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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread

I just mentioned to my friend today that I sincerely think she's going crazy. I don't remember her acting this bizarre since the early/mid 90s before she was "cured". Something is definitely changing with her.
The fact that they haven't even acknowledged Robin's weight gain is fucked up.

I hope Robin and Sal get into a fight so he brings it up. He's the only one with the balls to actually fuck with the top people on the show.

On a side note. Really looks like they're in full 3 day a week swing. It's been a while since there's been a thursday show.
Grinchy said:
I finally just got around to listening to Monday's show. Holy shit I can't remember the last time I tuned out so much of an episode. Robin is really dragging the show down IMO. I haven't felt that way until recently, either. It's something I never agreed with before, but she has lost her mind and it's no longer funny.

Have you heard her new show? It's the worst show I've ever heard and the show has officially jumped the shark if they don't start ripping into it.
It'd be great if she got a sidekick on her show that stepped over all her questions when she's interviewing someone so she can see how it feels. I was just listening to the Gerard Butler interview and almost every question Howard asked she would talk over with her own question or she'd wait till Howard was done and before Gerard answered she'd jam her own question in. It was driving me crazy.


Miss Howard Stern is getting up there in age, her sister is the hotter younger tighter version.

Time for an upgrade!

Edit: My childhood self would've loved to hear what Kevin Sorbo has to say. Go Herc!
Caller rotation: Mark from Boston; Tommy from Walden, Mass; Bobo; Eric from Hoboken; Marianne from Brooklyn

I like how whenever anyone asks why they only take calls from the same people Howard/Gary always says that its cause they ask good questions and have good points yet Howard almost always hangs up on all of them.
Maklershed said:
Caller rotation: Mark from Boston; Tommy from Walden, Mass; Bobo; Eric from Hoboken; Marianne from Brooklyn

I like how whenever anyone asks why they only take calls from the same people Howard/Gary always says that its cause they ask good questions and have good points yet Howard almost always hangs up on all of them.
Ugh. I hate all of them. The real reason is none of them ask any questions that would break Howard's balls. They're all ass kissers.


Junior Member
I just signed up for Sirius this past week for a whole year. Been listening to Howard every day. Love it. Any of you guys try to call in ever? I tried but it's always busy or it'll ring and eventually hang up.
So what's going on here. I'm listening to the 10/10 show, their first day back from a two week vacation and Howard is telling the story of the misery of his terrible vacation and I swear he told this story before verbatim .. I think when they came back from Christmas break. He went to Parrot Cay in Turks & Caicos and was given a shitty house that was infested with ants and they sprayed gas and he felt sick and they moved him again to an equally bad place etc and they moved him again. Does anyone know what I'm talking about / remember the first time he brought this up?
Maklershed said:
So what's going on here. I'm listening to the 10/10 show, their first day back from a two week vacation and Howard is telling the story of the misery of his terrible vacation and I swear he told this story before verbatim .. I think when they came back from Christmas break. He went to Parrot Cay in Turks & Caicos and was given a shitty house that was infested with ants and they sprayed gas and he felt sick and they moved him again to an equally bad place etc and they moved him again. Does anyone know what I'm talking about / remember the first time he brought this up?

He did recount the story almost verbatim-but it was just because he was going on about how when he vacations he's miserable. God he's such a fucking Debbie Downer. That whole rap about how he can't go to the bathroom in public?
MDavis360 said:
He did recount the story almost verbatim-but it was just because he was going on about how when he vacations he's miserable. God he's such a fucking Debbie Downer. That whole rap about how he can't go to the bathroom in public?

Don't talk badly about the show. Canoli will come in here and get angry. The show is perfect and anyone who says otherwise should stop listening.
MDavis360 said:
He did recount the story almost verbatim-but it was just because he was going on about how when he vacations he's miserable. God he's such a fucking Debbie Downer. That whole rap about how he can't go to the bathroom in public?
Oh so he was indeed just retelling the story? I thought he was saying the same exact thing happened to him on this vacation.
Maklershed said:
Oh so he was indeed just retelling the story? I thought he was saying the same exact thing happened to him on this vacation.

Robin brought it up-she was like "Didn't you have problems with ants the last time you went on vacation?" She set it up, and he knocked them down....

Robin's vegan-ism seems to be going very well.
I have never been one of those fans who beats up on Howard. I've enjoyed the show for the vast majority of the time I've listened to it.

That said, the show is almost listenable now.

