the picture but not the sound.


Gold Member
Fantastic! as far as an "audio gaming set up", it doesn't really get any better. Even if you got a $1500 amp I doubt it would sound any better for games. Ive went through so many different DAC's and Amps and Receivers trying to find the perfect "gaming set up" and keep going back to the Mixamp+Magni combo.

Man, this is going to be harder than I thought.

I got the MixAmp Pro TR from Amazon, and hooked it up to my Magni. The virtual surround is really good, the directionality is phenomenal. But, and there is a big but, the mid-highs are extremely over represented, to the point where laser weapons in Halo 5 can be quite jarring on higher volumes.

I also tried Yamaha Silent Cinema hooked up to my Magni. There the sound is very pleasant, nothing sticks out like a sore thumb like the highs on MixAmp Pro. But the virtual surround is much less useful in Halo 5, nowhere as clear directionality as in MixAmp.

So it's really quite a dilemma. Better surround with MixAmp with a bit jarring upper end, or worse surround with a fuller sound with Yamaha Silent Cinema. Interestingly, if I have the MixAmp output lower and Magni higher, the problem is slightly mitigated. Don't know how that's possible. Maybe if I get a Asgard and play MixAmp really low...


Gold Member
What's the point of a Mixamp/Amp combo? Why not just use a proper DAC with your consoles?

Virtual surround. A must in multiplayer games like Halo 5. It's a shame the consoles don't output it natively, I wonder why. It would be nice to have some reputable audio company to a virtual surround DAC with better quality. And the extra amp is because MixAmp is not a very good... amp.


I got the LCD 2 a couple of weeks ago, and I was wondering if the Objective 2 DAC/AMP combo is enough to drive it. I looked up some information about the ones that people recommend. And the Chord Mojo seems to be getting a lot of praise from many people. Anyone here use it? If so, how do you like it? Do you think it would be a worthy upgrade from the O2 combo?


the holder of the trombone
Anyone else interested in the taction kannons?

Sitting on the second lowest early bird price atm and still kinda on the fence of getting it. Definitely reads more like a gimmick but the bassheads that I trust the most for audiophile basshead sound seems to really like these.

More interested in these for VR anyway. I care more about tactile sensations in VR than spatial cues.

I got the LCD 2 a couple of weeks ago, and I was wondering if the Objective 2 DAC/AMP combo is enough to drive it. I looked up some information about the ones that people recommend. And the Chord Mojo seems to be getting a lot of praise from many people. Anyone here use it? If so, how do you like it? Do you think it would be a worthy upgrade from the O2 combo?

Yes, it will have enough power to drive it properly.

Personally, I don't understand how the Mojo is being used to drive headphones that typically want around 1w (or more) of power. I saw someone say the hd650 was fantastic out of a Mojo. For that price you could get a Valhalla 2 and a nice DAC. In the case of the LCD-2, I'd purchase a used Lyr 2 and Modi 2 well before I ever even considered the Mojo. I'd use the Mojo for sensitive dynamic headphones and iems, not planars.


the holder of the trombone
They ran my hd600 with absolutely no problem. Dunno if they're that much easier to drive than the 650, but it drives the 600 with plenty of room to spare.

Can't tell much difference from it vs the Val 2 when it comes to driving power. Of course, the Val 2 with magni is cheaper, but the mojo has a whole host of other features that I value more.
They ran my hd600 with absolutely no problem. Dunno if they're that much easier to drive than the 650, but it drives the 600 with plenty of room to spare.

Can't tell much difference from it vs the Val 2 when it comes to driving power. Of course, the Val 2 with magni is cheaper, but the mojo has a whole host of other features that I value more.

I'm speaking from a strictly desktop setup perspective. If someone wants to spend $600 on a desktop setup for the Senns, they are probably better off going the Valhalla or the Crack Speedball setup. Likewise, for harder to drive planars, a Lyr 2 or Audio GD setup would provide all the power one would ever crave.


the holder of the trombone
Hmm, probably, though the crackball needs a bit more setup (unless you can buy them prebuilt now?).

The mojo does get me thinking though. If it can send a very powerful signal purely just from the analog stage of the DAC (seeing that it has no amp section at all), why can't other dacs?
Hmm, probably, though the crackball needs a bit more setup (unless you can buy them prebuilt now?).

The mojo does get me thinking though. If it can send a very powerful signal purely just from the analog stage of the DAC (seeing that it has no amp section at all), why can't other dacs?

