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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread



Miss Howard TV for the month of October. She has a midget phobia.
Elegant Elliott was my all time favorite whack packer. I wish they'd bring him back. That video of him jumping out of the cab in the middle of NY rush hour to escape Steve Langford is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Howard Stern Sidekick Artie Lange Stages Comeback After Suicide Attempt

Artie has been in a psych ward for the past eight months, supposedly.

The other day when Craig Gass was on he said "It was good to see Artie again!" Howard made a snotty sound and said "Well, it's good to see you". He also mentioned that anyone who leaves the show ends up doing better for themselves, like Jackie.

I really hope Howard gets Beth to fill the chair so she can plug her book and appearances personally. That woman is a saint, I hear she gave her dog eye drops and wipes her own ass. Isn't that amazing?


Yeah, I wonder what the deal is w/ Howard never talking about Artie. At first I thought he was respecting Artie's family and keeping his life private while he recovers. But I think an update positive things would be nice.

Is he feeling slighted now in some way? Having trusted Artie before. Is Howards anger coming from feeling like he didnt really know Artie after his suicide attempt? I think howard is better than that though.

Maybe he feels slighted that artie isn't keeping in proper contact with him. Maybe under advisement of doctors, psychs, arties been told not to mix w/ howard and the show and howard thinks bullshit. :p I hate stuff like this because sometimes it feels really orchestrated and itll be a draw for whatever howard does next. A major talking point for his podcast or if he continues on sirius. I just want to hear artie again. For all his f'ed up stuff he seems like a good down to earth guy.
You're back! What was with the ban?

(Book of Eli was great .. I'm a huge Post Apocalypse junkie so I really loved it :D)

And that Butera lady's Lupe and Underdog impressions were fantastic.
nolookjones said:
stern just doesnt want to talk much about artie...
It's not like he has anyway of getting in touch with Artie or his family to discuss how he's doing or if his doctor thinks it's a good idea to go on the air about what happened.

Also that celebrity super fan roundtable was fucking terrible.
I wish Artie well as I would anyone but I hope he never returns to the show. If anything it's been better without him. The guy added nothing other than mean-spirited put-downs that were almost always devoid of wit, and the occasional embarrassing blow-up. I always saw him as more sad than funny.


get some go again
i'm kinda glad artie is off the show as well. the last 6 months he was on the show he was absolutely fucking terrible. although i wish there would be somebody on the show that would bust howards and robins balls more often. this is where i miss jackie on the show. no way would he let robin behave the way she has been lately and not bust her balls. jackie would have a great time busting howards balls and his sudden animal activism and him and beth becoming mr and ms hamptons.
smurfx said:
i'm kinda glad artie is off the show as well. the last 6 months he was on the show he was absolutely fucking terrible. although i wish there would be somebody on the show that would bust howards and robins balls more often. this is where i miss jackie on the show. no way would he let robin behave the way she has been lately and not bust her balls. jackie would have a great time busting howards balls and his sudden animal activism and him and beth becoming mr and ms hamptons.
That's why Jackie will never be allowed back.
To be honest I often find it kinda uncomfortable the way the "senior" team members like Robin (well mainly Robin) so gleefully agree with everything Howard says and so readily assist when he decides to berate the more junior guys. Admittedly those junior guys (JD, Benjy) etc are all as thick as shit and more often than not deserve it, but a lot of the time it just reminds me of school bullying, when the cool kids would gang up together to make the weaker ones miserable.

Van Owen

Artie was hysterical. I don't think anyone is talking about him coming back full time, but Howard won't even have him on for a segment to sort of tell what went down. I think he's definitely holding a grudge.
Van Owen said:
Artie was hysterical. I don't think anyone is talking about him coming back full time, but Howard won't even have him on for a segment to sort of tell what went down. I think he's definitely holding a grudge.

+1 exactly...for me artie was the best part of the show...and it hasnt been even close to the same since hes been gone...

so glad i didnt listen in the jackie days as he is just plain annoying...
Oh I don't wanna listen to that. I was getting sympathy pains a few months ago when Gary was going through his urethra stories.
I love Artie and Howard but Howard it totally hypocritical about trying to keep everything about Artie private and getting pissed off when people leak stuff about him. Where would the show be if nothing about celebrities was ever leaked? Idiot.


Lost all credibility.
For me the the cut up clips were no where near as funny as the lists stuff. I mean come on, you write a book about your life and fill it with lists of what songs sound good on a jukebox? What songs are good on a deserted island? I feel like they got halfway through the book project and realized, wow we gotta figure out a way to pad this thing out. :lol


get some go again
Maklershed said:
Apparently Gary is on Kimmel tonight.
lol gary totally messed up another pitch on kimmel and beamed some poor girl in the second row. the next live show is going to be epic. :lol too bad artie isn't around anymore to bust gary's balls.


here is a video of the interview. he messes up 3 pitches total. the mets pitch wasn't a fluke.

Ouch! please tell me that wasn't a hard ball. :lol

Gary's twitter: "Clearly I can't handle the pressure of throwing a ball in front of people. I guess I am done for good!"


get some go again
Maklershed said:
Ouch! please tell me that wasn't a hard ball. :lol

Gary's twitter: "Clearly I can't handle the pressure of throwing a ball in front of people. I guess I am done for good!"
watch the video and the 2nd pitch. it sounds like a regular baseball. it didn't have much bounce to it either.


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, and I was actually at Citi field for his first pitch. I can't believe he fucked it up that bad. He throws like a girl, and has no idea. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
I'm not up to date on the new shows .. what's the word on Robin? Did she claim to finish the marathon but didn't actually finish it?


Junior Member
I heard Bubba watching the video of Gary's appearance and making fun of him. Bubba's words, "Gary throws like a pussy!" Hysterical!


Wow, and Gary was swearing up and down that it was a total fluke and that he knew how to throw. Incredible that he would set himself up for failure again! :lol


Lost all credibility.
Speaking of all this contract talk on the show, I really have to believe Howard is staying with Sirius.

He's done this a lot in the past, teased about upcoming contract negotiations, constantly mentioning how he hates his current workplace right up to the last minute, until finally revealing he was back for another 5 or so years. When he ultimately ACTUALLY left, the audience knew about it over a year before it happened and instead of playing pussyfoot over whether or not he's leaving, he was doing everything he could to mobilize his audience and promote the shit out of his new future platform (Sirius).

While I think he's staying with Sirius, I do think it's possible he'll license the show out to other platforms like the iTunes store or something, just because he keeps bringing up "new technology".
He should go the internet route. He jumped from terrestrial radio when he saw that was moribund. He should be equally able to see that satellite radio is now equally moribund and jump to the only medium left that is actually the future - the internet.

Van Owen

Howard was perplexed that he couldn't find porn on youtube. I really don't think he's that knowledgeable about "new technology".



Howard isn't knowledgeable about what's going on, but he'll have someone who is.

And if anyone can make internet radio profitable (and gigantically so), it's Howard.

I'm salivating at the thought of having his ENTIRE archives at my disposal.

Van Owen

Eh, he's in the twilight of his career and already lost a lot of relevance since he went to Sirius. He'll be working even less where ever he winds up too.
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