Howard's Apple felating, OWS bashing, twitter discussion, shitty guests, and ignoring things like Robin's weight gain have me thinking he has completely lost touch.

When the show isn't boring as fuck it's pissing me off. Tuning in and hearing Howard talk about how "Herman Cain seems to have a lot of good ideas." and "OWS people seem to be protesting for the sake of protesting, they don't know what they really want."

It's just getting on my nerves. The show simply isn't funny anymore. The majority of the time it isn't even entertaining. The same three callers each and every show. Howard talking about his iPhone. Howard having 3-4 shitty guests a day. He really needs someone to sit in on the Artie chair. Artie had his things that could make him irritating on the show but for the most part he was always someone who facilitated interesting and even sometimes intelligent discussions.

He would call Howard out on his bullshit. He would get into arguments with callers. He'd mix it up with the show staff.

I'm just bored with this shit.
Ducky_McGee said:
I have never been one of those fans who beats up on Howard. I've enjoyed the show for the vast majority of the time I've listened to it.

That said, the show is almost listenable now.

Howard's Apple felating, OWS bashing, twitter discussion, shitty guests, and ignoring things like Robin's weight gain have me thinking he has completely lost touch.

When the show isn't boring as fuck it's pissing me off. Tuning in and hearing Howard talk about how "Herman Cain seems to have a lot of good ideas." and "OWS people seem to be protesting for the sake of protesting, they don't know what they really want."

It's just getting on my nerves. The show simply isn't funny anymore. The majority of the time it isn't even entertaining. The same three callers each and every show. Howard talking about his iPhone. Howard having 3-4 shitty guests a day. He really needs someone to sit in on the Artie chair. Artie had his things that could make him irritating on the show but for the most part he was always someone who facilitated interesting and even sometimes intelligent discussions.

He would call Howard out on his bullshit. He would get into arguments with callers. He'd mix it up with the show staff.

I'm just bored with this shit.

I tend to agree. However I live for those days when they put Sal under the hot light on the Wrap Up Show and he starts spewing out stupid shit.
"I've been getting all my news from Rupert Murdoch publications and watching Fox News and apparently Occupy Wall Street is bad. Those guys are a bunch of crying hippies." - Howard

EDTI: Got daymn enough with David Arquette already!! How many times can he be interviewed about Courtney? This is like his 3rd appearance this month.


As bad as I feel the show may be getting, I only consider it bad in comparison to what it used to be. Aside from a few podcasts that I can listen to, talk radio does not exist to me outside of the Stern Show. I still feel it's the best radio out there (at least that I've tried listening to). One of my biggest gripes is how pussy the show has become. Robin is now untouchable; no one can call her out on anything but she has free reign to shit on anyone in any way she pleases. On paper that sounds like it could be interesting to listen to but it's only frustrating.
Trevelyon said:
Howie to replace Pier's Morgan on America's Got Talent -- oy vey


Normally I wouldn't give a care, but I think Howie's really perfectly suited for the role. I'd be tuning regularly to see him on that show.
If this is true I might actually watch that show. Howard probably would be a good judge.

Grinchy said:
As bad as I feel the show may be getting, I only consider it bad in comparison to what it used to be. Aside from a few podcasts that I can listen to, talk radio does not exist to me outside of the Stern Show. I still feel it's the best radio out there (at least that I've tried listening to). One of my biggest gripes is how pussy the show has become. Robin is now untouchable; no one can call her out on anything but she has free reign to shit on anyone in any way she pleases. On paper that sounds like it could be interesting to listen to but it's only frustrating.
It definitely pails in comparison not only to what it was on FM radio but also on 4 day a week Sirius with Artie. But I still listen for the glimpses of the shadow of itself .. like Scott getting yelled at for fucking up, or Richard and Sal doing something dumb, Ronnie getting goofed on for being Rickyman, Howard yelling at ___, etc
Listening to 10/25 episode: So did Howard catch wind that there's gonna be a kid's version of American Idol on Fox coming out soon so he can claim he invented it? I can't figure out why else he'd be doing this segment.
Maklershed said:
Listening to 10/25 episode: So did Howard catch wind that there's gonna be a kid's version of American Idol on Fox coming out soon so he can claim he invented it? I can't figure out why else he'd be doing this segment.
There was already a kids' version of Idol on FOX several years ago, it flopped.
Gary Whitta said:
There was already a kids' version of Idol on FOX several years ago, it flopped.
Ha wow that was completely off my radar.

