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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread

Sick of Howard giving Trump a free pass all to time. He's talked shit about Cruz, Bernie, Clinton but not a word about trump and actually defends the guy most of the time.

I know he's been in the show but come on lol

Other than that the show has been great in 2016, except for the forced laughter during the return of the Ronnie bot.

I actually was wondering recently who Howard was supporting since he was behind Hillary in 2008 but I guess now it should have been obvious given how much of a star fucker Howard is.


Sick of Howard giving Trump a free pass all to time. He's talked shit about Cruz, Bernie, Clinton but not a word about trump and actually defends the guy most of the time.

I know he's been in the show but come on lol

Other than that the show has been great in 2016, except for the forced laughter during the return of the Ronnie bot.

I think Howard would like to see the Republicans get more progressive on LGBT issues, so at some level Trump represents that, even if he does not shout it to the rooftops, especially during a primary run where he managed to beat Ted Cruz among Evangelicals.

Howard has expressed reservations about mass immigration in the past, but obviously that is a no-go with his new celebrity friend circles. Other than that, he is an east side of Manhattan elite lefty through and through.

I actually think the evolution of Howard's politics over the years is pretty fascinating. From the "everyman" and pro-death penalty stuff and a lot of libertarian tendencies...he has evolved pretty remarkably over the years.


If y'all don't think Mr. $500 million dollar contract isn't voting for Trump then you're nuts. All that "I donated $2700 to HRC" is bullshit. He's a Republican through and through. Look at how drastically he's disavowed Roger Waters.


If y'all don't think Mr. $500 million dollar contract isn't voting for Trump then you're nuts. All that "I donated $2700 to HRC" is bullshit. He's a Republican through and through. Look at how drastically he's disavowed Roger Waters.

I'm guessing you are trolling...you can't possibly believe that.

The elites of the east coast are extremely liberal, no matter how rich they are.


I'm really far behind, like usual, but I just got to the Tina Fey interview. It's so boring. She is just not a good guest IMO.


What if they did the transplant and it was a black cock?! OOOHHHHHHHHH

If you jerk off with a transplanted cock, wouldn't it be gay?!? OOOOHHHHWAH


What if they did the transplant and it was a black cock?! OOOHHHHHHHHH

If you jerk off with a transplanted cock, wouldn't it be gay?!? OOOOHHHHWAH

I just heard this and I was cracking up.

What if your cock is black and your balls are white??!? OHHHHHHWAAAHH


Great interviews with Steve Martin and Andy Samberg this week. I could care less about his scthick. He's just a fantastic interviewer.


I'm going to do a Ronnie-ism in every post I make over the weekend, even in my Dark Souls 3 thread. I wonder how many people will get it. YYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHH


been banned for a few months, but wanted to comment, thank god hansey is banned. I hated that douche.

and I miss Artie.
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