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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread

@sternshow: Now on #H100 - Ass Napkin Ed and Speech Impediment Man are fighting over the phone about the last Ronnie Block Party

Sounds like the cure for insomnia!


And it's always drive-off-a-bridge/drowning/kill your intern jokes. We got it the first 500 times.

Yeah pretty much every time he starts in with the impression, I just know he's looking at the clock and thinking, "I can kill a ton of time with this."


Yeah pretty much every time he starts in with the impression, I just know he's looking at the clock and thinking, "I can kill a ton of time with this."

The same goes for whenever he's got an inkling that Ronnie and Jon might be willing to argue over nothing for half an hour.


It's so strange being a Stern fan these days. I still like the show and listen to it when I'm driving or walking around between classes and stuff, but there's also so much about it that annoys the shit out of me.
It's kind of funny how Howard is becoming checked out like guys he has railed on in the past (e.g. Uncle Brucie).

I'm now an hour in and I'm contemplating going back to the '94 episodes. This is insufferably boring. Its nothing but an AGT wrap up show. The last '94 episode I just listened to was great - it was yelling at Jackie, Gary, and Gange for unrelated incidents. Goofing on Mark Harris. Lots of Jackie puppet stuff from Billy, etc. The worst part about where I'm at on the 9/10 show is I know when I get through all this AGT stuff I'll have to endure a Chuck Zito interview.


20 minutes into 9/10 episode and already Tommy from Balden, Mass on the phone. Let me guess - next is Mark from Boston or Marianne.

is Mark the absolute shit head, lined up caller who always asks about Beth and Howard's sex life or comes up with some lame scenarios?
is Mark the absolute shit head, lined up caller who always asks about Beth and Howard's sex life or comes up with some lame scenarios?

That sounds more like Speech Impediment Man (or possibly Eric from Hoboken) but Mark from Boston is a definite shit head.

BTW what is Speech Impediment Man's deal. He's a comic book nut and dresses up like Superman all the time yet the other day he's asking Howard if there are any other Superman villians than Lex Luthor. He must've been completely out of ideas for questions to ask.
Anybody notice that Fred is audibly laughing a shit ton lately the last 2 days?

I mean Robin always puts on the fake exaggerated laugh but now Fred too???


(or possibly Eric from Hoboken)

ah, that's the jerk off. Speech impediment does those predicatble Superman breaks. But yeah, Eric from Hoboken, always starts his call on speaker, because he's on the treadmill and he's oh so busy, then Howard bitches (like he doesn't know the guy personally and this isn't a lined up call) he switches over and then the age ol' "so, you're banging Beth and...." hits.

Every fuckin' time. FUCK OFF!!!!
ah, that's the jerk off. Speech impediment does those predicatble Superman breaks. But yeah, Eric from Hoboken, always starts his call on speaker, because he's on the treadmill and he's oh so busy, then Howard bitches (like he doesn't know the guy personally and this isn't a lined up call) he switches over and then the age ol' "so, you're banging Beth and...." hits.

Every fuckin' time. FUCK OFF!!!!

Yes! So I'm not the only one that has noticed he's always busy when Howard picks up on him. I hate that guy! haha


I haven't listened for a while but is the show as bad was when he was in like his fifth month at sirius and all he did was play clips and Sal and Richard calls?
He had a routine, he would say "hey we only played this once yesterday." then more clips and the same callers over and over. That month killed any enjoyment I got out of the Sal and Richard calls, now I hate them.


I haven't listened for a while but is the show as bad was when he was in like his fifth month at sirius and all he did was play clips and Sal and Richard calls?
He had a routine, he would say "hey we only played this once yesterday." then more clips and the same callers over and over. That month killed any enjoyment I got out of the Sal and Richard calls, now I hate them.

The show has really lost something - even Howard's interviews are following a rote script: Find something interviewee is mental about, play amateur psychologist, ask if they have Daddy issues, etc.