Crackball is some assembly required. There are a couple people on head-fi that may do it for a fee. Not supposed to be hard though, just very basic soldering skills. Need to get a nice soldering setup myself though so I can build one some day.


Yes, it will have enough power to drive it properly.

Personally, I don't understand how the Mojo is being used to drive headphones that typically want around 1w (or more) of power. I saw someone say the hd650 was fantastic out of a Mojo. For that price you could get a Valhalla 2 and a nice DAC. In the case of the LCD-2, I'd purchase a used Lyr 2 and Modi 2 well before I ever even considered the Mojo. I'd use the Mojo for sensitive dynamic headphones and iems, not planars.

Alright, thanks. I'll purchase a Lyr 2, and a Modi 2 soon. Thanks for the suggestion.

leng jai

Virtual surround. A must in multiplayer games like Halo 5. It's a shame the consoles don't output it natively, I wonder why. It would be nice to have some reputable audio company to a virtual surround DAC with better quality. And the extra amp is because MixAmp is not a very good... amp.

Virtual surround processing basically kills the sound quality, what's the point of using it with good headphones? Something with a huge soundstage and a normal DAC is a much better solution.


Any recommendable bass head cans? I see someone mentioned the Sony 1A in this page and I'm also researching the ATH-MSR7 as well. I owned a MDR-700 and would like a upgrade to that.

leng jai

Anyone own the Ultrasone Pro900? Looking for a relatively cheap basshead can to complement my HD800s and A2A are selling these for a measly $299AUD.

Tommy DJ

Ultrasone headphones are strange. Some people say the S-Logic stuff they use sounds good but my ears haven't heard a single good Ultrasone headphone in my life. Combination of completely fucked up sound signature with peaks and dips EVERYWHERE that it actually kind of sounds broken and an inability to be driven loud without sounding even worse.

leng jai

Not really interested in the S-Logic stuff. I've never heard an Ultrasone headphone in my life but according to my skim reading of Headfi they have harsh treble, distant vocals and incredible bass.


Gold Member
Virtual surround processing basically kills the sound quality, what's the point of using it with good headphones? Something with a huge soundstage and a normal DAC is a much better solution.

The problem is that in games like Halo 5 it's absolutely vital that you hear what's happening behind you, in contrast to front of you. If you were a super pro player who has superior awareness of enemy placements you could arguably play just in stereo, leaving the conclusion to your instincts, but for us Halo plebs that information is vital. A headset with a huge soundstage like my AKG K712 recommended here is extremely helpful in either case.

So it's a necessary evil in a way. I ordered now a Schiit Asgard and will pair that with my MixAmp to see how that works.
Anyone own the Ultrasone Pro900? Looking for a relatively cheap basshead can to complement my HD800s and A2A are selling these for a measly $299AUD.

Haven't heard the Pro 900s, but I owned the Pro 750s. I quite liked them. Not my favorite bassy headphone, but they were fun to listen to. Big, huge bass, and reasonably detailed overall. Basically the classic "U" shaped sounds signature.

Strangely enough, I actually kinda liked them for classical music. The S-Logic seemed to work well for it, and the accentuated treble made brass instruments sound really neat. I really think they were at their best for games and movies, though, where a proper mid range isn't really necessary. That, and the S-Logic actually worked extremely well for those.

If they were a little more comfortable, I might have thought they were my favorite gaming headphone.

Tommy DJ

I have no idea what exactly the S-Logic thing is (passive circuit? special sauce driver? driver positioning?) but its definitely some hardware voodoo and not some feature you can turn off with a switch. So you really do have to care about S-Logic because you're getting it whether you like it or not. Judging by impressions (and when I tried a few Ultrasone headphones), the feature either works for your ears where the sound stage improves in width, depth and accuracy or it merely makes the headphone sound like an incoherent piece of shit. If I were buying blind, I rather pay however much extra for a second hand Fostex TH-X00 if bass is what you want.

For reference, here are measurements of it on Inner Fidelity and Golden Ears. Wonky FR, distortion through the roof, horrible impulse and square wave graphs, horrible waterfall plot. Ultrasone claims that the whole S-Logic feature is based on bouncing the sound around the pinna (emulating how speakers would behave in a room?) so there's a good chance that this feature is seriously fucking with the measurement systems that everyone has. I've seen Addicted to Audio recommend Ultrasone headphones instore so they must have some on demo.
I suspect they probably measure weird because their drivers are partly obscured.


leng jai

and of course there are claims every second post that they sound horrible out of the box and improve dramatically with hours of burn in.