Unrelated: I was just loling hard at the 'werewolf' call. It didn't get me at first just because the premise is so ridiculous I can't imagine anyone even entertaining it but then the violent werewolf growling and howling kicked in and I couldn't help but laugh.
Maklershed said:
Ha wow that was completely off my radar.

Unrelated: I was just loling hard at the 'werewolf' call. It didn't get me at first just because the premise is so ridiculous I can't imagine anyone even entertaining it but then the violent werewolf growling and howling kicked in and I couldn't help but laugh.

Yeah that was a good one. Reminded me of the call where their house was infested with bees and the chinese delivery guy came over and got stung. Along with their cousin John. And their dog...
MDavis360 said:
Yeah that was a good one. Reminded me of the call where their house was infested with bees and the chinese delivery guy came over and got stung. Along with their cousin John. And their dog...
Oh man that one makes me laugh out loud every time and I've heard like a hundred times now.

"My cousin John is here. John what do you want?!"

"Uhh .. hi. Owww! Ohhhh!"
Maklershed said:
Oh man that one makes me laugh out loud every time and I've heard like a hundred times now.

"My cousin John is here. John what do you want?!"

"Uhh .. hi. Owww! Ohhhh!"
"You need to get out there!"

"But we just got home!"
The first year of Sirius might be one of the best he's ever done. It's amazing how much the show has changed for the worst.

It used to be consistently hilarious. I'm listening back to Oct of '06 and wow. I thought Artie was sort of an everyman slob who appeals to the lowest common denominator. Listening back he was an EXCELLENT part of the show. He regularly chimed in with hilarious one liners and quips.

"We should dress Penny Chrone up as a 13 year old girl." - Howard Stern

"I thought you said you were 13?" - Artie as pedo on To Catch a predator
"No, I said I was born in 1913." - Artie as Penny Chrone

His fights with Crazy Alice. His fights with EVERYONE. Just classic. And he had the balls to confront Howard and Robin on their shit. Nowadays NOBODY has the balls to call Howard out on his photography and technology talk.

The show is so fucking awful now.
Also what's going on with the whack pack? Apart from an occasional call from Jeff the Drunk and ETM I haven't heard anything about what's going on with Big Foot or High Pitch Eric for over a year.
The first year of Sirius might be one of the best he's ever done. It's amazing how much the show has changed for the worst.

It used to be consistently hilarious. I'm listening back to Oct of '06 and wow. I thought Artie was sort of an everyman slob who appeals to the lowest common denominator. Listening back he was an EXCELLENT part of the show. He regularly chimed in with hilarious one liners and quips.

"We should dress Penny Chrone up as a 13 year old girl." - Howard Stern

"I thought you said you were 13?" - Artie as pedo on To Catch a predator
"No, I said I was born in 1913." - Artie as Penny Chrone

His fights with Crazy Alice. His fights with EVERYONE. Just classic. And he had the balls to confront Howard and Robin on their shit. Nowadays NOBODY has the balls to call Howard out on his photography and technology talk.

The show is so fucking awful now.

I gave up Stern about 7 months ago. Haven't really missed it. Started listening to Nick and Artie's show about a month ago. It's great. I hope he can stick with it. I don't need Stern otherwise.


Also what's going on with the whack pack? Apart from an occasional call from Jeff the Drunk and ETM I haven't heard anything about what's going on with Big Foot or High Pitch Eric for over a year.

What? Big Foot was on Howard 100 News like every day this summer.

This recent Eric the Midget shit is fucking gold. So hilarious.
The first year of Sirius might be one of the best he's ever done. It's amazing how much the show has changed for the worst.

It used to be consistently hilarious. I'm listening back to Oct of '06 and wow. I thought Artie was sort of an everyman slob who appeals to the lowest common denominator. Listening back he was an EXCELLENT part of the show. He regularly chimed in with hilarious one liners and quips.
I realize now that Artie's best attribute is that he called Howard out when he started talking about shit that Stern show fans wouldn't give a shit about or that he's talking about too much ... ie Dancing With the Stars or photography.

I gave up Stern about 7 months ago. Haven't really missed it. Started listening to Nick and Artie's show about a month ago. It's great. I hope he can stick with it. I don't need Stern otherwise.
I haven't listened since my last post (11/15). Been listening to The Ricky Gervais XFM shows from early/mid 2000s. I just needed a break. Might have to give that Nick and Artie show a try.
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