I actually enjoyed the goose's interview, his shit story was pretty funny. but I agree the last 2 days overall have been pretty boring. I did enjoy hearing about Sal at the Hard Rock Casino pool on Monday. But Howard is definitely mailing it in, especially since he started AGT, he wasn't kidding when he said he could judge for the rest of his career and just retire from radio.

I was listening to some older shows from 3-4 years ago, boy do I miss artie. Just listened to the big gary artie fight a few years back so great listening to him rail on gary non stop then promptly make up a few hours later.


The show has really lost something - even Howard's interviews are following a rote script: Find something interviewee is mental about, play amateur psychologist, ask if they have Daddy issues, etc.
So he's definitely phoning it in now huh?
It seemed like he was phoning it in during constant playing of sal and Richard calls and clips.
He then hit an incredible stride where Artie was funny and Robin wasn't super annoying( she even called Howard on his hypercritical bullshit with the Howard 100 news once) but then Artie came back from Afghanistan and kept interrupting and was super annoying.
Robin started her green drink shit and became crazier and even more of a know-it-all.
I guess it's an ebb and flow... sometimes it's good sometimes it's kind of bad. I just hope it flows back to being good again.

The one time I actually respected Robin...
The show has really lost something - even Howard's interviews are following a rote script: Find something interviewee is mental about, play amateur psychologist, ask if they have Daddy issues, etc.

And if its a guy ask them how big their cock is

So he's definitely phoning it in now huh?
It seemed like he was phoning it in during constant playing of sal and Richard calls and clips.
He then hit an incredible stride where Artie was funny and Robin wasn't super annoying( she even called Howard on his hypercritical bullshit with the Howard 100 news once) but then Artie came back from Afghanistan and kept interrupting and was super annoying.
Robin started her green drink shit and became crazier and even more of a know-it-all.
I guess it's an ebb and flow... sometimes it's good sometimes it's kind of bad. I just hope it flows back to being good again.

The one time I actually respected Robin...

You cant tell me you didnt enjoy this


Shame about Fred in that clip though. Another good one was when she gave Howard shit for his terrible revelation during the staff revelations when they came to Sirius.


I think I mentioned earlier in this thread that I've only heard snippets of Stern's show (Mainly interviews) but I watched a bunch of his Letterman appearances over the years.

Pretty amazing stuff.


And if its a guy ask them how big their cock is

You cant tell me you didnt enjoy this


Shame about Fred in that clip though. Another good one was when she gave Howard shit for his terrible revelation during the staff revelations when they came to Sirius.
Yeah that was pretty funny. That was Howard being the thin skinned baby that he has always been.
Notice how they stopped doing roasts right before they did one for him.


Yeah that was pretty funny. That was Howard being the thin skinned baby that he has always been.
Notice how they stopped doing roasts right before they did one for him.

Yeah he and Robin got tastes of what people might say to them during a roast and they realized they couldn't handle it. People said some vicious stuff about Robin, Sal said Beth resembled a horse, ect. If Howard can't even take Judd Apatow tweeting that he'd like less AGT talk, you know he can no longer handle even comedic criticism.


Yeah he and Robin got tastes of what people might say to them during a roast and they realized they couldn't handle it. People said some vicious stuff about Robin, Sal said Beth resembled a horse, ect. If Howard can't even take Judd Apatow tweeting that he'd like less AGT talk, you know he can no longer handle even comedic criticism.

But he said as much very recently. He's not blind to that.

Edit: Mentioned it a bunch during the interviews with Amy Schumer and Jeff Ross.


Man I was dying at the Kennedy impressions earlier. They never get old for me!

Btw laughing at that pic in the youtube link and assuming that is NOT Rich Cronin lol.

