Now don't get all upset over it.
Now don't get all upset over it.
Aww you're slipping MDavis .. that was one of the Takei quotes from that call.
Apparently Howard & Beth's Happy Birthday picture to Robin made Perez Hilton's photoshop disasters page. Guess we won't be hearing him as a guest anymore. And if thats the case, I pray Joan Rivers insults and betrays Howard too.
oh and here's the link to that Perez Hilton page:
And David Arquette.
You won't believe what I just heard!
Which is a damn shame. He was such a great guest at first that there was a point where I wished he was offered the Artie chair and then Howard just repeated the same interview with him one too many times in too short of a period. WHO GIVES A F*** how is love life is now? Nobody cares about Arquette's love life.
Sorry for the double post but is anyone listening today and if so, did Howard talk about the firings in Jay Leno's show and if John was one of them?
Other notes: Robin was well enough to make it to AGT last week but presumably still isn't in the studio?
And she keeps going out to movies. The big theory why she's not in the studio is that she's so sick that she doesn't want to be seen in her current state but that can't be it. Maybe its part of a contract thing? Maybe Howard TV doesn't have the budget to pay her to be shown on the show anymore? Whatever the reason Howard keeps choosing to ignore it and for some reason wont explain it to the audience.
And she keeps going out to movies. The big theory why she's not in the studio is that she's so sick that she doesn't want to be seen in her current state but that can't be it. Maybe its part of a contract thing? Maybe Howard TV doesn't have the budget to pay her to be shown on the show anymore? Whatever the reason Howard keeps choosing to ignore it and for some reason wont explain it to the audience.
I was just listening to a great episode from '94 (10/11/94 to be exact). It started w/ yelling at Gary, then a segment with Scott the Engineer doing a test to see how old his lungs are, and then a segment with Al Micheals dissecting the 'I see OJ' call. I still remember that segment from when I was a kid because Billy West made me laugh so hard during it .. and it was just as funny 20 years later. His Al Micheals impression is dead on so you couldn't tell which guy was speaking other than the fact that Billy was obviously saying insane stuff.
I need to listen to that-was that on a special?
I was just listening to a great episode from '94 (10/11/94 to be exact). It started w/ yelling at Gary, then a segment with Scott the Engineer doing a test to see how old his lungs are, and then a segment with Al Micheals dissecting the 'I see OJ' call. I still remember that segment from when I was a kid because Billy West made me laugh so hard during it .. and it was just as funny 20 years later. His Al Micheals impression is dead on so you couldn't tell which guy was speaking other than the fact that Billy was obviously saying insane stuff.
The Al Michaels / Billy West segment is up on YouTube:
It's amazing.
That's not the one from 10/11/94 but its still good. Billy antagonized Al more in the 10/11 show. But this clip is still good. <3 Billy. The one thing I heard today had me breathless with laughter - he was doing an over the top OJ impression in this strained Jackie puppet voice "Lookie here! Ahhh ha ha ha! Ohhhh ha ha ha! I would love to! Ohhh ha ha ha ha! It happens!"
Giving away the tickle chair and the bee keeper mask was depressing.
You know I have to agree with Richie Wilson-and I admire him for being so ballsy-Gary has gotten a big(ger) head since the moved to Sirius.
It probably has something to do with thinking at the time they arrived at Sirius that there was only 5 years left and he started to want to be respected and seen as a legitimate producer so he can be hired somewhere else when the show is over. He definitely doesn't take much shit anymore. He basically only tolerates it from Howard now and even with him he fights back these days. And his biggest sore points anymore to be anything that indicates he's not a good producer - ie 'caught sleeping' and the sporkle revelation.
It probably has something to do with thinking at the time they arrived at Sirius that there was only 5 years left and he started to want to be respected and seen as a legitimate producer so he can be hired somewhere else when the show is over. He definitely doesn't take much shit anymore. He basically only tolerates it from Howard now and even with him he fights back these days. And his biggest sore points anymore to be anything that indicates he's not a good producer - ie 'caught sleeping' and the sporkle revelation.
Well hes not a good producer. He wouldnt be where he is without them busting his balls. Its really the only thing he is good for.
The show after that pitch was epic. Artie was relentless.
Well hes not a good producer. He wouldnt be where he is without them busting his balls. Its really the only thing he is good for.
you know so little and talk like you know so much.
That's not really fair . . .
WTF man, they were on break before last week!
- PWInsider reports that Eric the Midget of Howard Stern fame is scheduled to join TNA as a regular pay-per-view analyst on their TNA Today web series. Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash will make the announcement tonight in Las Vegas at the Howard Stern Block Party.
WTF man, they were on break before last week!
if its anything like his american idol show then expect this little experiment to end fast. oh and lol at them calling it the howard stern block party. i'm sure howard is going to love that.