canoli2006 said:That bit was so fake. Fuck that dumb broad.
gdt5016 said:Hmm, I don't know...
Why make a fake bit if you're not gonna put the pictures/video up?
R2D4 said:Howard said "Sarah" wasn't her real name so maybe she didn't want her pictures on the site.
gdt5016 said:Thats my point. Why hire someone to fake a bit and then not get her on the site?
R2D4 said:I'm actually kind of worried now after putting "little lupe" in google image search. Who knows what kiddy porn sites have her pics on them. :lol
R2D4 said:Because the majority of people listen to his show and not watch it.
gdt5016 said:Nah, that's not a good enough reason. They site gets heavy traffic, especially when females come in.
Hell, Google trends doesn't mean much, but it does mean that Stern fans use the internet when guests come in.
canoli2006 said:Another bit to try and make Medicated Pete interesting. I had little interest in this segment and the fact that there were no pics on, makes me think it was a bit. I'll check Howard TV later.
rise888 said:Get the poison out
Leunam said:Does she say Raven? It really sounds like Robin.
He usually wears the costume doesn't he? What are they doing that's new, building the techno-dam like they talked about? :lolMaklershed said:Was anyone else stunned by Robin's revelation that on 9/11 she cried ... for herself. No wonder she's a 34 on the narcissism scale. All those lives and families and destroyed and she's worrying about her weight. Although I suppose that's slightly less offensive than Scott going bowling. :lol
Also, I can't believe Gary went through with this Techno Beaver thing. I can't wait to see him in his costume. I think what would make it better is if he chomped on every device he discusses.
Leunam said:I was hoping for the same thing.
Also, I really wish they wouldn't fly Eric the Midget into NY just so they can give him the IQ test. Even before it was revealed he had an ulterior motive I knew he was just doing it so he could be brought into the studio and get a free flight across the country.
nocode said:Eric is much funnier on the phone too, because last time they had him in the studio he was a perfect gentleman, and everyone felt sorry for him.
nocode said:New tradio call today was goddamn hilarious!
TheGreatGatsby said:Some wackpackers I enjoy, others annoy me, while others I hate. But Eric the Midget is the only one I really want to do serious bodily harm to.
Maklershed said:The Techno Beaver ... (via cheapyd twitter)
And I love Eric the Midget. I love his bizarre antics, astonishing stupidity/naivety, and ungratefulness. The only whack packer I can say I truly hate is Wendy the Retard. I feel like she's a sheister. For some reason I just don't believe she's retarded and even if she is, her segments are never funny and are usually just downright gross. Ninja said:does anybody have a link to somewhere where i can listen to this pm me if you do
I think he damaged some Sirius property as well.alr1ghtstart said:EEO was permanently kicked out of the Sirius studio for yelling at some executive when they were in an elevator together. They did the football pools with him, but I think that was the last time he was on (early 07). He was great. :/
A thread on SFN is saying only 35 people showed up to her book signing at the B&N in NYC. Of course MFB and HPE were there.Maklershed said:The reviews and tags on the Amazon page for "Oh My Dog" are brutal. Not to mention one of the user pictures for the book is a picture of Mr. Ed. I kinda feel bad for Beth. She seems like a genuinely nice person.
Benjy Bronk said on the wrap up show on Thursday, May 6th, that he understood all the bashing going on of Beth and her new book. He agreed that the book is a vanity project for a bored millionaire housewife who needs to feel good about herself since she doesnt have any real job.
Beth O is not qualified to give advice, seeing as her dog was bought from a breeder, came trained (at the cost of several thousand dollars) and she PAYS SOMEONE to walk the dog in the Hamptons and in New York City. Think of this - Beth doesnt have a 9-5 job, but she still pays someone to walk a fat dog around the city. Pathetic.