Amen. He spent an hour and 26 minutes on it yesterday.gdt5016 said:All this American Idol talk is really bugging me. He's so wrapped up in it.
gdt5016 said:All this American Idol talk is really bugging me. He's so wrapped up in it.
Van Owen said:Are you surprised Howard is wrapped up in something about himself?
My professional life is a noin. :lolGary Whitta said:Last week's laughing with the stars was a mixed bag (Kathy Griffin's favorite clips were all clips of her own appearances on the show, what a fucking surprise), but the Bababooey girlfriend apology/please-take-me-back tape was something I'd never heard before and surely one of the all-time great moments in the history of the show. Holy shit, I must have listened to it three times and was loving it every time.
The guy who called in from the freeway to say he could see everyone in their cars listening along in hysterics really showed just how huge Stern was back when he was on terrestrial radio.
MagicJackBauer said:Has there been any news on Artie?
Leunam said:I like seeing the interns or Gary get blasted. Especially Gary, because Howard and Fred break out the awesome Gary voice.
Fucking TypePad... normal service will be resumed shortly...gdt5016 said:Gary, that link isn't working for me.
If it wasn't for Ellen and Leno I don't know how he'd fill the show every day!alr1ghtstart said:nice article. He just needs to stop talking about it endlessly.
Gary Whitta said:That game is too damn hard.