RIP Rangers : (


Yeah he and Robin got tastes of what people might say to them during a roast and they realized they couldn't handle it. People said some vicious stuff about Robin, Sal said Beth resembled a horse, ect. If Howard can't even take Judd Apatow tweeting that he'd like less AGT talk, you know he can no longer handle even comedic criticism.
Yeah Howard hates any and all criticism of the him or the show. His hatred of stern fan network proves that and while some of the people on SFN are pretty evil, Howard has said he wants only praise for the show.
My problem with Robin is how she will talk about a subject with absolute authority and be completely wrong about it. Someone with call her on it and then she'll do a backpedal and act as if she received bad information but never admit she was wrong. Like any time they have a discussion about comic book characters, she will talk as if she knows everything about the subject. Howard will point out that her information if from the movie or tv show and it's wrong and then she gets all defensive and will say something like "Well I don't read the comic. I have only seen the TV show." that shit is so annoying.
Yeah Howard hates any and all criticism of the him or the show. His hatred of stern fan network proves that and while some of the people on SFN are pretty evil, Howard has said he wants only praise for the show.
My problem with Robin is how she will talk about a subject with absolute authority and be completely wrong about it. Someone with call her on it and then she'll do a backpedal and act as if she received bad information but never admit she was wrong. Like any time they have a discussion about comic book characters, she will talk as if she knows everything about the subject. Howard will point out that her information if from the movie or tv show and it's wrong and then she gets all defensive and will say something like "Well I don't read the comic. I have only seen the TV show." that shit is so annoying.

"I was just about to say that"


"I was just about to say that"
That's another annoying Robin gem.
can we change the title to The Official Complain About The Howard Stern Show Thread?
I have listened to the show for 17 years and it sucks to watch it become something Howard himself used to make fun of.

I am still a fan of the show and Howard but I can give two shits about AGT, and I am not particularly fond of the "evolved" Howard. I just want the show to be as good as it once was.


I need to recommend one specific interview, possibly the best interview I've ever heard.

Howard interviews Rich Cronin (boy band guy)

That was pretty great interview and Howard and company rarely interrupted Cronin, allowing him to tell his story.

I am still a fan of the show and Howard but I can give two shits about AGT, and I am not particularly fond of the "evolved" Howard. I just want the show to be as good as it once was.

Again, I am a Howard Stern newbie only reading handful of interviews, seeing his Letterman appearances and chunk of clips found on YouTube, but isn't it all but impossible Howard will ever return to the same guy he once was?

I mean the fact is he's over turned on a few things he historically disagreed with, i.e. getting re-married or going to therapy. Doesn't that tell you he's changed for better or for worse?

I get the feeling now that he's more socially accepted in social circles he clearly doesn't get stuck into celebrities with same force he once did. Or maybe that venom gets removed when you're tremendously successful and don't exactly have to fight for everything.


can we change the title to The Official Complain About The Howard Stern Show Thread?

Being a fan of this show is like having a brother who is a drug addict. You know you'll always love him, but his behavior keeps getting more and more shitty over time and you get fed up with it.

I still listen to every single show, but there's plenty to complain about.
My problem with Robin is how she will talk about a subject with absolute authority and be completely wrong about it.

Not sure if I'm remembering this right, because I think this all came to be before the SIRIUS movement, but wasn't there a website dedicated to all the shit Robin got wrong during her news segments? I remember a caller bringing it up and Robin getting livid and they ended up dropping it.

*Found it! http://www.robinswrong.com/
Being a fan of this show is like having a brother who is a drug addict. You know you'll always love him, but his behavior keeps getting more and more shitty over time and you get fed up with it.

I still listen to every single show, but there's plenty to complain about.

Well put. I was gonna say - I've been listening since 94 or so and only recently (past 2 years) the show has gotten bad but I'm so hopelessly addicted that no matter how bad it gets I can't stop listening. They're like my family and a part of my daily routine. Maybe things will get better starting next Tuesday. AGT is over and hopefully all the talk about it will be done on Monday. Maybe Howard can start focusing on the radio show again.
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