Unlimited Capacity
Virtual surround. A must in multiplayer games like Halo 5. It's a shame the consoles don't output it natively, I wonder why. It would be nice to have some reputable audio company to a virtual surround DAC with better quality. And the extra amp is because MixAmp is not a very good... amp.

It is 100% not needed with a pair of open headphones. It also shits up the sound quite a bit. I recently went through that discovery phase.
The problem is that in games like Halo 5 it's absolutely vital that you hear what's happening behind you, in contrast to front of you. If you were a super pro player who has superior awareness of enemy placements you could arguably play just in stereo, leaving the conclusion to your instincts, but for us Halo plebs that information is vital. A headset with a huge soundstage like my AKG K712 recommended here is extremely helpful in either case.

So it's a necessary evil in a way. I ordered now a Schiit Asgard and will pair that with my MixAmp to see how that works.

Yeah, that's not true. I'm the furthest thing from a pro player and the only game i have issues on with stereo headphones is Siege. Their audio isnt great so it's difficult to make out if they're above or below you.
I know this is the headphone thread, but I couldn't find any other audio gaming setup threads from a quick search.
I'm planning on buying this : https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00M48CEQ4/
I'm getting it for £45 due to student discount. The brand+spec seems fine, the reviews on Amazon are for other models but people generally seem to be happy. I've bough low-end trust peripherals before and their build was solid. I just wanted to know if they're the best in the price range considering they're normally £80-£90. I'll be using optical for my PS4 and 3.5mm for my PC.

leng jai

The problem is that in games like Halo 5 it's absolutely vital that you hear what's happening behind you, in contrast to front of you. If you were a super pro player who has superior awareness of enemy placements you could arguably play just in stereo, leaving the conclusion to your instincts, but for us Halo plebs that information is vital. A headset with a huge soundstage like my AKG K712 recommended here is extremely helpful in either case.

So it's a necessary evil in a way. I ordered now a Schiit Asgard and will pair that with my MixAmp to see how that works.

I don't get this. I've played Halo 5 and Blops 3 with a conventional DAC and my T1s/HD800s and the positional audio is sublime. Even something like my old pair of HD595s were insanely good in this regard.

It's absurd to me that you're going through the trouble of adding low-fi equipment to your chain and double amping just so you can get surround sound processing.

Tommy DJ

I suspect they probably measure weird because their drivers are partly obscured.


Which is actually one of the worst things you can do in terms of sound quality as they're clearly not acoustically transparent screens that will merely attenuate high frequencies.

Honestly thought S-Logic was some crossfeed circuit + angled drivers + some special driver lol.


Hey guys, anyone here can recommend the Philips A5 Pro? I can get one new for $150. I never had a good headphone.
It's been a while since I heard them, but I didn't find the treble to be too shrill on the HFI-580s. The HFI-780s were REALLY bad, but the HFI-580s were fairly traditional sounding as far as tonal balance for a bassy headphone, and it's S-Logic effect was fairly minimal.

The Pro 750s could be a little hot sounding, but I listen at fairly low levels so it wasn't really an issue.
So I broke down and ordered a Magni 2. Thanks to the T5Ps I'm noticing more and more the unnatural quality the slightly forward mids of the Little Dot I+ gives music. That, and I think the pin terminals are oxidizing on one side, which is causing random noise, forcing me to wiggle the tube until it stops.

I loved this little amp, but tubes are a little high-maintenance for me.


the holder of the trombone
Damn, after spending the day mostly listening to just my phone I'm not sure if I can go back to just listening with my phone as the main source. Which kinda sucks because I have to send my mojo back for some repairs. I don't think the 6P is the greatest source anyway (despite being a beast of a phone otherwise), and I'm not sure if it's just my mind but the transients stand out as much more sharper and harsher. Also I just hate phone volume controls because the volume changes swing so hard either way.


Any recommendable bass head cans? I see someone mentioned the Sony 1A in this page and I'm also researching the ATH-MSR7 as well. I owned a MDR-700 and would like a upgrade to that.

I searched for bass headphones for quite a while now. It usually depends on what type of songs you generally listen to. I ended up purchasing XB500, XB1000, and JVC SZ2000. I use them when I want to feel the oomph in songs. I have not tried the ones that you mentioned above. A good thread to see which are some of the best bass headphones would be to use this thread: http://www.head-fi.org/t/716711/the-hardest-hitting-headphones-are-the-extreme-bass-club


M-Audio Q40, Fischer FA-011, Ultrasone HFI-580, Denon AH-D2000, Fostex TH-X00, HE-400, and ADL H118 would be some other recommendations.
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